E0XB0R0, N. 0., March 14, 1900 Post Office Hours. The Post Offiice will be?5pen every day except Sunday from 7:00 a. m., to 7:30 p. m. ; Mail for Durham and points South will close at 7:30 p. m. Mail for Lynchburg and Northern points will cose at 8:05 a. m. mm iu( c. H. .LONG. Postmaster. IN AND ABOUT THE CITY. , It will soon be time for the fishing ; tackle. la a short while ny time will be upon us. Tne farmer will soon be busy with the new crop. Put away your gun the bird law expires tomorrow. W. T. Powell, of Danville is visit ing his parents here. : ' Why don't some one start-the ball tolling at "Dewey Park?" w m ! W. D. Memt.t was a Raleigh visi tor last Saturday. m m m D. A. Simpson, and B. R. Long, spent Monday in Virgilina. m m m L. P. Tapp, of Kinston, was in town Saturday shaking hands with friends. Miss Willie Lee Xelson of Virgi lina Va was here visiting her sister Mrs. W. L. Thomas, last week. m m ty Superior Court will convene on April 16, Judge Fred. Moore, pre siding. m m m Corn planters and wire netting are the things Long, Woody & Co. are making special bargains in this week. See them. - Thos. Tapp, son of our county man, M. M, Tapp, died at his home near Koxboro, this morning at 3 X)clock. 999 A person never realizes a good thing until he seees it. The best bargains in clothing can be seen, at Louis Goodfriends. 9 9 9 A man never realizes what fools men can make of themselves "until he reads a love letter written by some other fellow. , 9 9 9 and fa rv 1 1 tt T n tt moved into the residence recently vacated by T. B. Powell and family, i in Reamstown. s e The signs of spring are everywhere: Skyward, the swallows soar. And soon we'll h6ar once more the cry: 'Say, mister, wot's de score?" , 3 Barton Scoggin, who has been aciib lur me ivxuuei oieaui uaunarv. -V Durham, has turned the business J over to Nat. Brooks, who will attend " to it in the f uture. Parties deairinor laundry can continue to leave their packages at cms omce. - Spring begins with next Wednes day, and the weather calendar says - we are to have-good weather. Had .vMU UUV3UUCU. IU JUU MUttb LUIS WlULer .has been a mild one. and that ifc is not compared with last winter? Up to the present ,time, we have had scarcely any snow. T r- .. But for a few .things anything few things do not hinder at all. It .'is an( assured fact that the line of goods carried, by A. r R.i Foushee is complete, and as , to prices, ; no few things will hinder hjm from giving xhe most reasonable. Who's the " man that serves vou with groceries? Is he satisfactory? v Are his good fresh? Are they good? Are they what your husband like thafs importantbut the most im portaht is : Are his pnees right? If you answer-' the . first question with - J ohnson's name you can put a great ?big YES after all pothers. ; i They are ' good grocers; they've got I everything good grocers, ought to have, and their prices : kre: as low as good -grocers nought tp make. ; : f A V S. Bryan t, of Durham, is Sri' town today. J. W. Noell left this morning for Richmond, on business. , 9 9 9 Hon. H. A. Foushee, of Durham, spent Sunday in town with his parents. Jas. Perkins, of R. K. Daniel & Son, is confined to his home -with pneumonia. ; Any one paying one year in ad and Vance can get a good watch Te Courier for $175. Alderman C. A. Jordan, of Dur ham, was here yesterday, visiting his mother, Mrs. A. E Jordan. 9 9 9 Ed. M. Davis is at his old home in Beaufort, having been called there orr account of the serious illness of his. sister. . Capt. J. A. Tucker was confined to his home several days last week, but we are glad to see him at his place of business again. 9 9 9 When Fortune's favors we would woo, The sweets of life to quaff, We find she smiles on just a few, And gives the rest the laugh ! 9 9 9 Victor Koplon is on the northern markets this week, buying his spring and summer goods. He expects to have a better and nicer line, and sell them cheaper than ever before. Misses Pallie .Yancy, Ada Hughes, and Willie Lee Nelson, left Saturday evening for the Northern marketsto purchase their Spring and Summer Millinery. An attractive fertilizer advertise ment of A. R. Foushee, found on another page. It will be worth a great deal to you to call and examine these goods and prices. These goods are made of the best materials. 9 9-9 ' Jas. L. Foushee, his mother, Mrs. A. R. Foushee, and S. Gv Wiikerson have been confined to their rooms on account of sickness, for the past week. We hope they will soon be out again. 9 9 9 A new buggy to use when pretty weather sets in would be very nice ana appropriate. Ydu can't afford not to see E. D. Cheek's brand new line of standard buggies. He has the prettiest line ever shown in this section. See for yourself. The condition of H. M. Jordan, city editor of the Sun, who came so near losing his life in attempting to board a"moving train last Saturday, is most giatifying to his friends. It is now expectd that he will return to duty by next week. Durham correspondent Raleigh Post, 13th. Does it fit? That's the final test of a good shoe. Our shoes do fit. We won't sell you a pair fhat won't. We had rather lose a sale than lose a friend.. Our $3 shoes is a surprise. The latest styles for men and women, boys and girls. A dollar's w jrth of value for every dollar spent at H. G Clayton's. 9 9 9 ' General T. E. Gordon, the A. T. Co.'s popular buyer on this market, is the only person in ,Roxboro who can "duck" a sold, l6-ounce South Afri can diamond. When he crosses one end of Main street, the glitter lights. up the entire town.l The diamond is a present from Cecil Rhodes, o the General says. : The following is a notice that was tacked up , on a country store in this county recently ; "I will, hereby noticefy to the publick that I will sell on theCpremation o;f i, On the 2nd Moh ay' in .March ' the 13th f o 190Q day to wit: . s My entire house hold and kitchin furniture namely, hogs, pows, chickens, feed, : sweet taters, peas aiid meat and c This day of March 1900 2nd. ." i Mrs. H. C. Barnett and daughter, Miss Maud, who left last 7 Thursday for Baltimore, to have , an operation performed on the latter, returned Monday night; The physicians in charge, say an operation was no t necessary, that she would soon re cover, rhis is ; gratifying hews to the many f riehda of Miss ;Maud, who nope sue vwni soon pe entirely wen Dr. Teague ' accompanied them to J It realIjris::"Best are ' the t?es -Baltimore.; '' -- . i I ,- blinds . C The hour for night preaching and pi ayer: services at Uhe different city churches has been changed from 7 to 7:30 o'clock. I . ' ; ' , We are glad to learn thai Mrs. T. E.! Gordon and liitle Edwin, who have been quite sick for several days, are improving. ,. - , r:. 3fC 5jc fC "Mrs. R. A.Pass, left last Saturday for New York, ftr medical treat ment. She was accompained by Dr. Teague. - ' ,. . Rev. Mr. Williamson will preach at the Presbyterian church next Sunday morning and night, the public cordially invited. On thit page is a change of ad of Tucker's Cash Store. It is worth your inspection, and means money in your pocket. '99,9 W. A. Carver, who is putting in a large planing mill down at Vander grift's Junction, went over to Lynch burg yesterday. Miss Lena Carver has taken charge of the school at Brooksdale. The public' school, taught' by County Supervisor Holloway, closed Fiiday. 99 We were honored with a pleasant call this morning from Miss Eugenia Bradsher, of Olive Hill; and J. W. Dixon, of Leasburg. '-. Bob Featherstone says if you want to see something attractive, and which is full value, call and examine those 68c. shirts at Tucker's Cash Store. T. A. Noel, of Timberlake, was in town Saturday shaking hands with friends. Thos. says for us not to mention about his getting one of those receipts. .999 Remember the 90 day offer, in which we offer The Courier and a good nickel-plate, steto wind and stem set watch, with good works, for .75. Call and examine ic. m 9, 9 "Telegraph ticks" from New York say Bill Harris is buying the biggest stock Long's store ever held. Don't buy your Spring wants till you see their line. f v The'farmers are soon to be busy with their farm work, and will need supplies. They should bear in mind that good tools cost no more at Geo. Thomas' than poor' ones elsewhere, Examine.prices. fc f Tomorrow is the 15tb, and your attention is called to a notice in this paper about taxes. Sheriff Sims says he will be compelled to collect them after the 15th, and thos? failing to pay, theirs will be put in the hands of the deputies. He says you will save money and trouble if you will attend to this at once. The Sheriff has been, very indulgent. Quarterly Meeting Announcement. The MtTirzah Circuit Quarterly meeting will be held at 1 Brooksdale March 24 and 25th, 1900, embracing tfce 4th, Sunday. The official board,- including stewards, trustees, class leaders, Sun day school superintendents, and church conference secretaries, are urgently .requested to be present, especially on Saturday. Rev. E. A. Yates, D. D., presiding elder, will preach at 11 a. m. both dajs. - A cordial invitation is hereby ex tended the entire public. 'v - 5 B, S. Broom, Pastor. Robbed the Grave. A. startling incident of which Mr, John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subject, is narrated by him as fol-lowst- : I was in most dreadful condition. -My skin was almost yellow, - eyes sunken gradually growing: weaker day by day. .Three sicians had. givers me up. For- tunate.y, ; a friend advised trying Electric Bitters,' and to inv ' srreat joy and surprise, the first bottle made a'deuded improvement. I ' continued their use for thre weeks, and ;now a well man I knavthey saved; my-life, and robbed the grave of an, other victim." No one should fail to' try them. Only 50 cents per bot-.lle.a?.jDe.MDrrib-..'Drag Store. 5 It usqd tpjbe "Blest are, thel ties that bind: r-" t Bnt'now with the 4 dude who ' has k M haught on his mind" - SBut a.passion for gaudyf apparel we ' f? ri rl fhat Our B Bier Are Purchasing stock. weekly. will make r'. .. .:: ,;.! y . mean time selves You with whatever you may heed from our present stock. J. A. LONG; SON & COMPANY. It is a fact Those Crepon skirt patters are beauties at Tucker's. 1 It is a fact Tucker has a beautiful line of shirts and neckwear. It is a Fact Tucker will sell you calico, percales&nd white g6ods cheaper than any house in Koxboro. It is a Fact Buying for cash, and selling for cash, and being content ith a small profit enables us ' to sell goods at all times lower than our competitors. For your satisfaction look into the advantage of dealing with lis. Compare our inducements held i out with those of other houses. We are willing toiaka chance ; on the verdict. Yours to serve, ; UGKER' In order to add some other lines of goods, we will from this date offer at cost, y to close f on tf our entire line off v- ' :- . DRESS QOODS, . - kliMBEkGS; LACeC CURTAILS, ' : GLASSWARE, "BOOKS, except school books, . and many other things in FANCY GOODS. THIS IN NO HULIBUG I- But a rare opportunity to' get more tjiati your money's wortK, as these goods;were bought on a lo w market for cash ; and must go.- Gall and bq convinced ifhat we are offering baraing not i tq be found any where else in this town " ;: : Country:. procJuceT wanted; AT an immense Watch this space ' r " -r ", . -v ' ''?r-f -r- -."!''.'Cr- y- S '-, " ' . ' " V ' - In doing; this you for money your as for us. . In the ' , : ;.. . - ;-J:"s Af; we'll be glad to LAWRENCE'S LIVER V. PILLS ' Cures Constipation a n d B i I io u s ness Price 25cat -i- ( . ; :"-. :,-. V. ml HarmslPleasatf W and Ss1iSreifeme(fe ' cniidren,' colds, r colicsj cgn stipatiori, ttidigeslhion Squr Stomach , Eretiumels;-Diar- .jhoaetc: ' .ij ' j feQOISQ -. 'Dontnausiate children wltk unpleasanBiretatingf doses SendJthis coupon with 15c lor large 25c bottle. : MORRlf Drug Store. : ;baby :;. V'.'.lOc ' ' - COUPON. Babie3 cry , for r"IaxAnaldyne STiIRE

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