',' .v. . v-',.-' v!':; : ;v---'- -J-K.-."iiV'V :.;iVw '..: ROXBORO, N. C, Oct. 2, 1901 An Awakening In Politics. The Durham Sun endorses Judge 'Cor nor for a position on the Supreme court bench. It understands t he will allow his name to be presented to the next" State convention for As sosiate Justice. Relief in Six Hours. Distressing Kidney and Bladder Disease relieved in six hours by "New Great South American Kidney Cure.7 It is a great surprise on account of ts exceeding promptness in relieving pain in bladder, kidneys and back, in male or female. Relieves retention of water almost immediately. If you want quick relief cure this is the re medy. Sold by W R. Hambrick, Druggist Roxboro, N. C. The Wadesboro Messenger and In telligencer announces the candidacy of Mr. James A. Leak of Anson, for the congressional nomination in the Seventh district, while a correspond ent of the Troy Examiner proposes Sheriff T. S. Wright, of RocVinr ham for the same honor. Ladies CanVear Shoes ne size smaller after using Allen's Foot Ease, a powder to be shaken in to the shoes. It makes tight or new shoes feel easy, gives instant relief to corns and bunions It's th.e greatest comfort discovery of the age. Cures and prevents swollen feet, blisters, callous and's-ore spots, alien's Foot Ease is a certain cure for sweating, hot, achioe: fee. At all druggists and shoe stores, 25c, Trial package FREE by mail. Addrets, Allen S mlOsted, Ley Roy, N. Y Ten New Editors for .One Magazine It was announced several month? ago the editor of The Lauies' florae Journal contemplated m.iking some sweeping chanee in hi3 editorial 3taff. Up to the present time ten new editors bave been added to Mr. Bok's corps, and fifteen new depart ments planned for The Journal, a majority of which make their initial appearance in the October number. A Typical South African Store. O. R. Larson, of Bay Villa, Sun days Rive-, Cape Colony, conducts it store typical of South Africa, at which can be purchased anything irom the proverbial needle to an anchor. This store is situated in a valley nine miles from the nearest railway station and about twenty five miles from the nearest Iowa Mr. Larson says: I am favored with the custom of farmers within a radias of thirty miles, to'many of whom I have supplied Chamberlain's remedies. All testify to their value in a household where a doctor's ad vice is almost out of question. With in one mile of my store the popular lion is perhaps sixty. Of these with, in the past twelve months, no less than fourteen haye been absolutely cured bv Chamberlain's Ccugh Rem edy. This must surely be a record.' For sale by W, R. tlambrick. President Roosevelt spoke well, Saturday, to Senators and Prichard Money and to Representatives Klnttz Livington and Gibson. It was the language of a broad minded Amer ican. He expresses himself as know ing no sectional lines and as propos ing to extend the same treatment to all sections of the country. This .done the South will certainly he his friend, of its inclination are clearly . that way, and it only wants such good reasons for this friendship as the President's words afford. -Charlotte Observer, Stricken With Paralysis. Ferderson Gnmett, of this place, was .stricken with partial paralysis and completely lost the use of "one arm and side. After, beine heated oy an emmKUb ijuvoiuiaii ior qune a while without relief, ny wife recom rrioriflarl rihAmherlain'a Pain Unlm - - . 1 : J p - . nd after usin two Dottles of it: he is almost entirely cured.Geo. R. McDonald. Man, Logan county, W. Va.. Several other very remarkable rnes of pa-tial paralysis have , been effected by the. use of this liniment. It ie most widely known, however, as a cure for rheumatism, sprains and bruises. 'Sold by.W, R. Hambrick. Says Ho Was Tortured. "I suffered pain from corns I could hardly : walk," Writes' H. Koberson, Hillsborough, 111., "but Bucklen's Arnica Salve' completely cured them. Acts like magic orf sprains, bruis es cuts.'sorei, scalds.burns, boils, ulcers Perfect healer of skin diseases and piiesVCureguaranteed by J. D, Mor ris. 25c. ' Spirit of the American Navy. John Philip's "Dont cheer, boys the poor devils ar dying," spoken impulsively in the very moment .. of triumph over foes who had fought with the high valor of race pride and the mad courage of desperation, stood and stands for the true snirit of the American navy. Frank Put nam in "The National Magazine" Blown To A-toms. The old idea that the body some times needs a powerful drastic pur gative pill has been exploded; for Dr. King's new Life pills, which are perfectly harmless gently stimulate liver and bowels and expel poisonous matter clean&e the system and abso. iutely "cure Constipation and Sick Fleadache. Only 25c at Morris Drug Store. . Believing that the teachings of his vile New York Journal have h id much to do with encouraging the spirit of anarchy in this country, the people in two sections of Greater New Yorklasc yeek hanged its pub lisher, Wm. R. Hearst, in effigy, and then jeered at and stoned the figure, and a number of clubs and reading rooms throughout the coun try have, since the assignation of Presideut McKinley, banished it from their tables. Lewis Ockerman, Goshen, Ind : "DeWitt-8 Little Early Risers never bend me double like other 'pills, but do their work thoroughly : and make me feel like a boy." Certain, thorough, gentle. V. B. Hambrick. .... Secretary T. K. Bruner, of the Agricultural Department, left yes terday for the western part of the State, where he -will gather speci mens for the North Carolina ex hibit at the Charleston Exposition in the lines of agricultural, horticul ture,, minerology, etc. News and DeWitt's Little Early Risers nev -er disappoint. They are safe, prompt, gentle, effective in reoToving all im purities irom the liver and bowels. Small and easy to take. Never gripe or distress. W. R. Hambrick. Monioe Journal: From the amount of hay to be seen on the market these days one would think that stock, and cattle raising -and not cotton growing was one of the prin cipal industries of this section. load after bad of ic comes in and is placed on the market every day a wagon load of it may be seen standing on the street at any time in the day, It is bringing only 25c a hundred. V 15 CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. Ef Best Cough Syrup, Tastes Good. Ubb j HP! ' ?!9m m mm HI W -1 I M . I W Oxford -Ledger: Some time ago a colored family, in Sassafras Fork township, right near the Virgipia line broke out with ' four cases of smallpox and Dr. S. J)- Booth, our efficient health officer, was notified and went' to loos after the cases, He quarantined the housef'and placed a guard at the hoase.j7 Saturday af ternoon one of the negro men con cluded he would not remain in. pris on any longer, and attempted to break by the guard. The guard warned him net to attempt it as .be would be compelled to sncot him but he did not heed him and was shoe in the legy. Dr. Booth was sent for and dressed the wounds and he is do. ng very v. el!. "I had long suffered from , indiges tion," writes G. A: 3L.eD ei s; Cedar City, Mo. "Like others I tried muny preparations " but , never anything that dfd nie gcod until I tdok Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, One ' bottle c a.e i me. A friend who had suffered sinw i arlv I put on the use of Kodol Dys pepsia cure. He is gaining fast and will soon be able to work.. Before he used Kodol Dyspepsia Care inqir gestion had made him a total wreck. W, R. Hambrick. . ' 'r - 51 Asthm alen e Brings In st ant . ''' J'- -in All Cases.-- ' r. :--V: :t'r.;. SENT ABSOLUTELY FREE ON RECEPTS OF POSTAL - ' " .; WRITE YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS PfcAINXY. CHAIHGQ FOB YEAR RELIEF. ' J After having it carefully analyzed, we can state that Asthmalene con tains no opium, morphine, chloroform or either. Very truly yours, REV. DR. MORRIS WECHSLER. , Avoir Springs,! N Y., Feb. 1 1901. Dr. Taft Bros. Medicine Co. , 4 Gentlemen: I write this testimonial from a sense of duty, having tested chc wo. 'l ?rful effect of your Asthmalene; for the cure of Asthma- My wife has been afflcted with spasmodic asthma for tht. past 12 years. JiaVjng exhausrea my own skill as well as many others, I chanced to see your sign upoo your windows on 130th street, New York, I at once obtained a bottle of Asthmalene My wile commenced takinjr it about the firEt of JNoveaiber. I very soon noticed a radical improvement. After usiner one bottle -her Asthma has disappeared and she is entirely free from all symptoms. I feel that I can consistently recommend the medicine to Uwho are afflicted with this distressing disease. . . . . , Yours respectfelly . O. D. PHELPS, M. D. Dr. Taft Bros. Medicine Co. t Feb 5, 1901. Gentlemen: I was troubled with A'sthma tor 22 years. I have tried numerous remedies, but they have all failed.. I ran across your advertise ment and started with a trial bottle. 1 found relie f at once. I have since purchased your full size bottle, aid I am ever grateful I have a family of four children, and for six years was unable to work; I am now in the best of health and am doing: business every day. The testimony yon can make su3h use of as you see fit Home address, 235 Kivington street. , " S. RHPHAEL, 67 Eest 129th stv Now York City TRIAL BOTTLE SENT ABSOOil ELY FREE ON RECEIPT OF POSTAL. Do not delay. Write at once, addressing-DR. TAFT BROS. CIaE CO.. 79 East 130th St., N. Y. City. Sold by all' Druggist ANK .OF SO. BOSTON. ORGANIZED MAY 1 887. Joseph Stebbins, President. J. J. Lawsop; Cashier. BOARD OP DIRECTORS, D. L. Traynham, J . M. Carrington, J. S. Merritt, R. W. Lawson, J. D. Tucker, J. H. Gmll, W. H. Shepherd. Capitil Stock, - - J- $50 000 00 Surplus, - - - $30vd00.00. Accounts Solicited. Collections will Receive Careful Attention Rent of Vault Box $5 per year. - If you haven't a, regular, healthy movement of the bowels every day, you're ill or will be. Keep your bowels open, and be well. Force, in the shape of vio &?d8ytoSay f keeping the bowelfi lent pny bio or piu poison, is dangerous, ine smooin it aio or Dill DOison. is dancerous. Tne smootn - CANDY CATHARTIC EAT 3EWI LIKE CANDY Pleasant, Palatable, Potent. Taste Good, Do Good, Never Sicken, Weaken, or Gripe, 10, 25, and 60 cents per box. Write for free sample, and booklet on health. Address 33 STERLING EEMEDY COMPANY, CHICAGO or SEW YOKfi, KEEP YOUR BLOOD GLEAN f A FREE PATTERN .'..jr awn elecion) to everyT sub sci'ioer. Only 50 cent? a year. 65 t 'v-Cif or. 5rd 5E-: .ff r fat copy- nr. ru-ieci-i -:'.:r.g f-ay ear r'a:rr:: '.Hr-lsi;i,i3 u?.l Sf5ij Lines. - y : ar.c 1 4" csr : tuch .urt 2!isr, ' f .theKi, So.i n nearly every city- n,,orz- maJ ro.t: THE McCALL CO,. . 3-113-117 West 31st St; ,EV rORK. "VI1TP5 V&Mr R eli of an d Per m anen t Cur e There is nothing like Asthmalene. : Itbrings inste nt relief, even in the worst cases, jit cures when 'all else fails ' ' - . The Rev. C. F, WELLS, of Villa Ridge, I1U, says; "Ypur trial bottle . of Asthmalene received in good con dition : I cannot tell you' how thank ful I feel for the good deiived from it. I was a slave; chained with,putrid sore throat and Astama for ten years. I despared of ever being cared. X saw your advertisement for the cure of this dreadful and tormenting disease, Astjima, and thought you had over spoken yourselves, but resolved to give it a trial. ; To my astonishment, the trial acted like a charm. Send me a full size bottle." . Rev. Dr. Morris Wechsler, Kabbi ol the Cong. Bnai Isreal. NeW York, Jan. 3, 1901. Drs. Taft Bros' ..Medicine Co.; Gentlemen: Your Asthmalene is an excellent remedy for Asthma and Hay Fever, and its composition alleviates all troubles which combine with As thma, Its success is astonishing and wonderful. 4 MEDI- WANTED TRU SI ORTH Y men and women to travi i and advertise for old established ;iouse of solid financial staudiDg. -Salary $780 a year and expenses, ali payable ir cash. No cnvavsing required. Giv- refi-ren nrl Tir.1rK colt c- . 1 . v . .. nuuiwoa f aped onvelope. Address Matiapet. 535 Caxton Bidg,, Chicago. I otice, f Ad m i n ist rato r Having qualified as 7 administrator on the estate of the late W. L. Allen, of Ferson Oourity, this is to notify all persons Having claim against the estate of said deceased to PYhihit them to the undesigned on or before the 3rd day of September. f902 or this notice will be pkad in bar ; of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate vill please make immed iate payment -' . , Ar FOUSHEE. Admr., This epr. 3rd 1901. ;l rne -ljeaning Health, .Water of . r- America.4 . ' ,'.r. . . If you are ' suffering'' with kidney trouble, stone in; , the bladder, ner vous prostration, dyspepsia,; indiges- uuu, or siouiacn or oowel trouble, of auy. kind, yon.wlll do well! to give See what'State ChemisU - Dr. H. Taylor' says, the highest authority in the State. ' . t You will find this water; for sale OJT my agent, K.. K. Danieli sole aat. for Roxboro ani Person Co. : Price 1.75 for 5 gal. Demijohn;! ; . . J- E. Weston, Prop, i - Mecklenburg Co., :Va. Genuine slumped C C.C Never sold In bulk. Beware of the dealer who trie to sell v 'something just as good." CANOV CATHARTIC ' , 3 Southern ; 'Railway THBV. . . STANDARD RAnvxr . OP THE SOUTH TheTSase t0 Caliafornia, Florida, Cuba and Po8o Rico. jtrictly First-Class Equip. ment on all Through and Local Trains; Pullman Pai ace Cars on all Night Trains" Fast arid Safe Schedules r 1 ravel by the SOUTHERN and yiu are assured a Safe, Comfortable anfl Expeditious Journey. APPLY TO TICKET AGENTS FOR TIMF t, BLKS, EATXSJLSD 6INBEAL INFORMa . - TI02T , Oil ADDRESS. R L, VERNON, F.R. DARBY T.P. A!, C. P&t P Charlotte, N. C. Asheville.'N.'c No trouble to answer question ' S. H. HARD WICK, General Passenger Agent WASHINGTON. D. C. orfoK Schule in Effect This table in. effect May 27 1900 DURHAM DIVISION: Leave Roxboro For Durham 7 :48 p. m., daily exct Sunday; 8 :16 a. m. For Lynchburg 8 :16 a. m.. daily ex cept Sun. lay ; and 6 :07 p. m.( f0r South Boston. West Bound Leave Lynchburg, 3 a. m. The Washington and Chat tanooga Limited, for Roanoke, Radford, Bluefield, Pocahontas-. 1 also, for Rocky Mount and all stations on the Winston Salem Division and all points south'and west. Solid Vestibule train to '! Chattanooga nd Memphis, Pull man cars to Memphis and New Orleans. 2:30 p.m. The Chicago Express, fjr Roanoke, Bluefield, Kenova, . Pocahontas, Columbus, Chicago. , Pullman Buffet Sleeper. Roanoke to Columbus; also for Radford, Bristol, Knoxville, Chattanooga, and intermediate poiDts. Pullman Sleeper Roanoke to Kioxville. .Parlor cars Norfolk and Roanoke. 6' p. m'- Daily except Sunday, for Roanoke and intermediate stations. East Bounds Leave Lynchburg 3 :45 p. m.r-Daily for Farmville, Richmond Petersburg and Norfolk Pullman Buffet Parlor Car to Norfolk. 2 :10 a. m. Arrives ai, Petersburg at 6.25 a m; at Richmond 7 35; at Norfolk 9:10 am: Pullman Palaces .between Lynchburg and Richmond and Norfolk. This car will be ready at Lynch burg at 9 p m for the reception of passerfarers. E L HAINES, City Ticket Agent, . Lynchburg, va. W B BEVJLL, GP&TA, Roanoke, va. General" Office, Roanoke. WANTED TRUSTWORTHY men and women to . travel and adveruse for-old established house of solid financial standing. Salary $780 a year and expenses, all payable m csh . IS 6 xjanvassingr required, wive references and enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. Address Manager, 355 Caxton Blgd., Chi EXPERIENCE D rTB.nr marks, .- l nnvM Anyone sending a sketch and de9ptia qickly. ascertain our -opinion freowhetner invention ta probably patt (table. "pteBti tions strictly confidential, .f 'andbooh : on itwen sent free. Oldest agency 5v -r . Becuricg mpw i . Patents taken throuph - Mann A Co- re special notice, without cbf-ge, to tne ciemmc Jimericaiu A handsomely illnstrated weekly, ffj a SUNN (to HWJP rT t 'CHICHESTER'S E ILLS - f Orlclaal d On! . litA. SATE. AlwyjjiWaaie-" jjsH ' KExnd Gold nculto with Wee ribbon. Tke tft,ri jaM tamp for PrtteIar Ten b n. M.il. lO.OOOTertunoniH- f all DroggUt... .Clehe.ter nfJ( N6Mf leslem IflHIlllHI a m