.' :;-'-:v: v? . ' ;? if! :- y- . : y J'V'C - -; ' J , - '. :yy 'S vf-jj. ' : 'v'fe' "'Uv AX O y " '-'' ' NOELL BROS;, Proprietors. HOr.lE FIRST: ABROAD NEXT. 0 1 .00 Por Year Sir Advance Vol. XVIIII. ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA,; Wednesday Evening 10 ' 1902. No.- 501 TTaci 111. t t J. - ' m , - 'm 0v wnea on jene uoast. y I y , TO EXEMPT $300, Norfolk, Dec 5 Reports receiv- i ' J - vy . Vy PASSED AW ax at 12:10 THIS eel in Norfolk tonight ". are: to-the Commission MORNING, . ; . . - effect that not a soul of the;ill-W- ea Wesley ,Mt Oler's crew; -escaped He Had Gon to' Washington to the disaster which wrecked that Look After a Case ; in the Su- schooner hear Hatteras, this inorn prem Court, and. Had .Witnessed ing. Only one, chance of ;a 'rescue' tne upenmg 01 omrress uS ' . c .:L Washington, ; Dec, 7Thomas light by the German steamer TTnln Brackett Beed, former Speaker of fom Bremen to Baitimore, report the House of. Representatives; -and ingVthe crew of - an: abandoned for many years prpminent in : pub- schooner aboard while entering the 11c uUC vu-mSu at i;xo vjape today. - This mornings' hnr. o'clock, in. nisv apartment in the ricane blew 60 miles We -The Arlington" Hotel; The immediate three-masted schooner .William cause or aeatn was uraemia. A D: Hilton and th MKniu PHimWc change for the worse was noted in ' ogether with several smaller .craft, Mr. Reeds condition early this were blown ashore in the harbor morning. At Q:30fche was given ' a and lower bay. The tue Under- subcutaneous saline 1 transfusion in writter. -which was towirip- thr OW order to stimulate' his kidnevs, has not been hearH frnm . which were failing to"per.form their are entertained that she foundered proper function. At 5 fa'clock - this in the ,ale. The -crew "of the afternoon -a saline solution asrain schooner Ida "Lawrence -ahflnHnnerl was administered, . about three that vessel in a rudderlesst:ondition quarts' of fluid being- used. The of Hatteras, early this, morning heart became, weaker .and weaker, and were rescued with greatest dif- but the patient retained conscious- ficulty by life-savers. In "a collu tiess until - 11 o'ciock: to-nisrnt, sion between a derelict freiorht , . . 1 'j . :.. O f Recommends 'State Tax On Land.- no In its annual report to be issued within a few.daysi;vthe;;.State - Tax Commission recommended that the exemptions from, taxation f on' per-. sonal property . be increased from $25'to$3oo.; ' v ; V.. , ,Thatlpoll tax be. leved for-' State arid county purposes only; and ? not to exceed $2.00 on; the head and that: no poll taxbe levied f or muniv cipal . purposes :t . That' the. tax fateT be limited "to 66 percent on the $100 value for State and county' purposes vcoin bined. " t . r ." That' the municipal, tax rate -be limited so that the State, : county, arid -municipal, rates combined shall not exceed $1.00 on the $100 value That no ad valorem tax be levied, for State' purposes, rid in lieu thereof .that the revenue for , State purposes be had from the .tax on incomes, franchises, .inheritances and such licen se ' . tax as ? should when a complete coma came on. At barge and the schooner - Melville properly go into thei State Treas- the beds"ide when he died were Mrs. I Philipps during the storm, - the ' ury, e. g,, such revenue, as vwould Favors a Summer School Reed and Miss Catherine Reed, Drs. Philipps was badly injured. Gardner,; McDonald. Bishop . and Goodnow, and the nurees. Dr. Good- now, who had been in" consultation with the local physicians Thursday , was again summoned; from .Phila- . The Death of Minister Bucl:. Washingtdn. Dec. 5. A few- de tails of the untimely death of Min- isterBiick are furnished in the fol- Kditobs Couriek r ; v Dear 8ir: I noticed' in i yenr paper of ;peo'.3rd; ;a article by Eev J A. Beain under the capttori rtA yx real meeting,; j. n ieei . au re la a step in the right direetion: ' V -:r schools arid tha establishing or a reacbers Iusiitute iri cue , County : is practicable and possible;; 5 Only get our people aroh8ed'mor;fitborbughly aiong ine line 01 tuucauon auu ine small araouiit asked oriinthec p by the chairman of Boatd'of Edaci tioa.will be easily(raied"ia fact trie patrons; will ge a month's ex tension of the" schobiB, by same teacaerr tor only twi thirds what the County paid periridntbiCr It is a' fact: the PablicrSchools in North Carolina are too short. r0ar youths -need; to; be educiLed. -An education is, inbre in demand now than ever before. There fore agitate, thbrougbfy this plunl meet' at EoxboroT the1 ; 15th ; and see what can be done. ' . ' - 'A 'It seems to me "that, the patrons could well afford to 'raise S3Q aiid the teacher giVe the entire month rather than the Schools" - siioald 0. not be lengthened aud the Teachers 0 Insti tute not established. : . . ' : for tsacher8j Bethel Hill; Institute will be W.pl;i8 to: cheap- . nessyclimaia and accommodations to eacbers that may attend. So each -district mVWp' a rallj tolhe Enp" -port of extended 'firm's and the Sum- V - Be nre'tb atteibefmeeiang . to' ' be beld iri Sbxboro on the 15th day oDec;-i902: .;A, V: : ; FARMERS MEETING" delphia this dfternooh and arrived lowiS Jbkgram received at the w.W!). rt:,VT,t .'Mr! State Department to-day from Mr. O , i i.1 TT:i.J JJ mind was' in Such a state during the 1"' T U uuc vuuKc day that he did -not - realize the set , ,1 - 'i;. T L c i.- : -; il ftTokio,'Dec. 5. Minister Buck s cheerful and conversed with' those death was caused by. paralysis of about his bedside.-When it became occmea on an im- 0oU Ouninsham. Pres. is sending Atmarent that h? would not survive I fvCu. x. pnu ine rouowmg letter M cne iarm- lis illness, the wife and dauehter i"c ers or ni atate : .otifi nnH t'w remained tne 8th' and tuU ottlclal nonor wlU . Cunningham, N. C, Noy. 20 1902 Ua;a- iU te extended Dy the Japanese, gov- Dear Sir- ernmem, as in me ..case oi ..iuimsier accrue from the liquor- traffic' in whatever-torn it mav exist. - . - That the revenue Vfor' sctibol 'WchQl. ' - . - . . . - "I nnpntfft wi rVi . t.hrt . Oh airman"-" Rna rri I county, ana municipal purposes oe r- 77-. . y, TT -7 tri frnm crAn'roi TrArf J2iaacation. , extend 'tne scnoois .a and.that the county and mumcioal 'montll taDlish: a; sammeT; senool tax be supplemented; by taxes.on for teachers ancLtbusmoVi ' forward trades and professions and business ana let tne yiavJprtn.; Diatft , eep ITcenseV' """r " 'T:':-' v'" .1 abreast ;with other BtitesV:inr"edttotf tfoni -Y burs r with much in teres L' ; j. w. patton Grabauji IT O. Dec. 4th; : ' Vv distinguished patient breathed his last. With only a faint hope of sav ing his life, oxygen was adminis tered continuously throughput the day. ; ' ; , It was stated to-night v that Mr. Reed had ' been 1 suffering - from Bright's disease.;! for, some ' time, which reached the acute stage' to day and this furnished an addition 3.1 cause for a'Tarm. MrReed passed away peacefully and without pain. No arrangements have been, made for the funeral, y . Mr. Keed reached v Washington" Sunday, having come to attend t& some maters'in the - United States :Sunreme Court. 'He . was -at the capitol ' ' Mondays yisitmg with friends, and former associates in Congress; and : witnessed: the convening- of the Fif tv-seventh Cons .- . . I a , . . ... - . Endorses the Summer School;' Editors Courier :It is;, quite a pleasure to me to realize the upward 1 I have recently consulted j tendency 111 pupliCy education; fioin Swift.- The widow will, probably with Mr.' O. L. Joynerr Coi SriBryan the iact:itisHthe only source - by leave Yokohoma on the 24th with Grimes and other- tobacco - Prowers which; the maioritv ef children A of the body for burial at Arlington, m the State and we"are verv much the State will eVer be - benefitted, -or I respectfully recommend that the impressed with the "necessity of the rather ;giyn "a chance in life.4obe military attache be granted author tobacco growers in this Stato organ- come educated;: and ' a ' source of ity by telegraph to accompany the jzing at this. time. I believe tbisxi greater pleasure ti know efforts;: are V . remains to Washington and to. re- absolutely necessary now because if beinmadeLat home to iehgtben our L Board of County Commissioners for: - 7, pussiuic tu, iiiajwe CO not I0rm,a OUSinesS association ouuuui ie ius tuu ijf uays auu xiJ lueri -J.VH1 -cumug jlcucxiiucjl vxau xvc, - I r.4- lin A. nii winrni.1 i nnnf I trv f nrm H J af a an c vii rr v rn f. . r1 an Vwi Wit, ','--' ' . ' ' -rM .Knii coo nrin which our teachers can be Reined .hv A?? ' oara weiem sea. nf tnWpn fall until, wifh rhp ifrtrp attending a Summer": School .of . six ' - ter diem pd-W. i; JNoeli crop wnicn ltseems now certain wni i wcwb lu uuuwuvuuuij.; xue piau be planted .lor the. year 1903, we as presented by our active Chairman Spy'.Hfe saved- from. Membranous- ;C.'W,,Lyn-h.ljL, prominent citizen ofWinchesterInd., writes : My son hda a eevere attack: of membranous dtqap, MndCrily got "relief after tske r ing Foleysf Honey an,d;.Tar. He got relief after ofie dose fend'.rfeel that it8avedtnehfe of my bov Refuse substitutes For sale by. W. ft Ham brick & Co. - - risima: r We are just; opening up the largest, and most varied line of Ghristmast goods which will be shown in this town: . They rWeire carefully selected with hnJ eye to jplease the young, people, kndwc cordially in vite every father. and 1 mother to"", call, 'at : once and make their selections. 1 - Yes, 1 weJ; have something f or :the older onAtoo:.i:;T-t- " ; yp: Irare Agoing; tohkve a Ghris tin as tree yoa cannot; d(r' y better thanto see burdine, we wiUsell you just V-w hat --you . " want for mighty little monev - ; ,4 ,w; - x . v': . ; y "And for thoj5e , cakes,, ; well, we $ have anything you jwant, and; - : a large. variety; of eatables for-- everyday - ' ' .. : S erge an t,: 01 ay ton & C o. t . " . : .: - 1 . . . y ;v - -i. . . t . Successor to W.X' Johnson & Co EXPENSE OF COUNTY COMMIS- S10NERS. turn as post. soon as Washington's LetterSells High, Boston, Dec. 5. A letter y of Oct. George Washington , written 27 1785 to his , friend, Patrick hali:be'sellinrnr producfs v.at aessfof 3oardof Education' seems to ; be neny.wvciuoi ui .vugmia. vvcta tnaQ cost ot prodnctioDs.l: there- possitie,;piausioie ana aesnnea to ao sold at a collectors sale by auction Aie writ to ask you to.meet us "Vat good in thateof y public yeduca today for $580, "to a .New 'York Rocky Mount," North Carolina, at tion if the f riehda of education y will good health, hut later m the xiay he called on-Dn F. A.j Gardner and complained of gastric distress. The following day; his physician com nelled him to remain1 in. bedv thile a diagnosis was made of his condi tion. Mr. Reed was strongly averse to staying in1 bed , but a rise in J temperature kept him:m.v Symtoms of aiipendicitis appeared though his condition was not considered; at that time as alarming. A trained, nurse remain ed with :him throuigh-j out Tuesday :;night and - the; patient snowed signs of 'improvemet. 5 Rocky nian acting as igent. y The letter is xo'clock on December' -19, and ad raise $20 in each 'schooj district. ' It given in; full, in Sparks " Life of I vj8e or discuss", thoser means which lis true the amount simply from? this County .will nor be 'sufficienty but the amount will be rail nenclusx- and stimulus to - adjoining counties c of Granville, Caswelt;and Halifax, Ya, to come in, contribute and receive the benefits from the Summer School Washington, and is some" length. r most vitallv.. concern the ; tobacco j Its subject matter related to a grant gr0wers now, Yfshall consider- it nf mnrtpv hv thp Vircrtnia' T.efrisla-I JA Trt Will" ml- lCa iSS 'ur.to Washington in reward for th,t tirilend Married. ' . - . y r ' -' Mies Mary Annie Caih and Mr. J. M. Burton were married at the' home of the. bride's parents, near Helena on Nov. id, Rev.-Sy.Yi' Brown .per his services in the Revolution, and 1 his refusal of the same. The Educational Ttalley Called for : Dec. 15th. ,'--;yy "i had ";a talk 'with - Rev. J. A Beam on Monday about the proposed work cnPubIic Education, - He minutely opened to me nis plan, and the end to be accomplished. I-.want toaythat I heartil . concur m; the plan. it:will be fully explained Jpih the-15th"vkn&'-Xirus4Will;meetrJw,ith: the i nll;apprpbtion of the public. I write this simply, to urge;, upon all in nf education to come out oqi the'dayfiied and aid-in "this noble uodertaking. Lefc teachers, school committeemen, patrons, and friends of education lay a side all "business for one day, and give it 'to the. ad vahcement of our schools.. . r ; , y ; G. T. Watkins. growers as yon can interest - in this matter, whose support and nudge ment yon . think, would be : valuable to us,' to join with us at tha timely zv- J.will be gladif youy will : giye this matter careful consideration, so as to give as t he. benefit of your (de liberate judgemeut -hen we meet; " An immediate reply wiU. be very much appreciated, . jp " 1 Expecting to see you on the i9th ; ..'.'Sincerely,. --y : ?. JoHlfS. OUNINGHAM, Pres. N, Ci Tobacco Growers? Associa tion. 1 , ' . - - i C5 Bears tbo ' -Ih8 Kind Yea Hav3 Ahvays Bocgfi i. 56 OO, 28 00 ' fni' 9Q fl O TTO 560 -miles travel, Per diem pd R. H Bailey: for 27 days, y , y. - . - y $5400 378"miles travel,y. . - j t ; i8 90 I Per. diem pd'JEL G; a Clay- v. . ton for 26 days, ' . !-, : $52 .00 t;Wi Webbuierk;6f' the Board of -County Commissioners of Parson ".(jonnty, do- hereby 'certify chat saijd' Board Vere, in , session 28, days.; and lh? t: no enverified - c. counts were allowed. . This Dec. 1st 1902. - ; - . ;y' ; ; i -y .W;'E. ?EBBy -j .Clerk Board Co Com- Itave made my headquarters this year at Av M. BURNS, be cause he has made ample provision for all my- wants. He has everytmng neeaea for young or oiatne userul as well. as the orna mental and amusing. : Dolls to -'beat 'the. band" and plenty of b ther toys forthe pleasure and amusement oL the children. In faricyware, china or glass, his stock is fine. Then if I want some thin gmbr use ul he" has - nice . trunks, suit cases rugs, carpets, blankets, quilts and table ware and the prettiest line of pictures tx be found, in fact he has everything necessary to make all rriv r : 1. 1 " 3 r . - - . . xuLiiiiy utypy. iiutiicr guuu reason ior stopping, at .Burns is that he giyes me extra . low prices, so much better, than I get elsewhere; "". y "-.-f : " ' ' ..' : y ' - - . " . : Your old friend,- y- (- si : t a. it 1 ormirg ibe;cerfixcnT. ' . -