NOELL BROS., Proprietors. HOr.lE FIRGT: ABROAD" NBHT. 0 1 .00 Por ; Year in Advance- Vol. XVilll. R0XB0R0, NORTH CAROLINA; Wednesday Evening; " December 17 .1902. No. A.',--. "-'. v .. ' - y-. : : : : : . 1 . - " THE FORTRESS IS BOMBARDED CHARYBDIS; AND. VENETA OP EN FIRE,,.: British, and German. WarBhipis Quickly i ; Silence 4 the V- Fostress Which Guards .the ' Entrance v to Puerto Cab ell o Harbor Shots Also Fred at tue Custom House No Damage Done to the Towhr ' Puerto Cabello Dec. . 1 1., The British cruiser Charybdis and V the German cruiser Veheta have-bombarded the fortress here. They quickly silenced it. . ' The Chrybdis and tne Vineta arrived - here ' this morning.. The captain or the Eng lish. merchant steamer Topaz, which was seized by the mob last Wed nesday, visited the English commo dore on board the -Topaz. , The populace were greatly agitated and raised the cry1 "To larms!" but ho incident occured The com- forts, but . the . Venezuelan guns h : DEATH OP MRS; GRAN- firing continued there was ( intense excitement ; in this ;port.V Every house in town was 'closed. The people of Puerto CabelJo cannot ac count for this'precipitate action on the part of the allies,; which; they consider to be proof thai Great Britain i and Germany intend; forc ing' war upon . Venezuela 1 The British marines purpose to make use of the cannon in Castle Libera tor. , r . ' , -; ; CUT IT, SAYS JETEiR Pritchard Flavors Reduced South-, ern Representation hi Conven- . .. tions. : Washington, D. C, Dec, 15,-e-At the;)Vhite House to-day, Senator Pritcharci, of North.. Carolina, de clared him self in favor .ol the-: re - duction of -the representation of the modore then 'sent a demand to the!Soutk-in Republican National con authorities for 'immediate satif ac tion for having pulled down the British ;flag from the Topaz and ad vised the government that if satis faction was not forthcoming in two hours, the fortress and the custom house?would be bombarded. The authorities, on ; the receipt of this demand, sent a message to Presi dentCastro asking for instructions. At 5 o'clock the K Charybdis and Vlneta'bped fire ? on the fortress and the custom house. The fort iiiejiSu w damage was done to the town. The United States consul went on boaid the two cruisers and was informed by their commanders that they had come to this port in search of the Venezuelan war ships. The bombardment lasted tor 045 minutes, The fortress is composed of Fort Solano and the Castle Lib- ertador. After JJthe firing ceased, the Charvbdis sent marines to b cupy the castle. The fortress , was almost completely demolished. It is probable t hat only a few persons were injured by the she: ling. The commander t of Castle L,ibertador has been taken - prisoner ' , The cruisers are still here. At 7 o'clock this morning the Charybdis and the Vineta arrived, seaachiug for- Ven ezuelan gunboats. The two cruis ers sent their boats into .the r inner port,5 but .finding no gunboats the boats returned. The captain ofthe .British- merchant ; steamer Topaz, which Iwas seized by the mob here on Wednesday" then visited.; the British commodore, on board' the Charybdis 'and .'-lodged a , protest against the violation of his ship, The, -British : captain v returned - an hour later with a-detachment of s rnnritifs who took r charee of the .Topaz:" , : . ' : ' ''V-'A'committee'ofsthemWchants of f Puerto Cabello then apptpached the American consul here, ' petitioning him to interyent. ; The consul ac cepted this mission and visited, 1 the cruisers, but he .could obtain no . alteration in the decision . of the allies. ' 4 -X ' . At a quarter before 5 a reply was received from President ; Castro who authorized the chief ' omcer here to yve the British commodore ample' satisfaction; Before : this answer 'could be communicated - to the American consul the v'i hour r stipulated for its receipt had arri v ed and the J cruisers immediately . opened ,fire -onl the I fortress. -The fire was returned from the She Passed .Away Last Night at Her Home irjf WashingrtbnrrOnly . One of Her. Children at Her Bed , , Washington Dc i Mrs.,Ulyses S, Grani, wife of President Grant, died at Her residence invthis city at ii;i7 o'clock to-night,'. Death .-was due to heart -failure, , Mrs. Crant haying suffered for : some. ' years from valvular disease of jthe hearty y- pritchard tTndcrhe Knife- ; . WasHrigton, .D. ,C;V; Dec - ib V SenatorPrltchard, (N. C) today underwent a slight, surgical 1 opera tion. It is stated at the hospital that while the bperation Xwas painful it was notrerious, and that; the Senas or is resting "comfortably .V , :: ventions. To Senato Ouav. of Pennsylvania, and a group, of 'news paper men. Senator Pritchard said 7 . ' f v. - . ...... .... : ' , :. .' that he would support any proper ly directed effort made to reduce the representation of the Southern States in National conventions. "I believe," said he, that :that is the only fair method, and I am in favor of it. The represetation of all States in Republican National convention should be in accordance with the number ' of Republican votes cast in the several . States." ; Resolutions of Respect-- , 1 RisoIati6n8"adopied:by WvF , H 6. of EoiboraI. B.; church. V hereas.rGod in his infinite . wis. which was agavatei1)y -a. severe doWonlhe; mbrmng; bf Dc;i ?th, attack of br6ncnitisHer age pre- 1902;; saw fit V "remove -ffomfour vented ber raiding from the;att Her daughter , ; Nellie Grant ' bar- Jordan: therefore, be i t ; tons, wasthe only.- one ;6f "her .'Resolved 1st, : That in her death chilcren with her. at : the , time-; of our 'Society, and Ohbrch has lost "one death, the three sons who had been pf its best and. most inflnntial , mein summoned here allNbeing out pf the bers'and whileiwV deeply deplore her city. - ; v J ; death, we lift'up our hearts icLgrati- j, nere were also present at ; the , tude. for her long ; and , consecrated bedside when the end! came -Miss life'of.fdur core years, v'J-' - K.osemary cartons a. grana-aaugn.- , Resolved 52nd, That: re strive to tore Tf rXi c- rr ri a. s( -Vt a o4-Fot-tf1. t 1 . i. il .f 4.1 LI A A Ul7 ing physidansy; and: two trained oursdniiehceJ in the cause she loved nurses: DeatH-came peacefully,' the s6weii4:: C .V ", r -:if" sufferer retaining almost complete. Resolved 3rd',; That our profound' consciousness practically to the end sympathy goes out to the children," The remains of Mrs Grant will, be grandchildren -andr brothers, May deposited in the tomb, at Riverside the' Grace of God comfort and" sus- Park, New York; where those of tain them" 1 - . : vV - - her husband now repose. Resolved '4th, That a copy of these Summer, Schbol Por Teaches At resolntions bepred npoa;our minu. A. &M. Collecre. Raleigh NV1 C. 1 B icupy De eeiiu iu me iamny, ajsu Instructions will be given m: ?A 1 to the Roxbbro GqmaER and Raleigh Agriculture and Nature Study. Christian Abvocte foi; publication. , A mong the many ; qu'esr, hitherto . unwritten chapters of history is "The Amazing - History : of the Streeterville.War", the story of the sixtenyear cohflct between the City. ' of Chicago, the federal santho itie3; and : Captain George Wellington ; StreetervvThis i storjr :ppear3in the ; Woman's ; Home (Jompanion ; for ' December;' ;; . ; - ' Kodol Dy8pepsia Oure ;' . Digests all classes of food,, tone rid strengthening the stomach and digestive organs. Cares Dyspesiav Indigestion stomach, Troables, and makes - rich red blood, health -and strength; : Kodol .rebuilds wornout tissues r,pnrifies7 J rstrengthens - ahd s weete ns the Astomacfc. Gov. G. -Atkinson; ot.uW.r.. Va:. 'says': . I have used a number of: bottles of Kodol and have found vittay be a very, effect tiVe and indeed, a powerful; remedy for stomach ailments,' I re commend to. my friends; Sold by .W. R. Jlam b'rick. . :""'. : " - - 1 Senator. Quay, expressed bis gratification that Sinator Pritchard had taken that stand, and remarked senteniously ;: 3 ' 'I am with you. ' 9i. Mes. S,:B: WisrsiEii'D,; A V-;Vresident, Mrs. X A. Lokg; r : I ! . 14 W. R. Hambrick, ; - ; Committee. Duplin J on rnal : ;Pifty car "loads of holly for ; Christmas decorations 2. Mrnual Training. - ol Common School - Branches and Peckgcgy. : ypTy 4 - 4, ;Mbdel Practice School - (Meth ods and Management); '5.; College . and High School Senator Pritchard explained that Branches . (Languages, Litera tare, he did not favor cutting down the and Mathematics) . representation of the Southern . 0. . Child Study, KioUergarten h ' been dhinned north - rom T)nD . . '-,'' ' . ft . I J TVT ti. 1 - ; I. .....-,...-....- ....... .y :. ............ ! .3 '...,' otates in congress, as ne aiq not uu mu otuuy rereuuc lu hn and adjoining sections of Wayne uudk mat ouaiu ue.uwie,consura- wuuu utUuj. , and Sampson counties and no doub tionally. . ' -J 7. Music ( Vosal ao Instrumental, 8hinment wm reach 75 car loads Education For ParmrTTnd Farm including especially gight Sihini'and dnrfli the week along th & W: Boy on-ms;. . . R.Iir from Mount, OUve. to Wallace A great opportunity, is otterd yonrg j "uu umauuC iutuauuBUa ; inclusive. The like ot such, has not farmers and farm boys to get a tram- y?1 J"LUi' uu "SM-e.1 een seen in these parts befor ' 'and ing in scientific- agriculture at the the Col lege building, for entire sea. under the miseUmay-cease to be A. & M. College this winter. The lon .ullLy -ew umiuS uau one of the Christmas ' tub times. - v - I i ' J . l' ' - pnn I - - . Winter Course in Agriculture and "iaciua; lor ow,, now ,M r jordan. of Pender coun Dairyine ' begins January 2. 1903 kitchen with steam cooking, - aasem.. t ghiDned. a full ''critV of - Excelsior and lasts ten week This is at " a bly hall 'seating 1000, seperate dor strawberries "last 'week-which " were time when hundreds of farmers . cyn: ories for ladies, - with baths and j- a'ndyell maturfd; and colored be spared from their "work, permit-:lsaDitory conveniences. Ihose who nd sola , for .75- cents 'er1 quart ting them to obtain this important oreter may Duara ana ioage eise Says che Pender Chronicle.'Tis a'-pity training that will earn dollars and v here- Electric; crs om College ita-so cold, as no doubt the northern cents to them.. Practical Instruction doors, to all;partsor the. city, every market would 'prefeffine" strawber- in'all uhas-s of farm life" is given: 15 minutes. Th:;College is on eleva- ie to' hih ricod and ;t would one young man of last year class tea ground overiooKitig. cuy, : wicn early tickle ; a strawberry declared tha6 he made two ?huudred cool breezes : all summer. Fallen grower to death to ship two crops J of dollars after he got home by having and the;' -wild : woods"- imme- berries a year: and especially one Itarned some of the principles- of aiateiy aajacent. . - ; . cr0p; without ice which! might .get a feeding irou wu'uu.ii uj. little cooler -in -the further north This training is a naving. invest- andof; faculty :w ill soon be issued.. mentti the firm boy. We hope - all AQUies rresiuem wwBwuw.owie- will attend- who caii. . The College tary 1 f chares'tiGiihihg for its work: the C s m ,1 We. are Must opening r up : the . - largest and most Taried line of : r -Uhnstmast gooas wnicn"wiii ; , ; :be showq in this . town They ; ;Awere carefully selected with an - -5:eye to please the young people and Wc - cordially - invite eyery k father andmcAherf:toicall at.; - ;once and make their selecti ons . Yes, : we -.have something for , .tne older ones, tboA lf:?yovL 7 .are! goings to have k : ' Ctiristoias treeryoii caiinotdo : ' better than to see our. line,.1 we will .sell you just, what .you . want for mighty little, money r And loi those cakes welly we have any 'thingpybu lwant,v; and -a large .variety of eatables , for everyday.'.' ;. - : :Sergearit Clayton & Co; ,. Successor to W; J. lohnson &. Co Notice of Publication KQRTH CAROLINA,. . . ; , . ' J PERSON COUNTY. SUPERIOR , COURT V : ; :: -BEFORE THE CLERK - Edward Thoiras Administrator- of Henry Webb, ' 4 vs Mary Webb 'and others. . ,i , , fc: . , 1 Of Interest To The Housekeeper, t only expeuse is me Btuaenrs poru,i - V - . ' - -r r a m r n n f ia t n n n 1 v t i r t. v 1 n 1 1 ar S " J J - I-n,- ' 2 iU-i ilJ. 1 ' PI., t.n tr.nd t.hfi fionffie. -'if von PBSes .oi-..mieu ?f) cfrcnkr wtj a .decided novelty in the write to Piofessor Chas.. Wm. Bar. Ioim olmutse kettr West Baleigh, N'.. 0 ; for -full tor BreaMast oners, son praciica. information. , . . S1 - I - . - - " . . vv' and, a paper, on tne character or tne Winter tnnnhpnn rahlo ir , of, , value Senator oimmousnas;: puonsnea . - - . - .-. r. . to those who have charge of the an interview, iu wtuuu uc, wiuis a - ., - , it-.' BU " . . famil? board.' There' are thia reauiwMuu ,vuC -. iBSue of the-magazine a number of rciepes and. paper r6f ; advice, to this i iStatei He . advocates substan tially' the same law as the Kews fand 0 bser yer advocates, "And the - Legis lature will act at its, coming session and will take long steps towards ridding he. State of . its greatest curse. North Carolina Baptist. the oung housekeeper by, ; Margaret Hall Bears fiaa - ? .in You Hava Always Bct of. ' J ust think of it-picking strawber- ne& Cnnstmas times.: Foley's Kidney ; Card makes kidneys and bladder right. To f.Bettie , Webb, Naiiie -Webb, Florence Thomas and Husband James Taomas-rBrud -Webo and William ' Webo. iYonand-each of .you 'will taKe.'v notice; tnat-; tne "above is brought by the above .named plain- tiff for a sale of the lands of the late Henry Webb, deceased, to make assets for. the payment of the debts of thev?aid Henry .Webb 'deceased, . Yoti are therefore commanded to ' appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court, for Person s County C, on or before the first : Monday in February 1903 it being the 2nd day of February 1903, to answer or demur to thi- complaint which is on file in, said office. December 15, 1902. ; ' '- W. Bradsher. ; 'p , Clerk Superior Court. - Blame U If you wait until all the choicest vXmasoods have been sold Vs :and then .'can' t get something:yqujlike. Our advice is to come ' .at once, while weHiave plenty, something to suit most rany y taste You will not get them any cheaper by waiting. 7 ' r ; We haye pictures all sizes and grades 10c to $4, wall pockets ; or paper racks 75c to $1;. 50; t All kinds of books 10c to $1.25 , ; beautil mufflers white, bfackand colors 65 and J5c, The best line of musical instruments wehave ever had!- k Toys and dolls A- galore, besides all the; more useful goods such as table covers, rugs blankets,-quilts; ;tf nkc;'suitcases and. all kinks of ; nice 'OS, i 4

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