Tip GLmxizx. PUBLISHED WEiSJCLY BY NOELL BROS., Proprietors. SUBSCRIPTION TlsItMS : I Copy One Year, 1 Coay Six Months, 1 Cop Thre,e Months, $1.00 .50 .25 TRANSIENT ADVERTISEMENTS : " One inch one week $1; two weeks $1.50; one month $2. Two inches one week $1.50; two weeks $2; one month $3. Four inches one week, $2; two weeks $2.50; one month $5.50. flgf Advertisements inserted on local page as reading items, 5 cents per line or each insertion. The editors are in no wise responsi ble for vie ws expressed oy correspon dents. Jgp"Enteed at the post office, in Roxboro,N sC, as second-class mail matter ' ROXBORO, N. C, Sept. 25, 1901 On" our first page will be found an interview with President Rooserelt by Senator Pritchard, which will give pleasure to all Southerners. The President's expressions are en couraging to the South, and is rather more than was expected by manj. If he carries out his promises he has made since assuming the duties of his high office, his administration will be a success, and can but be commended by the people. Unlike the nominee cf a convention he has no promises to fulfill which were made before entering office. He is proctically unhampered by such. OHIO'S PRESIDENTS. One of our contemporaries points out the fact that some strange fatal ity seems to overhang the presided ts which the State of Ohio has given to the nation. Out ol the foui presidents w ho have bailed from the Buckeye state, President Hayes is the only one who survived his term of office. William Henry Harrisson died before he had been in the white house thirtv days James A. Garfield was assasinated in the summer which immediately fol lowed his inauguration as president, and William McKinley was just en tering upon hi3 second term of office when the rssassin's bullet laid him low.,,- But of course there is nothing in the superstitious idea that the fatal ities which have overtaken the chief executives in question proceed from the fact that they represented the .state of Ohip. Beyond the mere co incidence involved thereis no signifi cance whatever in the fact that three ' of the presidents furnished by Ohio have died in office. , What has happened in the case of the Buckeye State might have hap. pened in the case of any other state, and there is no cause whatever for alarrr or uneasiness. Constitution President Roosevelt. . Theodore Roosevelt assums the duties of the Presidency under con " ditions caltflated to call out the test that is in him, conditions which will make more ardent his natural desire to fulfill the expectations of his -countrymen. While he was in per , feet accord wich Mr. McKinlev in regard to public questions, his strong individuality will doubtless cause some riheertainty until his adminis trative polices are developed. He enters office more free from political 1 1 i ' I 1 1 Til . had he received a party nomination after a long contest. Mr. Roosevelt ; has a high conception of civic virtue and his opponents will probably find imore to criticise in his doctrine than in his methods, Th will be no ' disposition to prejadge him, but an earnest, wish that the governmental policies for which he and- his party istand may be tested upon their: mer its; W. J: Bryan - in tbe, Common- ' - - - ' i ( IiBASBURQ NOTES., : j Mr, S. J. Oakley died Saturday after an illness of several weeks. He moved to this place with his family a few months ago. He was a useful man with a kind heart. During this short stay he won the respect of the entire community. He Was buried at Cedar grove. We deeply sympathize with the bereaved family. Rev. J. B. Thompson and wife are expected to return in a few days. Mr. Thompson has ben to the springs and taking a complete rest foe several weeks on account of ill health; Misses Mary Richmond of Tenn. and Julia Lea of Hames have been i8i ting their aunt, Miss Willie Lea. Our School opened the 9th under charge of Miss iTnder wood of Lit tleton. She is a graduate of Louis burg, and comes to us highly lecom mended. Miss A.nabel Thompson is visiting relatives in Yancey ville. Our little town was quite alive during the Summer with the home girls, but quiet stems now to - reign. Misses Mary Louis Cormally and Fannie 'Johnson haye returned to Gr. F. G., Miss Cora to Littleton, and with her Misses Bessie Pulliam and Ella StanQeld. Miss Ella Thompson has entered the Baptist University at Raleigh. Other older ones will leave soon to take charge of schools. The rueh of the farmers is almost over. Tobacco generally has cured well. X. Resolutions by Roxboro Lodge I. O. O. P. That Whereas the Chief Executive of tho United State?, Wm. McKinley has come to an untimely death at the hands of a cowardly assassin, therefore be it resolved bv the mem bers of Roxboro Lodge No, 52 I. O. 0. F. 1 That we testify to the high in tegnty, the great ability and up light christian character of our late President. 2 That it is the sense cf this Lodge that in his death, the nation has lost a great chief, the people a warm friend and the country a wise statesman. 3 That while we mourn his death e submit to the dispensation of an unerring Providence. 4 That we condemn and execrate the Anarchistic spirit of which this is the manifestation, defiling th-2 great Pan American Exposition, though consecrating k bv the blood of a Martyred President. 5 That we extend our heartfelt sympathy to his bereaved widow and relatives. 6 That a copy ot these resolutions be spread on tbe minutes of the tj .1 l i. i. II -uouge anu aiso oe sent to me irersou County Courier for publication. W. T. Bradsher, E. J. Tucker, J. S. Bradsher, L M. Carlton, W. R. Hambrick, Committee. Henry Field, Soretary. Ml Scott's Emulsion is not ; ;d medicine for fat fol' . have never tried nvinF i real fat person. W e dor o. . You see Scott's Emit'; j builds new flesh. I7.. ;dc. don't want it. Strom , ie don't need it. V . t if you are thhv ScQtr .nlsion is the medicine ioi ' It doesn't tire you. ou" re is no strain. The work .11 natural and easy. Yo'r take the medicine; and .-us all there is to it. The next thing you, know cu f eel better you eat: better -and you weigh more. 'It is . quiet worker. Send for free sample; v . ' BOWNE, Chemists, 409 Pearl St., N. Y. 50c and J 1. 00; all druggista. T.W Pass Is the place to buy your r sta ple and heavy. Groceries, on Main street one door North of PiDneer wareHduse opposite the Reade Hotel. I shall make a specialty of FEED 8TTJEE Such as Hay, Corn, Meal, Ship Stuff, Brann, Oats, Seed Oats, etc. Get my prices on FLOUR He oreTou buv tor l can , make it to your advantage. Everything guaranteed to be ex actly as represented. Give me a call. . W. PAStt POXBORO. N. 0. Harness and Saddles? Don't you want a good Hand made set of Harness? When you buy from me you are sure of getting the best that can be madp. They are made right in my house aod I know exactly what they are made of. Every thing that goes into them are of the very best. I keep a line of Saddles Which are priced low down and will make it to youi interest to see me before buying a saddle. Collars and Bridles Or anything in the Harness lin Dan he Jfonnd here unti the prio will be right. Give me u c?ill and I uaraiitet- yatibfaciion. JT'Mirs to pirate, H. J. WHITT. Wood's Seeds FOR FALL SOWING. T. W. Wood & Sons Fall Catalogue, Issued in August, tells all about GRASS and CLOVER SEEDS, Vetches, Crimson Clover, Seed Wheat, Oats, Rye, Barley, Rape, etc. Also Vegetable and Flower Seeds, Hya cinths, Tulips, and all Bulbs, Seeds and Plants for Fall planting. The information piwn In rvn Part j Catalogue about different crops Is from our customers- ana our own practical experience. We are constantly in re ceipt of the most gratifying expressions as to the great value and the help that our Catalogue proves to Farmers and Gardeners everywhere. Catalogue mailed on request. Write for it and prices of any seeds desired, T. W. WOOD & SOWS, Seed Growers & Merchants, RICHMOND, VA. LARGEST SEED HOUSE IN THE SOUTH. President; KoospvhM, sok- wpl', Saturday, to Senttf rs and I'rirhi d Money and to Representatives rluttz Livington-and Gibson. I. xn? the language of a broid mindel Amer ican. He ex presse? himself as know ing to sectional iitjns nd propos ing to extend the .sarne treatment to all sections of the corn try. This done the South will certainly he his friend, of iis inclination are clearly that way, and it only wart's snch good reasons for this friendship as tne President's w r r d s f f o j d . C h a r 1 o 1 1 e Observer. t Cates News. " Our farmers Hre very bnpy ssving tbeii tohocco and fodder cropg. ' Mr?. T.. A." Williams, of Durham, and Miss Susie James, of Rock Hill, S. C. are visiting at W. D. Blalock this week. : J. S . Svai tei fi el d h a s go n e to D n r bam to make his future home J. H. Oates and J. A. Pearce pack ed their trunks and p'ulledVfbr Cald well Inst, a few days ago. - J. T. Cates, the noted hunter; has caught a very large fox this season. Griffin xlamlin continues quite ill.- - " " i ' : . Hurdle Mills News. ' . ? . , Oar farmers are'all about through pulling fodder and cutting tops, and the. meadows are being attended to now more than anything else, near ly everybody is mowing, grass this fall as there i 3 an u n u s aal large crop and" there is no need for any of onr .people not savins: all the feed they need, ' - i ' x Mrs. .Woodson of : Brookneal Ya. is visiting at, Mr. ;,R. L. ."Wilbufns this and last weeK Zachary T, Clayton, son of J. Clay ton, was bitten by a snake a few days ago and the i little fellow; b&a been quite sick, but he is now much improved. , . Mrs.' Farmer and her tvo little daughters of Danville are; spending the summer with Mr. B. W. Kirby Clay tori & Long Our buyer Mr. D. W. Long, has returned frora tfie Norttiern markets and we are receiving our new goods. He bought a large line (embracing all the newest and lstest things in Dress goods, Dry goods, and decided ly the prettiest and cheapest line, quality considered; of Ladies Coats ever offered in Roxboro. These goods were bought direct from the manufacturers and we guarantee to save you the middle-man's profit. We have! them . in all grades from the cheap est to the best. In short lie wise and see our lines before parting with your cash. Your friends.; Claytom & Long BY BUYING MONEY-SAVING TOOLS. We want to send catalogues of each of the following tow every harmer in the State. WRITE A POSTAL CARD FOR ONE: The CORN CROP can be doobledby using a HUSKER and SHREDDER. It hiisks the corn and delivers into wagon or crib and shreds or cuts the stalk and fodder at the same time into splendid feed and delivers it into barn or stack. FEED MILLS, which grind corn and cob or shelled grain into meal. HAND or POWER FEED CUTTERS, with travelling feed table. SEND FOR I CATALOGUES THE IMPLEMENT COMPANY 1302-1 304 East Main Street, harmony; va- Headquarters for everyihin usually kept in a ' firsr-dass ;ore. Our stock of Shoep, and . Dry-Goods;-are . strict lv- nptto.datr. Hats, Caps and Nbtio.ng. -A full line of Groceries always on! hand, in fact we keep everything for the table. - i A D V A R k ! ' H A R D W A R E ! Most 11 kinds. Wo: try-to 'carry everything for t'e farm r. I v ?t buy your Axes. Mat too kp, -tc, until you" see ours and per or r s. How about Fruit Jars? We have plenty of tii. m at lowest psic. FULL LINS OF ' t - ' Furniture?. Coffins-and Caskets always on hand VI 'pJvchm- '-7 to rw your. Car load of kiln dried salt at less tV -, markt-r ; nee. You Yi find thafc this is the pMce to sell your Pru. s.ce if un v. ill give us a- fril. ' , WE BUY I !' ' :' . 1 ' ; - : Ducke, chickfcus, eggs, geese, tnrkeje; hams,' lard, bacoo, trJioW, bwswax, dried fruits, corn, wheat, "oats,-: peas,, bears, benpy, bides, skin, olu castings, sumac, jirnson leaves, shingles' & etc. We want 1000 cbickend at once. . ' : : -Ve are agent for .Barbor Bpggi Je. Can't we sell vou one? , air. J M j O Bnant is still with m and-will be ciad.to sf e and se Thanking; you for" you' past patronage and hoping for a contimifuce . of aesame.j. - t ; We remain jonrstS Sflvp. t ''B tU'm1' ' : -'-LAVaON BROS. CO. ' . E. j easley, Manager. . MrsFarmer's father. Some of : our tobacco raisers o curing their, tobacco : yellow. green, some' red and some verv piacif. . oo our people jwill be sure to have some that will market. , . . i suit the .. There will be, preaching at the Hurdle Mills Academy Sat. night before the 3rd Sunday! in Oct. bv Rev. Mr. Hocutt of Durham. ' As the nights are eettincr a longer the Hurdle 'Mill people will reoigauize the debating society. The time has yet not been decided upon but will be soon and will be report ed through theae columns. ! D. P.A, SHOES When you want to buy those, shoes ifor either jruuicypii, vviic, uaugnter or boy, come to Hunter's and vou will save mnnpxr , "VMU". Just received a car load of the" very best salt, which' we will sell as cheap as any one Hunters. PICKLES, And canned goodsthe best and cheapest lot ever offered to the good people of this sec tionHunter's. ANYTHING You want for the table you are respectfully referred to O H. HUNTER PARKER'S HABR BALSAM Cleanse and beautifies the hair. Promote a luxuriant growth. Never Pail 8 to Kestore Gray Hair to its Youthful Color. Cure aca'p diseases & hair ir. 'ling. nn ni Anmi HORSE POWERS with FEED MILLS attached, and for running Feed Cut ters, Wood Saws, etc. ! FANNING MILLS for grain and seed. GRAIN DRILLS, both disc and hoe. Buggies. Carriages, Wagons and Har nesSj from the finest to the humblest, We have the largest stock in the South. SORGHUM MILLS and Eyaporators. WIRE FENCING of all kinds. The best and cheapest and will j last a lifetime. Wood Patent SWING CHURNS hf far the best. OF ANY OF THE I ABOVE. a R1CHMONQ, VIRGINIA rve 8AM MMHM3IR. --MJTM SHIP