. , ' - ' ' ' ' ' " , ' ' ..." . , ' , ? - ' " ' , "to - "7", ;. ' -, V 1 V -a) r , - -- - ' , ' ' i,'- ' ,k 1 - . 4 ---- - '- ''-vVv: - - - - - - ' ' . i 'I 0 j The :l . 1 " .. KOXBORO, N C Aug. 27, 1902 FOREST-SMITH. Mr. B. B. Fore3t, of Hilsboroy 'acl Miss 'Mollie Smith, of Jjeasburg, ere united in marriage -Aug. 14, in one of the most beautiful ceremonies ever witnessed in teasburg. The beautiful fiqral decoration, the' un ' excelled and the originality display ed, united in making this, the crown--ing event of the season, At 11:30 . o' clock , the bridal party consisting of Misses Lizzie Featherston of ;Leasburg; Mabel Tuck, of Harmony; Elma Stephensof Leasburg Maude Harris,of ; Hurdles' Mill; Mammie Warrec, of Corbet; Evelyn Newman of Leasburg; Bertha Pulliam of " Leasburg; . Messrs. F. Thompsotr, ; of Hillsboro; J A. Morton, of Leas burg; J. Wells, of Corbet; 'ft. B. Connaliv, of Leasburg, J, E. Wfn- stead, of Winstead; C. F. Harris, of 'Hurdles Mill; W. A. Jones, of Leas burg began to assemble at the bride s grandfater, Mr. V. L. Morton for the roon reception, , On entering the jdinin hall a scene of surpassing beauty greeted the eye. ' -Every thing was beautifully decor- ated in pfink and Vhite, so while our 'young people feasted upon the lux- rariant repast the eye was drinking in a scene of beauty which is ever a joy. Long befoe the appointed hour the ushers, Messrs. D. L. Mor ton. J, W. Murray, E V. Morton and S. Smith were on dutv as friends far and near filled the church. - At exactly two o'clock Miss ' WilhelminaLea of Leasburg played Men delhoris famous wedding march and v hile the audience waited in expectancy the attendants, Jbhe ladies being dressed in white organdy and wearing the handsome black hats, entered the doors on each ide the vestibule and passed in double file down each aisle. Just before the chancel a crossing: was made, the ladies passing to the left; the gentle- m.n fn tho nVKf rA . alone, Miss Lizzie Featherston, bridesmaid, wearing a lovely pink organdy. : The attendants had now taken their positions on each side of the chanpel and all eyes were turnad , upon Miss Mol lie Smith, the lovely Ibride, who leanipg on the arms of her step father, Mr. D. Wells and attired in a handsome traveling suit of blue summer serge, bearing in her liand a beautiful boquet of brides ro3es which she at once presented to her bridesmaid on reaching the altar where she met the groom with Mr. S, F. Thompson, best-man, just be fore the chancel. - The ceremony was " performed by Overorlk Weakens Your ; Kidneys. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. All the blood in'ygur body passes through . your kidneys once every three minutes. ? ; The kidneys are your 1 blood purifiers, they fl-. "ter lout; the ;; waste r. ; impurities in the blood. ' sli they are sick or out of order; they fail to do xneir worK. ; - Pains f aches and rheu-, . matism come from ex cess of uric acid in the : blood ' due.to neglected kidney trouble. i-'ihy?''--:, Kidney troubles causes qickforlunsteady he.rt beats,' and f makes . one ''feel; as though " "-they had heart. troub!erbecaute the 'hearts is k t rworking .',ib,: pumping thicks kidney-r peispned blood, through yei'rii and arteries. 1 It used to be .considered that.onlyNurinary ?( troubles were tdybetracedtotneXkidney, "'. but nov modern science proves that , pearly all, constitutional diseases have their, begin-'. . nir. in kidney trouble.- - ' ' V ir you are sick you can make no mistake by l.st doctoring' youVkidneys;'he5 mild and the extraordinary effect of DrKilmer's ' - ' Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, is soon; realized. : It' stands the highest' for, its - -: r wcnderul cures of the most distressing cases , 1 ' &ndr is S3b 5n its merits ' by1 all druggists in f if ty - cent and one-dollar siz- wi.. iuv luay iiiv .a sample cottic man k Home of swamp-Root. free, also pamphlet telling you how to find cut if you' have kidney: or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer her beloved pastor, Rev. R. F. ;T- lor. , After the ceremony the : happy couple acenmpained to the nearest st t)on by the bnpal party, -tjoaraea the trnin for Asheville ;and other pointy nearhi a shower of roses. ;;'r 'Miss Smfth was one of Leasburg's most charming young ladies and will be greatly : missed- by her many friends. Mr. Forest is a, man. of 8tu'iliqg worth nnd one of v Hills bopo's most successful business men. Their host of f riends here and else where offer their sincerest coEgratu- lat;ons. r-' B. P. A Minister's Good Work. ! had a severe attack of bilious colic, got a bottle of - Chamberlain's Colic, Cnolera andDiarrhoea Reme dy, took two doses and was entirely cured," says Rev. A, A. Power, of Emporia, Kan. "My neighbor across the street was sick for over a week, had tv7o or thpee bottles of' medicine from the doctor. . He used them for three or four days without relief, then called in another doctor who treated him for some days and gave him no relief, so discharged him I went over to see him the next morn ing. He faid his bowels were in a terrible fix, that they had been run ning off so long that it was almost bloody flux. I asked him if he had tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and. Diarrhoer Remedy and he said. 'No.' I went home and brought 'Jaxm my bottle and gave him one dose; told him to take another doe in fif teen or twenty minutes if he did not tin'i relief, "but he took no more and was cared." For sale bv W. R Hambrick. The Philadelphia Press, 4. ' . staunch advocate of protection and trusts, makes the point that if Cu ba is allowed to raise her tariff' tax in order to secure a $35,000,000 loan, "the burden will fall heavily upon her porr people." What? The ijress nas oeen telling us tor years that the foreigners paid the tax. If that is true in the , United States why isn't it true in Cuba. The laws of health require that the bowels move once each day and one f the penalties lor violating this oawis piles. Keep your bowels reg- ular by taking a dose of Chamber lains stomach and Liver Tablets : when necessary and you will never ; have that severe punishment mflict- ed npon you. Price, 25 cents, sale by W. R. Hambrick. For Vomen seldom succeed in denis try because she insists on working her own jaws. McDuffie's Little Blue Liver Pill makes blue people briir h , cleanses tie system of. all the deif ter i OU8 an u u n health v rn Jitter an d makes a new 'person of you. 25 cts. For sale by J. D. Mor ri3. Love is a malady of the mind that- swells the hart and knock s the stuffing out ' of the pocket book v , . What most people want ! Is 8ome thing mild and. gentle, when in need of a physic. Chaujberlains Stmr ach and Liver Tablets fill the bill to a dot. They are easy to tak and pleasant i n effect. For sale by W , Ri Hambrick. Many a joke that is enjoyed ? to day h?.s been considered funny for tnousands' of years ; , J - stop It.- - ' . A neglected cough or cold .may lead to ; serious bronchial or 1 lung troubles r',D6n't take chances .when Foley 8 Honer and Tah affords per fect secutity from serious effects nf a cold.Tf : ... . . Every flower - has 4 a . ' scientific name with the exception ' of ,-, the wall flower; , ' ' ; : ;; i'- . ; s ' . A Necessary Precaution, " Don't reglpct a cold.- 'It is worse thsn unpleasant, It is ; dangerous. By using One . Minute Cough Cure yen can cure it at once. Allay si in flamation, clears , the head soothes and strensthes the macoris mem brane. Cures coughs, croup, throat v B 'JSlr flaf7 jWd lung troubles. , Ab?;0jalel!:.fl5! j Acts immediatelyt Children li Ke it. Senator Simmons; in "his Beau-' fort interview -with an Observer correspondent,' said:, ' The people know they are pros-j perous, just as a few years . ago they knearthey did' not prosper; but they know that ; prosperity I of today is world-wide, just as ; they know that the depression of a few years ago ,' was world-wide, and they would have; much, moire, than they have but for the ruinous tri bute which! Republican .legislation has levied upon them in the inter -est of. its' pampered beneficiaries, j' True, every word of it. The mis take that many of them made a few years ago was in' supposing that by changing the standaid of value and ' debasing the currency hey could remedy in America a world wide condition, Senator Sim mons is entirely correct in saying as to the present prosperity, that t would be much more abundant if the laws were right; hut an ini quitous tariff system, and the trusts which are fostered by it, are eatins: up their substance, r Charlotte Ob server. . - Children- Poisoned . ; Many children are poisoned fnd made nervous and eak, if not kiltud outright,, by .mothers eiving-- ttiem cough syrups containing -opiate Foley.s Honey and Tar ift a safe a!ni certain remedv for coughs, . enmu and lung troubles, and is the onlv prominent cough medicine that. on tainaf no opiates or otlier poisons Sold by W. R. Hambrick. The negrces lynched' fo the murder of Chief of Police Wilmoth ins. West Virginia are now pi oven to be innocent. The negro who fired the fatal shot was Jim Black and he has not yet been captured. uch incidents as this are among the many powerful arguments against lynch law. Raleigh Times. . CASTOR i&. For Infants and Children. fto Kinrl Ynn Uavo Ali-iavc RmiffM Vuw" iw&mi Bears the 4 . Signature of W. J. Hurlbut, agent of the land and industrial department of the Southern Rpilway, is camping out inrthe North Carolina moun tains while drj a surveying, fishing and exploriug'trip. He writes that two yearlings, a part of a herd of cattle turned out on the mountains for gazing, were killed . by bears near his camp a few days ago.- ' - - .... 'Through the rrofiths of dune and July our baby , was teething and took a ruimiiig off of the bowels and sick oe of the stomach,'" says G.J?. M. Hollidav of Dp m niz, Fnd. 'Hi bowelw would move from ,five to eight ttru?H,it da. N I had a bottle ot Chabdif rlain' Colic, Cho era and Diarrh .t a H. nsciiy i u the house , and gave liiiii lour dropin teaspoons iui oi; watfr hnu . ne jrot netler at once.',' Soi.i tv WR Hambrick. First love breaks heart nd secon d love mends t h cm. Falling in love is pamless;" it is the falling rout ajjatn that hurts I nd light loads. bodfor everything r : ' that runs on wheels. Sold Everywhere.,, . - ZXad lay STANDARD OXC CO 'jnces' sortroads 6)IB : ; Snmllxrops, unsalable yeg etables result from want qfY : f '.' ' ' ' ' t- ." " ' rt jjf- Fotaslh. Vegetables are' especially fond of" Potash. " . Write for ' i our free pamphlets. f j ' , .' " . , , ," GERMAN KALI WORKS,' T" . . -93 Nassau St., New York, r''? ; 'MONTHLY., MAGAZINES FAM 1 LYCi BR ARYj;y j ThDftet Punt i 5 iiio ucoi in ; milium iikU'tfyuftu 12 Complete Nouec VE&&lmJ MANY SHORT stS31E3 AK PAPERS ON TlMB.UViQPfSm' $2.50 ?2.ri year; 25 cts. & 2pvK NO CONT!NUEDSTpRir.3L :,T CC. .;. ;2 Ifj ITSELF ! o" .f iw rhor y ru 'idt't d J leC' j . f th b v u. c ri ,i. - i. r i ; f .lMK;'ig02in therein Booth hiwI ii-rvrw .t-r fVrVfwWus anil T. L. Uoftv p' i ' - r , fT, !".! a certified pvf f f itti" nd order therein jj nM-r'?ord in r hv- offic.f tin cleric of t SHiTiop Vrrt f vjrdon her hv m.d .. I wi.l .-ir. MONDAY THE ? h (ir of --Sibr, 19U2, offer for sl l,v puh'io :i not ion at tn ()(inr' h'-i-i -'o-r in Roxbor, , the i f hM.Rt J. W Booth i' rn, f.iii. wintf dt-scrited trw.. of I .nd i': idiafed on the Wrir A !' rr-fk. adj nninsr the ln! of Witiij 'rn Bawling Bnmpas rn "nth?'! nd hounded ae follow B irin'fif :nt aTrock pile Bow li oo hi orrrerl v ( 'ro wd frVcomHi-; t nee by his line S. 21 W. 63:28 vhin to iM)iterp inVBowl ingf? linr, v Burnpas-V nornpr: thenc, hy Bow'jntr'R hoe :S 85j: 5p.45 chtJ. o poftt (-'oz-irfs corner; t.h-iKM v'v Cczr'.- Une NT 2i E. 64.16 cha rn lo.k. fnl'' in Bowl- !i)gV j-Mt ; i .n h 0i h; tine N 861 W. 50 50 fhfiirid to rhe beeinningr, cr m ai n i .; g 2 li t s- b e t h e : sa m e mor' or h'(8. and he interest which thf said J. W. Hootli had in said ImikJ -the imfl of - his death ras a 5439-17640 -V- rhe sm and it is H.i ifife, .which id offered for TE iMS Onp.ihird ycashOne tH d in ;six H)fn -hs nnd balance in fuelvf m!th. inferred inynients to bi-nr intr.Mf roni dufcp of sale 1 and title r t-vji o ! purchase money is paid in fn !., . -' . r , Tim nf 8nl...l2. M.'-This .July 31,-1902. : . v - t " T, L( BOOTH, r.omniissionfr, Sa le of ( a I ua b Ve Land ,Un ier authority of Judgment ( 6 f the Superior Court of Person county at April Term 1902, in the action John J " Cnniojrh m Rxr. vs W. M 5 Cufi intrhntn and."ohers, we,will offpr for sant.Ouiijnarhm's Store in Perpon county. ;N r. th following tracts of Imu1 bMonrine: to the, estate of John W.iiryngbaui. deceased, in sucb subdiv'sionsc. as ?will be shoWn .bv plats dav: of prtle;'.,.: II- OnA tract ,of , 76 d 10 acres -on waters Of Hann Crpjk 'about one mile Soutb of Cunineham -Station on - At lantic & Danville Railroad.' -' 2,; Onetract of about 143 acrps1 on the, headwaters of Winn's Creek abo u t o ri e ' in i 1 Vst o f nu n i n b a m Station on A tlarotic & Danville Rail road, JNortb of the mid from Cuning, ham .to- femora -and Milron, and bounded -on the North by Virginia and N orth Oaroliua line : TERMS OF SALE one. fourth cash and notes for balance at one. two arid three years with interest x from: day of sale with personal security.. Title rAeti?e5 unt.ll-fn11 Payment is made;. As thetnleisclear; the sand adapt ed to , fine tobacco . anB grain well timbered and in a .ffoo neighbor hood afpendid opportunity for in vestment is presented Sale at la o'clock a" 'm Sft'tnrnv Sept 6th 1902 ThisSy fc902- ' J(N GRAHAM. v ; Wm. D. MERKITT, This fctthlfi oflr. T.i -t - dunes iQftrt ; ( t DURHAM DIVISION ' ' V ;Leave Roxboro- ' For. Durham .7 :48 p. m., daily eTnt For Lynchburg 8 :16 a. m.. dailv ceptSunlay; and 6:07 n -Houston, daily except Sunday. . West Bound Leave Lmohk 3 00 .-mThe-WkAkiton .S r:Radford?:;Bluefield, PocahS' : :alV-;for Rocky Mount and I all stations; on' the Winston Salem J) vision and all points south and ! west. Solid, Vestibule train to , ; Chattanooga - ?nd,. Memphis, pai . man cars 'to Memphis and New Orleans. 4 ' - 2':30 p. m. The, Chicago Express " fjr Roanoke, Bluefield, Kenova' ; Pocahontas,. Coiumbus, Chicar0' Pullman- Buffet Sleeper. Roanoke to olumbns; also for Radford . Bristol, Knoxville,v Chattanooaa' ' ' and intermedite points. Pullman . Sleeper Roanoke to Ki oxville. - Parlor cars Norfolk and Roanoke! 7:00 a. m Daily fo Roanoke, Bristol, BlutCeld, Morton and : .Welch; 6 :00 p, m. Daily ft r Roanoke. East Bound-Leave Ly nehburs , 3 :45 p. m. Daily for Farmville! ; Richmond. Petersburg and Norfolk Pullman- .BurTet -Parlor Car to ' Norfolk; r. 2 :05 a. m; Arrives ai Petersburg at, 6.25 a ;m; at Richmond 7.35 at Norfolk 9:10 a ra; ' Puilmaa . -Palaces - between" Lynchurg and Richmond and Norfolk. This car will be ready at Lynchburg at 9 . p m for the reception cf passen ; firers , 8:55' a. m Daily for Farmville Petersburg, Richnu nd and Nor folk. . ; E L HANES, City Ticket Agent, Lynchburg, Va. W B BEVILL, G P & T A, : Roanoke, Vh. . General, Ofiice, RoanuRv.. The Tourist Opens with the Month of J une, AND THE 1 1 j-. - ' iraaiiwav ANNOUNCES THE SALE OF , LOW RATE Summmer Excursion Tickets From 11 South era Points To the delightful Resorts located on and reached , via jt.s lines. These Tickets, bear final Umit October 31, 1902- v That section of North Carolina ,t - 'Vknowm,a8 ;THE LlND - OFv THE SKY" 4'v; , ' ' AND- THE , SAPPHIRE COUNTRY' ' a: Is particularly attractive to those in search of mountain resortstj where the air is ever cool and invigorating, and "where accommodations can be had either at s the comfortable and well kept boarding houses or the more ex pensive and upto date hotels! ADDITIONAL SLEEPING CARS : 'Placed in Service' from various , Points to iPrincipal Resorts, i i " -tbus affordipj i cr GREATLY- IMPROVED FACILITIES w For' Reaching those Points. Season SoutHiern Particular attention is' directed : elegant Dining-Car, service on V . : ' principal through trains. Southern Railway hasjut issued ife handsome.Resort Folder, d escrip tive ef. the many delightful; res along the lineof of irs road. This folder also gives the names of pro prietors of hotels and boarding houses and number; o f gu ests they , can &e commbdate. Copy can be had upon application to any Southern Railway Ticket Agent . - .1 W. A. TURK, 8 H. HARDWIOK. Pass.TrafflcIgr. . GenUPas. Agt. ' "Washington -D. C :. & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. , J. A.J'ainWM ir

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