ROXBORO. N. 0., Not. 28, 1900. "CLOSE FIGURING. How a Woman Upheld her Repu tation for Economy. She was the wife of a St, Paul Street corporation president. Her cne pet hobby was economy. Though her husband made an excellent sal ary, she was rigid in her rul -s per tain-ug to the buying of the necessa ries for the household. She would haunt bargain counters and market stalls for hours in order to get the benefit of a reduction of a few cents on the articles desired. The corporation official with much laughter, used to tease ' his beffer ha.f about what he called her "stin giness." So one day feeling hurt at his ridicule, sue resolyea to take him to market with her and demonstrate beyoud a doubt tba'. she was a most economical buyer. tie consented, stipulating that he was not to be asked to carry the basket. Arriving at the market, she made several purchases and then at one sta'll inquired the price"" of eggs. 'What," she exclamed, "16 cents t dozai'? No I indeed, that is too Vet" She dragged her rtluctaut hus band after ber from one stand to anotlnr still inquiring the price of egs and always receiving the saute answer until near the upper end of the market. Here she found dealer whe offered to sell her eggs in any quanity for 15 cents. To her hus band she said joyfully; "There, I told you so. Why those others were robbers." Turning to the salesman, she or dered half a dozen eggs, gravely handed him the 8 cents t sked in payment: and went home prattling away about the worth of ecouomy in marketing and the alleged willing ness o. dealers to gouge the unsus pecting customer- And to this day she does not know that her husband and his friends laughed over it at the club. Baltimore Sun. the capital to secure the consolidation will be forthcomeing and that the Beltmonts will finance the deal, the total value of the various plants be ing about $25,000,000- " Trinity College Notes Representative from a majority of the colleges in the state met in the Physical Laboratory at Trinity Col lege November 10, and organized the Physicists Club of North Carolina The following officers were elected. Presidident, Prof, J. L. Gore. TTnb: of N. C. Secretary, Prof. C. W Edwards, Trinity College. Tne Science Club held its regular meeting Saturday evening, Nov. 10. Dr. J. I. Hamaker delivered a lec ture on Malaria and the Mosquito." Mi. L. A. Rone of the senior class, read a paper on The New Determin ation of the Astronomical Unit of Distance. The next lecture in the . Faculty series will be delivered Saturday evening by Prof. A- H. Herri tr, of the chuir of Greek, the subject bein "Greek Archiology." Prof. Jerone Dowd of thb depart ment of Political Economy, is ar ranging to take members of the classes in nis department to Wash ington and New York. ' Mr. L. P. Howard uf Montgomery, Ala. has intered college. He was a former student of southwestern Uni versity at Greensboro, Ala. The classes of '02 and '03 have class caps which are worn as a mark of their class rank. They are of very pretty designs. A recent number of the Outlook has an interesting article ou Vanderbilt University written by Prof. Edwin Mim3, who is an aiumnus of that institution. Ed Dixon of Olive Hill sold with C. G. Mitchell & Co. last Thursday. M tmm iih ' m him m m L'MllMl MUIlMilHnnMMMMIMMHllHUniHillllllMHIIHHHIHnlTillr.ljlllll j iiiiiiiiuiiniiiMiiiiiii)ii!MiininiiunnniH'iiiMii '"ini'-i'si'ii -r"'nvnflj For Infants and Children. JjVege table Prcpsra I on for As similating the Food andllegula ting the Stomachs andBowels of Promotes DigeshmCheerful nessandRest.Contains neither Opium,MorpMne nor Mineral. Not Nak c otic. if i j " rl lave 1 Q J ' rr- T f iQUgl M - ''J K. iZ . ... i 5 tJ A' fieape ofOMZk-SAMVILHIZHER Pumpkin Seed" Jlx. Senna HoJulU Sails -Anise Seed Tkppenniiit -ih Qirdana&Soda, Warm Seed -Clarified Sugar . hhteiyven- Flavor. A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions Teverish oess and LOSS OF SLEEP. Pac Simile Signature of KW "YORK. EXACT COPY" OF WRAPPEB IH : Ml m SI 1 vm rP m r f I I! MffiH 1 tM.'l m m u1 r I I 'm I " r m . V .. ' m- i is tw jr 9 - v 41 . -lr ii B 5 Culture'1 18 the name of a vain, able illustrat e d pamphlet which should be in the hand. of every planter who raises Cotton. The book is sent Free. Send name and address to GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau St., New York. Southern 1 1 y v u r f p a r 'tis 1 &, mtiiMm Railway A Big Lumber Trust Formed. Baltimore, Md. A mammoth consolidation of lumber companies ,will probably be announced within a week or ten days. Fourteen compa nies, at the least, are to be included in the combination if they do not mis carry, and several others making per baps a total of 20, are expected to be added. A list of the corporations t -now interested in the negotiations and inc'uding the largest of them is as follows: Atlantic Coast Lit.e I Lumber Company, of Georgetown, S. C-; Branning Lumber Comyany, of Eden ton N. C; Camp Lumber I Company, of Franklin, Va.; Cape Fear Lumber Company, of Wilming ton, Jf. C: Gay Manufacturing Com pany, of Suffolk Va.; Greanlief Johnson Company, of Norfolk Va.' E. E. Jackson & Co., of Washington' D. C; Roanoke Railroad & f Lumber Company, of Norfolk Roper Lumber Company, of Norfolk, Suffolk Saw Mills Company, of Suffolk Va.; Surry Lumber Ompany, of Baltimore. JLunis Jjumoer Uompany, of Balti more; W. W. Turnis Bros. Lumber Co-, of Norfolk; Virginia Siw mill I Company, of Norfolk. It is said the deal is the result of a meeting held in this city prior to the election. Among those who par ticipated in this conference August Belmont, of New York banking firm and representative of nearly all the companies named above. After the conference ' the party proceeded to Norfolk, and inpsected the plants of some of the lumber companies Con f erences have since been held in. New York and the negotiations, it is said v practically reached a practical ter mination. It is understood that all Senator Morgan Re. Nominated. Montgomery, Ala., Nov. 19. Joint caucus of Democrats of both houses of the Alabama Legislature, held tc night, unanimously nominat ed John T. Morgan for re-election as United States Senator. No other name was presented. Senator Morgan was called before the meeting and made an eloquent sppech in than Ring the members for the honor conferred. The ten o -position members of the Legislature in separate caucus pledged then votes to Wcrgan. Bear3tho Signature O r C TS. a . 7 The Kind Yoa Have Always Bough! McClures Magazine For 1901. $1.00 a Year. lOcaCoov, Here are a few of the noteworthy features : "KIM" A Great Novel of Life In India, by Rudyard Kipling. I'isth latest, longest and most important product of Mr. Kiplins genius, the most noteworthy contribution to modern fiction. This author uw "l Uia cttiiicBu triumpns ana writes ot tnat mrsterious country with all his extraordinary power of description. It is a "master piece of literature. "WITHIN THE GATES" A Drama of the Seen and Unseen by Elizabeth StuaU Phelps Ward. 1 his is the atuor's latest discussion of the great problem of death and the resurrect-on and carries the problem beyond the grave. It' is certain to arouse as much cbmment as her earliest work on this subject. (,,o) "MORE DOLLY DIALOGUES," By Anthony Hope. A new set of those charming literary morals that have made the au - xuc name rtnea sarcasm, sparkling wit, quaint hu mor and elusive repartee are characteristic of the new dialogues. ' THE NEWEST SCIENCE," By Great Writers. A series or articles by or based on information by some of the lead ing scientists of the world such as Prof. Ira Remsen and Sir John Murray. THE STANDARD RAILWAY OF THE SOUTH... The Direct Line to all Point? Texas. Caliafornia, Florida, Cuba and Porto Rico. tnctly First-Class Equip ment on all Through and J cal Trains; Pullman Pal- f Cars on all Night Trains; st and Safe Schedules. Travel by the SOUTHERN and you are assured a Safe, Comfortable and Expeditious Journey. APPLY TO TICKET AGENTS FOR TIME T BIBS, KAT2S AHB 6XNXBAL INPORMA. --riOK, OTi ADDRESS R L VERNON, F.R. DARBY. T.P.A., C. P&T. P., Charlotte, N. C. Asheville, N. C. No trouble to answer rnQiArw JM. GULP, W. A. TURK, Traf. Man. P a Frank S . gannon. 3d v P & gen mail W AiSllJNtrTUJN. JJ. C. HolkWesfern Schule in Effect This table in effect May 27, 1900. DURHAM DIVISION : Leave RriYbnrn For Durham 7 :48 p. m., daily exct Sunday; 8 :16 a. m. For Lynchburg 8 :16 a. m. daily ex cept Sun lay; and 6 :07 p. m., for South Boston. Notice-Land Sale. By virtue of an order of the Su ¬ perior court of Person County in special proceedings entitled ShenVi Gates and others vs. Griffi vi -v mt . w and others, ippoioting the under signed Commissioners, we will on MONDAY, DEC. 17th, 1900, sell to the highest bidder, at the court house door, in Koxboro, N. C. the following described tracts of land, To wit: That tract of laud situate partlv in Oran !?e And narfltr in Person Counties, and bounded as follows: That tract ad "ininincr f.Vio lands of Griffin Gates, Etta Gates, and Jessie Vaughan tract of land, and dower tract of Mrs, Elmore Gates, containing 133, acres more or less. Also, that tract of land situate partly in Orange and partly in Per son Counties, bounded on the North by John Gates, on the West by Griffin Gates, on the South by Henry Tilly tract and on the Est by the above described tract, containing 100 acres, more or less, it being the! 'Jwer or mrs. Jilmorfi (iatea Thio dower tract will be sold subiect to iia. vxaces uover interest. The terms of sale are 4- naoli -1 -iti . - O VUUj J 111 six months and remainder in twelve months. The time payments to bear interest at six per cent, from dav of This Nov. 21st, 1900. V. S. BRYANT, A. P. KITCHEN, Commissioners. 'THE JIMMIE STORIES," By Robert Barr. A series of humorous tales by the marvellous anventures of James v oi bcotiand, who used to keep his subjects guessing "WALL STREET STORIES," By Edwin Lefevre. Some remarkable i ta es of incidents of life in the financial centre of the country based on facts, "STORIEL OF ANIMALS," By W, I). Hulbert. Articles about the loon, the beaver, the deer and other animals bv one Mho has been among them and understands them, "NEXT TO THE GROUND," Bv Martha McCulloch-Williams, 4 series of articles about lffe on a Tennessee farm, describing anN mals, plants insects anJ methods of caltivation. "GREAT CHARACTER.SKETOHES." " ' niirrigr art.icle4l .bout men of the time by Hon. Andrew D. White Morm-WaUam White, Ray Stannard Baker and "DRAMATIC EPISODES IN AMERICAN HISTORY." " Miss Ida M. Tarbell, author of "he Life of Lincoln" will write en forylm 7 instructiVe1 uf imPortant events of American His- ''UNPUBLISHED CHAPTERS OF HISTORY." The Last Days of the Confederacy, Disbanding the Armies and other important events fully described for the first time. Miss Clara Morris, America s crreatest actress will write of her career and the great people of her profession. SHORT FICTION by such well kdown writers as Robert Barr, Jack Lou dnn ioroK A.v. T x , . -, -ii., AJOll- r 1 . wetb, eiosepmne uoage Uaskam, Hamlin Gar land, W. A. Fraser. Wm At. Rain p Wiiv T-n , , Martha McCulloch-William,, F. B; Tracyr Alva m7 Kerr, GerTrude Roscoe, Frank Spearman. ercruae (oo) n n FULY ILLUSTRATED BY THE BEST ARTILTS. One Dollar a Year. - - Ten Cents a Copy. f .1 n j- nnuiig at tms oince. Jrrice and work guaranteed. West Bound Leave Lynchburg. 3 a. m. The Washington and Chat tanoogaLimited, for Roanoke, Radford, Biuefield, Pocahontas also for Rockv Mount and all stations on the Winston Salem Division and all points south and west. Solid Vestibule train to Chattanooga pnd Memphis, Pull man cars to Memphis and New Orleans. 2:30 p. m. The Chicago Express, far Roanoke, Biuefield, Kenova, Pocahontas, Columbus, Chicago. Pullman Buffet Sleeper, Roanoke to Columbus; also for Radfordr Bristol, Knoxville, Chattanooga, . and intermediate points. Pullman steeper Koanoke to Ki oxville. Parlor cars Norfolk and Roanoke. 6 p. m Daily except Sunday, for East Radford and intermediate stations. East Bound Leave Ly nchbursr, 3:45 p. in. Daily for Farnjville, Richmond Petersburg and Nbrfolk Pullman , Buffet Parlor Car to Norfolk. 2 :10 a. m. Arrives ai, Petersburg at 5.25 a ra; at Richmond 8 16; at Norfolk 9:10 a m; Pullman Palaces between Lvnchburg and Richmond and NoriVk. This car will be re y at Lynch burg at 9 p m for tbo reception of passensrers. E L HAINES, City Ticket Agent, Lynchburg, Va. WBBEVILL.GP & T A, . Roanoke, Va. General Office, Roanoke.. ten ' r . i IV k. - ?ir end beautifies tte J BOX! -THE The advam price oi also to the sail This if havinj lican which may bj dorsei pie lae to thei .stick publi to the auihoj which is regi To sa of thol rendci sible. dence mit t( bear rathei whicl them, becoi Repui count! years. that a triotio throttl this d tion, whicl ; the pj their respec that have i undeH ing f( to h( Gbserl Th( c'lothil his o plis hi DeW sell tl meriti wrap for th Haz skin count One Ga Statd oyer jus t when the si buri wav had burvi stori ChJ for ti ail c Hazel look the al conl the s For use ti Witc Ri Tayj callii meel 23rd hol tion. : ! B ir to V Youthfal Ook.

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