V 1 5 pi liar itKnl-ir-iri - ii i i.i.i mi ri ii .. i m un.&i:- it-j 'tTzja t&.-sr . iatfi yr. - : e - vtX:V. A, FORGOTTEN COUNTERSIGN. ."Wai with' raw TPnrnita in fViifv Kp1 v- srinniDfir is ant to lead to manv amnR tt- , - : : j ing' experiences,"' said the old army othcer who saw service in -Juba. 7vT Tlic Hind ITcn Have Always Boiiglit, aiid -vliicli lias been, in nso for over SO' - years, bas "borne tlie signature of n- and lias been made tinder liis per- J? 1 sonal supervision since its infancy-.' l&iy&J'CC'6c4&Z. ; Allov no oiie to deceive you in tliis. All Ceiinterieits,-Imitatioiis and c 4 Jus -as-good" are but Sxt i;rlments that trifle with and endanger the liealtli of IsfantE and Children Experience against Experiment - We have saved many doctor:, Dili; since weIbegan asingGhamberIain, i Cough Remedy i oar home-i Wl keep a bottle open all the time an whenever any of my family or myself begin to catch cola we begin to use the uoagh Kemeay, and as a result we neyerj have i to : send away : for a doctor, and incur a large 'doctor bill. tor Chamberlain s Cough - Kemedy amecicinl of great merit and worth. S. ME ARKLE, General Mer- ssa it, Mattie, ; Bedford county, P. : Fale by Hambrick & Co. i f J If ?! -1 Castoria 5s a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare-, oric, Strops and Sootliing :;yrnps. It is Pleasant. Ifc contains neitlier Opium, M .rpliine nor otlicr Narcotic substance. Its ae is its guarantee It destroys Worms and allays Feverisimess. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Tee thing- Troubles, cures' Constipation and F3atlenev. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and JBowels, giving- healthy ana natural sieep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. ALWAYS yj Bears the Signature of AT AST- msx'r jfjt The -Kind You Have Alia; "J7 IT In Use For Over 30 Y THE CENTAUR COMPANY, 7T MURRAY STREETj NEW YOf ow, you- couldn't ask for better soldier 8 than we had in Cuba, but a loVfTO mi mVtOr ,t f Vl Am rrmw.x . irk the businesss and had much to learn and, piuch to their credit, it cnn be said that they soon learned it. If "I had occasion to leaye our lines one n?ght soon after we arrived . in Cubit, aud'upoti my return it sud- qenlv struck me. that I had fcrgot ten the countersign. I I puzzled over it for sometime, but for the life of me I couldn't recall the word that! . i had been given out. While I was thinking it over I heard the com mon d : . : .... " 'Halt! Who comes there?' "Friend,' I answered, thinking that the countersign would come to me in a moment. " 'Advance, friend, and give the countersign,' said the sentry. "As the cpuntersign had slipped from me completely I walked up to i wi :j' 0-uowvvir. ' I i themselves and their families. x Their I im ana SalQ SUarpiy. B -weet dist-oslHona are imne. And thev. Hke "Cll the corporal of the guardf 1. Bttt " 'Gosh! answered the sentry. ' 1 knew it was somthiDg W&q that, but I'm demed if I hadn't forgotten it! Mosey on!' ' "I mosied' but I took the trouble to look up the corporal of the guard and have him give the sentry further instructions regarding the duties of a sentry." market but cri-V- -''J: Yun'norl can raise them VI: c ' f stri-i the -great secret rxvc,. v,b- -tain both cuallt; r.:;d quantity . by trie judicibusr use- cf-Avell-" balanced fertiiizers. - Ivorfrtil-;, ; ; . izer foreetables can nrdduce: , : ! a large yield unless ? it 'contains. . I at least 8 - Potash. Send for our liooks,! which furnistelnjllij informatiou. . We send them ! free of charge. GERMiN KALI WORKS,: 93 Nassau St., New York. ere is "Sweet Bells Jangled Out ol Tune and Harsh." : . . . . Shakespeare's description fits thou- sanas ot -wrpmen. 1 ney are cross, aes- ponueiicr i aivx-iyi uctvuus t uarucu . tu cELREE'S of -Card ol It "brine's health to the -womanly organism, and health there means well poised nerves, calmness, strength. It restores womanly viror and Dower. It tones up the nerves which suffer- Sorhethin $1.00 A YEAE. 10 Gents A Copy. Notable features for 1900. The Life of The Master By the - Rev. John Watson. D. D. Author of '-The Mind of the Master," "Beside the Bocnie Brier Bush," etc. Illustrated, lurgely in color, from pictures made in Palestine by Corwin Knapp Linson. A novel by - - - ANTHONY HOPE Frequent Contributions by UUDYARD KIPLING SHort Stories by - ' - MARK TWAIN SCIENCE AND AND EXPLORATION The Hottest Heat Lieut. Peary's Lates Cam- Filter Plants of Europe 1 paign for. the Pole Bacteriology in Commerce :y Warmen's Account of The Inside of the earth ' the Klondyke railroad One the Greatest Ship All: at. STinTCT' STORTRS vr Knfh wl 1 known writers as Bret Harte. Cv War- man, Booth Tarkington, Shan Bullock. Tighe Hopkins, Root. Barr, Clinton Ross W A. Faser. INTERESTING ARTICLES bv Lieut. Richmond P. Hobsoc, Capt. Josh ua Slocuin, Hamlin Garland, R. S. Baker, Rev. Cyrus T- Brady, Prof. E. Holdeu, Ex-Gov. G. S. Boatwell, and others. THE S. S. McCLrURE CO., 200 East 23 th Street NEW YORK CITY - - - NEW YORK You assume noTisk when you buy Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Hambrick will refund your money if you are not satisfied after U9ing it, It is every weere admitted to be the most successful remedy in use for bowel compaints and the only one that never fails; it is pleasant, safe and reliable. ' t More than. He Bargained For. One evening when a travelling circus was on its way to a .large 'own the proprietor resolved to make a halt for a few hours at a village two or thrett miles from the town. So an agent was sent on iti advance to the 1 village to secure a favorable field for In reading matter, - illustrations ' ; general apyearance, colored . over ; ;! pages, 'and make up ': k'-:-? !;tl:j The National Magazine is commanding a first place-; among .' populgir-pricejd pesiodicals, receiviiig;' j thousands of iuew readers throughout r the entire country each month. - It ifr r" distinctively a publication for the- , j home, iand each issue containr rdr- injr of much interest to every member- ; of the family.) "With a splendid arrayp, I Ot Timely Illustrated Articles, - ' .J ! ; Bright Attractive Drawings'f;'i' And Clever Short Storieslilx'S; .' from the pens of the best American. , ; . writers; and 1 cleverest artists,, this . ; . ; inz and disease have shattered. It isl magazine certainly will please yon. , the most perfect remedy ever devised! Mention this paper . and send ifor : K to restore weak women to perfect B sample copy. health, and to make them attractive and hat5Tv. i.oo at all druesrists. For advice in cases reauirmsr spec ial directions,- address, giving syinp- toms,4"'ine L.adies' Advisory .ue partrnent," The Chattanooga Medi cine Co.,! Chattanooga, Tenn. Ttwv T KlMrTTTT. Camden. PL C. says i "My wife used Wine of Cardui at home for falling of the womb and it entirely cured hear." i THE NATIONAL MAGAZINErgsi; yi Jedtrvra t., boston, massr-t Joe Mitchell Chappie, Publisher. t; j NEWS AND OPINION i OF National Importance. THE S1J ALONE! 1 - i i i i i ' i tne rest dv ine wavsiue. . t o hfa . . . " . , .. ot Wni Kmv, J. R. baDtord, ana Noticing a large and euitatle neia , .j. Brooks, containinp- 171 acres he sought out the owner aud told Land Sale. By virtue of an order of the Su erior court in special proceeding entitled A. H. Satterfif Id and others exparte, I will sell for cash or 1-3 ca9h.b"?! ;t2,?&r. I CO N T A I N S BO TW COUll llUUSe UOU. Ill lWiuuiy, im following; t- act ot land .situate in Hftllo.wfirH tivwnshin Person Co. .NC. tiP w. Host. Stokes. Wm Dailv. by mail, West estate of Bald v Wiliams, estate uauy ana anaay, Dy mail, q0 a j r 5.-.rr,.v- i , - $6 a year; him he would like to turn something out in the field for an hour or so be fore going on to the town andcon- outhe c o C3. -wiisrsTO, isr. c, High Grade Fertilizers and Acid Phosphate o a 1 S3 0 o O M- O - o 00 S 00 S. o ... o pO 2 5 (!D M B M. SPECIAL FOR TOBACCO o'ft'YrRis: GUARANTEED ANALYSIS S3 F I C3 Soluble Phosphoric.Acid . Keverred Phosphoric Acid -v Insoluble Phosphonc Aci-J Available Phosphoric Acid 1 fBone Phosohate oF Lime) Ammonia (Actual & Potential PofehfKaO) Soluble v Sulphate of Potash) . fSOUTHERN CHEfillGALGO. WINSTON, N-C. .-rrf--',"tW,--'jS r 6 K Z fa: 8 x ,o ,i 95 - fT 2. w S. pj CD-,aQ,'-'2S o xv 3 S-LJ 2. o eluded by asking, how much he re quired for the use of the field. "Weil," said the farmer, UI sup pose hals a croVn won't hurt you." ."That;" was the ready reply, "will do very welh But perhaps you don't mind taking a crown," an dfer the somewhat astonished Jeoman was only too glad to accept. Fancy his surprise when, a few. hours afterward, a held of elephants and a dozen dromedaries and about 200 horses and ponies had not enly been turned out into the field, but were fairly wiping the herbage out of existence. A ; (That the' farmer was furious goes without saying, but the circus pro prietor pointed out chat he , had re ceived twice as much as Le had asked for something to be turned out for an hour or two. "Bat," roared the farmer, more irate than ver, "do you think I bar- o-Qinofl for "Nnah's fl,rk?" more or less, rieiny: the E. m. Drum right land. Sale on the first (1st), Monday in April, (2 inst) 1900. ! This March 1, 1900. C. P. SANFOKD, Uom, THE SUNDAY SUN . - T. C, Brooks, Atty. WANTED Is the greatest Sunday Newspa1 , per in the world. V'''' 5c. a coov. Bv mail, $2 a year Address, A-A"MihB 1 1 V ?:? h to A. R. Foushee, Agt. Person Go., CASTOEtl For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the : Signature of 'After doctors failed to cure me of pnevmnia I iised One Minute Cough l i I1TR KIM 1 rhree bottles of it cured me. ft. in also the best remedy on earth earth or whooping cough . It cured my grand children of the worst cases, writes Dew Berry, Iiogan ton, Pa. . It is the only harmless remedy that immediate iresults. Cures cougns, colds croup. , . nam oricK & io. . Curb Cold In Head. Kermott's Chocolates Laxative Quinine, easy A hye hnstling man to do business for the Singer Manufacturing Co. in Person county, with' head quarters at or near Rox boro, N, C. ' A good contract for the i i o-Vi t. m n,n . For particulars write to l A ANTED SEVERAL TRTJST- C. A. HOWARD, y f worthy persons ih this ; State nnofl t-ii TTo I to raanaee our v bnsinesfiinS THE S UN 9 Nwyork. N. Y li ATTENTION. I have bougrht the famous "Blackwell Tersey Bull," the only thoroughbred lersey in Person county. He will be kept in my pasture, two miles west otto wn. v--. v. -V W home. Salary straight $900 a lyea. , ana expenses aenriue, oonanae, no . more, no less salary. Montniy References . Enclose self -addressed A- st&mped envelope, Herbert E. Hess. Prest- ,Dept..M Ualcago. j31. AP. BROOKS. WANT E D TRUST W UiiTh 1 and active gentlemen or la dies to travel for responsible established house in Person County. Monthly $55 and expenses. Position Steady. ISnclose sen aaoressea en velope. The Dominion jlCompanv. Dept. I Uhicago. 5' JUST A WORD ABOUT YOUR EYES: Thousands of people will read hi fldvArtisement tod?A aidre fuse to be convinced that the warning contained herein applie to them. ," TP YOU rtrtfilrl -know the exact condition ; of your ehesight, and realize that . by wearing tne proper glasses now vnn mifrlit save vourself mach . suffering and .inconvei ience4 in years to come.l WOULD YOU v . "hesitate to haye your eye. exam ined? . I WILL : --y--'A A r . clnrllv examine vour eves ai:d tel v you their true condition .without - J j. i x - - ! - ' any coau wiitovt3r. -s DR. S. RAPPORT. 1 s Pigs for Sale! I have a lot of nice pigs for salei.' They are good stock and in good con C.G.READE. . Mt.Tirzah.K. Gi ROXBORO INSTITUTE, y - V AAAA' "' ' ;- "T"-T' "'-i ':A'-A'A-'-'it ' 'S-t' J A?Aslfi; W. A. Bradsher, .Principal, 1 . : - . Mrs. H. Field, Assistant, Miss FaDnie Sergeant, JMusic, , : Teacher. . . ;. rhis school offers all the adyantages ' usually found in High SchooU'and ; A.caaemics. ... Expenses Moderate. See or write to the Principal, for - - . .. .particulars. and W k 1 k e y Eit I i -i iri! fiii i i T--'fi v I' 'IH Ii II I f f curea ; nom wiui I III! Ill . ,1 ut pain Jiooi of U HI v y UVlU pain Boox of pr- r " 1B1. a U. WO0LLEY CO All Mir - m. - vfAU aw 0( wa rijvr m. Ono Minute Gougfc CureV cures - That U -what w&c cxaJe for. to taxe ana quicK to care coxa iu ncau twu o 7 "A '-A. t , Eye Specialist. tnroaw. s - ,A v -V V" ' w - si" 7 V ROXBORO, N. C.

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