41 R0XB0RO,N. C, Apr. 22 1903 Have you "registered? - : ; Mr. T. D. Woody, of Bethel Hill wfls in the city yesterday. . uay 0 ft 4 Mr. J- M Winstead went over to Durham yesterday on business. Don't let bugs eat your potatoes, get pans green at Mcrris'. ..' If you have a good farm horse and sell him cheap call at The Courier office. . .' t Rev. Mr. Williamson filled his nulpit at the Presbyterian church last Sunday. ' - s Rev- Geo. T. Watkins is holdiug cj. a protracted meeting with the Bap- tist ch-urcli at nenaerson tnis weeiv. Hon. V. W Kitchin is .visiting relatives and friend iu Sctland Neck this eek. - V, Tiie "Jay IBird Boost' met with quite a severe loss last week in the death of their horse : ' .; WANTED A good farm horse, 8 or 9 years old, and weighing about t 100 pounds. Address this office m ' m , If you iail to registor this week you cannct vote at the town eiec- lion to be held on may the 5th. A vote to adopt the charter for a graded school will-ihelp to save to: the school about a 150,00 a year. a Miss Bessie Roger of Woods-1 dale spent Monday tin the our city the guest of Miss Fearl Hall. Messrs. W. T. and B. R. Long, returned home last week. The for mer from the medical and the lattec the dental college jdn Baltimore. Mr lv. Goodfriend is moving :his furniture to the ITounger house on Main street and will begin (house keeping in a few days. . Have you seen those $1.25 "iin breilas at A. IvL Burns'? Thit. io one of the biggest values yoci .evei. saw.. He has other grades at from 50c. to. $2. 00 each. ( J Miss Julia Johnson, one of sthe popular and enicient teachers att he; graded school left for her hme: yesterday. Her friends wishes :for her a pleasant vacation. ' FOR SENT -The house an lot od Academy street bdonging to Mr.! J. W. .Noell. Possesion at once. .! Applyto ; I N. C. NlSWBOLD- i If you want a mowing machine; or reaper Messrs- Xong, Woody A i 0., says to buy the JDteermg, as 5there is better made. See; thena Bridget iiieir prices. Also plow,' 02s and, other tartmi g implements. If you have catarrh, irheematfsm ldaey trouble, or any disease caused y impurities in tha Hood, take xtDeuinacid. This woiiderf ul remedv oestroyes the root of tfcw diaea.e. At Oujr store is headquarters for Pws cultivators, hoes, or in face anything in the fanning implement ne- Our prices are alwavs ,ri?rht: and our goods guaranteed to be - -as good as any on the market. Geo W. Thomas. A ft A A '-' -'-''- - -'f '"tr-- :.. m . ' - you fail to- vote for the new graded school charter you help to eeP tlle school under the manage.: entof County Board of Educa "on, which makes an additional cost of about $150.60 a year in ;:the$ Jpst of collecting ; and .'disbursing Re funds of theschooi: ; ; ' V - , --'i ' ' ; p0R SALE Begining on Thurs" April 23rd, I will sell . :most :of ?y tl!rnitUre and 6usehold '.goods u Private -u j-: "J; Call arid see what I. have. "I wi.ot wish to keen. house. . Sale Mr::A.,S. deVlamihgwasaDur- "4 Mr. Turpin Hughes has gone-to TQ Tc Qinvno am visitor yesterday;. . -. ' High Point on business. . ' UdUUl 15 OIClI t5. J yesterday; . . Something: first 'class knives' - scissors , and razors, kind that-cut . , - Air. T. L. Brooks left last Thurs- morning to. visit irienas ana re- latives at Nashvil'e, K C. ' ,.'; Bu'sts: garden seed, tfreeh and U?d, of Mt. ;Tirzah.is the guest of au uoue better, ou sale at VV. K. tttatnlmcks. It. .you want thy bts.M ... L . I . - ' . .v.'1 - . I r .rrnarn nun ncrnr rnmp m (rnrn tood, duly digested. Force,: a ieady adds no buraeh. but sustains, nour- ishes, invigorates. 'i - - ot r 1 TO CURB A GOLD IN ONE PAY Take Laxative : Bromo Quinine lauitia. - uruggww reiunu -uie muuty 11,11, iaus 10 cure. . W nf GiWa Bignat ure on each box. 25 j If you want t6 , make a dollar easy just come to me when you want a suit of clothes, pair of shoes or hat; or : anything - in the gents , furnishing line. I will save,: you money Atid send you home satisued. j L. T.-Bowi,ks. . A couple from near. South Bos ton were married at Hotel Readc last Wednesday evetung. The bri- dal'yarty being MissfLena Tune to Mr. B. M Devin. They were ac- compained by Mrl Tune, a brcther of tlhe bride and .Miss Saihe Poai dexter, Our friend, Mr. J. L. Brooks', ws in to see us , last Wednesday evening-andjsaid he kiiled oncof his .fattening pigs jevhich weighed -561 .pounds. We would have called that a pretty good hog at Jay Bird Roost. Sich Headaches cured immediately by the use of Hicks' .apaditie 10q. 25c. and 50c. at " Diugstores. Mr. Nathan Xunsford:jr. has rented a room oyer L. Goodfriends stere and 'evill open a Jaw . ofrice there about May -1st. The firm will be:Lunsford & JLunsford, W e extend our bes wishes and wish for the firm much success. " ; 1 m!. " Don't forget the entertainment to be given s.t the Court House Fri aay night- Theoung peopley are making special efforts to gi the .public an evening, of pleasure. 2feiu Know What T5su Are -EaMnjr Wn n you take Grave's Tasteless Ghi 1 1 If onto because the f ormui ar i3 pki nl y prin ted on evry bottle.sho w ing that-it is 8imply &ron and Qui nine in a tasteless for-ai. " 'No cure Jo pay. .SO cents. ; JUttletoa Female College is pre paoingrfor a great CGtamenceiaent the last week in May. Bishop A. Coke Smitk will preach the Asaual senaon.. Dr. . ;F ReMi'of Nsh viltte Tenn., will deliver the: Mis sionary Address and Gov. Aycssck wiM deliver the Literary Address. 1 -"'ILbuva' the ; : Pauper'" will te givey, at the court, house, Friday night.' This ; beautiful little love story, will -fee rendered by home talent. You oatinot ; afford, to .missJ it. Adiaission 15' and,25. cents Re serve seats 35 cents. Tickets oni sale at Morns Drug Stores " Assortmentsand prices wonder fully attractive. Everything? every body wants to eat which the mar et affords.and at ..prices; that will bring : a. smile ; to jyouf face the gloomist , day that comes. Don't forget that, car' load of flour; re ceived lastweek.V;; . r, , - Seargernt, Clayton & Co. . ' V . T: j -V,"-'." . -.Exclusive; ideas, in new Spring Dress Goods are to be iouna 'hert-4 in greater variety,-every . one .e js j usthacaEtbelseeiiywli'erean! iKLXUlLtYX he so orii6tVf its-? ai' marvelous display we? ate-, showing this season,; manj-jeperate?. -tints, bright living color tones in perfec- tion. -0 J. A. Long. Son & Co. Miss Pallia Yancey spent Sunday with her motner m tne country - .The only shoe polish, that con- tains an oil'to preserve the shoe is .u at i ui i ,vfcy w - , Muses Lila Readeand J una How- tne iamnyoi Mr. vv. xx. uug, uiib week. - ., - j Miss Patie Bowenof Rougemont cniinf canarnl A d 17G Vl fTf f 11 r tl fT - t ll 1 C I -rr" , o - - v4o4wis The'cheapest and best assortment i . k : - T 1 ...... -.'! K. table ware in itoxDoro is at iv. uurns , anytning irom a 5 cent pickel dish to a $25 dinner set. '.I Messrs. J. A. Long, Son & Co, says if you want a nice spring . suit Hnthe thAt will fit and wear ahight come to see them and they will 'astonish you with their low prices. Biggest line- of . shoes in town. The Many friends of Capt. J. A. Tucker regiet to learn that he .has been confined to hit home by sick- ness for the past few days. We are glad to state that he is better to- UQQ WOODY & CO. day , - - "I ; r. , ' i Everybody .knows - that A. M Burns' is the best place to buy mat tiners and rugs. Best stock and lo w est prices. Matfng 12 c, to 30c. yard, ivugs 25c. to $4.00 each The handsomest ' line of station ery in town just received at v W. R. Hambricks. Paper and envelopes to match. This is an elegant line and will ploase anyone call and exam me it We liear considerable compkint from some of our ' farmer friends about the wheat prospect. We hope after the weather turns warmer that there will be much' come-out in the crop r . Mr. H. G. Clayton has put iu $. fountain at his store at I,och Iilly and" is prepared to furnish soda water and other cool drinks dur- ing the summer. Ice inabunda-ic?,: This will add much to the pleasure of the visitors at that popular . re- salt this summer. " ' Xike the orchards of May and the wardens ( f June,y it is thejonh- fitting comparison one can think of. in-speaking of tieexquisit beauty of our summer dress goods, in wool ens and wTash fabrics. We do- not ask you to take our word for it, but cordially invite you to come and see for yourself. We want to . show yu our stock, . , . Claytgst & Long. Morris has a direct telephone line to "Virgilina and all the places of importance in .that -section. Yart ceyville, easburg,, Semorst atfd other points &ave recently been connected. , A force of linemen are novr at i work on line -to Helena; Mt . Tirzah and Hurdle . Mills, irhanes ares- already a i necessity. Y014 get more for the money when you Tent a phone' than; anything youcan possibly; invest it in. Weri you waat clothing, shoes or hats come to see me, I can and will save, you money; on i anything in my lme. This is no idle boasting, I meam just what I sy, and all I ask you' to do is to . come and see, certainly you- can do that, if by doing so you can save money by it. Money saved , is money made. Come and, inspect my stock before: buy ing. - .. . ; : ' ) t . L. Goodfriend. , The broadest gaurantee ' in the world. We guarantee the price of everything we sell to be as vlow . or lower than the same article can . be bought anywhere else. This should make your .trading with ;iis very fiafe, and you can find, almost atty- thin yon want here as we carry .a general Hne--erroceries, dry goods. sbs;fuVnIture&c:k . : , : :; - i a t t?ttc "qt -1 : t ; : , ; - - : t v '-5 --" ' iTTTH A' t)T' nTTl? Ci' -: CURED TTHIIEl YOTJ WAIT, BY NO EFFECTS ON THE TTJEATIT. SOLD AT ATjTj DCUGSTOILES 1 . 7 ' Then you should use . laT boTi.'saving machinery i on the fann.;- If it., pays' ness thien it will pay in H fafming.,'..-We sell the ' I FPfirillff " 1 " . ! -' Mowing Machines and Reapers, if you want the best then buy a Deering We keep in stock a full supply of plows cultiva tors, hoes, &c, ind sell at rock-bottom ' prices Come to see . us when you need anything! in this line. 1, ' , ' jJTsSSST J". ! WB(Ull ,1.,' I'tJ Would ion like to; marry A person you have never seen?. Would you . like to. , buy a dress you had never txamined? You:? would ; not think of it because Tne riSK lsjubt so greai wnen yuu uuv n mdimw. juu t I have never seen, 30 d ays tiial is nothing any sew- s , ing machine will lasttbirtytdays. , c ; il8;: ' NE- IB'EA;li" $18 You see before you ; buy. no ' freight; Rua no ; . .risk. Guaranteed. . ; ;. . , . . . tl I f ' J J j - 'Wri iJ-f j ; AlrtpH1 - 1 1 4 1 BALL BEA1JINGS;; he People We have the prettiest and cheapest line of dress goods in town in all kinds of goods, 5c lawns to the ;b'est silk arid we: have enough for every wo wan and child in the county, and all kinds of trimmings and laces to match.; You can't a flford to buy your spring ; ; , dress for- self or children before seeing our line. ; : Tfe have a lot of those slippers leftyet. Come and get yours before its too late, its no money to us but -a big saving, to you and' that is; what everybody wants to save rr oney and iwe will prove it if you will only come and see us. ' . 1 - The;best line of clothing; shirts, hats, ties and shoes - kept by any one in the county. In fact we have just -Uhy thinp you may want: , ( r - ) r , ; ; Millinery, -we h a ve ,he largest and; ;Test" selected r, stock to be. found and our prices areas low as you, .Jean find same goods at. in - every department.1 !Sd coine fo see 'us'.tfcc want to -show you ?through our v"stbre?and pm io ;'yoii. rNo trouble to ".-.sh6w -ffoods.--' . Yotirs to ,please. ' Sbutherh . - ; r - .'. ': 7 Regulator. Large Package15c Hambrick's . ' - s 1 , 5' Store. !Your V, money:, back ifv. I, Wanted.' : 5. I', Sample free., v , ; ,v ; ; the risk is .too reat : . ; .'-V'Y R n ! ' r.V. 4 t 1 . i .A; i . t Store!- :

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