1 ' i I : I , ( if i I? H ! J nnnnrvZFi 'IlHTl The liniment bottle and flannel strip are mi liar ODiecia m j , f Trv are the weapons that have been used for They JJk-, ph-imatism. and are f W as effect in the battle with this giant ffi , to SSdeamss of our forefathers wmild be in modern warfare. , ' ' eumatismis ' condition of the blood, it is niawiL" :ni'nts and oils nor nothing in the joints, muscles and nerves, VXtoigparticles. They else applied externally can f! .eredeposited there SM?topS-Sly the aches and Rubbing with liniments Q h Ire liable to return with every - ir,c hut these are oa? ymptoms wmu or c cvstem , 35 of the weather &e fSeeTtly cured , , are infected. Kieuttsm not so thproughly : ' until thehlood hain punfied 'aad ds streanV and promptly as S. S. . e affected rtS ich dissolves and washes ont all foreign materials, ana tne fulerlroMathappyrelief from the torturing pains k contains no potash or other mineral, but . nerfect vegetable blood purifier and most exhilarating tonic. Our IMnmalta SSlSSSSSr' SSrT.SSnc CO.. AtUnta 6, 1 Tb a TfiRt of Little Trials. c It is the little; every-day vexation that test our cheeriness and philcso pby. Great trials put His on. our mettle. We realize that we must couquer or be crushed; and so' many Q fafa aprinns illness or a dias- trous- change of fortune ttith an onimnimitv that fails, completely when the breakfast bacon is scorched or the rain enterferes witd some, plan for an outing. Exchange Onarrels that are Contagious. 1 -anr unkind to i msist mat your ,mniuD your quarrels. .Because a xnisunaer. J , . , L V,n(-mcoH von T 8tancmc nas-hnaeu ""u j-- . self and some acquainting, i... rt flMnBO for van drawing -,yonr friends irTToithe demou: iy. it w evn wise to discuss tho matter, with one after acbtber. Quarrels are like certain diseases -the worst onueu is their tendency to sprc-aa.. i.idb-e is an unpleasantness between yourself Ci'0 Fat Field 57' HE r V'-- til 1 III f . IS' : makes, a fat purse, A : fertilizer witnout Rnffir.ient v ' : . - ' -. i is not complete. : " Our books are complete treatises on fertilizers, written oy ' men who know Write for them. GERMAN KAL.I WOIlKS,' s3 Nassau Street, Vst 8 ! - f y r& y t I U u u i i w u y to state tr The. uarrot in the New York Navy WBthuyoudonot .now to be ii0w-and Bobson sixty nnie away. : . he.l.T Beware of Ointment, for OaU.h and another, -no third per;on catches - the ciseaee. Young Peoples Wi-ekly. A Deiuouatration of What Cnamber- Iain's Co!ic, Cbolerfi. and Diarrheor llemeay Can Do. highly respected citizen of this place, had r . . fT"-vn-T ! from Now Sells for 1 Cent, And can be had of Every Dealer, Agent and News boy at " N that Price, All bubscribers in District of olumbia, Vitginia, West Virginia. , North and South 7; ; :; aolina ' As Well as Those in Pennsylvania, at Delaware and throushout the United States, can get The Sun by mail for lc a copy , v ...u;0 ud t, iH umi wuiataii-. - , resDecteti ciuz.eii ui duul-v-. rrL.-rt ia mi no mflfonrT win buicm i hki tut icu vvi.w . ti ris jc ire. utui iui vYfivk4-ek4 stamacliisoutot o1r., i:r:.ln d completely de- :h.to diarrheoa" writes Walden dhh iy-w T - - u ; v. remedy In the wor a w-he ent droggi8t8i of Enterpse (UflflCy ana ' . " T"Tm"l the best lata Djspef r aU u,ffl;eh diB- it through the mucous surfaces. Ala. "He had used "P PRIOI sue. ana , - . The Satf8 tioa. dyspepsia ana au fV txtk? L-.Tirtr,00v,rt,-.. P.ver be used except orit.inTia and been treated by j i.i fr.j nrders. Mrs. Mar Platns, Ky., writes eases. the most fatal of all md all stomach dis- it through the mucous suriat;. Aia. -je nau useu r--- v S Crick of White articles shouid never be used except preperations; and been treated by 1-1 have been a on prescnpt,on8 from reputable hsician8 without any Panent : ; kinds nhvsicians. as the damage they will benefit;. A few months ago he com- f ihniaro. Ann uiarruuca jlkw'-ivvt wo u. j and aftert aking Catarrh Cure manuiacturoa uy . in a 8nort time was enww, to improve at c;aa restored in Cheney & Co. Toledo, O, contains M citizens of Enterprise who Afew bottles "- iBir.wdlitintV.- knowthe gentleman will testify .to weight. neai,u ---- . Btg dlrectly upon the Wooa ana the truthfulness of this statement,. eat wnaievoi x ri - h unrfaces of tl THE SOW AT I CENT Is the Cbearjest'. HighClass Paper KIDHEY CURE IS G f : The Sun's speoiaV correspondents SUSrEQlOU flQOSuy throughout the United States, as well inn ' Qaii a? 1U iUlUJOf vuit uuuuu xviiiv;a, SAA ' rir-nfrains the Philipines, Porto Rico, Cuba and or money refunded. in e7ery Wr p&rt of the world, remedies recognizee Dy Cull- nakesjt the greatest newspaper that nent physiaans as ire w Can brpnntea. Kidney and Bladder troubles. Its WasMnaton and Sew York Alt. -He had used various . patent PRICE 50c ao4 $1.00. K The " readers the earliest infornjation upon wht you eat nd mawe tarrU Cnre e sweet. Sold by W. B. JiamDnc j B ennine. K ..kei in For sale by W. B. Hambrick. 1 buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure voueet the genuine. It taken in- There are indications that after sweeu. j vou et the genuine, 'inere are muiuauuup : iwTnDaranel- ternall and made in Toledo, Ohio, by twice failing to seeure the approval T?on in these times CI nnpniw"1 Tafimnnftill I t Via i.nminfttmn of ed prosperity, Secretary Cortelyon Q M of port of reoemng not hunarea dui. " Sold by urngnist, voo. ; .... mharleston, Mr, jiooseyen. xiaii jpmnjr i point niui ujwj of appHcationsfor evesy pobon in his new department 5" the salary. The public will look for a largely increased appropriation for the pnr AriosA of "draffs" in the national irtrio -Nntice is Berved Due notice U hereby servea on Capitol resturants; KZ ,S"oSsalve Too Great A Risk. After nlaviiff his little Statehood game in the Senate, Mr. Quay went i fishing and left nis colleagues w ratify their treaties as best tney might. - :. - . - BLACItrDRAUGHT THE ORIGINAL LIVER MEDICINE 1 lrv ' . .... . . . ' 2 . . rl m;;;u tr-o s& ve.is uw wmj -w i ... . , . Z the market that is made from the A reliable remedy for bowel com- The best physic : unamoeriain b ontheiwWTO, hazeL I A"D be kept at stomach and Liver Tablets. Easy to iwSh Hi' ive has d.Th7riik to too great for any take ; pleasant in effect, or sale by r (1 Thousands of cases of piles to take chamberlain's Colic. W. R. HambncK. w. would not yield to any otner Cholera and Dairrhoea emeoj 0 ' ";p, in nn S-S-Ji "Those persons wuo gcu & r-y " - rT Perhaps the Present can help Sold by W: R'Hambrick.f ? , . -!: candidate Grame Stewart to become " " ' ' " " ' - mayoi of Chicago by speaking there ?? - mi' r-:f ia at.ill Rontemplat- v'.r-.u rvf oitmnrhfit those in a ing calling an extra session of Con- p0Biti6n! to' know -say he, will v only trress in, tne i au ri ; . i,,. ; , ? nurt riooaeveiu T777 i ' A1 Prominent Minister Recommends . ' f 7, ' i v' - u ,miioa Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and The bleasan to take and harmless ..r-V" ; ,,. ui iiHinJ COiighCnre. gives lb- , Diarrlioea rvi,vi, . i mediaterelief in ail, ;casea pt Cough, U pp Proiu aiid LaUnPpe, oeeauw.B it uuca of -tne sc iuaiuiiew jjaptiou u vu in Kiiiakui y , t . . t J the dupe of those republican high protectionist wno uupcu u vu8 debate on the Columbian tieaty would defeat the Cuban agreement. A Pennsylvania legislator follow Jnfr thp PrpRirfp.nts lead, has intro duced a bill providing gold medals tor nrotners or large iui- " v not reward them . witu crauieo ui sewino: machiuesr -7 'j UcSb Ulii-lJUp uw vv"w; - .--.... j ; . . i i Annni m -r na rich. cvci ,u. , " . j, VT nj l1 .rVMi-r rpflnlta" Sold DT W. K,! , Hambricky.,, . . There are oiLny indications that satisfactory, resul; jd oy W. J :.:- n-'A-ma ; ,rr Etambnck. t , . . . Jsenator inomaariatu 10 xs. p;r i;c ;,5; J, nz. -i grip on; New York, wfluld get a? new ,. In 013e xex'as county. there i-?leal all round. . v - ! is ; cof i' but oae negro and, despite the lam-fai-inni nf tbe President and Sena- VrtiixTtr trou Dies ana conswpbiMr crrt-..-.-vA rofnqpcto become a , There's nothiugi betoer m dit 'nt 4;- Than. .Little !iariy mxiovl sviuc tyuq i r t ';. ,.-.,, -v ,:) J 'RratPhond - tor the territories, rpnrnp.ifv.and the Aldrich and Fowl rr j ermnaucial bills are to oe. ieib uei fnr.tlP. TiPt session of Congress so tWt ' .the newspaper accounts may .notseem strange or novei:' TheOleffislature hs wisely -pro vicled that all entries bn vacant land mrusfc published in some news naS4pT-r"'b'fifnrfi the eraot is issued. " O This sriiards1 against - land stealing . CJ . . .. J. . in'a,!mt5et!fi;ective way; They also raised threr price per acre.which will o'nHWnftmakiner entries ti. be very' 'cautious; of how; they enter other -people's lands. Whiteyille A sallow complexion, dizziness biliousness: and a4 coated tonjjue are common indications of liver bowel troubles, severe as they are; . t UIVO fill inru inui nmumg but liver, and kidney troubles though less painful at the start, are Black-Draught never fails t? bene f fit diseased Rver and weakened kid- to throw off the germs of fever and 01 cholera and Bright's disease of the kidneys. -With kidneys re-, inforced by Thedford's.y Black Draught thousands of persons have dwelt immune in the midst of yel low fever. Many families live in, perfect health and have no other doctor than .Thedford's Black Draught. It is always on hand for .use in ' an emergency and saves many expensive calls of a doctor. Muliins, S. C, March 10, 1901. I have used Thedford's Black-Draught for three years and I have not had to go to a doctor since I have been taking it. It 13 ItIB UUI. IIK'UIVIIIV IUI lilt UIUI. IJ on tle market for liver and kidney l....Ll..i ami) . trav An.l .nil a. . UUUISIO aim: ut jpbuaia auu vuivi tiye and, financial centers of the country, . , THE FAKMEK'S PAPER ; TKa , finn'a mftrtrpt rennrt.K and ' "XUv r UUM f -'.: - - i commercal columns are complete and .J 1a fn.mnr tha mail. renayio njju puo uuo iiiuci, uuc mvp chants and the broker in touch Jyith the markets of Baltimore, Norfolk, Charleston, New York, Chicago, Phi-' laaeipnia ana au utur xuipuiwuir points in the United States and other icountnes. - - . ALL OF WHICH The Reader fie ts for 1 cent THa jsnn ? the heat trne of & newspaper; morally and intellectual- ly. it is an euacator 01 we mgusv charACter, constantly stimulating to noble ideals in individual and na tional lite. The Sun is published on Sunday as well as every other day of the weeK. ? By mail The Daily Sun, $3 a year, . including- the Sunday Sun, $4. The Sunday Sun alone, $1 a year. The Weekly.Sun $1 a year. Address A. S. ABELL COMPAKY, : Publishers and Proprietors, - . Baltimore, Md. !l' li t T, M I rnev aiwa.y cucuu 71: w f 1 if . HA... .nTp Ai".vlr-. arm -J r ' here tQ the pMiCroi uupiuwug , ons to a larger number of 166le Ahe negro problem. . .A Bad - Breathy. A bad breath means . a bad ' stomach, .a bad digestion, a bad liver. Aver s rnis are liver pills, l ney cure con- stipationv Biliousness, dys pepsia, sick headache. ; Ail arusgisxs. . 1 , , r 25c. 11. M fi doctors-D1US. ,AUlsorut;iu '. f . Tattle Early Risers are different from no end of trouble. When the stomfcr frtrm : its '.'functions fcne r . iL.t,naa kw -krrmRincr the I -tirlnfira confze ste a, , causing WVOIT W Vhcf WnWV fatal! of hich fArJttafnl8sf ahtt; therefore the MbrCttf beJdreaaea. ane lmpuitauw ..j i .w:L:.i...UkvMiiiriil,.inn 'onn 1 tCiT 4lvertlo.anGi"vujijvivii'v- Jrn xLt .Aar -nri , hetter ..nreDeratlOU i.- noD,l,tkTi V Charaherlals TVttfkliate has rafed the Cuban JHftT hnt in cuch fcxrn thzt tns One small room in a rented build- ins aa headquarters is all Congress has left fprethe new Department of Uommerce anav,ijauur. xa uuu umo .T. , .... J - . -'-- - significau ol;the importance . the reDubUcans;r' really attach to all ' -'Til 'trust busting" efforts unaer tneir nr.. .n. mniiit.Aa nr heard a. ViAftTltlflll f brown or rich black? Theniise tV CO., NASHUA, j , BUCK HGHAI 60 ere. or OwuGeisTS. o B- pr r i n 0 0 0 i - f slaw:w r jBestCc jli'C vfijl. 3L '.tic' iil tKC Couga Syrup. Tastes Good. Use vspepMa:XupQ Digests what yoo eat This preparation contains all of tne food. It gives instant relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all stomachs can take it. By its use many J thousands of' dyspeptics1 have been bUlCU UUCi Cl UUlUii.Uiiv XbtlAvll , Ai unequalled for the stomach. Child The charlotte Observer JBJVKRY DAY. IN- TH YEAR CAI,DWKI,IV & TOMPKINS, Publishers. , -J P. CALDWELL. Editor ' r t f v s ; ; '. i $8.O0 PEPf VEAR. 1HE OBSERVER Receives ti e' largest Telegraphic 'ews Service delivered to any -paper between Washington apa - Atlanta, and" its special service :is the greatest ever handld by North Carolina paper. THE feUNDAY OBSEJIVEK. ' ; JonsistB ot 16 or more pageo -s is tri a large extent mace np r ; original matter. ; THE SE -WEELY 0E .. Printed -To-day . an 1 oT pt e Th . paper in North Carolina. Sample copies aent on application. Address ; . TIIE 0BSKRVFB. . harottN-C. ,.f :it 'r.i ,lj . . I Mrt.w.n.iininaiii n m .D . m ?P4M uv. -. J."ca4tJr V . First dosd relieves. A diet unncccc22ry. ganized tab democratic forces in the f9- jrm- a&itpik -ibti organization ,2 forced an unwelcoma but - cenztitu zu tc:uj cctia i:i t. ticnsl arnsndcent onto tho-Cpbsa Jpov by T Ham- hripo 1 rnrT : WJ( WltaulA,..(4VU . . I .' Vrf w fill. v: T '-.X TfT-." : Xi.vv '''.''.'..V'aV. xiiu xesii nay.' . .1. 'I'rk mfltP vnnr- snn ia- w . . have them repaired-by one w ... Knows now tooo. nis wo? it right. Repairing shoes is w business,' and if you i lI7.aVe with a pair the nest time y0 any to 2 repaired, 1- you that I l:noT7 rny business. In rear of work 7ill.hsT5 to b3 deno dl over 2- . . 3 .