r . ." " . ---3CV-rf .' rj; .. - Ait;,-:--.. "; :' . ' -if---,. ' . ira-X-" jk"-'- " fi ifn !'-. ','', K-'aL'-: ky--' '?' yi- .'s aj':. U"--,l- P7 rc.4J,YfHr : -vfr-.i : f : -'V' i 7. ,i Y ....-?-..., ' - ---, I I i - W Llllrf0' ....-. t" ... .. t . 1, .. . - . - - " - - f ' X. N O Ei. L; B ROS.f P ro p r I et o rs . H Q.1 E FIR ST : ABRbAD N E X t . 0 1 .OO Pcr -Year in Advance Toj,;XX.ul ':. - ' ; RQXBORO, -'NORTir .'CTAROLINA," -Wedmesdat -:BvBNwa,: Janiiary::i4r;i903.'- c. - " ':No. 2-. , .,','1 J 3 s - . FIERCE BUZZAflD IN TrfE; WtST TjAKBMICHIG-AH boats tied. the -bill "to regulate lt QUOB..TRAFIC. Street Cars Stalled : in . Benton Harbor.1 and ! Sunday .Trains AbandOned-Blizzard at ..Three Rivers and Niies--Wor8t Storm of the Season at Grand , Rapids. , Detroit: Mich; Jan, if Lower Michigan has beep in the grasp of a snow ' storm tcj-day. 'that in the western part of the State assumed the propotionso f a -blizzard Lake ' Michigan is, , to-night lashed "by a 40-mile wind ' into a condition, that made it impossible for, boats : to leave their-berths: At Benton-" har bor, the street car service is stalled to-nisht'aind Sunday trams on ;the Ml BHV &'Cj;Railroaa.had.to''be abondoned.. Tiiref Rivers and-Niles report- a blizzard, the temperature. ver low and tr lins del ay ed by- the ' snow. AtGraniiiapid.-lhestcirm is the worst of jth'e season . and the temperatuf e'has. f ajlen 2a ,deg?ees at noon.-At 9 Jo' clock. it was 10 degrees- above zerb with tlie 'wind blowing 'a' gale-,-. In Detroitfive inches of snow ielL Trains from the West were rom orieVt.o two A bill to be, entitled1 An - - Act to JRegulate the; Manufactiire ; and Sale of liquorsin -North CafcU Iina was introduced by t. Mr. ; Watt, of Ireclell, as followsv . That it shall be unlawful for any jierspn t)r persons, firm orp corpora tion to.manuf acture f sell or other wise dispose of for gain, any spirjt- ous, vinous or mault liqubrs or in- toxicating:bitters within J the fetate of North Carolina except, in incor porated cities' and towns ; ; wherein the sale or manufacture, of v libuor is nctlor may not hereafter, be pro4 hibited by law; Provided, this act shall not.be construed-' to fcrbid the- kale of :suchsDirituous: Cvinoias' or rdal t'H4uors.by;drttggists Tor sickf- shalLbe stajiectllSOh"? inspection of ' thg: solicitor of ; the. ; T6utGy3efora the Grand jury. ivFrankfort -ICy,, Jan. to.T7rHenr3 district and of the mayor and- po- jE;:Y6utsey; seryinVa-life sentence ;ice officersf: the city "or town-mjm;thepenintiary::oh;sr:iconvictiou located and any:such druggist fail; was before the grand 'jury: 'in : the' refusing, to permit'' examination '"of recently: made statement? that he shalf be guilty' of ajmisdemeanor if called,- atid would - ;teU what he Setion. 6,. That Vail laws- ;and .viiuvt.uii.;. . vx clauses of law ju cpnlictfVithtWs 1 ?ttfetviz; ;ques- act are hereby repealed;-:' -'Kr'S-S ' tl008:; hff'.-f f-Au i v ' 'dV:VJ - u.VL:. ol' rVil 1 " "Ftjwer. Gallons -VWears Longer,?, ft Tixr ! -TQt means that you "d"ou?t have to' .paint " ,i -"I ''. v:.:""av. your, house so of tentan4vj.QUr don t . . , - ' .haye'to-'use - so nitich : pain LCJosts Plant;Be4 Fertilizer 'in lCO pound H j : 7 . aBL FoVshee & Sotf t ; Adminictratorb Uotico .Having this day qualified as Admin istrator of Mrs. AnQE. Jordan dee'd, of Person , county, i I hereby notify all persons owing: said estate to come forward and .make immediate settler ment, and all persons: holding claims against said estate to present them to . the undersigned oh orbefore the 23rd 7 day "of Bee. 1903, or this ;notice will be plead in, bar of their recovery. xnisora uay oi xu. xou. - - Si." ' 1' rL ,fi lQistrator. in force 1903 w kk Act hours late PINCH ttesajpQ'n the , written-prescription of-a vYegukf 'practicing " physician havjii:,such..sick,pers under his charged provided- further,- that this actshall not ue-so.'cohsttirdi as to apph. to wine or- cider ;'manutactfir d -from grapes, berrie or fruits raised on .the; lands or . pe - person so manufacturing; pr 'purohased by the manufacturer' -j from - the grower 'thereof,'" ' . Section 2 That it shall be unlaw- NOH OF THbIoOAL PA'MINP any person, persons,' firm - . -LL: y . ofcopbrationtOvrinanufactute:-: or Teams' Hauling '.Anthracite; Thirty oeii 0r otherwise dipose of fr gain and PortyMifes'to Supply ore- anv-sniritous. vinous or.Y.malt 7 li- sent Weaas-JJi wupmeniBH intoxicating bitters except Hand of a Corpse" on Throttle ' ! less for ih'e'ibb. and.-76udOTi, t rhave' -Knoxville,.Jan.r 1 1. --Passengers to do thejl0 BO,;ottten;,, JU. on an incoming knpxville & ;Ohia 7 ; fXhfe;w;pa;.is,h.ot;j neat all. r Raiifoad : train fodeverar 'miles VT 77777 o?.to71" 7 : .7X5? L.ZV to day:. with the hand of arcprpse a; ii 149 years' bldi ; t;' throttl e of - the engine -Tfi'e ; train 7 Deyoe Leau 'and. Zincf e ver" gal left Buckeye'Tenn. ,; on tiy aifd Ions thanmiked' puintk,' wears twice ikrough ' to Oarrwiilehen fs aaiej4'and oil: , ; station-.. -.-When the?-; tramrali'-yr-r 2!- S- : 7;. utua&u """ . wi r;,rrr summer school Dates unangea.; Mattlock discovered srhiethings j r X; Z&M; ColVege s:,Stfmmef 7 wrong, oiid' stepped vt6the;Vengi: gollo'r Teac'beU wlU" oJuly Vr7 neer's side. Heund :giyeer A. l5r te- 07 15tH4nd : Viil - 7 G. -Young' dead, .and; immediajely xlieete, :lnSi6iim be stopped' the-tram." : 7-1? ien in: 1.' aWouI :' eHave:i hat vou ant nir iroceries. ' 1 ' II, Reading, -ra.; jan; n. incorporated cuy br townwithout Philadelphia vEeading claims that .fl .-a ; - Wndedf law. for the week more anthracite . coai k fVArr ntTl Ufrom the as herein before rrovided - in any ! board of commissioners of thecoun- was taken down the main line than for any previous : .wee in years. tyjn wh-ich' said ity ''or town- is The total is iok2ob of all classes of e- Ivi'otr.'ono tons. The coal famine-throfighout' this sec iituatcd"an3 ft'om the board, of .al dermen or city council men. v or the p 7 :? thiB ls.wnat we stuay. 7 Qur aini as to at all -V1 timcs keep , such a -line 01 ; grouuritJB, iiuu Confectioneries 7 that will auit our trade ";; ;-7 lien vbu want THE ANTITRUST ; ; lict00f Branches 'and ttdegW; No Report to tha Full House Judlci- U; MddelPractiee Schbol; 5i;rGollege r " ' - ' " f. . ' i it-' - o il'.i t.. t . r - , arv Committee Befpre lirida auu tiign.ocuuoi -Druuyuc ujaiJu,i 1 ' . , . ? r.S i-8indKuftrartbn&I4dNa- committeeot tne - nouse j uuicxaj v . --e ... . . -. . - ( . 4 it tms . sec- h - authorities bv whatever Hon has reached, sue an acute stage v, - ' ul nwn that many-industnes-m; the small-' w..' I'-hatanv: person vio er towns will have to close soon land ' pr6visions' : of this :act in the country! districts the distress weference.to the saleordis" so widespread; that -teamshavs for gain7bf--spiritoust vin: started' for the. '.Schuykul county - . ;-.v-Tt1or .inrnxicatin :..; -i J. .!- . Hi jj.lti.iJ ".I'M - . . i coal fields, 36 and 40 miles, uistant, ;oUtsir be' guUty bflV niisde; to supply pressing necessities, A-hr sfiaj! Inatiswer to tde- cnucisn; -m i,-. iiiprispi! :nir;eiceeding- six tf so- miirfr-coaitifcymined .and -ship- - v-.t- . h'us er t-c... why it does - notY'reneve. te fo-.n.'A J .-' ofprlJ tVint' . til erf are famine, it s stated;1 that there are many industrial ' establishments that do not usetcoke or bituminous, coal. and"'t,TiJt niaiiv scores of these must be ; supplied-. witlxV anthracite; to keep them in' operation- .; "J i or b6th7:iir the aiscretion ot-the court- . - - , t , Section 4Thatany person vio latng the provisionsiof this, act with reference to"' the manufacture -of spirituous vinous '.or malt -liquors or, Vtoxicating;bitters of all pending anti-trust bills and ,.S the preparation of a bill to Vbe iadf; witha etc, - F, , t1 .i u-ktA o ' address 1 Pessdeot inSto?, ported to the full committee, lieida 7P 7 session tbday but took 'no final-' ac 77. ;. sariwili Stick :" o:". tion The sub-committee hatfj-the ::7t;s i'earVd frbni-anbsolntely draft of a 'bill' i which .it. had h;Pr3ctJ reliable "source that. Oscar J.'Y Spears Caily agrccu upuupuuw pvtv-j' willful u"-1 J tuu y ru i i u ui , icic uwi.v. - 7; The very ibest : Jlbur, . V-Sugar, Meal.pr -Fancy Grocariescome to us , : S andwe ;:wilL serve yoti ".prbmpVdndni;; al- ' til an tccp uywo : tcornejust . and . your . J orcier; -will ' h av b r 7 :c promTit, attention - 7- .v7v-r : ry. ;--.77 7 , Sergeant play ton & .Oo;:-": Y-' Y" Y .'Y1"" V ",,-v " Successor to' Wlj. Tohnsbri & Co the wo Diiis.arawu,ov; ine ;auui 0f Asaistnit uutrrcAttOTaorms - ' UY:YY:7UI.f7i" 7" i,Yf7 -ii --7; 1 -:-7: 7- ub7cominfttee,. action onthe 'ques- -Spator PrifcnArdvhas giien: cart tiori' of .the adoption ot S$ - bill was fuH;coisldef;iti-:i to'theY.cr'arges deferred unril: they can be consider . Qe(i against -the;iiV3Wi!tifc'rbey. ed'and comparisons :mai!e with the :u(i hai come to the bonciaCoo - ra't .roftclusidn reached-by the suiconir tiW-r.Iiarees. avc not- of i enough " lin- 7 ;YJ''Y.7"YYr. , :'77 r, 7 , 7 v, " YOU'LL GET THAT ; V . "shall Ybe a nirtm Tn Georgia, : Y e-uitv of a felony. and snaii upon Savannah; GalJan.Vriadvices conviction impriSohed: not Jess rm Wr orirl Worth' counties; than fourY months ormorA-than in the southern parts of thevState, two. years" or fined 'not 7 less ' than ' ' :Y.7 - ! ' "Ljj74.,'vC-.?oxr iori "tint more, than i.6oaor both -niittee; ; It- was tbe- sti5 -cemmir.t . announced Uer b'orjEanoe to cause t ho removal 'of -Mr"- ad;on Hied Spear I are that a severe wind storm to-day did much, damage in each- At Ome ga, in Worth county; the hotelwas blown dbwrt and anumber;of ,uqus- es unroofed The- cyclone swept a ' paih ioo' yards twide through Vthe the " town, damaging", every house and uprooting every tree jencount;; ered. - At . Hartsease, -the 3tacks;aiid pipes of a big lumber plant were : knocked 'over, like ten jpihs At Tiftona number-' of 'houses were daniaged.M It ;is - feared .theY worst - damages havVnoVyet been - report , ea. , , . . tjL.- . , . v- , , ' , ' t , The proprietors of the v Hyco ; WarohonselHpfGmiso you; just, as much for youritobacco as you can , get otf any market - They "wiU 'givt you'j ust as good accommodation's: ' you wahtaud will look cldselj- .af ; , ter' every '-piTe of tobacco;-put'-on theifioor. You.'3:now :them-siud (,knby.they will dp -t -what they Jthey v;iH;doY .i ' i TOU OKDEK YAnd et itPromptlyV r 7- -There will be ' np flighting of ; -'r the matter from the time yon 7 7; send your order to nsuntiP the 7" .Ygobds are- in 'your, home.; - Se lidy, Your Wants : Every grocery order, isr.welcome,, j 'and every customer is treated as . - Y weil.as we can treat biuV; 'I can 'save yon" money on Shoes, "'-Vive ine a. call; . 1 ' V ;7. xonrs to set VVUU auau . ium-' .r it l - x -. . . except in 'caseof cknss for 4he purpose of aiding 6r abetting any personot 'persiotist' :whO -areYot bona fi'de. under-his charge tofpur rhnf auvV'intb'xicating- liquors chase" - any V'intbxicating- liquors contrary 16 the: provisions r-t;-;tms act and any druggist: who shall . plicate the prescrijptioh of a. .physi cian for intoxicating- liduor'.forany xu is. yiauucvi mav vuv.iv,r, v - for an opportunity toump - m mr. wirl'difTprerice 7' between the.. billl!7rtd ftfflfikW, .'-'" Y 7 drafted by the sub-committee and ; Tt is learned that Senator Priobard owtU.k :A Hnrittv hiQ nrnmised Mr: A "lilies, or General, the former be some, ..ill Appoint wnai uiwucrauu gys l.'.rhliP Chatham man to t ne vacancy. VTfimvTm.TT fr ' thedirection of-publicity. -It also p06r -Whl taker! New &cQbserr fl VJ H H.U .JL : JCijEb : I ;e r.lYVctri thpt instead ofcreat- vpr. " '"'" ' ' 7: . Y; Y ,7 ., Y Y7 r - - '. ma new commistiou v yiuvmcu . mi thettbrneyGeheraTs", draft, the' SUDCCmmitvec Ulii wm uiuiJuac vuav theYcollection.and dissemminationof information concerning corporations "sh all be - done - through .4 the- Inter- state Commerce Commission Onldadiriq XJ) JvJL 4 a V r, n - .-;.' - 7 Tried. To Conceal It. ' T7h the old storv of 'Smnrder will " r '.. r .- '-i : . ' - :; 1 ' 4 - ' " .- , - bu t' ' on! v tnij? pse.tDere no crinie .Everybody makes more or less inistjakbs in any J ' business. We are no exception to the rule. Any -ACVne'whobuys'a:'6tock of merchandise is sure to make many. Sure to; .buy ; too; little of, somef oTor -. down, has ;bt- t ; , 'things 'andtoo much of others This' is what we, , underbid without the writ, did and,the lots that wc have v;f;ri ; nf the "nhvsicjan -wh6,l i &ti.;.t::u-:;ift. .y. . o 1 rnnm ftrid can t anorcl to carry tnem - oyer. They can't stand the slaughtered, prices. Lbok.the town over and you will not find .such : bargain values as we offer. " . ten direction of the. physician V who. gave the same, shall oe, guuty-oj a misdemeanor, ana upon, conviction shall' be; fined ; or- imprisoned Yfqr each and every offense ;or both in tlleY'discretion; ofthe court. And all Y drngg-st- selling intoxicating liquors by preenpuun uam, hf firialiv' breaks ;down;! Don't - Of ceiye vohr.lf rTake -'Eiectric Bitters iit once.1 It has a - reputation 'for curing Stonuclv Liver and Sidney troubled and'will revivify yohr w.hole system'. The worst. formV of those maladies will 'qui eld v y iel d to the curative power of Electric - Bitters, Only 50c, and guaranteed by ). :u. sbkeep-a recora - Uiereof which ! Morris-Drnggist. Trial Dottle free. J; A :

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