Tlpe Glxmxizx. President : Roosevelt's-, unasked pledge that he ' will carry out, ab solutelv unbroken the ! policy f UOXBOEO, N. U, Sept. 35, 1901 piiienfrMcKmley . forlthe pesce the of osDeritv and honor of our Mis. Nannie L. Rosemond, of beloved country" shows 7a becom- Raleigb, has begun suit against the I mg regard for what must j be esieem- Seabjrd Air Line for $30,000 dam- ed the desire of the party responsi aes for the death (f her husband: ble for the administration of the wno was killed, in a .wreck in" South government. Because I President Carolina about two weeks ago. I Roosevelt has a confirmed habit of doing the the thing he ; says, his Many pnysicians are now pre timely declaration win nave a scribing Kodol Dyspepsia Cure reg- mo8e steadying and beneficial effect uiariv uaviuu iuuuu tuab ii 10 vuc i n -l fuftt. nrflsnrintion tnev can write De I r cause it is the one preparation which politicai situation m a time of not contains the elements necessary to unnatural uncertainty and despon- digest not only some kinds of food (fencv. Exchange i mo ail Kinu anu , lucriuro uuicb ius digestion and dynpepsia no matter what its cause. G GRE'iFRE 4 Asthmalene Brings Instant Relief and Permanent Cure in AU Cases: SENT ABSOLUTELY FREE ON RECEPTS OP POSTAJL WRITE YOUR NAME AND '., ADDRESS PLAINLY.'- YEARS 1 W. R. Hambrick. The field of the New York Evcn- - Old Soldier's Experience. M. M. Austin, a civil war vetearn of Winchester, Ind., writes : 4tMy wife was a 7nnor time in nf lag rost is mat oi auvieer, uui tunc good doctors' treatment.! but was is no harvest m sight. wholly cured by Dr. Kings New Life Puis, which worked wonders lor her Josh Westhafer, of , Loogootee. health.. They always do. Try them ma., is a poor man, Dut ne says . ne Only 2oc at Morris drug store. would not oe witnout unamoenain s Pdin Balm if it cost five dollars a bottle, fni -it saved him from being gi cripple No external application State Treasurer Lacy has ruled that book agents are liable to ped is eaual to this liniment for stiff and dJer's tax- r- ewollen jo'nts, contracted muscles, stiff necke sprains and rheumatic and muscular oains. It ha9 alo cured I'utnerous cases of partial paralysis. It s for sale by W. R. Hambrick. There is xiothirier like Asthmalene. It ! brines inst? nt relief, even in the worst cases. It cures when all else fails. - ; . - The Revr O. F. WELLS, of Villa Ridee. lll.rsavsz your trial bottle of Asthmalene received in good con dition: I Cannot tell you how thank fa! I feel for the good derived from it. I was a slave, chained with putrid sore throat and Astama for ten years. I df spared of ever being cared. I saw von r, advertisement for the cure ofl thia dreadful and tormenting disease. Asthma, and thought you had - over- sDoken vourselves. out resoivea to give it a trial. To my astonishment, the trial acted like a charm. Send ine a full size bottle." f Rev Dr. Morris Weohsler, I Kabbioi the Cong. Bnai Isreal. New York, Jan. 3, 1901. vDrs. -Taft BrosI. Medicine C9.!, Gentlemen: Your Asthmalene is an excellent remedy for Asthma and Hay Fever, and its composition alleviates alii troubles which com bine with As thma. Its success is astonishing and wonderful. I I After having it carefully analvzed, we can state that ! Asthmalene con tains no opium, morphine, chloroform or either. Very truly yours, j REV. DR. M0KK18 WHJOMSL.iliK , The democratic governors seem to le fzatheriner clusters. There is notnmg- dangerous aoout the opera- tiou. She Didn't Wfiar a Maslr. I A-rrr anrTTC3 "NT "V T?V 1 1 Qft1 xuy u ucnuuv raa wuuijiiciciv DR. TAFTBROS. MKniflTNK Co. hidden by sores, blotches and pim Gortlpmen: I write this testimonial from a sense of duty, haying tested pies till she used Bucklens Arnica I the woucrful effect of your Asthmalene, for the cure of Asthma. 'My wife Salve Then thev vanished as will nas been afflcted with spasmodic asthma for the past 12 years. Having all Eruptions, Fever, Sores, Boils. " Z n.8.K1Ii.we" " ?ny ne.,1 cnancea ic jur i win vim r wiiwinwu n i urii bi-taot- q vr w r nr iiiilhii hii iiiil ,ir of Asthmalene My wile commenced taking it about theinrst of JNoVeoiber. I very soon noticed a radical imDroveinent. After using one bottle her Asthma has disaooeared and she is entireiv free from all avmptoms. I feel that I can consistently recommend the medicine toll who are afflicted with this distressing disease. Yours respectfelly , 0. D. PHELPS, M. D Southern ; I Railway ! - THE , , STANDARD RAILWav OP THE SOUTH The Direct Line to .ilfjpoi lf Texs, lnt8 Caliafornia, Florida, Cuba and Porto Rico. jtrictly Flrit-Class EqUlp, ment on all Through and Local Trains; Pullman Pal! ace Cars on all Night Trains Fast and Safe Schedules lravel by the; SOUTHERN and yj are, assured a Safe, Comfortable and Expeditious Journey. APPLY TO TICKET AGENTS FOB TIME T -TlOK. QB ADDRESS- L: VERNON, F. R. DARBY. T.P.A., C. P&T P Charlotte, N. G. Asheville, N.'c lio trouble to answer q uestions " S. H . HARD WICK, General Passenger AgeniiC WASHINGTON. D. C. fiOffim Schauta in Eftct Ulcers, Carbuncles and Selons from its use. Innfallible for Cuts. Coma, Burns. Scald and Piles. Cure gurs- anteed .25c at J. D. Morris. An Anarchist Tied Up and Wh: ped. Martinville, Ind., Sept. 15. P- Relief in Six Hours. 1 stressing Kidney and Bladder Martinville, lnd.,bept. 15. Jps. Disease relieved in six hours by "New Pelferer, an anarchist, who was irreat aoutn American Finney uure.- knocked down a week aeo when he -r j 0 I - it is a great surprise on accoanv, 01 ., . 1 j -n -j xr ts exceeding promptness in relieving nain in bladder, kidnevs and tack, in iey was bUOt wab viancu uy a par- - - . . .... male or female. Relieves retention ty ot unknown men last midnight, of water almost immediately. If you taken to a grove near town, strip- wani qmcK reiiei cure tuis is ixie re- npd tl- j f o tree atld cPV1v whipped. Dr. Tapt Bros. Medicine Co. . Feb. 5, 1901. Gentlemen: I was troubled with Asthma lor 22 years. I have tried numerous remedies, but they have all failed . I ran across your advertise ment and started with a trial bottle. 1 found relief at occe. I have since purchased your full-size bottle, and I am ever grateful. I have a family of four children, and for six years was unable to work. I am now in the best of health and am doing business everv day. The testimony you can make su3n use of as you see nt Home address, 235 Kivington street. 8. KHPHAEL, 67 Eest 129th St., New York City. This table in effect May 27, 1900 DURHAM DIVISION: Leave Roxboro For Durham 7 :48 p. m., daily exce Sunday; 8:16 a. m. For Lynchburg 8 :16. a. m., daily ex cepc ouniay; aDd b :U7 p. m., for South Boston. inedy. Sold by W. R. Druggist Roxboro, N. L is tne re- Hambrick, TRIAL BOTTLE SENT ABSOLUTELY FREE ON RECEIPT OF POSTAL. Do not delay. Write at once, addressing DR. TAFT BROS. CINE OO.i 79 East 130th St., N. Y. City. MEDI- Raleigh Cor. Observer: Attor ney General Gilmer will make two visits to the e3t; the first to look iu to the matter of oyster taxes; the second to investigate the plundering of the State's timber lands. The State has not received from the oyster tax a fifth of what it should have received. There have been many frauds and evasions of the law. Sold by all Druggist. GBEENSBOH 11 .A.i A...iS Ladies Can Wear Shoes ne size smaller after using Allen's Foot Ease, a powder to be shaken in to the shoes. It makes tight or new shoes feel easy; gives instant relief to corns and bunions- It's the greatest comfort discovery of the age. Cures and prevents swollen feet, blisters, callous and sore spots. Allen's Foot-. Ease is a certain cure for sweating, hot, aching fee. At all druggists and shoe stores, 25c, Trial package FREE by mail. Addrets, AlTen S mlQsted, Ley Roy, N. Y . Raleigh News-Observer: Mr. R. T. Liverman has discovered a ' new variety of cotton on his farm, near RoxobelJ which promises to be the most proline in fruitage of all . the varieties now cultivated. Mr. Liverman does not know how to ac count for its existence, but expects topay special attention to saving the seed. A Communication. jur. sailor aiiow me 10 epeaK a few words in favor of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. I suffered for three years with the bronchitis and conid not sleep at nights. I tried several doctors and variou s patent med icines, but could get nothing to give me ant relief until my wife got a bottle of this valuable medicine, which has completely relieved me VV S Rrnp.!rmn TUomoll Mo Thlo remedy is for sale by w.' r. Ham. root grafted and budded trees. A very heavy stock of brick. Greensboro, N. Large surplus of standard winter apples, whole- The Western farmers feed shred- ed corn stalks to their stock and tell their hay to Southern planters who haven't learned that corn stalks i i i i 1 1 i wnen snreaea as wortn is mucn as timothy bay. Mt. Olive Advertiser. B. W. Pursell, Kinter-ville, Pa. says he suffered 25 years with piles and could obtain no relief antil De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve effected a permanent care. Counterfeits are worthless. W. R. Hambrick. Geo, W, Lane, Pewamo, Mich., writes: "Your Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is the best remedy for indiges tion and Stomach trouble that I ever used. For years I suffered from dys pepsia, at times compelling me to etsy in bed ond eau$iDg?me untold agony. I am completely cured by Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. In recotn mending it to friends who suffer fn.m indigestion I always offer to pay for it if it faila. This far I havej never paid. W. Rr Hambrick, f ; The legislative appropriation for i in M ir. ruuuamuu iu vji lu uuiuiiun r - - now amounts to about $500,000, . t Noriris Silver, North Strati'ord, N t' il. ; ,lI purchased a bottle of One JJinute Cough Cure when suffering c wilh a cough doctors told me was in- -curable. One bottle" relieved u e, thel - -fiecoud and third almost cured. To. , ilav-I 03 a W3ll mar., VV.'R, Ham- But Southern farmers will learn after awhile that this method pf say ing and utilizing their cdrn crop a large paTt of it at least is as valu able to them as it is to the farmers of other -sections of the country. And when they produce more feed of this kind ttiey will produce more beef, and more cattle mean richer and more productive lands. All of which mean more properous farmers. Henderson Gold Leaf. 1 How's This. We Offur One Hundren Dollars Reward for any care of Catarrh that con not becured by Hat:e Catarrh Cure r v We the un'designed - haye known F, J. Cheney for the last five years and believe, him perfec honorable in all transactions and, financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm, , -W est & Truax, Wholesale Drug gist Toledo, O. Walding.i Kiftnan G Marvin, .Wolesale Druggist Toledo 0.' " ':' ' f ' y Halls Catrrh Cure is taken inter nally acting directly upon the blood and mucous serface of the system. Testimonials sent'free. -J ' x Price 75c. per cent- Sold by ail I Druggist, T - i - Halrs.Famiiy-rais are me uesu , Alb. Pippin, Stayman's Winesap, Wine Sap, and York Imperial. This stock, is growing on new land that was never in trees beforehand is perfectly healthy, no aphis, no scale. A General Assortment of Other Fine Nursery Stock. Your orders solicited. Special price on large orders. j J. A. YOUNG Proprietor. H 0 R N E R M 1 1 1 T A R Y SCHOOL OXFORD, N. C. Elegant buildings, heated by the Buffalo fan system, securing perfect ventilation. Sixteen new rooms for two boys each to he added for the fall term. Engagements should be made early. Annual attendance up to the full capacity and many turned away each session f..r 1 act of room. Best athletic field, witi quarter-mile track, in the South j" Faculty of spe cialists with special work. Curriculum preparatory to thfe best college or, university education. An atmosphere of high ideals surrounds the school, as students not prepared for higher education are excluded. -Fall terms be gins September 3. . " 1 A N K OF SO; BOSTOSS!: Joseph Stebbins, President. . J. J, Lawson, Cashier. BOARD vOP DIRECTORS! ' , D. L. Traynham, J . M. Harrington, J. S. Merritt; R. W. Lawsoo, J. D. Tucker, J: H.; Guill, -Y. H. Shepherd. ' capiti- IOCK, - - ' . S5Q.000-00 SurpJus, S30f500.bOV Accounts Solicited. -Collections will Receive Careful, A'tteritiorj , Kent, oi Vault Box $5 per year.; West Bound Leave Lvnchbur? 3 a. m. The Washington and Ch tanooga Limited, for Roanoke,. Radford, Bluefield, Pocahontas also for Rockv Mount and all stations onv the Winston Salem .Division and all points south and west. Solid Vestibule train to Chattanooga pnd Memphis, Pull man cars to Memphis and New Orleans. 2:30 p. m. The Chicago ExDress. for Roanoke, Bluefield, Kenova, Pocahontas, Columbus, Chicago. Pullman Buffet feleeper. Roanoke to Columbus; also for Radford, Bristol, Knoxville, Chattanooga, and intermediate- points. Pullman Sleeper Roanoke to Kt oxvilie. Parlor cars Norfolk and Roanoke, p. m Daily except Sunday, for Roanoke and intermediate stations. East Bound Leave Lvnchbursr, 3:45 p. m. Dailr for Farmville. Richmond Petersburg and Norfolk Pullman Buffet Parlor Car to Norfolk. 2 :10 a. m. Arriyes ac Petersburg at b.2o: a m ; at Richmond 7.35; at Norfolk 9 :10 am; Pullman Palaces between Lynchburg and Richmond and Norfolk. This car will be ready at Lynch burg at 9 p m for the reception of passengers; E L HAINES, City Ticket Agent, ! - - Lynchburcr, va. W B BEVJLL, G P & T A, Roanoke, Va. General Office, Roanoke. WANTED TRUSTWORTHY men and women to travel and advertise f or old established house of solid financial standing:. Salary 1780 a year and expenses, all payable in cush. l$o canvassing required. Give references and enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. Address Manager, 355 Caxton Blgd., Chi . J0 YEARS' EXPERIENCE D V i X I TIlADE AGARKS Designs Copyrights &c. qalckly ascertain our opini; n free whether an invention is probably patent ible. Commnnica itions strictly confidential. I ;j-id.bookon Patents sent free. Oldest agency for .teenring patents. Patents taken throufzh .Mann & Co, receive special notice, without chare i. In the A. handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest cir culation of - any scientific Journal. Termsvo rear ; iour montns. si. isoia pyau newnu- l!SffOo.3s,EroflswYp Br- , F St Washing 1-L. fS CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH i" 3 r-VSv OHElnI and Only Genuine. 5Ain ItEJO and GM metallic -Tt&a with bine ribbon. Tke no ether. Kcfa l "5v ; . ad "Relief for Lad J terlFZ .

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