Southerners on Committee. Washingtou, . September 15. ROXBORO, N 0;-Sept 25, ,1901 ecoZ ' . a.Aarge committee of representativ- Woodbiirn Notes. - The recent incident in our neigh borhood as to Mrs Warren should warn all oar women, ; both young and old tOylearn how to shoot with a gun or pistol. Get your brother's or husband's pistol and practice at a target until yu can shoot steadily and without nervousness. After balls are put in the hides of some of the brutes it will be stopped. Mrs Cunningham with her child ren returned Wednesday evening from an outing of several months at Chase City and Lynchburg. Mr. Osborne of Oharlotta filled the appointment of Rev. F. A. Fes ter at Cunningham Chapel last Sabbath, preaching an excellent dis course on the talents. Mr Fetter was unable to be present on account of the illness of his wife. Mr. Osborne is an old Confederate Foldieis, being a Col. in Cavalry. Misses Maud and Belle Cunning ham are both at home at Waverly at this time. Mrs. Wade and children, of Dan ville, are visiting her mother, Mrs. Bass. - Misses Belle Caringtou and Lula Oliver are visiting Mrs. T. A. Win stead this week, Down with all the anarchists. Frank, Cures Blood Poison, Cancer' Ul cers, Eczema, Etc. Treatment Frle. If you have offensive . pimples or or eruptions, ulcers on any part of the body, aching bones or joint?, falling hair, mucous patches, swollen glaads, sore lips, eating, festering sores, sharp, gnawing pains, then you suffer from serious blood prison or the beginnings of deadly cancer. It is a dangerous condition, but you may be?permauently cured by taking Botanic -Blood Balm (B. B. B. ) made especially to cure the worst blood diseases. It heals every sore or ulcer, stops all aches and pains and reduces all swellings. Botanic Blood Balm cures al! malignant blood troubles, such a3 eczema, scabs and scales, pimples, running 8ore3, carbuncles, scrofula, etc Especially advised for all obstinate eases that have reached the eecond or third stage, Iruggi8ts, $1. Trjal treatment irte by writing Dr Gillam, 213 Mitchel St. Atlanta Ga. De scribe trouble and free medical ad vice given. Medicine seiit at once prepaid. es to attend the President's funer al. Among the members are Rich ardson of Tennessee, Bankhead of Alabama, McRea of Arkansas, Sparkman of Florida? Iest'ar, of Georgia, Smith, of Kentucky, Louisiana, Williams of Mississippi, Dearmond, of Missouri, Kitchin, of North Carolina, EHottof South Carolina, I,anham, . of Texas, Swanson of ..Virginia, Bodie of Mexico and Flynn of Oklahoma White Man Turned Yellow, Great consternation was felt by the friends of M. A. Hogarty of Lex. ington, Kyi, when they saw he was turning yellow. His skin slowly changed color, also his -ejes, and he suffered terribly. His malady -was Yellow Jaundice. He Vas treated by the best doctors, but without ben efit. Then he was advised to trv Electric Bitters, the wonderful Stom ach and Liver Remedy, and he writes : "After taking two bottles I was wholly cured." A trial proves its matchless merit for all Stomach, Liver and Kidney troubl 8. OdIj 25c. Sold by J, D. Morns, D'ru-gist. A Study of Political Hysterics. A Most Lamentable Comedy is the title of a powerful novelette .by Mr. William A.llen White, which be gins in the Sept. 21 issue of The Saturday Eveuiug Post, of Phila delphia. This absorbing serial is a studv of political hystericsthe story of a State one mad. The scene of the novelette is a Western State laboring under the burdens of a panit1 year. The central figure is a grocery ftore demagogue, whose hairbrained oratory captures the State convention. The story rises to a height of dramatic power and in tensity rarely equalled in the fiction of the day. " The State' pension board is con tinuiug its work' of passing npon the applications (and there are thousands of them) sent in and ap proved by the county boards; The board gives out the results as to some counties, as follows: Caswell, approved 39, rejected 25;. Chatham,' approved 57, rtected 4; Cherokee, approved 63. rejected1 15; Chowan, approved 8, rejected none; Clay, ap proved 25, rejected 10; Cleveland, approved 65, rejected 40; Columbus, approved 65, rejected none (the board of this county had taken the est pains); Craven, approved 46, re jected 10; Cumberland, approved 127, rejected 15; Dare, approved 8, rejected Liont; Davidson, approved 89, ivj-cted 91; (Dublin and - Davie returned for information): Durham, approved' 71,. rejected 53; Edgecomb. approved 52, rejected 15; Forsytbj approved 104, rejected 19; Franklin, approved 31, rejected 9; Gaston,., ap proved 47, rejected none; Graham, approved 18, rejecteu 1; Greened ap proved. 23. rejected I. .. Saves two from Death. "Our little daughter had an almost fatal attack of whooping cough and bronchitis," writes Mrs. W. K. Hav iland, of Armonk, N. Y., -hut. when all other remeuies failed, we saved her life with Dr. King's New Dis covery. Our niece, who had Con snmpti n in an advanced stage, aUo used this wonderful medicine and today she is perfectly well." Des perate throat and lung diseases yield to Dr. King's New Discovery as to no other medicine on earth. Infallu ble for Coughs and Colds. 50c and $1 00 bottle guaranteed by .1. D. Morris. Trial bottles free. Roosevelt's Son a Nimrod. North Greek, N. Y. Sept. 15 Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., is not nearly so proud of his father's ac cession to the Presidency as he is of his own prowess as a hunter of Big game. Young Ted went with his father into the mountains ' on Friday and hunted during the morning with indifferent success. About 2 o'clock in thevafternoon the Vice President and , his son, who was armed with a 40, 822 "Water Cure for Chronio ' Constipa- Take two cups of hot ater half an hour before each -meal and justj before going to bed. also a drink of I water, hot or cold, about two hours after each meal. TakeAots bt out--ctoor eercise---watfe ride, drive. Make a regular habit of this and in many cases chronic constipation may be cured without the-use of any medicine. When a purgative is re quired take something mild and gentle like Chmberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets. For 1 sale by W. R. Hambriak. Reduce Rates to San Franoi sco and Return; v For the occasion of the General Convention of the Episcopal Church at San Francisco October 2nd the Southern Railroad will sell round trip tickets from W isuingion, Alt x ander, Charlottesville, Lynchburg, Richmond, . Norfolk, " Greensboro, Charlotte aud Ash ville and conti guous main line points at $65.25 Tifcket will be on sale September 18 to 26 with limit on going trip to October 2nd and final return limit November 15 tb returning either- via same or another route. Through excursion sleepers are operated the round from Washington to Los An geles and San Francisco without change leaving Washington, Mon day, Wednesday, and Friday each. This will afford four departures for Epsicopal Convention. These ex cursions are personally conducted and afford every facility for coji fort, convenience and ecomony. For further infomation apply to any Southern Railway ticket agent, to S. H. Hard wick, G. P. A., or to A. J. Poston, General Agent, Ml Penn. Ave. N. W., Washington, D. C. S. H. Hardwick. Get What You Ask For! When you ask for Cascarets Candy Jthartic be 'sure -you . get therhv genuine tablets stamped C. C. C. ever sold in bulk. A substitutor is -j - . tucai HUXX it 1XU.UU. XCVVttiC calibre rifle, with shotgun stock, came-across a big buck browsingm a ravine. It looked to the Vice President to be a good opportunity tb lest little Ted's mettle. The lad dropped to his knee, sighted and fired. : The buck keeled over. The shot fired by -the young hunter struck the deer just back of the left shoulder. The buck was brought here by the guides -yesterday. It will be shipped to Wash- Grand Excurtlon to Norfolk, Va., Sept. 10th, 1901. Sontbern Railway will operate its ponula: Annual Excursion to Nor-, folk, Va,, Seitenib(r 10th, 1901., leaving Charlotte at 6: 50 P. M., ar riving at Norfolk 7:30 A. M, Sep' 11th; returning leave Norf'lk at 7:00 P. M., Spt. VZtb giving two days and one night in Norfolk. Tickets will be so'd at Branch Lines to connect at Junction point. Ron Dd trip rate from Durham N. C, $2,50 Approximately low rates from otbt-r points. For further information call on G. Dusenbury agent or write. R. L- Vernon. ' Charlotte, N. C. S. H. Hardwick, G. P. A. Washington, D. O. Genera? Convention, Episcopal Church, San Frncisco, Calif., Oct. 2T1901. On account of tbe above occasion the Southern Railway will sll. round tickets from all stations on its lines in North Caralina to San Francisco, Calif , and return September 18th, to 26th inclusive; tickets to valida ted by Joibt Agent Terminal Lines in San Frnci-co and upon payment of a fee of fifty centsmaking final return limit November 15th 101 Rates for the rouud trip form prit cipal points in North Carolina will or $65.25. For further information call on your Depot Agent or write, R. L. Vernon. T. P A. Charlutte. N. C. - S. H. Hardwick, G. P. A. Wa?hioetonw D. C. , . 1 .: - 1 . Ts JPt. The Kind You Havo Alwavs Bonsrliti and-wlv? baa hAMi in u&e ior oyer &v years, lias toorno tho, signature :of ' ana nas neen maac under jois per mttfa sonal supervision sincp ite infancy- All Counterfeits Imitations and " Just-as-gbod"? are hair Experiments that trifie Tyitlr and endanger tno Itiealtli of : Infants and ChUdren-rbcperience against Experiments WhatisxGASTG '1 A Gastoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- x goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. Tt, is Pleasant. ' lb : ' contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee.: It destroys Wonns and allays 1 Fe verishness It' cures Diarrhoea andWind : Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation .; and Flatulency. It. assimilates the Food,' regulates the a" -Stomach and Bowels giving healthy and natural sleep -V ' ; The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friendi - ' .-o genuVn.e GASTORI A always; Sears the Signature of 9 The KM You Haye Always Bou Im Use For Over 30 Years. THE CCNTAUR COMPANY, TT MURRAY STREET, NEW TORK CITY. M ii;S; -v:sTTiiiriii .ii -...,-... -.1 , , . - : .. . . . ELKIN WOOLEN MILLS m mi poo jo: tq x ington. I VI Ml 9m io noiiacm sxboww AUUIU pUB SlDOaiUAS 9S9t 0 AMV Hiamosui isnoina ipaBdijsuoa boa" 9jy PDB SUM J8AH S.JJtli 'Ja O ? j.snr Send model. BketcL,yj? AUd promptly procured, 02 KO Its. ;Send model ) to ObU.t5.and Foreign Patents andTniderMai' PATENT WT&OTJBJW,. My'yr"'t'VnH,ftL'''i1id advice. Faithfnl I Ail u uaiiiv. v . - . . (service. Moderate gg - - ,wtr0teC.i. SNOW. & .CO. j PATENT LAWYERS," n-n 11 S. Patent Office, ' ftASHIKSIUM, U. x 'S lV VA about lLo wo::derfllL I "MARVELiVVharlfcg Spray C"Vv i v.on and Sucfion. Best Saf- est-Most Convenient it tiearsea ij:sianuy.i X: f7 rr - v j'o . J r r.r ' stj jst . .wjr iaw 3. T . o ct 5 ' o R 450 QTQ a 0 .0, O " If you want to exchange; your wool or have: it manufactured into thelbcst Blankets Casui- meres. Jeans, iinseys, a lanneis ana zarns to be natt in Amenra. if vmi want h Vwot a6;itrt . - 4- . - , . " "u WW UU uuuDt cuuiiui iuy uwiuK paubB juu ever wure; 11 yuu warn to traae witn tne cleverest men Tttn tn ViqH anv Hoalino nllK trv tha TTT TTTW WOflT PW U1T 1 r, J . . . " . v".r. uvullut, miu) j uuj.-. 1. vvjji iUAjjijo aou you - will never lecret ix. ,; They have one of the largest mills m the South. TUey ship their soods to nearly evert- State tn H the Union, ancl the quality f their work is unexcellel . : . v t .. WrLte them for their handeome new catalogue, and do not dispose of your wool" until you'see it. Address j ; - v , . - J , CHATHAM MFC; CO., Proprietors, Elkin, North Carolina. Lynchburg v Fair 9 October jielT, and 18, 1901. Show,; Attractive Racing ; : Progame, Grand Tournament; Phinney'si United States Band, Eonake. Macliine Works Band, Floral Parade, Trades. Parade, I Trades Display, Meehan's Dog Show, feicycle Parade, Eag muffin's Parade ' , ; ;i v Half' rates over aU railroads runing into Lynchburg. Special trains over all roads, mning into Lynchburg. : Write for full catalogue.; Aa dress. LYNCHBURG FAIR ASS00IASTI0N, ; P; 0. Box 116, Lynchburg, Va. v - r - - - -i ----- -' '; - ' "' ----- - -. . - : " - ' " . '-; ; - -' " Farmer's Friend Hose Power, a : J r : 1 1-2 Cents an Hour We make a specialty of, and 3 J H.-P. Gasoline" En- fj - gmes ror j?arm uses, sucn aa gnnamg ieea, , pumpiDg .water, sawing wood riinning the grindstone, or for any other purpose -whatsoever requiringsmall-power. We guarn tee satisfaction. ' : - - - ; ISTo SniokelxNd Fire! ;No Danger!,; ; Write us for price? and terms; pall at News office and-see one or our eupnes in opprorion. . - . ,s . , -S - :;r BU.EE3LEE MFGrCo.Jirmichaic. Al?. -If) : ' r ' 1 ggists, ioc.