-X1 " The only trouble with ''carrying t bir stick, la the iorrn or a navy ."is. ;the temptation to use it. U. , is tb man who carried a gun that is tempt ed to shoot and the boy with k jack knife who cannot, resist whittling the school furniture. A negro hjw won one of the most ooyeted prizet at Yale in which , be proves" that the negro is incapable of self goyern ment in Hayti. The President cannot b c blamed zfor net throwing much . heart &is "stand pit" tariff speeches. into At .iieart he does not believe in them. The people in ihe lower Mississip pi valley ate tempted to xefer to the Hansbrough-Newlands irrigation ill and its operations as a "work of J3uper-irrigaUon.,, It would appear that whenever the French journalists ran shoit of conv thev can take a crowbar and l J ..... V ... ' ' - ' A r, pry otien the Dreyfus case. . , ' " ' ' 'Revenge. "Ab, colonel," said the beautiful ,t wiflnw vou don't know how glad I am tW Lent is past. " . Wh? Hve you been practicing ?selfdeniar vpryhard?" uYp. TuVit, "r.omelv woman over -4 nerd b.id the punch bowl made sou) 3 ! tully meaa remarks about ' we not loru g- I?ve been "aiting "Now that we shall al' be going out ;again and meeting 'every few nights, I'm going to make eyes at her hus oand. Watch her for a week or two, '.and see if I clon't make her crazy.'' Assisted Him. - "Eh? Is this where I get off?" ask ed the tobacco chewer drowsily, as the street car conductor grabbed Itim by the collar. "Partly," said the conductor, smaicbing him to the rear platform Wd dumping him on the crossing, Vtnd it's partly where you get kick ed off." i But this did not hnppen in Chica go. The meanest trick tbat a railroad :an play on a girl is to turn on liht iust before " thrf train goe through a tunnel. WomeD smoke the wav boys swear -without appreciating how much fun they could get out of it if they knew Jhow to do it. JTheWayTof the Town Tegf6 town negio of the genuine loaf- "ing variety, and there's plenty of them, may do a good many other things, but he ia not going. to work sstaay thing more onerous than carry . ing a message or.a package-7-and the package has to be mighty light, too. rotieeia gathering of them oi.the corner ad ask one if he wants a job,4 ; nd he'll -ut you through a category wjof "questions designed to see just how Tfiarrl th nrrmosed exertion 18 tO be I ilf hevfinds it anything but the lights : Masi'or "finds that you don't want J to pay a double price for it, be will jclaim a previous engagement and is just then; .waiting" for his Jrnan id ocomt along. : One may approach a ozen ragged darkies without ;find-r ing one who will agree to cut wool ,l Aatt At We : agrees rto do- it "the , rbances are that he'll throw up the job incompletc-Monrpe Journal; . Anybody who has tried, to employ oi these nero loafers "will rec ogniTie this picture as true . to life. "The Voniy v?iv th y can be-reached s through the 'vgrac'any1 act and x jfchey-really deserve to be put on- the &xfc gang. Stateivilte Land- viuar k. : ; : : -'' . ': rTdo inmy bibiea spoil the flt", la the latest adage of the New York apartment house landlords.; M esicoTprili i .A sharp earth Qidce shock wa3: felt , tonight m 11 s "city. J Some excitement preyail- o f imp manv people ru3hing .i u-.AAf c : fpftnncr that trie 9 Kfi,r.tii1re mifrht prove senous. ;jCJossiage resulted, however. It is . ' wTiPther th shock "was iTelt in other portions of etherepuohc. r iv J.an&as 0iy,- packers fcax'e .piidjfiv a to the Amount of $25,000 mto the; Missouri ' ireasurv." luci- .... 1 'lcutally , thev have atlyaubed The piice of meat a cpnt a pound. "If a suae. wiU.wiIte his' wife's fiftst nihie till ov-r a sheet of nap r valid jarelessly leave ic wiieie sac cu llud tr, it 'will 'take a good many- gossips to convince her that he dofvsu't ; love her;- 'Y ' !'" : - : r'":' nT " Morally Certain of It. The prosecu ing witness, who had a lump over one eve, a black and blue spot under the other, a no?e that pointed decidedly awry, and ya rious strips of court plaster on his rce,evidently arranged without any regard to their artistic! effect, : testa- bed that the defendant bad knocked nim senseless and then , kicked him in the head antf free. for several mil utes. . . v ' - . "If he -knocked you sensehs?," aated the" police iustice, how do you know be kicked you hfter yo wer ; down?" - - - i The witness scratched his jaw and reflected. , f "I know it, jedge," he replied "cause that'd what I'd 'a' done to him if I'd got him down you .can bet1 that!" Chicago Tribune. The first tims a girl hears a man speak with admiration of her figure she blushes with mortification: the uext time she tosses her head. OonfederAte Veteran Reunion, jSew Orleahs,.L&., May 19-22, 1903. For the above occasion . the South ern Railway will sell tickets to New Orleans, La.,' and return at raes named below, Goldsboro . $19,75, Haleigh $18,35, Durham $18,25. Ureensboro $17,15, WinstonBaiem $16.Q, Salisbuby $16,20, Hickory $15,50, Charlotte $15,30. Approxi mately iow rates trom other points. Tickers sold May 16-21, 1903 in clusive with final limit tu leave New Orleans without validation May. 24, 1903. Original purchaser may secure extention of final limit, leaving New Orleans up to, and including June 15 1902( by peisonally depositing ticket with Special Agent at New Orleans on, or before May 24tb, 1903, and upon payment of fee of fifty cents at time of deposit. These rates apply via Atlanta, Montgomery ' J r t ' . . i - auu iyiooue, or via Atlanta ana uwsjo; Oirr,' Us cied he Southern Railway .via Atlania, dontgomery and AiubMe s the fficirtl route for his Annual "Con twdtriite Veterau's Special" which will ecrasist of first class aay coaches and Staudard Pullman (Jars to be uandled through to New Orleans without change. Thia Special train will ieave Baleigh, N, O. at 3.5 P Af. Smday May. 17th, 1903 and will Teach New Orleans about 8,30 P. M., Monday May. t8th: berth rate from Raleigh and Durham $6,00 (xreenata) o $5,50, Salisbury and Unarlotte5,00. Two persun cau occupy ;u oenh without .Additional cst. Excellent service on regular traiua in hotn directiona. Deciai lor ..ate from New Orleans n nearby points. A s if your; Agent for rates from your station. For further information and sleeping car re servation: write R. L. VERNON, T. P, A. Charlotte, N. 0. R MY vTl? D T ;I?t?DTTT 1 j Nofolk, Vigin ja., Taoboro, NothCiroliniCa! iimm III I W li M 1 ; . 'fy.'hL) , . - 1 1 j0T infants and Childran.': ' pldablePreparatioiiforAs- 1"; , i VV similatingUieFoodandEegola- UE . - J LiiigtheStoinachsandBowclsof - BearS tll6 - . - i - !l Signatoe; r:omolesDigeslion,Cheerfur- - f lM riessandRest-Containsneilher i'i ; 0 0 !j Opium.Morptone norfiiieral. Up 01 fWi ff 1 j. diorMARC OTIC !f 7 ; ; ; '-Uy,;;'; ntfCld.J)rSAMUELPnrCHER I ; ft Vl , j Aperfecl Remedy for ConsUpa- fl-" ft''' ' : -r C: -; Ron, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea uvj' ; , N 4 I Worms Convulsions Jeverish- 1 PI -Pm flifK j .nessandLossOFSLEBR. B ; y 1 J y y f" - ; FacSiridleignature'oV " j Y : - . ; Y r Y ; v c&frm 1 : mi-; :Th!r4iiW"rQ: -i - tew 'York. - ffj- 1 ll II I'M - .a Baiid THE CENTAUR CeKPflfsY. Sf VS CJTY. - - - - - - i i Tu.,;- r""-- Greeds Greensboro and-Conn ett's Southern Early ; peache are now all thp talk among the fruit growers. Look out for these two peaches and remember that Ythey were introduced by John A. Young, - proprietor y of Greensboro Nurseries. Fruit growers shipping tby the car load, say that theyT are the nione y makers Men who haye introduced other varieties and talked, them until thfty were hoarse, are now bound" tt ac knowledge that these two are the leaders. They are being plant I by the thousand. To be sure of get- itinS tb 8 ,ine yu should order from headquarters. J. A YNG, Greensboro, N. C. A SAVINGS ACCOUNT Y in a strong bank is a step uig 4 stone to success the OXFORD SAVING BANK, offers absolute security for ; SAVINGS, and its Massive Va ilts aflord perfect protection againt fire burglary ; , , STrino2 rlbnottiftt a,e receiredin any amount, a V lllg JU Ol interest allowed at 4 per cent. , Compounded every six months. You can bank by mail. , Booklet sent free ? OXFORD In the Bank 7l?L)Q C A 1TT1VT' AH RYW.MERE' uvjILUU ill Mm Propriet E THE umbia, South Carolina. o 3 BAN of Granville BEST yyimii tiki K . ehool Superittendentft ..JSfSf V ' W Mill. 1 . I II lk "V '. r - , . 'j rsf Christian JJndeaVorers Sac LeaersrKiiig's Daughters P?WY Fact ttie name of anybody wV.,Y andSabb,ith ReAdiae any person sending us a TiRf r,u w nunarea sut-n names we will gen "r5 above described picture f Wo a Ired sut-h names wfeViii NEIVY0RK.Y WE LV WIT IM ESS Interdenominational in Religion-' An Exponent of Applied ChriV ' ' , "tianity; ' --I- . ': ' - j Y . dependent In Poller Haasomettiiufjr of inferest for ev i Farm ana Garaeh epartmec Ti.-naete's hermoL - "4 JMHren-s Deoartmeut cientittc Department; 1 , . , Spirit of the Press, etc., ete ONLY ONE DOLLAR A . :YEAR. SABBATH READING. A Sixten Y News; No Politics. Stories; Poetry Sunday-School k Lesson ; Christian Endeavor and Epworth League Top ics; Mothers' Saboath Afternoon vr'th the' Children; Miscellaneous Religious, Matter. c ONLY 50 CENTS A Free sample copies of (he Witness and Sabbath Heading sent on Appli cation JoHN DOUGALL & CO., orfslkaWestera Schduis!n Effect This table in effect June 8. 1902 . V DURHAM DIVISION: Leave Roxhoro For Durham 748 p. m., daily exctp - Sunday; 8 :16 a. ml daily excep Sunday. ; " For Lynchburg 8 :16 a. m., daily ex cept Sunday; and 6 :07 p. m., for Houston, daily except Sunday Y West Bound Leave Lrnchbuig. 3 00 . a. m.---Th Washington and Chattanooga Limited, for Roanoke, Radford," Bluefield, Pocahontas; ; als' ,for Rocky Mount : and all stations on . the Winston Salem Division and ail points south and ."west. Solid. Vestibule train to , Chattanooga ?nd Memphis, Fall man cars to ' Memphis and New Orleans. ' 2 :30 p. m. The Chicago Express for Roanoke, Bluefield, Kenova Pocahontas, Columbus, Chicago. .Pullman Buffet Sleeper. Roanoke to Columbus; also for Radford, Bristol,.. Knoxvillc, Chattanooga. and intermediate points. Pullman Sleeper Roanoke to Ktoxvilie. 7 Parlor cars Norfolk and Roanoke 7 :00 a. 1 m Daily fo- ; Roanoke, . Bristol, Bluefield, . Morton and ; Welch. ... 6?00 pf n. Daily fcr Roanoke. East Bound Leave Lynchburg, 3 :45 p Y m; Daily for J'armTille, , : Richmond Petersburg and Norfolk Pullman Buffet Parlor Car to Norfolk. 2 ;05 a. m.r Arrives ai Petersburg at ,6.25 a m; at Richmond. 735; at Norfolk 9:10 a m; Pullmaa .Palaces between Lynchburg anc? : 'Richmond and Norfolk. This car Y will be, ready at Lynci burg at 9 p m for the reception f passen gers. , . . 8 :55s a.1 m. -Daily for Farmville -Petersburg, Richmond "and Nor folk. , E L HANES, City Ticket Agent, ' Lynchburg, Va W B BEVJLL, GP&TA, , . . f "Roanoke. Va. , General Oflice, HoanoKu - .... Ar , . : THE WALL STREET JOURNAL , Gives advice and answers, wit . charge, inquiries about , in ,; ments. Studies underlying: ca of market movements. Determ facts governing value of seeurit Criticises, analyst-s and revi . Railroad and Industrial repo1 Has complete tables of earning properties; Quotes active and active stocks and bonds Eeca ; . the last said of bonds and the yi on investment at tho price. One, who daily consults THS WalijDtrset Jotjuitaii is better qualified to inyestincnayfiafelyano profitably and to advisa about in". , vestsaents than ono who does not j: v- Pnblishcd.dai'y by Bow, Jones a Co., ilircsd St N. VIio eldest nz-z Cheney cf Wall S3