: Good nickle toilet so for i& t Morris' Drug Store. Your attention is . called to the ad of J. A Long, , Son & Co,'They have somethinp- irtterpstincr ' onYRORO. N. C. Sent. 2 i oni ?ucu popmar.MU , - lvv---, -r uner at Lopion'shas returned. The Empire Force Feed Drill the best errairi drill on the market The Courier is makiher arrant- When you need a doctor use the savs Georere W. Thomas, and thev ments to offer a handsome $65.06 Phone at Morris' Drugstore. It's are sold by him. , He requests you buergy aa a suubiaiuiiun pnze. we iVV- - to come ana see tn em. hope to be able to give full partic ulars in our next issue. Everv Mr. Dick Glenn, one of Smith I will be connected with the- Far- subscriber who pays Une Dollar will -Boston s large tobacco dealers, was mers warehouse. Roxboro, NV C; have a cnance ai tnis pnze. We uu our market to day. . . on and atter the ist of October looi want to begin October ist. Watch ' - and wilbe glad to sell some tobac- next weeks paper for full announc- Miss Cora Cunningham has re- co for my friends. I will work as- nient. turned, after spending a pleasant nard for them as I would for " my vacation at ner homem Chase City. seir every time they come to see me. 1 HQS, r RAIZKR. Mr. and Mrs. .. Dan Owen, of TTX - ueniston, are in town to-dav. -the 1 You will do well to remember Mrs. T. B. Burch is reported on guests of Hon. J. A. Long, that Albert Clayton is with John the sick list this week. ' son, the grocery man. and savs he Postmaster Long has iust added I will sell yom groceries iust a little We regret to hear of the critical 6 new lock boxes to the post office, cheaper than almost anybody. Give W. H. Hughes left last Friday for Chapel Hill. r Justrived A carload of Stoves- all kinds, heating stoves, cooking stoves and Ean- ;ges: - - i j,l"',v Bj buying in car load Jots we saye much in the cost of goods, and much in freight: Gome 1 Money I Ml and See This is a much needed improvment I 1m .trial on your next flour, sugar or conee. If you want that corn shelled off paint it with 'Corn Popper' is to. cure a cold in ..one day cents at Morns' Drug Store. Take Laxative, Bromo Qnine Tab lets. All druggists refuni tht money Messrs. Otty McBroom and if it fails to cure. E. vV. Grove's Thos. Powell left last night for signature on each box. 25c. Mr. and Mrs. TV T TWrUc Uva Uurham, to assist H. H. Masten in ., illness of Mrs, M. A. Cates. Best wheat fertilizers at A. R. Foushee and Son. . Mrs. J. b, uradsher is visiting relatives and mends m Pittsboro. returned from their bridal trip. painting. G. D. Neal was in town yester day and gave us a pleasant call. In stops the cough and works 0FF hspeainS of the Rural Free Deliver- the cold. Jjaxative Bromo-QuininH les he said he thouerht the monev Tablets cure a cold m one "(lay. , No ought to be spent in the sections j cure, no pav. .Price 25 cents. where thev did not have o-ood mail facilities, and not where they did Monev saved is monev earned have them. He didn't think it was W. R. Hambrick says he can save needed on the Bethel Hill route. you money on your drugs if you t t t cf a -u; will give him a -trial. Wanted 10,000 pounds of Y v-ii xu;uuiu iaoi VJa IU1- I . .. . I 1 If TTT11 a 4- friAc ror sponeres. taDlets and box kiccu wiur as possiuie. win uay iu v 1011. iiiuuo. I . . " i -, vvriung paper go to xiamDriCK rj a o v-" puuuu. m uauc mlioKa v,. 4-1, V, 4- r 4.1 I fnr fhfTti Hnti rr thom alrktior . T) -p at : ir, a I vvucic vju win kcl lxic ucsl iui iueru -fc .u-4-l jvcv. 7. wvmcbt) leu yester- , A P T?ottott i - r -t . . .. I ICctSU 111UUCV ' I -- wuwaim. Mrs. R. J. Hall is visiting friends and relatives in South Boston this week. Mrs. Kate Bradsher, of L,easburg, is visiting her son, J. Bradsher, this week. What you save when buying from us. Do you need Plqws, fiarrdws, Plow casting &c, Wve have those Evapora tors nd Cane mills for you Come and see them. LONG, WOODY & CO, Commands ( the best of ev- f) . i it erytnmg, ana Jjg J0,8? 4s 0(i as that Earned a work; days.? Nothing is better than we sell, and you save money," Hambick, j You know where! ' ' Druggist WHAT KIM his brother. Miss Daisy Simpson returned last week atter about two montas visit to New Bern, N. C. Misses Mollie, Kmtna and Minnie Brooks are visiting their brother in Eastern North Carolina. J. T Walker, who has hetn on the Dillon, S, C. market, .returned home last Friday evening. T "R wiltprcnt, ?c f fWs The following have dropped in week. Rainy has been promoted a.m cauett Iur . UPC c V ST ' - . a I c-i T-i ro mi v l'lcf i cell o f 1 I Stiinpc by his farm, and will m tuture have "" w" crfc " hi .TiPflHnnrtrQ , Vnrt Thos. Clayton, Haywood Clayton, r:f A.J. Harris, j. L,ove, 1. m. J ' I -M 1 A AT 1., T T Wilkerson G. R. W. Roerers. Of course these were pleasant calls. v We have 165 pairs of shoes, like sample in window's, that we are selling for 70 cents a pair. Take a There was a little excitement in T. L. Garrettx Who is in warehouse business in Dillon, S. C. was at home first of the week. look at them Koplons Clothing t 1 t Mondav when it was re- VVV. j - btore. scarlet fever here. Prompt action was at once taken, and the schools of the town were suspended for one week. At this writing, (Wednes day morning) both patients are much improved m fact are able to be up. The attacks .were very We had a pleasant call this morn- the m from B. E. Love, who has been at Asheville for several years. He is now on his way to. Baltimore, wThere he-goes to study medicine. ... .- - ; " i M. Burns left last Monday ror Baltimore and other Northern cities, in the interest of the Rox hhto M'f'g. Co. Geo. M. Fox one of our progres sive farmers, had .the'misfortune to lose a barn of tobacco bv fire last week, while curing. , Miss Maggie Long is confined to her home by sickness. Her , many friends wish for her a speedy res tntrntinn to "health. Elliott Whitheld, ot Bushy Fork, ttt t . 2An,r was in town last ihursdav and m- w. 1. jreiugiew spcut ouuuaj , r m Hillsboro, returning Monday ac- Miss Emma Trolinger passed through town this morning on her way to her home m Richmond, Va. She has been visiting her aunt. Mrs. W.-M, Horton at Roseville.. 3 for twenty-five' cents. How does that strike you for erood linen collar? You will find them at ! J A. Long, Son & Co's. You can not match them elsewhere in this town. town Saturday and Sunday 3J compained by Miss Carrie, who had spent some weeks with relatives their. Geo. H. Yarboro, the popular buyer for the American ' Tobacco Co. on the Mullins, S. C. market, was in shaking hands with old friends. Toe Feathprston. who has been j 7 auctioneering for J. L. Garrett, m Dillon S. C, came home sick last week. We hope he will soon re gain his usual good' health. We want the ladies to see our line of Cable corsets. Easiest wear ing,, best fitting and most durable. Sold by Clayton & L'-rs. Rev. W. 'B. Mortons-preached two very strong sermons Sunday touch ing on the doctrine of evo'ution. We have heard these two sermons highly complimented. ' ' ii, riuuioiv.nj, : oW dramrrp m . disoiavm" ne deuce on Main street recently Pu:nndqW her friends 'when chased ot G. H. Yarborougn. has made some improvements since lie purchased the property and will have a nice eomfortbale home. liffht. Pr iceslo w est . " - fotmed us of auite a severe storm x which visited his section on the 16 It blew down trees, roofs off houses and ruined lots of fodder and other feed stuffs. ... . Do you want aV wheat Drill? Long, Woody &. Co. say they have nice line of Cutlery, the best made, and a handsome lot of Arizona sil ver-table and tea spoons. If you are after the cheapest line of dry goods to be found in the county, see . Lawson Bros. Co. of Homony, Va. Also see their 5an 6 cent unbleached domestic, 36, and ao in, wide. An - inspection will convince you that they- sell goods cheaper than anybody. Go on the grand excursion to Lynchburg Friday Sept. 27th and see the great Wallaces Show the bigest show on earth. Train will leave Rougemont 6:44, Helena 6:55, Roxboro 7:11, Woodsdale 7:26, Efeniston 7:45, a. m. Round trip $1.00. Returning train will leave Lynchburg 6:00 p. m. Go and see the big show. D. F. Hankins. As per announcement in our last iasue, a union memorial service to the late President McKinley, wa's held in the Methodist church on I last Rhursday morning, conducted by Rev: D. N. Cavmess, who, was assisted by Rev, W. B. Morton. A short a4dress was made by W. T. Bradsher, who in an impressive manner gave an outline of the late Presidents life. Messrs. J. A. Long and H, Field also made short talks. Lost or Stolen, , On the night of the 21st my mule, a large black mare mule about 8 vears old, either strayed or was stolen. Her neck was a little sore from collar, and has white nose. Any one knowing anything of .the mule and w7ill repqrt it to this office will be rewarded. . R. L. Chapped. r m NEW HOME ; Is the best simplest, lists a life time, ball bearing all latesi improvements. Old machines taken in part pay Easy jpaymen : planif you want it WHEELER & WILSON, is best of that class J x $15,90 Cash gets a ."Morris' Special" the best machine on the, market for the' money. All attachments- and guaranted 5 years. orris' irug Store-- Come to see us. MEW f 3.Q0DS Miss Yancey has returned from the Northern Markets, and has lots of new and pretty goods. She says the styles .this season : are beautiful, and, that her prices will be low. She is verybusy opening oir -nnVincr iin her stock, bill Will c. iJi tr m . aisrjiavine n Clayton & Long say tWey are es pecially strong on ladies' coats, having fought direct from the manufacturer. 'They have, them Seed Wheat for Sale. I have for sale 00 bushels of good seed wheat, clean and nice, of my own raising at $1.00 per bush el. This wheat is of the "red" I variety .and I regard as the best for onr son ana enmaie. I also have tor sale ' several cars be o:' -rtilizers prepared especial y for ; 'i- v';eat. The same that I used last - '. ..! ' year and -averaged about twenty to .Victor Koplon-returned last night , one on corn lands right through my from an extended trip to the North- crop. I sowed fifteen bushels - and ,',,,i:0tc ttp mvq hehniiorht the' made, three .hundred. imrfAers lomPQt tnok of , clothing; and - mil- wukl do well to see me befo: linery ever brought f o Roxboroh-he buying either their, seed wheat pr rnirc T1PV TiJ llUilt.V oa.V .1 aiiu m, , goods call. for von to come ahdet his prices J T A. Long. Yes they are here and arriving every dayi We pride ourselves on being able to show you the prettiest line of Fall, goods that we have ever shown. Especial ly ire we proud of our hue of Dresss goods -all the latest paterns and newest shades. ;e are to o busy to enumerate this week but will be glad to shoyr votf. , - . ':-.t'. '. . qulLrter; Did yjou evjer, genuine linen too, jCome ori how be fore your neighbors take them ; all in." Biggest bargains in town on collars. x "j Clothing arid shoes for everybody.; , for everybody, from the cheapest to uo yo, - f- Sept. 25-1901. 3t;

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