professional Directory. IT. LUNSPORD, ATTORNEY -AT -LAW, ROXBORO, N. C. THE :'BtAKESLEE" Dr. E.J: Tucker, SURGEON - DENTIST, Office up stairs in W. J. Johnson & Go's new builua.)g. W. H. B. Newell Watchmaker and Jeweler, . . . .Kbxboro, N. C. . . - F. 0. CARVER, Attorney and Consellqr-at-Law. ROXBORO, N.C. Practice in all the State and Federal Courts. v Office in Pass & Carver Building; over Thomas1 Hardware store. HOTEL DOWDY Roxboro, N. C R. H. DOWDY, Proprietor. The best Hotel on the border of N. C. or Va. Table supplied with the best. Your every want supplied it in the oowt-r" Ti:- j! M en.'' engine;frora them. These engines are made in size of i, 2 and H. P., "and the Blakeslee Mfg. Company, of Birm ingham, Ala., will be glad to give you any further information and, to quote you ..prices, jf f you wish larger power than three and one half H. P.. you should ask for their new Illustrated Catalogue No.1 6 which" is a very handsome and ar tistic publication, and which will give youa full an complete informa tion regarding their product. The Georgia campaign has been under an evident eclipse. Ar. W. iUTOHLN. A. P. KIXCHIN. KITCHIN & KITCHIN- ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Roxbcro, N. C. . . . Practice wherever services are re quired. Office in Pass & Carver Building, over Good inends store. WILLIAM D. MERRITT Attorney and Counsellor at Law roxboro; N. C. Practices in all the State and Federal courts. Prompt attention given to busines. Gfflce ov9rPeople's Bank. BOOUE & BRYANT, ATTORNEYS At LAW, .. Durham, N. C Always attend the Superior Court of Person county, aud will go there txt such other times as the business of ,:.erjts demand C. T. WILLSON & CO. .,6rassA.D Insurance Agents,.. . . .Roxboro, N. C. f . Life, Fire, Accident and Surety Bonds, Safest and most reliable Companies rep tesented. Give us your business and we will giye you real protec ion. J. S. Merritt. Luther M. Carlton. Merritt & Carlton,. Attorneys .and Counselors at Law, ... . Roxboro, N. C Practice in all the State and Federal Courts.- Special attention given to cases in Caswell, Durham, Granville, and Orange counties- FREE AT WOODING'S Free with every shaye I give a Tonic rub, and with evey hrir cut I give entir satisfaction, If you want yout hair trimmed in the very latest style you want to see me'. Remember I make specialty ofxtreat ing the scalps. $500 forfeiture guar anteed for every failure in curing any sea' ps treated. Your patronage sls solicited S. fcl. Wooding, Farmers Bank b-iilding. R. J. TBAGUE, M. D. O. P. SCHAUB, M. D. TEACUE & SCHAUB, Practicing Physicians, Offer their professional ser vfees in the practice of medicine in all its branches to the pedple of Rox boro and surrounding country. Spe cial attention given the treatment of diseases of nose and throat. Office hours: 7;30 to 8.30 a. m. , 1 to 2 and 7.30 to 8:30 p. m. Office in the old Foushee Hotel. C. S. WINSTEAD W. T. BBADSHEB Winstead & Bradsher, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, . . , .Roxboro; N.'C 1 . f- Special attention given to Federal practice, both in the State ai?d at Washinertor. . Attend resrularlv the Courts of Person and Caswell. All business intrust eour care will receive prompt atton. - x JAS. W. BRANDON Barker SlxQ-p, ROXBORO, N. C When you come to Roxboro, don't get me. I am always willing and ready to accommodate my costo- jaers. and always keep up with the latest styles. GAS AND GASOLINE ENGINES. After many years of experiment Jng by the many different manufac turers of Gas and Gasoline En gines, has been produced and put on the market, a Gasoline Engine that is practical and perfect in every sense of the word, and it is so simple and economical that any one looking for power csmnqt af- ford to overlook this. - Fhe Blakeslee Mfg. 'Company of Birmingham, Ala., whose ad we present to you on another page, is the firm that manufacture this per fect little piece of machinery, The. accompanying cut gives a very good of this little engine, and even to the inexperienced eye it can be readily seen that this engine is very simple, compact durable and built to stand the wear and tear of every day from use. There are no complicated self starting de vices about the engine. It is fitted with the very latest improved electric ignition, which has been carefully tested and perfected, thus doing away with the old style hot tube eliminating all danger from fire or explosion, also enableing the user to start his engine at a moments notice. The engine is light and can be moved from place to place easily, or it can be mounted on skids and put on wagon trucks and used as a portable rig. It can be used for grinding feed, pumping water saw ing wood, running the grind stone, or for any other purpose requiring power. The engine is very economical in the use of fuel, it costing about one cent and a half perjbour for eacn horse pow er actually developed, and it can be readily seen that the user not on ly realizes a handsome profit on the investment, but can soon save enough to pay for the engine. This machine requires absolutely no attention after statring and thus the user is enabled to go safely away and attend to other duties without stopiUg his engine or hir ing an extra man to attend to it, and more, they do not require a person mechinic? 11 earning jto operate them. They are so sim ple and easy to operate that a small boy can easily run one with the greatest of satisfaction. The man ufacturers furnish complete detail ed blue prints for setting up and operating and the user is caused no trouble on this score. The Blakeslee answers a long felt want among the people who re quire small power, and we believe that no up to date farmer can af ford to be without one, in fact, anyone who desires an engine that is perfect from a mechanical as well as an economical standpoint would do well to buy this engine. The manufacturers ofjthis engine give with each; and every engine an absolute guarantee that if they do not come up to their represen tations in every respectj then your money will bek refunded, and we consider a gurantee like this from a responsible firm like the Blakeslee Mfg. Company as good as a gold bond, and you can see you take Rev. Dr T. N. Ivey, editor of the Raleigh Christian Advocate, is preparing a complete "Hand book of North Carolina iSetho dism." He says it will cover the entire State. Czolgosz Located. Buffalo, Sept. 15. Governor Odell announced to-day that he had declined to call a special term' of the Supreme Court tp try the murderer of President McKMey because he beiieve that haste was not necessary.-. He said that the district attorney had assured him that the grand jury would indict and the case be on trial within I5 days and to call a special term and get a jury assembled would take more time than that. The assas sin is in the Erie county penitentiary. DERTAKI : Is a specialty with me, hav ing spent "the best part of my ! lite, engaged more or- less, in this business. I carfy in stock at all times a complete line of Co fE n s a. n d Caskets, all priced at the lowest pr i Cf consistent with good work and service. NG:::: Agent . for the Babcock' Buggy, no better made. Call and exarhine them; Bring your repair work to me and have it done in the best workmanlike manner. . ! E. D. Cheek. a Sores .and Ulcers never become chronic unless the blood is in poof condition - is sluggish, weak and unable to throw off the poisons that accumulate in it. The system must be relieved of the unhealthy matter through the sore, and great danger to life would follow should it heal before the blood has been made pure and healthy and all impurities eliminated from the sys tem. S.S.S. begins the cure by first cleans insr and invigorating the blood, building up the general health and removing fronv InJZSSr A CONSTANT DRAM effetenStS. WW THE SYSTEM When this has been accomplished the dis charge gradually ceases, and the sore or ulcer heals. It is the tendency of these old indolent sorca to grow worse and worse, and eventually to destroy the bones. Iocal ; applications, while soothing and to some extent alleviate pain, cannot reach the seat of the trouble. S. S. S. does, and no matter how apparently hopeless your condition, even though your constitution has broken down, it will bring relief when nothing else can. It -supplies the rich, pure blood necessary to heal the sore and nourish the debilitated, diseased body. Mr. J. B. Talbert, I.ock Box 245, Winona, Miss., ays : " Six year ago my leg from the knee to the foot was one solid Sore, Several physicians treated me and I made two trips to Hot Springs, but found no relief. ; I was induced to try S. S. S.f and it mad a complete cure. I have been a per fectly well man ever since." is tne only purely veg etable blood purifier known contains no poisonous minerals to ruin the digestion and add to, " rather than relieve your suffer-, ings. If your flesh does net heal readily when scratched, bruised or cut; your blood is in bad condition, and any ordinary sore is apt tqbecome chronic. Send for our free book and write our physicians about your case. We make no charge for this service. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, G A. The Leading Health Water of America. If yon are suffering with kidney trouble, stone in the bladder, ner vous prostration, dyspepsia, indiges tion, or stomach or bowel trouble of any kind, you will do well to give it a trial. See what State Chemist Dr. W. H. Taylor says, the highest authority in the State. You will find this water for sale by my agent, K K. Daniel, sole agt for Roxboro and Person Co. Price $1.75 for 5 gal. Demijohn. - J. E. Westost, Prop. 1 Mecklenburg Co., Va. Notice, Administrator Having qualified as administrai or on the estate of the late W. Tj. Allen, of Person County, this is to notify ail persons having , claim against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 3rd day of September. 1902 or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. . All persons indebted to said estate will please make immed iate payment. . J A. R. FOUSHEE. Admr. This Sept. 3rd 1901. . Itch on lraman cured in minute by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold by W. R. Hambrick no' risk whatever in purchasing an cS Co.Druggt Roxboro J.A.LONG, J. S. BRADSHER. Pres. Cashier. A. J. HESTER; Vice-Ptes ITU I . . . 'K. I .... . . -- i - ROXBORO, N. C. Capital Stock, H Surplus and profits, " 1 raw $40,000". Transacts a general banking business. Good facilities, nes solicited . Mew Firm, Mew (Soods, I beg to announce to thepublic that I have; just opened up a new stock of goods at Push, N. C, and most respectfully ask for a portion: ot your patro nage. Prices as low as the lowest and all goois- guaran teed to be as represented. Just received a large lot of Pants which we can sell you for less than manufacturers price. Give us a call. J. L. TIMBERLAKE. Notice of Land Sale By virtue of a mortgage executed to Dr. E. A. Speed; (and by his Exs. r ansf erred to oie,) by W. T. Jfoell and wife M. A. Noell, duly recorded in book L. L. page 397 of the Regis ters office for Person County, I will on Monday Sept. 23, 1901, sell to highest bidder at the court house door in Roxboro, N. C., that certain tract of land lying and, being in the County 'of Person, adjoining ttie lands of Moriah Sweeney, W. T. Noell, Squire Glenn and others con taining by estimation 100 acres, and known as the Taylor "Cozart place. Terms of sale made known on day of sale. ' . , . ' ' This 19th day of Aug., 1901. . t. W. M. and E. Y. S?eed. C Executors, by E. R Reade, Assignee. u Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds of food. It gives instant relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want.- The most sensitive stomachs can take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It is unequalled for all stomach troubles. It can't hb'lpT:7v :v-.V bat do yea geed Prepared only by E. 0. DeWitt & Ca.Qhicagb : The 1. bottle contains2& times tbeSOc. sizo. Notyce Land Sale Under and by virtue of - a certain deed of trust duly executed by Mah-V--uel Mitchell and his wife Margrett ; Mitchell on the 5th day of 'April 1897 and recorded' in Register ot Deeds office of. Person County an, book Q Q page 12 etc. I will sell to the highest bidder for cash at ; the ;; court house door in Roxboro, on 30th DAY OF SEPTEMBER 1901 . a certain tract or parcel of land in Roxboro township adjoining the land of Aaron Mitchell, John Bailey, P. G. Montague, J. C. Pass and others, containiDg25 acres more or less, said tract being-that on wb.ich - said . ; Mitchell now lives, For a more per fect description the above record is- -hereby referred to. This 28th August 1901 - - . : ' Wm. D, Mebbitt, ' -, Trustee. TIMBERLAKE BROS. 'Helehaf,NiCiV;V:. We carry a large line of general merchandise ana will guarantee, pur prices with any. 1 , ; , Wanted " l :2 One Million pounds of jSumac, for which we will pay the high est market price, and sell you goods at most reasonable . prices. ; . We have just bought a lot of Pants from a, manufacturer . andean sell them; to" ou at manufacturers cost.'. ' When you want to: buy goods right givejis a, call. TEisiBERLAItE BROC ' " ,r -ir 1 .1 iii.iirini. i" " ' ,J "nf Ad m i n ict rato r g notice, - Having qualified -a administrator on the estate of tne late1 Chas. H. Clayton, I hereby notify all (persona owing said estate to come forward and make immediate settlement, and all persons holding claims against said estate are hereby notified to pre sent them for payment on or before the 10th day, of Sept. 1902 or .this notice will be plead in bar of their re covery, v - . , ' John D. Ramsey, Admr., Merritt & Carlton, Attys. ' Notice of Admin ictrator Having qualified as, . Executor of E. J. Ramsev deceased, late of Person Coapty "North Carolina, this ; is to notify all persons having claim against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before thelOtttday of September 1902 or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebt ed to said estate will please make im mediate payment. - 1 ? This 10th day Sept. 1901. - ' V This Sept. 10th, 1001; . JAMES E. MELTOK. Executof William I) . Merritt Attorney.

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