332 ai..uira:i.i:iBie-e i H ; ! .. j , 1 ' ', t . i . UAAU ilUUi, WilW paiUUV k03JLt?y , using the same toilet articles, or otherwise coming in contact with persons :, who have contracted it.. " ' ... , ' 4 : : , . , It begins usually with a little blister or sore, then swelling 'in the , J groins, a red eruption breaks out on ; Ten year4s ago x contracted: a bad case - the body, sores and ulcers appear of Blood Poison. I was under treatment i. ;n the mouth, the throat becomes of a physician until I found that he could ' 1 j 4-t, -rrk "ki-rtTTre an A do m 'no good. Then began taking: ulceratedvthe hair, eye brows and s.s.s.acommencedtoimproveatonc9 :' lashes fall out,; the blood becoming and in a very short time all evidence of more contaminated, copper colored the disease disappeared. I took six bot-T ' splotches andpustulareptions and STL sores appear upon different parts of . . ; 'y the body, and: ;the poison even destroys .the bones; " ' J S.' S.' S. is a Specific for this loathsome disease, and cures it even in the worst forms. It is a perfect antidote for the powerful virus that piollutes 4 ruin you, vand but is guaranteed a strictly vegetable compound. - , Write for our free home treatment book and learn all about Contagious Blood Poison. If .'you want medical advice give us a history, of your case, and our physicians will furnish all the information you wish without any charge whatever. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. it ia pomp reiier to tfoow that ;' Go;.; i'aft is expending the. $3,000 irrnnruie(l hv Congress for bei relief of the Filipinos, for cattle and not pertnHting them to spend it for powder and shot. . Due Notice is served !)'ie notice is hereby se.rvea on ' the punhc generally that DeWitts Wit. n iinz-il Saiv-3 is the ouly salve ' orlie nmrk'et that is made from the pure, unadulterated witch hazel. ' IieWiu'a Witch Hazel Salve has cured thousands of cases of piles, . that would uot yield to any other treatment, and this fact has broughr out many worthless counterfeits. ? Those person who get the gonuine DeVVitL's Witch Hazel Saivi; sre never disappointed, because it cures. Sold bvW. R Ham brick. ' The Northern Securities dtcision - proves tnht the Attorney General bus ' the poer to contiol new trusts and v prevent otters being foruu-d; but -, iiow about the old UUSU, the Stan dard Oil Company and siMiilar mo nopolies? . ' " Grcod lor hudrtn. The pieaaant to take ami harmless t GneMinu.e Cough Cure gives im ,r . mediate reiiefih ail cases of Cough, Croup and L&Gnppe because it doen not pass immediately into tui ' Btornacij but takeyeffect right at the '; jseaVof-the trouble. Tt draws out the inflammauon, heals and tootbes sua cures, permantly byv-enabiintc the lungs to contribute pure life-giving artt life-sustaining oxygen to ihe hlnn.nnrl tisanes., Sold bv W. li; . J J- W Vk- . W w V - kV' Hambricli ThciJ-electlon of Mayor Tom ' Johnson means a triumph of the p people over Hanna monopoly ,-r jpor iVer troubles and constipation . j - There's? nothing better in creation 'han kittle Early. Riserp,,the famous little pilles . . I They always efFect'a cure and save doctors bills. ' " Little Early Risers are different from f; . all other, pills, fhey do not weaken the nystem, but act as a y tonic to the tissues by arousing the ae cretionand restoring the -s liver to its full performance of its j functions naturally, 3old by W, R. Hambrick .The republicans, from the Presi r dent down, have demonstrated that hiere can be no hope of tariff -revision so long as their party is " in pow 1 . - " ' ' f , JBew are 'of Ointment' ; for atarrh . ; that Contains Mercury. ' ' j j ' , sensa of smell arid completely de- g range the whole system who entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such v art!c!es shonid never be used except u on .. prescriptions vfrom - reputable ;physicians,'as the-damage ; they . will . do is ten fold to the good vou'ean possibly deriye - from , them.,; Halls tJatarrh Cure manuiacturea Dy Jb . J. Cheney Co. -Toledo,-; O; liontains f.n no mercury;, nd, ja taken'" internaliy A acting i directly upon the blood;' and ' mucous surfaces of' the 5 "system Iri buying HaUC atarrh Cure be ?snre C, ternall and made.in Toledo, Ohio, by free. Sold by Druggist, 75c. Is the name sometimes given to what : is generally known as the-BAD DIS EASE. It is not confined to dens of vice or the lower classes.1 The purest B $ infected with this awful malady mrougn nanaung tne ciotuing, j V the blood and penetrates to ail parts oi tne system. & Unless voti get this poison out of your blood it will bring disgrace and. disease upon -your cniiarenj ior it can ue LransuiiLLeu. iiuia jjaieui to child. S; S. S. contains no mercury or potash, Representative Liyingston of Georgia says one of the most impor. tant questions with which the next Congress will have to deal will hi the financial situation. Does not the Representative known that Senator aldrich and the little clique of which he is the head are goin to fi,: u the financial-situation this summer and all Coogress will have to 1.0 wili be to pass the measure they report? Too Great A Risk. A reliable remedy for bowel com plaints should al way 8 be kept at hand. The risk is too great for any one to take. Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Dairrhoea Remedy never fails and when reduced with wateris pleasant to take. Sold by W. R. Hambrick. . That the Pennsylvania poliuciaus cannot stand criticisn in the public prints is demonstrated by the fact tJiac tnt-y have rubhed through the legislature a bill intended to inuzzle the piesa.- A Prominent Minister Recommends ' Chamberlain's Colic, holera and Diarrhoea Remedy. -t Rev. Francis J. Davidson, pastor of the St Matthe? Baptist churcn and presiuent of the Third District Baptist Association, 2781 Second JSt New Orleans, writes, as tuliows: i have used Chamberlai j's" Colic, CLoIera and Diarrhoea Remedy lor cramps and pains in the stomach and ibunti- ifc excellent. It .s in fact , the best cramp and colic remedy I have ever used.'Also seyerai of my'parish ioners have used ' it ; with equally satisfactory results.?' Soldvoy W'. ;R. Hambnckf - - - .. : . '- - f iGrovefno'r Pennypacker has ' begun writing apologies for-;, the bad ma chine measures which he has not the courage to vote. At the present rate, tne Governor will have enough to! keep himbusy all summer. A disordered stomach may, cause no end of trouble. W hen the stomach fails to perform its -'functions ' the bowles become deranged, the liver and kidneys ( congested, causing numerous diseases, the most fatal of which are painless and therefore the more to be dreaded. The; important thing is to restore the stomah and liver to a healthy condition, and fo this purpose no better preperatio can, be used than Chamberlain. Stomach and Liter Tablets. For sa" by W. li lit il l ijck. , If Canada carries out her purpose of building a navy,: Alaska will have to cake a" stack of ships in thel same game, V. - , ' ' - ' . . "...: i " ' -1 . . - A Sweet JBreath. i 4 " - if? a never failing sign of & healthy stomach. When , the breath is bad the stomach is out of-order," There-is ho remedy In' the world equal' to. Kodol Dvspensia Ourefori- curing indiges tion, dyspepsia and all stomach di? ordersi"Mrsi Alary Gricki f Vhite Platns, KyM .writes ; T have .been a dy speptic for yearstieUH alii jvinds of remedies but . continued to ; grow worse. By the use of Kodol I began I to improve : at once, and aftert aking a lew bottles am fully restored j in weight, health nnd strength and can eat whatever I like. Kcdol dirrect3 swhat you eat end-makes the ctcn-ch i Why'Men Marry. IAti editor Bent-out chcular letters to a large number. of .married men; and asked tbcin why they manied. Here, are some of the answers: , I didn't iDtend to do it. - , ' Because ldid not hve the .espr- rience I haye now, ; , V That's what I'ye been, trying for el&vea years to find out. . ' I thought it wculd be cheaper than a bieach of promise suit. , That's. the same fool questeon;my friends ask me. . ' - I wanted a' companion of the op posite sex. N.-13. bhe 18 still op-- obsite. ' ' ' n I was lonely and melancholy ape wanted some one to make me lively. She makes me very lively. A Demonstratino of What Ohambi , Iain's Colic," Cholera ano Diorrhea Kemedy .Can Do. t4Une ot our customers, a highiv J respected citizen of this place, had . diarrhena' . writer Walden & mjartin,' druggists, of Enterprise Ala. "He had used various patent preperations and been treated by a u u y W menced taking Chamberlain'? Colic jQholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and ?n .a short time was enterely cured Many citizens of Enterprise who KTinw thftinont omon mill fuahf t. th trnthfnlnesR of th i ta tPmnr Fxr sale by W. R. Hambrick. The Steel Trust, by printing its annual statement in the daily pa pers at advertising rates, is proving how utterly innocuous is the pub licity so.aTdently urged bv the Ad ministration as a corrective of trust eyils. '' A Check on Free Trips to the Pnilip pines x ' Hereafter persons appointed to ciyil offices in the Philippines will hsve to sigu a contract to render two years' service in the islauda nnTi ss properly exempted for good arid sufScient ; reasons. This action was taken in order to break up a practice of using the appointments simply for the purpose of securing tree transportation aiound the world by way of the Philippines. I nder the new regu lations two year's service will en. titJe an appointee to a free passage to the Philppines and a third year to a free passage jack to the United States vitii balf-pa. during th y oyagt; Appoin tees servi og less tha t7o years , viil be required to ; meet the expenses of transportation; out of thir own pockets. r ' - ,v'The personality of the next demo cratic presidential candidate - makes an i n t er es ti n g t h erne : f or : speculati o n in the newspapers but : the'v wisest democratic statesmen declare it would be too early to announce their: Oanr didate if they were agreed 'on one." ' j .i u 1 , j r-r t ; O DEl X jm m -- - . HO 'Bean the Signature - of."' i The Kind You Have Always Bought .: Or ginal Observations, y : The best thing out is an aching ooth. x i . - Flowers are the kind words of na- ture. , '-. T ' ' -v The backbiter never suffers with toothache. . - " It's a mighty poor mule that won't work both ways. " .7 The plows are now following each other in row-tatiun. . y If you look through cobv7ebs ,'yon expect to see spiders. - . , -Thft man .with - the bated breath ought to be a good fisherman. -. - Nature is monopolizeng the 'green goods" business just now. , N"owdoth the friskyrbwl Rightly sing to flowers that bloom ii the Spring J'r'V' r Many, married ladies, obliged , to wear last Spring's clothes, ..prefer divorce suits. , ,..V'" . Ko w is the, .time to sell- ;y6ur , . $15 stoYe'ior'halfricef;:ihdhnyf.--yonr wife a new spring bonnet. A lean and potash-hungry " soil, wasted seed, . wasted labor and idle gins A MORTGAGE. Or, plenty of. in the fertilizer many bales and a busy gihA BANK ACCOUNT. d Write us for our book s. . They' are. ' money w I n- s ners. We send -: tliem fret: to - - farmers. GERMAN KALI 'WORKS 93 Nassau St. New York arc the most fatal of all : diss cases . fcm& K1DHEY CURE 18 Q or money refunded Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the Best for Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICE 50c. and $103. MR.S. L. S. ADAMS, , Of Galveston, Texas. - . "Wine of Cardui Is indeed a blessing' to tired women.. Having suffered for seven years with weakness and bear. ing-down pains, and having tried sev-. eral . doctors : and different remedies with no success, your Wine of Cardui was thfc only thing which helped me, and eventually cured me It seemed to build up the weak parts, strengthen : the system and correct irregularities." ' By 'tired Tromen" Mrs. Aains means inervous Tvomen "who 'have" disordered menses, falling of the' k these ailments that women' have. II , x ou can cure.yourself athome.with this great omens remedy, "Vine .of Cardui. .-Wine i) Cardui has cured thousands of caes -which doctors have failed to benefit. Whv not begin to. get -well today? ; All aruggists nave $1.00 .bottles. " ii'or; any stomachy liver or bowel disor-' der 'Thedf ord's Black-Draught should be used. - , - ForadTieeandIiteratwre;aldress.Kt-lP!r ' symptoms, The Ladifcs' Advisory I vt . t meat. The 1 Chattanooga. 3Ie,iiin ' unattanooga, xenn. - Constipation - 'Does your head ache ? Pain back of your eyes ? Bad taste in your mouth?; :It's your liver ! Ayer's Pills are liver pills. They cure consti pation, headache, dyspepsia. 2Se. All 'drugglst5. - X . "Want your moustache or fceard a beautiful brown or rich black? Then usa - BUGKIIiGHAM'S DYE Wcrs BO CTV Or DmX3QI8T, R. P. "ALL 4 CO.. NASHUA, N. H. . Digests .what you eat. - -.- . ' This preparation contains all 'of the digestants . and digests all kinds of roocLx It gives instant relief and never fails to cure. ; It allows you to eat all the .ood you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. Byits use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. Is unequalled for the stomach. Child ren with weak stomachs thrive on it. h irst dose relieves. A diet unnecessary i-lie $L bottle contains 2V times the zoo. J'i times the &0c. size. For ale by TTT t I WINECARDUJi t Now Sells for 1 Cent, '.; And can be ! had of Every Dealer, Agent ! ahd'Kews boy at !. - that Price, AUbubscriDers in . District of, olumbia, Virginia, : W est V irginia, :4 : North and South , . C arolina - , As Well as Those in Pennsylvania and Delaware nd throughout the United States, can get The Sun by mail for lc a copy THE SUN AT I CENT Is the Cheapest HighClass Paper . , " in the United States. ,.Tho Sun's special .correspondents throughout tlie United States, as well as iii Europe, " China, South Africa, the Philipines, Porto Rico, Cuba and if e?ery otlKr part of the world, makes it the greatest newspaper that can be' printed: ." Its Washington and Ivew York bureaus are among the best in the United States,' and give The Sun's readers the earliest information upon all important events In the legisla tive and .financial centers of the country, THE FARMER'S- PAPER 'he. Suu's -market reports and commercal columns are complete and reliable sod' put the farmer, the mer chants an6f the broker in touch Jwito the markets of Baltimore. Norfolk, Charleston, New York, Chicago, Phi ladelphia and, all "other important points in the United States and other countries. ' --' V..... . ALL OF WHICH -"j-i. '."r" -' 'if'; 'U'" ' V'-v '-" v.-''i -: - v ' '-'-' ' '-: :Tx-?&--r "-t The Reader Gets for 1 cent The Son s the best type of a newspaper, moraliy! and intellectual ly. . It is an educator of the highest character, constantly r2 stimulating to noble ideals in individual and na tfonal life. ; - . The Sun is published on. Sunday as, well as every-other, day of the week - . - '; ' By mail The Daily Sun, $3 a year, including -the Sunday kun, $4. The Sunday Sun alone, $ls a vyear. The Weekly Sun.fl a year. -v . A.ddress ' : . . - ;a; s. abeil company, - Publishers and Proprietors, -. u, r - ,h .; Baltimore. Md. ;The ; charlotte Observer : J EVERY DAY IN ' . YEAR CAIi)WELV.5 & 7; 'TOMPKINS, ; .Publishers'. . J P. C A LDW BLL. .Editor $8 00 PER) YEAR. THE OBSERVER ; ' " Receives the largest Telegraphic News Service; delivered to any ; , , paper between Washington and ' Atlanta, and its V special service f ; is ihe greatest ever handhd by North Carolina paper., THE SUNDAY OBSERVER. " Consists of 1 6 or more pages and is to a large extent made np of - original matter. , THESE -WEELY OE Printed Tuesday an . ft' Th . paper in North Carolina. Sample copies sn t ocappiicatien. Address :- -; THE OBSERVER. -- Cbariotte,N' 0. The Best Way. . ' ; ' ; To make your shoes last is to have them ; repaired by one who knows how todo his work, and does it. right. Re pairing t shoes , is &7 business, ai.d if you will tiy with a pairthe next time you have any to be.tepaired, I will covincc you that;' I know my business ' J. mbixwngs.. : " ' , V In rear of 6r f cuff . iZrXv floors f fill - . t r. Mil