7 it. t ; -t . i .1 uMi-.il i -,m . 'if " ' ' ' ft;wr iwwww T 1 v l-i v i ;h if ' J 1 illi The;TTnex5e'cte4 The liniment bottle and flannel strip are . laminar ODjeciS in nean every auuscuuiu. Thev are the weapons that have been used for eeheratibrisf Wfikht dOeumatism, andeTJ aDout as enecuye'in we xiaiue wiua vms giat disease as "the blunderb-Sss bf our forefathers , . would be in niodern warfare. -- "v;viAe i PfiMitrifitiKm is paused bv an acid. SQUr- i. condition of thelbldod. It is filled with acrid, r irritating matter tnat semes iin the joints, muscles and nerves, and 'liniments and oils nor nothing .else applied externally can dislodge these gritty, corroding partiGles. .They ' were deposited there by the blood andean be reached only through the blood. Rubbing wifii i liniments sometimes relieve temporarily the aches and -pains, but tne are only symptoms which are liable to return with every , change of the weather ; the real disease lies deeper, the blopd and system are infected. ; Rheumatism cannot be radically and-permanently cured until the blood has been purified, and.no remedy does this so thoroughly "and promptly as S. S. S. It neutralizes the acids and sends d stream OI XlCn, Strong J UIWU W WC auttlCU oiw, vymvu dissolves and w;ashes out all foreign materials, and the sufferer obtains happy relief from the torturing pains. S. S. Si contains no potash or other mineral, but is a perfect vegetable, blood purifier and most exhilarating tonic. Our physicians win advise, without ipharge, all who. write about their case, and we will sendfree our special book on Rheumatism and its treatment THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, 6a. ' .Killed With His Own Weapon. There is, no doubta popular be lief that the claim of insanity as a defense in murder cases i ia, oflen used to defeai the ends of justice That is evidently,; the view of the writer of little squib from the Philadelphia teph' H ) young attorney had secured for his client an Irishman charged with murder, a. virdict oacquitfcaLon the the ground o temporarry insanity. When hemefc nisiietft ! again, he eaid. 1 - jr- r xA- ( Well &ozin; isn't it about tim yen gave me that extra- two hundred dollars??'... "Faith an' what two hoondred is thot?-, K , . '" 1 "The" ;two ' hundred vdoHors yon promised ifI saved Jh at worthless neck of,yours' -1 "Sure? anaid1 X)i promise thot? Oi don'trralmimbet;' " Why certaiply you promised it to me y- . , j " -tV . Hogan" scratched his heaVT for a minuteand then with a smile ou t lawed the- claim with the remark. ; VOh, welLibut ye know Oi was crazy thin' f:-,.f Dislocated Her Shoulder. Mrs. JohahtiaSodefholm, of .Fer gus Falls. Minn.fell and dislocated her sholderShe had a surgeon get it back in place as soon as possible, but it wai qditre and fpained her very mnQ Jlfer aon - mentioned tjiat ha had iccn haTftberlain's1 -Pafn Balm advertijed for sprains and sorenecWina she Hiked him to bay her a bottle of it, which be did. It quickly reliered h6r and e- jtbled her to U.epjAicjh ld &m for several days. The eon fas so muchplea&dl with th relief gate his mother that heihiStinctrecomH i it Prompt yeeiHaneei ; i - - , An Englishman 1 viuting? In : this country attende a dinner gifeau by ii hestesa whdsiospitaliity d notor iously inadequa Her , dinners have often been referred to as. "sam ples," and invitation to them are not accepted wialacrlf thel s cond?time.H 'ker weaitix is rlaVge, however, and her social persistence is untiring, so there are usually-some guests at the table. The - english man was a big fellow, says the 5 New York Sun, whose family had -been kind to the hestess; when she was in London. I ji ' 7 , , The dinner was of the usual in adequate kindthat ;her friends ex pected. It served 'merely as an 'ap - peiizer to the hungry r Englishman, arid when the coffee was served: in dicating. that the dinner was at an end, his dissatisfaction was amusing to the other guestsV The .hostess did not hbticVit; hbweYeriarid said . tn'him amiablv: VI ; :n -io U r "Nowio teir me' whenvrW Inay haye the pleasnrelof having you dine itkns igainf ;t :-v--' Itrimedl&tdyJ tridam; Hnnfedi iteiy,, was the unexpected reply, Undoubtedly. Miss Gfiddy I suppose you midi- cal students have some gay times Youg medicus Yes, we do cut np quite agood deal. A Scientiflc Discovery, Kodoi does for the Stomach that which it is enable tor do for itself; even when but slightly disordered or over-loaded. Kodol supplies the natural juices of digestion and does thef work-, of the stomach, relaxing the, nervous tensiorir -while the in flamed muscles of that organ are al lowed to rest and beat. Kodbl digests what you eat and enables the stomach and digestive organs to transform all food into rich, red blood;. Sold by TT. R, Hambrick; r ; Two of a Lind. . , The Omaha safe blowers who got 30 cents for an all-night job , proba bly agree with Mr. Bryan that this prosperity is not all it is cracked up to be. ' . . No Backing Q ,1 Tss-rp b e seem h ard h i t w hen yoiJliold .im T was marriedf; . - r f ' jess i.f ot exactly. "It $6ok him by-'BVrptise,though,vandhe was in terested. ' v' ' Tes--Wanted to know -how the wedding came1 "off -and al 1 fthatjv eh? :VesSrrNp; he nierely asped, "How did it happen?" , , ' .How's This - We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any ''case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by-. Hall's Catarrh Cure; .-;l i; ; v: '; .. 5 -, . : V J,Cheet'& Co, Toledo, O, We, the undersigned; have known FJ. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe. him perfectly honorable in r all business .'. transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Trtjax, Wholesale ' Drug-, gists, Toledo. O. r Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale'Druggist, -Toledo, Oi Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken en- ernally directly, upon the blood and mucous serfaces of the system. . Tes timonials sent free. Price 75c, per botUe. Sold by all Druggists. Hairs family pills are the best. The Real Thing, "And what is this!" asked the foreigner who W8S doing New York. "This,r replied the native who was showing: him the sierhts. "is f Wall street," : ' "For what it is rioted?" asked the Visitor. . ' "For its tame as a watering place," answered the gatiye, winking his off L It was absolute voice that spoke s A l One Hundred Dollars a Box.; is the value HI A.vTisdale, Summer ton, S. Crplaces on DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. He says : kI had the piles fqr.20 years.:! tried many docf tors and medicines, .but .all . failed except DeW itt's Witch Jfazjel Salve, It cured me' It is a combination of ihe healing;, properties of Witcb H5zel with anticeptics and e mol lients; relieves and permanently cures blind, bleeding itching and protruding piles, sores, cuts braises eczema, salt rhehiri and all skin dis eases. Sold by W R. Hambrick. 1 ; Proud and Prudent J: : iV'y- "You are to be hung to-morrow," iaid the Billvill sheriff to the negro risoner "Have yon; any- request ; to "Only one, suh" was : the reply; Hi vant: TAn foi tn. na o i not a broad cloth britches ter-be Captieed &t:En IirttnUvsia mightythiok; klze ltway8irri2r mighty easy ter ltetcholdt':- - . I . ' i .UricLohsciodo Erom Croup . f During a sudden ahd terrible at tack of crbun our little girl was uril Conscious -from n Strangulation, says AIj&ptttQtfa stmasteiv3Chester Mich and a - dose of One Minute Cough " Cure waa administered ;and repeated often, Itredqced the swel ling and inflammation, cut the mucus and shortly i the child was resting easy , and 4rspeedily recovered. It cores Coughs; polds, LaGrippe, and all Throat and Lung - troubles. One Minute Cough ' Cure lingers2 in the throat and chest and enables the lungs to contribute pure, healthgivV ing oxygen to the -. blood Sold by W..R. Hambrick. " . ' 1 1 1 Wasted Melody.' T?owne -There seems to be noth. ing he enjoy es so much as the sound ot his own voice. - y BrowneThat's so, and there's annoys him so much as the j thought that he can't hear himself when 'he talks in his sleeps ;f i . f The many friendsbf ,G H. Husan Engineer, L. E. & W. K. R., at I present iHving in rIama, : 0; rwJU bel pieasexr cos unow tor nis recoyery from threatened kidney! disease. He writes. "I was cured by using Foley's Kidney Cure, which: r recommend to all, - especially , trainmen; ;who are usually similarly afilicted," For sale by.7. ,B. Hambric!:. , .u. through the ttelephpnery C6U Bigmun, said stheV owner the voice,- ybu' k&wyoU :; proposed maVriageltd me last -evening,: ; ; ' - ' v Yes;Miss Quickstep- " " - Well, I accept Central,. are -you: listing? ; ; Yes, replied the; girl ' at, the tele phone exchange. ' : ' - : T That's all . - Ring off. . , V- - Children Poisoned..?" " : Many children are poisoned, and mae nervous anoTweak, if not kUN e' outright, by mothers giving cough syrups containing opiates.; Foley's Honey and Tar is as safe and cer tain re medy for . coughs, croups and lung troubles, and is the only promi nent cough medicine that - contains no opiates or other poisions. Sold by W B. Hambrick. V Kotice is hereby g en - that. aDnli cation will-be made 1 o the : . General Assembly f or permi ssion to vote on the question of isst ng bonds' in the town of Rb.xboro, for the purpose of a graded school building, electric lights, &e. ' 'iV... ,.R.J FELa.THEB&TON, Jno. A. NOELii,', " " Mayor. Sne Remembered. "Bev . Mr. Stern's remarks oter poor J ohn were so sympathetic I thought,' ' said the widow's friend; 4Sympathetic!, repliedthe wid ow Gayrake. "He said fohn (had gune to join the great majority" -"Welir . r ' " Well, ia his sermon reveral Sun- doys ago heMeclared t&t the great majority of people go Jjelow, Blood " Poison, Greatest Blood Purifier Free, ' If your blood is impure thin, dis. J Cased, hot or full oi humors, if youv have blood poison, cancer,, curbun cle's, eating sores, scrofula, eczema,1 itching, risings' a.nd lamps, , scabby, pimple skin,, bone, pains, catarrh, rheumatism, or any' bood or skin disease;1 take Botanic1 Blood' ' Balm (B, B. B.) accordfng to directions. Soon all; sores heal, aches an.d . pains stop, the blood is made pure and rich,, leaving the skin free fro nveyery. eruption, and giving the rieh glow of perfect health to the skin. At the same time. BV B. B. improves the digestion, cures dyspepsia, stf ength ens weak kidneyi. J ust tc medicine for old peop.e, as it gives them naw, vigorous blood. t)ruggists, ; $1 per large bottle - with. directions Tor home cure. Sample ' free and prepaid by writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta Ga.. Describe troubles, and , special free medicalvice also sent in sealed Ietter;B. B B. is especially advised (or i chronic, deepseated xasea of impure blood and skin disease, and C s afer all else fails; lit Bed Foup Weeks With La Grippe. ?We have recieved the following letter from Mr. Key Kemp, of Angola, Xnd. -"I was in bed four weeks 5 with la grippe and I tried many remedies and spent considerable for, treatment with physicians, but I received no relief until I tried Foley's Honey ana.rar, Two small Dottles of thl medicine cured me 'and T now use tis exclusively in my family." Take no substitutes. For sale by W. B. Ham- There was a young man calied Ted-f . , ; 7 Whose boast was; I'm rough' and I'm ready; ; " I cast Or urns on the water,; " ; The's a dark Southerh'daughter :, And I'd stand by my black and tan , leddy," ' ' ' Clerks i 5 Administratix SMoce Having qualified as J Administratix of the late'J. B . Walters, deceased, I hereby dotify.aH persons owing said estate to come forward and pay same immediately, arid all personsholding claims against said estate -to present them to the undersigned orfor before the 24th day of Nov. 1903 or " this no tice will be plead in bar of their re covery. This 24th dav of Nov. 1002. , Mably F. Walters A'rZM Administratix. Executors Notice. of- ; Having qualified' as Executor Of ; the estate ; of - the r late R. S. Thomas ; deceased, of jPersbn ; county, I ir.'bereby; ; notify, v : all . . persons owin said estate- .to -come forward and make immediate payment, and alLi persons ; hold ing r claims against said estate to present the . same for payment at Oxford, IT. & dn or be fore the k 14th day o-Jan. 1904, or this notice will be plead in bar of their -recov&Ty0iM0H 'V '-; iThia JanuarvlOth, 4903 c;; - S Z. W. XYOiN: a i : ' ryt v v ' fxeentbr :of ' . v F S. THOMAS, dee d. Ohanfire lifFinn;: "' i hS fiririBr has been 'Changed. 6 BKKli Carver & Grfett. All pereonsiWinghefi of Brooks Carver are Sotified ' to come f6rwafd;admaW?-irimiate settlement 'as' the bobltfirfof 4 t be y old firni.'mustWseUleinp r BROOKS & 0ABVER. This Jan. 5,1903.' -'v - -TheBensatibn;---'.:' ' h Doesrrt it terrible feSiingf whenybir run over a man? ers a large man, ' replied tfieautbmoiist: Ji vme a " . y , stop it. ; A neglected cough or cold may lead to - serious bronchial .J f or lung troubles IontI jtake i chances when Huejnd , afford per feet security 5rom serious . effects of a cold:S61d by m ttHambrici ' Cures Blood, Skin Trembler, Cancer Summer School 'Dates Cnanged. ; v The "A.,- "& M; College Summer School for Teachers will "begin July 1st insteadof Jnne 15th;1 and will last " 4 weets, -Instruction will be giyen in: 1. Agriculture and Nature Study; 2. Manual Traibing, 3. Pub lic School . Brancnes and :Fedegogy. 4. Modek Fractica School; 5 College and .High Spfiool Branched ( Langua-' gw,, jL-toeraye -'jnacnemaCSj .-. 6 Child Studyi Kindergarten and Na ture Study ;iiT reference to 'Chlla training; 7, Music vocal and instru mental, especially -sight singing and chorus. fBoard; and lodginig f or ;4 wjeeksV" $KLv Beparat? 'building ; for ladies, wif bathsretc.J r-, 'The feyentibh of cohs'nmptiohis entirely -a questlbnvof ? .commencing ifcEPPS rtmsnt in , time. Noth ng is so well adopted to wird off fatal lung tronbles as FoletVEtouey' and Tar. Sold by 7. E. Hambrici Cropu. ' j i ' The peculiar cough which, indicates croup is usually well known to the mothers of, croupy. children: ft o time should be lost; in the treatment; of it, and for this purpose io , medicine. as recievea more universal approval than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy po not waste valuable h time in'eiiP perimenting:with: untried remedies, no matter howP , highly they may t be recommended, but give this medicine as directed and all symptoms 'of croup wtu quickly disappear. Sold y W. E. Hambnckw t -o. : 'The next national republican cop. tention will be comprisee of 1 447 endidated bf which nnmber-173 will come from tie south and cheer fully obey, the .mandates of Senator Hanna. v Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood I All the blood4riyoiff body passes through your kidneys once cery three minutes. r.iuiics axe your Wood purifiers; they fil ter . out the waste; or impurities In' the blood. If they are sick or out " of order, they fail to do their work. ' 1 ; ' Paini, aches and rheu matisrn come from ex cess o uric acid inthe! blood, due to netr(rtA kidney trouble. . , . - Kidney .'trouble, causes .quick . or:" tinktilV- I heart beats, and ,makes one feel as though : uicjr. uaxi aw i irouDie, Decause the heart is f ver-working in ; pumping thick, kidney poisoned blood through veins and arteries;' It used to be considered that only urinary troubles were to be traced t6 the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all" constitutional diseases have - their beein ning in kidney trouble. : . .. ' -v,r : If you are sickyou can. make ho mistake' by first doctojing ypur.kidneys., The.iriild and the extraordinary effect of "Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy is soon real zed.; It stands the highest fort Its wonderful cures of thenbst distressing cases u us som on lis merits oy ail druggists in fifty Cent and one-dollar siz es. -You may have a "ww uuiuc dy mail tre ,free. also pamphletemnouhow, to find 6ut4f you hayeJddneKos-bladder trouble. Mentioii'lbis paper'whjbn writing Df. KUmcr f Don't.make any n:hti!:o. but re! ujcuucrmu name, uwamp Hoot. I)r. rairaers 8 tramp Ecct asd tho cddfc3. STATE OF NORTH CABQLINA ' ! Notice is herehjgivejn-; lie that 'app1ici6niTOloelaalie to the GdternbrfrtHf Carolina for the pardon of frasier i Gnningham convicted; at the , November ; term . of ther Snperior , Court of ; Person county for' the crime of buggery rand sen teri(6ed to Hard ' labor 6h ' roads of Person o5unty ' f or a Uef ni of height" years; ;v ' ett;- !.t:t"i, vThis notice; isjpublfee ip, accord ance with, the rules; prescri bed, by his exellericyr tne Gdvernoretating to pardons. This ;OecBrct 1902; KlTCfiINf& CfAEMONs;'- ty toiAgplicant. .'Hi Not ice of Publication PEisdS COUNTY, Henry Webb : '. rs Mary Webb r TdTBeMel Webbllfanie BWebbv Tnomas Bntd Web. j tnd llliaia Webb.-Yori;imd eiwh ijyirm WJ? pticepthat !esbQTeii9e brought by the. abore named plain tiff for ' sal of the landtf of '4hVstiP Henryp7ebbldeeagedt! assets for thepayraentof .tho debts . ofheld-fHSry VTebtf mm1 appear at the pnlcoof the Cler of the ; CM on or before the Hrzi xlXondaV in February 1003 it belnt? th 2nd day o February 1903 to answer or demur to ithr complaint which Is oj?e-'in said office. December 15, 102. :r': ; ' D; WiBradsher ' K. LUK6FORD, Attyr : The ; oharlotts?h Qwrvj!b" r : kvbryJday ii hk year r CALDWi; &V TOMPKINS, . - , jruDiisners, r; J.; CALDWiili. Editor ($8.oo per? year; THE OBSERVER' r " J ; ) Receives th e largest Telegrapfuc ; vNew Service ! delivered to any " paper between j Washington and ' Atlanta," and its Special service - ; -is the jgrearest feverhandhd by v.. l&rth Carolina paperT: . : . . . THE SUNDAY OBSERVER.. : V 4 i Consists of X 6 or more pages and : j js to a large extent made up of original matter H:vrtt: " :.' Til i 1 -T?EELr 0 H3 , ; : ? V;?;PrinteclnTnes'day nnLf ;' ; i :'tt$M;pBT jeari v 3?h -S" ; - . : , paper in North Carolina: 7 Caapls copie3 isat cncpplicatiqn ! : Addrccs..-; , :r;'"r,";;;':: . : : THE OBSERVim. J k ' ': ' " C!::tr,I0:;.V (