MR, SI MlVlUftb MAKES REPLY, My entire estate including proper- defiant, asking no quarters'and giv-J 'Lest .We Forsret, Lest We Forget." Answers in Detail Charge Referred I'kelonging to mJ wife, vrould not ing none. I ask none now, but there MessesV -Editors:- For the past urn no hin os 1 1 , i -1 t i i r i .. .n . o - . to in a Letter Prom J. D. Allen. j. D. Allen, Esq., Falls, N. 0. V Dear Sir: I am in receipt of your recent favor, in which you say it is being charged against me, as an aspirant for the Senate," First, That Senator Vance opposed my confirmation as ' Collector :. -upon grounds derogatory to my personal character. " . Second, That I am charged with being a secret agent of the Southern Kail way Company, and that it and other corporations have Veen, and are now, and are now paying me s large sums of money to protect their in terests as a lobbyist and otherwise: and you express the opinion, in which I concur,, that as I am a candidate for their suffrage,' the. people are en titled to know the facts in reference to those charges. In reply, I beg to say that Senator Vance's opposition to my confirma- sion wa8 not base! upon personal grounds and no -charge against my personal character was made in con nection with that matter. At. the time of my appointment as Collector, Senator Vance, together, with the other Senator and all the Democratic Congressmen from North Carolina; favored me. The subsequent oppo sition of Senator Vance to my con firmation arose out of the complica tions .connected ment of the Collector for the West ern District of North Carolina. The records of the Senate and the dele- gation in Congress from this State at that time will bear out these state ments. IT? . 1 M i vvitn rererence to ; tne second cnarge to whnh you reier, 1 beg to say that it is not true that I am at torney or agent, either secret or otherwise, of the Southern - Railroad I have never appeared for that rail road in any capacity. It has never paid me a cent-in my life, except contribution made to me as Chair man of the Committee in 1898, which was spen t for ; the ben efi t : of ; the party. 0 u, the contrary, I have ap peared aud am appearing against it in years law prooaoiy sell for more than seven- hs a difference; between injustid from teen or eighteen' thousand dollars, foes and injustice, frorri friendsThe and it is encumbered : hv - ' - ' . J 1 Vm.. j & , " - mortggages of over three years stand- ference; the latter is sharper :;thari a ing for eleven thousand dollars.' Even serpent's tooth; . t -J". , ! my home is -mortgaged for about My Democracy is without qualifi- half its purchase money. ' - . . : cations. I stand .straight, square I do my.banking business with the andflatfooted for every principle Citizens National Bank of this city, and declaration in our platformsj and its books will show I have not State and National',' and ' for Mr had to my, personal credit at any one Bryan, the great leader of bur hosts, time during the last two years as' There is a well defined and largely much as one thousand dollars. successful movement in certain barts When the campaign of this vear of ihe State to organize, against me closed, the Committee was very much and in favor of one of . my opponents behind.; There were a: number of certain interests and influences urgent bills to be met, for . which I which, though usually acting -with W s responsible. I borrowed, upon the Democratic Party, are - out of the endorsement of a friend, from sympathy with and actually hostile Commercial & Farmers Bank of this to some of its principles andrpolicies city, one thousand dollars and gave, and more or less unfriendly to" our it tothe Committee as my, contribu- candidate for the Presidency. 1 ! have tion to the campaign. v no apologies, to make to anyone for Painful as it ia(o do so, I deem it my advocacy of the "principles of t be proper to make this statement about Democratic National platform ' nor my private affairs that the people of iormyearuest admiration.andVsup- thxs btate maV See how Uninst and rinrh nf Mr "Rrvan f s-nrl fnr thftRft cruel are the charge with ' which it principles separately and collectively is being sought to injure ana .destroy not for a 'part" of them, but for my reputation. each and everyone of them. I am During thejast three years I have glad that my position in these , re- given to the Democratic Party a gards is fully understood in North year of my ,ti me without any ; 'com- Carolina, because I do not 1 wan.1 to pensation, haying actually borrowed secure any man's , vote; upon .false lmoney,to pay, in part, my expenses pretences. . , . while engaged in this . work, andI s Very truly yours, have, also given-tmt. this ryear more - F,M. Simeons. :-. than one-seventh, of my, net fortune. Denies That Bryan's Illinois Date I have done this ungrudgingly and Have Been 6anolled if my State should ever again fall Chicago. Sfpt..22. Senator J. K. Jones, chairman of the natidnal from which it has been rrescued. and Democratic committee, today denied again wish my services, I .shall not theStory that dates for speeches; in answer not now, but at a more pro-, illnois and other Western States by pi tuous season. I have notmade, Wm -j. Bryan had been cancelled ana ao not mtcna to mae any ae- and that the , Democratic candidate mands upon tke party for thesft sac- jn York. ' rifices. A party has a right to ex- ' Senator Jones declares that Mr. pect, in time and money, sacrifices Bryan will sp?ak. in New -York on f rom its adherants, but no party ez- 0ctober 16th, as ongnally ainnnounc. igencies can require the sacrifice of d d tbat the pans have no wise a murrfl nharnnrpr. Npif.hpr pan II. i ' i believe that any man's candidacy. for --r - nffinn will bi nromoted bv the assas Killed the Negro for Assault sination of an oDDonent's character. Albant; Ga., Sept. 22. Mose nniWfhe last three veara the Ingram, a negro servant in the house many suits. During the last three . . sia have..heaW UD0U me a hold of in Dougherty county, was o, pi uuiuuiuuu..! Fiac degree pf slander and vituperation killed by Mr. xarver lor criminal as- lu maieign, i naye oeen oi coun- , . sel in recoyering a number of judg meats against it, one of them for six years, Democracy in the State of Nortk Carolina, has been straggling to recover its lost supremacy: . - Sinde : 1894, when Butler and Pritchard , succeeded Bacsoni and Jarvis in the U. S. Senate, the Dem ocratic party ; x has aroused " every faculty, stretched vevery n'ei ve and energy, and called: together all of its latent forces to redeem Ahe State from the hands of thfr Populists and Bepublicaus, and not only , do this but make, it possible, when . the', time should come, to sendl Democrats 7to represent the 01d:North State in the Senate of the United States.' V By means of a " great, and sfc leader a man of the highest coue- Wants Cleveland back iu the Party. 'The Iroquis Club .has asked. Gro-- yei' Cleveland and Richard 01 ney to speak, here; soon; under its auspices against McKinley and for Bryan. ;Mr. Olney has promsed tb .do so. There is doubt -as 'tor Mr Cleveland but tnVclub. has, it! is intimated, encouragement to believe that it will "hear from him." . " It has been represented ; to Mr. Cleveland that he " "'cata put himself and his followers back in ' to" the party most fitting' through the Iro quois Club, which fought for him in the West before ne .was nominated thelast time,5 stood with him ; du ring his second term and went down with what he represented in 1896. ' as which never before fell to the lot .of sault on his 13-year-old daughter. any man in the State. : I have borne Have you a sense of fullness in the thpRp'assaults with natience. count- stomach after eatinp? uiucu as aixtyatnree nunarea aouars, . WlmatA thili r waa coll. T. nl cp wpfUpd hv nRin aud I now appear of dounsel in quite gidered gnffer m the nam0 obamberlain'a : Stomach and , Liver a number of eases -against at,', in 0f tje canse for which I was strug- Tablets. Thev also cure belching and Whlfih m v plionfa flflim 'flatYi!l3rPH for . . . j"t 1 .1 i rni. j rt r izn , " ,p annse nas neen airecceu sour stoiuauuc. . j. ucy icauiatc tuc from thirty to forty thousand - dol- " - n0t 0Qly aS an individual bowelstoo. Price, 25 centsr Sod by rs. i am also ot counsel againsc u . , , - i W. K. iHamoncK. in thp oaomonf naapi , DUU 1 nave UetU -ucuuuuicu uw It is not tmp. that T am. or have enemies of Democracy for everything at any time been, a Secret agent, or done by the Democratic, Party which attorney for any corporation or, per- has nqt pleasea them son, nor that I am. a .lobbyist, nor GOTO WASHINGTON.) it for the grand excursion . to Wa ahinrton over the N. & W.. - via It now' seems 'that these charges Lvnchburpr, and the S -uthern By., " v - - . . ' r imiTLi'wiiAV .it ii riinrin. ei nr.n. ' n ii in that I have at any time been :in re- made oy tne msiomsw uayc uewi ainrcm E.OXBORO tolWASHING ceipt of any personal . income- from revamped and 'are being circulatea TON. "KiSr g any source whatever excent such as to my aeenmeut uy men u mj uW ft-aoarm., and will retum leav comes legitimately, to any ortn parCy, o u VJaro na lawwr pninvinp a moderate way or. ine moiuuu i x.uilre. , ,,,.'.- knowc-S4.25. This practice. I neither lobbied in tne ao oe.uiiuim',; j r, last Legislature, nor discussed with Othersyea thousands of others, have ib members snbjects'connected With felt the maiecuiana o powex their duties not pertaining to general brooiss no opp ledskfmr, nnha '"fil nnnstitu- blishment, of its purpose, and which, W """J MUWM". W . WMW I- -. , 1 . Uonal Amendment. the Election thongn It was nut wjp w W t " k-v. nf4pntlv . become in ; this t country a the Legislature of 1899 will dispute power pigh tier than "the man - him- this statement. ' - self. ; unrincr fha loaf fhvoa uPftrs. since I - Mix v v For three years the enemies of pern inrficv. with eyil and,ifcon8;;.ejci have tur&d the searchlight of in " ' . 1 p . M mk. mm mm AVAH ' ily, although re lit' economi-Upcction upon my u- ally. . , . ja tcstniostoi if au x "u I We been living, in Ealeigb, , my thole income from all sources has barely sufficient; to support nxy is the best opportunity ever offered our neODie w) visit tuts iia.biuua.1 uauiiui. Train stops at all stations from Box boro to Rustburs. The manager has RActnred for the benent of those wno o-o on his excursion a rate of $2.00 a day at the Metropolitan and $1.50 at the Howard in; Washington. Go and Tiq va a. crood - time; . xms wui do xne last opportunity . you yrm nave to visit Washington tnis season at sucn a low torice. 'Remember thedate-- October lotn. or iurtner iniormation address the the manager. . . D. F. HANKINS, ' -Houston, Y a. age and ability, our hopes , have become realities, and all these things- have been' made possible, and. that leader was Hon. F.' M. Simmons. Yes, the Senatorial fight is now on, a fight no longer between -the Demo cratic carty oh; onev. side and the topulisrs and Republicans oh. the otherj but a fight inj. the' Democratic party alone. After having" passed through such a political; crisis and a return to -power by the Democrats, Jbhere should' be no" fight in ourparty; It is not t)nly un wise but more -it is not just and right. ; 5 Democracy frcm the seashore to the mountain's should rise up with one patriotic voice1 and send F, M. Simmoas , to7 the; United States f; Senate to succeed 4 Senator butler. 1 - ' FTM. Simmons is pre'emlnently fitted for the position, "and, if par y seryices are to be considered" then he is most en titled to .1 the ?. honor.; His strongest opposition Sfems to come from-General Carr and his friends.' I am willing and do. ascribe: all honor to Gen. Oarr for his seryices to' the Democratic party and his gehetosity, b,ut he has no right or domain; that for. one moment can be weighed against that of Mr. Simmons in this fight. . 't - J Four years ago, after Democracy bad been subdued and tits banner was trailing in the, dust of defeat, at he call of his party, like an armed warripr, Mr. Simmons, opposing fus- on with Butler,, rushed to " the" aid of his party, picked up the trail- ng flag, and hero-like, bore it aloft n the thickest of; the fight, tu,ntil ioday jt waves triumphantly in ; every county in the State. r S . .. None of us can ever forget the fight, ;and '.the victory . won. :Shall we forget the gallant i leader, ,F. M. Simmons. ; Let us make our recent victory complete and permanent and recognize; honor , - and reward v such services and not let the hre of grati tude die out. lest we drift back, to defeat. For internal factions are morei to ;be dreaded than all the com bined forces of our enemies, and this is not the time . for dissension and factions, inf .the Democratic party; The enemy may be sleeping, but it is not dead, and the day may come when the services of Mr. Simmons may be needed. -Don't let us ignore him now. , , "Lest we forget, lest Tve forget; ' -c R. Hw Dowdt. Roxboro, K. 0., Sep. 25. ? to a Campaign t -Especial interest will attach special article in t the umberof : licClure's Magazine, entitled'The ' Strategy of , National Campaigns. x This article iii the Op.tflViAr lHSnp will ftanTriho . enmo 1 rvF the. most striking strategic measures . adopted i by Presidential campaign leaders during the past twenty five years, concerning whidb almost noth--Tng has hitherto been .divulged to the public1 'at "large. The author, ; doubtless because of tbe, .prominent part he has' played in the struggles describes, prefers to;write anpny ' monsly.' Mr. Hambridge's portraits lllnstrating the articles are of ; unus- . ual originality and merit. : f Magic ChiUerine, the positiYe absolute cure and.: pemaiisnt ; cure for chills and fever, -at Jlczzitfto dxuz store. No cue. no pay, 4 The following good- advice J3 dipped'f rohl i an observanf exchange: "My1 son, follow not in the ' footsteps of the loafer and' make no', example of him who is born tired, for 4 verily, I say 4into - thee,, their "basihes3, is' overstookedinnd the seats on the cor ners are ' all ; taken and whittling places are, all : occupied; It is better to saw wood at two bits a cord than to Whittle in a loafing ) match , and curse the gorernment. My son, while thou has left in thy skull the 'sense of a jaybird, break away from-, "the cigarette :Inbir, for , lo, J- thy breath stinketh' Jike. unto a. glue .factory, and" thy whole appearance is i less in ' intelligence , than a. stone dummy. Yes, thou art a cipher with , the rim knocked off. - . V. ' ! r Mt. Tirzah Paragraphs. J. G. Reade iost a, tobacco; barn and contents Saturday .evening. 7.';. :Mr,; Reade had the same misfortune ' last year. '- ' ' , . : ; ' ; Dr. A. C. Boyles is having lumber t 0 story resiaence on the hill above the Academy. -: : e V, : Mr. William Speed and Miss Mbllie Speed, of - Durham, spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives and friends hsre. ,' -. ',:'-x " ? - : " ; ;The best sewing machine on tha market is the new light running noiselessBall Bearing New Home They last a life time and are sold ca easy payment plan at . Morris Drug btore. xUia macnines tanen as psrc nav. ' Get the best. ' ' X J ' . - 325 acres of land at $2.25; per; acre cash, by ' -; . ' - , ' 3t ' ; -.- Ulackstone, va. Fino Cfov7 For Sale. ; . J .71 have a fine young Ijerrqy cow,.3 jcOT"oldf'cecoxid;,c'foslD the pahi giving 21 gallcsa cf milt which I willfcelltfiTcfjocc,ble pricc.:Apply .. : lit Tirc:0u $17.90. High-grade Ne7 Ideal sewing machine 011 3Q days trial at Morns Drug Store, , Sewing machines cheap at Lawccn Bros. Co., Harmony, Va. , , - v- Finest line new Stationery at Mor ris Prng.Stcre.' ; New lot ficcct Czi rt Herri: DrctStcra