s Cm Ha A M i r on i NOELL BROS., Proprietors. nUU Li IIF7.rST ADDA A rmJmk -. r- . M.f-:;yv, Vot. XX. THE MARKET FOR HIGH PRICES. All Grades of Tobacco Bring as Much in Roxboro.as Any where Else The Way to See if This is 86 is touring a Trial Load Here. It is; to every farmer's -interest 10 get the best prices obtainable for his pTOdPcts .andiespecially,for, his tobacco. The ' next: question that may arise is, where is the .best mar- ket on which to sell? To the to-' bacco planters of Person and ad joining counties, ,we would; unhesi tatingly say that Roxboro, although not as large as some other markets is the peer of any in regard to prices. X Why do we. ay so? Because we knew what , we are talking ' about. If you doubt it, there is a way in which to settle the matter , to your mind s satisfaction. That is to try the Roxboro7 market with a load of tobacco, andV.see what they will do ior you. Dome excellent averages have been made very recently -at the dif ferent warehouses, and some who had tobacco on the floors said they got more than .they reall(expected. Is there a better indication that prices are good than to send a far mer home satisfied? The accommations here ate un surpassed, and the best of attention is assured at all times. " It makes no difference. when you come and bring one load, you will -receive the same careful attention as if it were a dozen loads? But if you, have a dozen loads "to sell'; no better place to market it can be found than Rox boro. ' .WvVs.-5.0 ., , i : We have never seen a cleverer set of buyers dnd5 wipusemen any where. All areas eager as can be for every pound" of tobacco Drought here. Plenty 6ft 'money here, too, top?yfQrjt.. A'y; '"" , When you loap: up your wagon, drive straight for Roxboro. ' ' Let no one try to tftrn you off to some Manama to occupy, and establish soveteignty over the islands : in the Caribbean sea in longitude 84 de grees, as the territorial ."limits' of the Jnew republic lie between loner? vuue 79 degrees and 84 , degrees; The government of Bolivar boun. ded by the 78th degree of . longi tude has hitherto exercised 'control over the islands where English . is only spoken. , . w The newspapers propose, that the government shall negotiate for the transfer of the islands to the United States for use : as a coaling sta tion. , : - lmmm- jatmmui , ioivUBecoic'ijBffecWTeiini 'WnfS ' (Myersaalev; Region, Affecting ! Snow knee fell a few 'day8-CJlL!Cl;l3iV GIJ-iiVi:M : 2,500 Men; December lfl - , agQ at &?g&0&$ inthilStale; 'A nanu ?r"i J'tJ 8 : v .Baltimore.jNoV -aa-"i-lt is an goneoi nDiirhm s ihl g 1 ta-" pounced that v. the Somerset Coal ! g 11' t dled .6nnda i- A, vjuuiciijei; oai was .worth-bet treen4$400 00a and -H r Company, the,. W.Ki Niver 'Coal fiOO.OllP.i;; Wi TSWS?--womPanx.h,ch ownnd operate l.o' InStiuctioii: W4V'r: ' ' I olSt dar of JftTinrfrv 1QfA ' s A Beautiful Wedding. V One cf the prettiest mamages in Caswell county for many years was stlemnized on the evening of Novem ber 35th, near Prospect Hill, when Mr. Divid A. Aiebane lea to the a i tar Miss Bessie Mi tchel 1 "the cere mony, being performed by Rev Jos, -fy vans, the Presbvterm Milton. 'x , dalePa .VJin'thrpliVsobir make reduction ten centik ton wM'l? iMCnark, fr0'???,,??: in the wageaidthe-miaers. Tie cut will become effective nv.mW VMr'.iWh teiM2r.i zl'-Lr..- "fJoseDhas Daniels: anrl ' - i6, andiiotices will be posted the mines tomorrow; :Th? three companies employ uo uiltat;I?ycltteviliQ of;:xaardr',in wardbf .2i5co.nen and Jt is J. VuS pected,that.e-othersmallerope-BSSffigSS ' ' W.NC. ; raiorsin tnat refrion vwilF folW All the nartiis W r1.. - K- "'i.h that so t .' -.-1 .' knowledge i . ' , rv .7 Timeuicine ousiness 10 ms place from"l. Vr fl - j ' paniesiibut the latter Hnhrifl ir' 'JVi' one gallons. ' for seenj. measured MRS'l'j'bE 'PERSON,"' . . . i-ue marriage to::l place .at theUrAr,, flof ... ; "IU1CI AUJlurIUS ircm the.ribbon varietv as palatial old country residence of Mr 7 ' comPetition is acute, proves: On-one and a uarter,acres any other,. and il isfar better B. K-Mitcliell, Olerk-of'the Court I a a -fetur?i'will ,be madeT to the h? sed 331 bushels of potatoes thia f "- ' of Caswell, a brothpr of t-ha I old rate.r " .year. ' . tt ax,ia xi - "i. 1 cents a ton. of Caswell, a brother of tho -hrM The beautif ul old home colonial appeal ance, as brilliantly illuminated. The spacious halls and parlor were decorated with ferns and chrysanthemums, and presented ! a sctne of ra-:e beauty and effect: Prmptl'-at" 7 'o'dock,rthVutti6' ribbon girls,. Isla Mitchell, and Mary Wade: gowned1 in wxiite. ' enteiea a'uiu Li e fibraius 01 iuenaeissonn 8 Weddinir IVTuVp h." fri 1 1 f n TIv ,1 fctue by Miss KJftr.J-w;' Vde?iileJal1 the replied -thaitHey I'be , ca.ujH , .uc.oai'oonx' .w'ith ihis Hftart A Safe robbe'rs cot in their- work .'T-u,a oeere Boms Rpfiijftv. 11.11 Durham one niffht last week. ThM t 1 : ' , v i.' . . t.. . - 6 " j ,,fnM-. 7.7' - - a f a-eevere omoua attack and Mb; EdIIo: Since our re- Sf &ft olo? SlWlK to,fiS? port to joo of .the news from this to the flrih and a ! cold watch wSriJS L!?L'lof a frf? saWL. . iM mounreotLalf .-growrj iteewf P-ii4GJaany. factory waa supper and. themexarpMtV W n, : t- 1. . K ' enrered and l. .small amounh.takpn Ll lT. , - fel-c ftK a . " Aj:y m a oriaK iroc , neact8 ijih upland in response to the question pce j ;mc vmiuian, ii cney were going qnati other maje; vahd do not stop until you ''drive infr. at' either the Pi6- n-eer, the Farmers' or the Hvco. r'- - W Pr-Sideni Talks of Reducinf? Philip piae DOeib Pier Ufcnt, Washington i ": Nov. . 29.- For some time the' President has been discussing With . members of Con gress the proposition to reduce the duties on Philippine products com ing into this, country 40 per cent, of the Dingiey law rates; , Consider able opposition has developed to the suyyestinn nnH what thp rfsii1t of the endeavor to. secure a reduc tion of the- duties will be cannot tGreensboroa.ect Xuru u,e honor, MibsPallie iTancey. borp,,wJi9;'carried a shower braquet p w hi te . cn j y Bao t b em u msl ,? an u v v laeje ferns , was m et hy t .;groom undtjr tb arch, which bt-autifuhy carried out the .color ech?mir of grv-en and JSew Bern UHirintl: There is Hv-ftrnnhlpa anH rnnof;.;. 1- I . - w IT ' - MU-M vUUD Ul If A lilt II It--!. I I KU n i . f V. i. hoped so; and;jwth; ; increased s speed ing on White Oak riverain Onslow JethaVeouaVn Price ;!5 centt. " were soon but of sight.1 . . , t. c.yP'.:. ,att.3oying .?odd health ffor sale by Wv,K:iHainbrick. & Qo; ' : The arjovft ' hmnf frt an old negro wbtmtn' nMed Fahtiie; , , -rM . , - - . xuc ttuuve toiougnt to ..mind a x t u - i L i Sfirt r W . .t4 ' ; 1 5 . - ' u Jones, wno claims to be 120 years of - Statesville Landmark- Mr t? t - 7.4Irf W(? fSnkk4 thVfilnfts'may Cline, wh0;So&,S: the, regular army, (Capt .Hoke .of bot be eactfy uthf : Guilford nn V Piar1'V, hi, 'ji; tKAf rr.roXfWVii ck T.o; m tn? ' b course WhlfO unll f Krt t'n rrrn ".' . .rlrnn -. ' The bride was-handsomely gowned ,U1UUUIW lueamLuai roue tnrougn tne in cream albatross; trimmed inCluuy' -'?P at Regiment N. C. Home lce, with white chrysanthemums go ajs "(500 men) into the field worn in the hair, and wore the 'bridal- whre the oflBcers weVa drilling rode InL -li'?'dUCh ;of. Rf T P near them in froh't .saluted tbem ooro, maid of honor, wore a beautiful . , ... cream silk ana nhiffon:- -C1J cap in t ?nana- rode After the ceremony was performed back within the fortification de aQ elegant and sumptuous supper livered the pony to the groom, rioth was served to about one hundred and inar occurred during a namriomn ... I 1 U 7 n , VHuuieu , J nny m inc large uin ng room, wmcn 35 day8 tnat created sach ft fa -fc aaa taahlir innnn.ifal In nikil-n nil1 I . .. J bridge, an old SarkSe llang VverV nMJ'M?-; :ma5ke,i "AhT !.a?;1.9 W c,rii - :,," fA jdiiubuu, ui, ima.i; w. . r wacermeiOu patch' tne "Past saarvn small, donkey, 8eize.d,;the bridle ' js -j? ii.v " VV,t .j, " - ! Okawell's most, nrnminpnt nitiz&nH. t-i-.l r.. j i -ri .?... t . . . : . -ww u ioreioia. ine. opposition and is a sister of VI r. K, U. Mitchell, raises principally from ; Congress men representing sugar and tobacco States. They maintain that if onj,y 50 per cent of the Dmgley , rates of duty are levied od sugar and tobac co tne industries represented -by those products in this country wi'l be impaired seriously; They have indicated to the President that they will make a hard fight against j bridal tour f 1 NewTork and other proposed reduction. is un dersto d that the President may dfcuss the subject in 'his ; annual Message to Congress, but hs posi -tion considering it has . no been disclosed. pink. Thev were the. recipients of many and very handsome presents from fnenca in different pares of th Stiite. Bridge Mitchell, who was one of lj.anf decf tly m the Presence of laugh This happened at Kinston in tne fall of 1863.' Mrs. Prank Whitfield of Orange co. was buried at Mrs. Monks, quiet-' 08 thft -1 .a, . nstitute OPEKS SEPT. 16,: 1903; friends. and relatives. Mr. Protheus Clayton's house and $103, pays for full Literary Tuition 'for entire session; : . . Y;;. : An Tdeal Chrisiiari Home-School, with! Complete Teachers, at Mini- , mum Cost. . . . ' . , : Living Testimonials of the Worth and Works Scatfered Through; maty Statesof the Union,. - ' ' - r ; Apply for Catalogue to the Principal, ' ; V- . . , 1 KEY. J. A. BEAM, - BETHEL H.II1I1, JN . C. : - Clerkof ourt of Caswell county, jfurhirure were consumed by fire the She. is Well, known in this section of ,atter Dart of q t j t , , J 1 " e f 1 I --i u ui vou last. th State, and has ntsis . friends ,r :T " . 1' ' ,v and admirers. She has niny friends mr amea 8 uwening witn in Uoxboro, where she has visited household and kitchen furniture on numerous occasions. The trroom Were urnd tfa 17th lest. - 'i.S'A holds a responsible position with the Mrs Moriah . Garrett is add to"; be Sotiihernt.Ea.1 way Company and has in declining health; maay f ri:n(U. ' . . - - Mj.; 0&rter Lea 0'f the JDeas Chap. in a lew aays tney isave ,on a . 'v; : r tt vi-; a u' el section faas beea around -pursumer Northern cities. . Among the many bls new avocation Photographer Bilious Colic Prevented Take a double- dose of Qhtm herlain'a Colic, Cholera find . Diar rhoea Remedy as oonAS the firt in, dic&tion of the disease appears , and a threatened attack may be warded Hundreds of people use the remedy in this way with perfect suc cess. For sale hy' W. V. Hamb:ick 4 Co, - r. or the groom; M rs; v- JUMorris, ot - Cedar Grovei i.d Dr J. n Walton. hoUse of Chase Citv,iVa: . ; ; J - It is reported thati William Lea Miss Pail ie Yah cev the? maid of and Missi Nora Davis were married honoriVeturnednome; Thursday last Sunday night at 7 o'clock. juest your Bp ace should not admit and vour readers become wearv I ! . ? - -vr - ... - i AJkl. Burns' today 4and invites all ( JT " : . . .l 'tj:ii a t.,: 'noA.' I t i --as ever come early and see what he has for p v I ; OutXmasstock indw tead-yxforybutiii-, spcctionT : VdOTefav splefididf lino of rdplls, toys, aiputns.Iamps books and picturesjas Well 'asjrafall stockV of ) staple goods, such ds rugstble covers, blank ets, quilts, &C.", alLsuitable 'for Xmas gifts; - Come early and get choice of this splendid stock.; Bring .the children i with -you. ' Sekex. A, M. BUENS. them. ' Brookland, nor. 25.

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