- I Change. , J . Having decided it (' a better ar rangement we have moved' all our business; ro the black smith shop; : pf J.-A. Long, on f Main street, where we will hereafter be found prepared to serve our friends and . patrons, guaranteeing at all times to. give -satisfaction in our work. ; Come .to see us at our, new place , of business. March, 25th. 1903 ; Pettigrew Bros,; rjSTote of thanks. , I desire to take this method of boro for all kindness shown to me sand mine during the recent illness iflnri dczth of mv. wife. Man v of you have been thoughtfully kind to ;us in many ways, and for each gra cious act you have my 'heartfelt shanks. Both her people and mine -sincerely thank you. I wish es pecially to express gratitude to sthe pur ils of the 8th and 9th .grades -and to the editor who so kindly ex - pressed their sympathy for me in Jast week's Courier. Again expressing sincere appre ciation for each kindness, whether -word or act, I am Very sincerely, N. C. Newbold. JApnl 20,th, 1903. V "The old Boar.i and Mayor Renomi nated. At a Mass-Meeting ofthe citizens of Roxboro last Saturday the May or and old Board cf Commissioners were renominated. . Ths meeting was. called to order "by Mayor Feat herstone, .who stated -the object of the meeting, and then cared" Mr. W; u. Merritt to the -chair. Mr. Merritt took the chair -and presided over the meeting witli -dign ity audibility-' - ., ' . Mr. Fr 6. Carver, in a very com -$limentay speech placed the name of Col.vR. I. Featherston for Mayor : lefore"(the house- The nomination w i$ . - made ; unanimous. The old . Poi r d , composed of M essrs. ; J ; A. ritt, JVC. Pass and Tno A Noell svas -then nominated "by acclama tion for commissioners. ' Mr H. C. Barnett was unanimous !y nominated for tbwn constable. . At tbe call of the house Col. 'Featherston made a shot t speech urging the people to stand to tbe , graded school as it was the great est institution we haveAfter which the meeting adjourned. Which ran the Man or the Mule. Thinking: the readers of The Courier are wmderingat tbe si : lence of one of our most eloque ' writeru. xuereiuie 1 win anempi v.-r. .www. " .since he was busy plowing, and c ist mg his eyes .backwards, he glimpsed "the approach of a dangerous look ing "varment?. At this he became Wribly frightened, and ran -away - with his mule, causing a tear up of ear, and a complete shatter of bis nerves. We did not learn the dis tance he Van, but .hare understood that fee was over taken by a friend ?a few miles from home, who per- - saaded him to ceas3 runing, ? telling 'him it was only a 'shaggy headed 'pony." ' He returned declaring he would Jtane the owner of the pony for dam rage.' . - , . , j Some time since oui readers r read an account of some of our neigh foors' taking "chance .game at tb show"' giving a negro a ten dollar bill f 0 r a quart of rye, and sievi n g ICTU to sepai ate the nubbins. CDBnce at his heels, and in his fright wonlu not - nv waueu iwr ue .inlMlllta " H Mtl I Hill I I HI 11 1 1 II1HTIV more pontes pss his corn-fi-ld he'll flio-ht he will'scatter it to, . the four Iwitdi of the earth. " , , . ' 22o w dear readers, what - do yor 'TOnk of a strong able-bodied man. getting scared at ' a shaggy headed pony and running away with a poor little innocent mule? - " ? - " ' Peter Meddlesome Ita have a car of 65,000. Ifo.. 1 n..f inn cMneles for sU cheap. Hoboro, IT, 0,' April 15, 1903, ' 'News from Cates. " The road question ha8 been' agita ting our people for qnite a ;rtrhie that is the best modp- of . wcrkiag. We are glad indeed to recogn iz su ch a great change iu them recently, and that for the better. Especially in our section;-: Our Honorable Biapl , - - 1. . . . . t ? of Oommi8sioners made a wise selec-' tiou when they appointed Mr. Wnr. King superintendent of district-'No, 2 in ; Flit River township. . He'5s a di 1 igen t, energetic and in d tf? tri o u s man, a man who does not fear work himself, and alwavs has '& V job -for those around him, 1 by this i he is put ting his roads ia a good condition. I don't mean to say in- a first-clasd coudition, but so much better than they have been we think it good. If all the superintendents . in Ihe county will compete with ours, with the help of superintendent , Moore and his chain-gang, in two more years we would have good roads, and I think the majority of the men. who have been opposed to working the oads by taxation will vote for Hon. J. A. Long arid Mr. W. T. Bradsher to go back, to the Legislature .and: make another law .to be ..joriticised for a while. ' , , - The Scrub Brushes seem tov be in demand.' Seven of. our young nieu boarded the train at.-JIelena hist Tuesday morning for. Durham and otlvr points for the purpose pf seli- mg them. ' We regret to.-ee so many of them leajs-'e from' our midst, - ana shall miss their blight faces very much indeed, but wish ibt-m a g-t success wherever tney go. Mrs. 0. A. Timberlake of -Durham spent Eaiter with herv parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moore. . - - Mrs. Lonie bordon. and. daughter Mrs. Knight' of . Hillsboro are the guest at Mrs. Jas E. Yancey's - this week. vVeareg'ai to. learn that Mrs. Jaa, T Cates who has been quite feeble for the pist week U approving. '' ' Mas 'Jatt-s, N. 0:, "April 18. 1903. " ' - Resolutions by School Trusteed On motio of ,1 S. M rnt. 5 I--was unaniiuusy recurved Thn' the Baad f trusters for t e .Il;Vx borc Grrded Scho ' ieuif.r io iff of. N. C, . New.hu l: i oti r nih -,apprec atinof hi m- st ut ca fti and ttticieu: v.v.ces it the in ivz- met, t and vc-s? f-on'.,rinhotlnav do cordial r m OMimr tl him to y on. succe sos w i t ,eVe v 6t atu worthy .as ti.e Ju i re 1 uptuf; schools. s 1 And we 1 1 furihr tender. to- linn our symp irbifri nj ih-' s .d' beri,-v. nnt. which .o.'ir Am V,e Provident e h visited upou niir, in the deiath of his wife, whom we had the pvo v I u r. o 7 knowing as u most excel t n oiiinn nu i iftvalufiide nid .to him in his :aTcrt; 'jrk a- ' -in ed'iCdt t. ' - .f . A Long . , : . W if Long , " ". IV vV I N8TBAD i. K I FUATHKUSTON" - J S uikkjiitt; Wood's Farm Seeds. Cow Peas and Soja Beans Two of the most important crops for farmers every where Write for leaflets entitled " Soja BeanS vs. Corn " and Cow Peas-The Clover of The Souther- givinfe special- information about these crops. We carry large stocks of all SEASONABLE FARn SEEDS, 5eed Corn, Ilillet, Sorghums, Teoslnte, Late Seed Pota- ; 1 toes, Crimson Clover, : 4 Buckwheat, etc', j , ' Wood's Seed Book and Special Circu lars giving prices and seasonable in-: formation, matted free. - - ; . s -v - h T.7.A7dc j & Sons, Sccdsnsn, , CIS!IU0S9, VIB6IA. .'U'i Jr.rd.M., bite i as employed bv a.' 'Vir ! Tv;.tifc; k d Tfith- h-rthy furhj l aiv i o,,i frou hj i-4r, . h'ar! lutr o- 1 fpf-d:!! him. Ativsirte.il!sr-iiii.F th-s i.ptjca wjll tje-proiutt-rt. TbU April ss, I9y3. : To the Patrons of the Roxboro Gra- . tied fceiioois; - ;i jeeret that itaa' necessaryto dosethcriFchpols , j,iow j-sr it 'ieavfs tlie grades; all unfiiiishetj, but tnel 06mmitree.7thooght it, was best Uti-; der existfog circumstances.'lwish' to' suggest' that' rr aa possible- you have your children' to study at; home and complete trr work outliLed tin each grade.' so that when the schools ojen next fall all will be ready 4 to take the examinations and be-proT mqted at once to th next higher grade t If you will kindly, do this, ; it wiP save a great d eal of ti m e a t v i e opeaing on the part of both teachers ana pupus." i win urge ruis , upou the pupils also, , and; earnestly hope that e'ach one may finish - th work a hbnie; this spri ng and summer ; - Very sincerely , i . ; , 'Che Suit- . P, S, I also suggest that you have the children to take good care of their books as they can ' sell . them next vear to the grades below them. Bv following tuis plan your, expense for books next year will be very small. One s?t of oooka should.; last three ar four veari. : ' Struck by N. & W. Freight; . V The engineer of tne south bound Norfolki&-Western passenger ' trainu whicb arrfves at Durham at 9;35. a mzdisD'eredv the mangled "forms of twprmeti;bie Kide bt the " track 'ab6bt..t6ieb'hTiles this silk of South Bjit)n on Mol W -.ninnu.; From letters. fouud in their packets, it )S ascertained- ; than : tj.". e e -Huh L-wi?, of Uiia'rl.) t '.' N.-C, and Johh Jobus"Nif-GjM Hill, N 0., Nji'htr vert kilu-.i ' $t right, bu lpv.MH dud Mond-jv iif'eitiooa at '5 o'clock. JohiiSuii Vi..ijo: pt-siioly jv co .". It is thought, thut'ttiey were stri7ck.tby an extra trH oii, dt niiirht, D'.ir'ian 'wn- . i- ' . ." f'ES PROPER DIET PLEASltfG " Durham ? Her Hd: The wneiite & anion hhl a metin I sf iiig!it th was 1 irgely attPdited arur those who were.allowed ou tue insi-l' of t h cVos "1. doors : report that it wa a vTerv eiithusiast'n inti T e union passed a rf sol n Hon d eclari foruhion mide goods and esppcuk j union' m a d e hats M. Ft J. 0'Haire, representing the United Hatters, of t N rth America, was admitted and addressed the meeting on - union-label hats. He asked tha moral support of tbe union in favor of union made goods, "After his talk a resolution was introduced endors ing the hatters union label: The carpenters have been organized! several montns ana now nave a large membership, . there being be- tween two and three hundred xegn- lar members. The Great; Spring Remedyi After the rigors of winter are felt tonic, laxative and - t- BLOOD . P:UMFIEK. YOU WANT THE BEST OF COURSE ; THAT : IS . This medicine is scientifical ly; compounded from the extracts of root3, ' J .. herbs and barks, combined with certain other : purifying and , alterative " 5 products. , A sure cure for Rheumatism Indigestion Constipation Boilsyl " Kidney Troubles, and ill diseases arising from impurities in the blood. v j I Aalc jour druggist tor XlHJQUSXA'dDIS and Insist on getting It. Bevrar of.smbstntea of dotftd. value.' j t rf All Druggists, or express prepaid. Bobbltt Chemical Co., - " , Baltimore, fid., VI S. A. jo i?TnjQ 4 siiuod S5 Aiiovsisoo pu majpimo Jumooi uoCn ti .iiujium m o oowfj1r' uk pu souoiunoo VMIHJLTnJ -uuoa siuaAOJd puj viAi.i i.i i vJ6c-iJCi cU CJ. , - I P rd"-1! . 1 -"-i vM 5 MR. fvw, denver:, GeneralAgent Richmond, Va. A Bear Sir:-1:'-- " '- ' . :" i -. - I desire to - express to you my appreclatioti of the promptness with; which your Company, 'the Equitable Life Assurance Society has paid thf loss under policies Nos. 1,176 537 aiid 531 on the life of my Jate husband , Bratxon Banks. ; 7 , ) . : ' ; These oliciswere issued Dec. 11th; 1902Famounted to $4. 000100 and only oiie premium" had been paid. The proofs of death were mailed, to you March, 20th, and check for -payment of the same twas issued ori, March 24th,1903. ,1 ; w . r;Such promptness is a guarantee of good -management on the part of. the officers of your Company, ahd should commend it to an wna are mteresteain securing Company. r. Merritt Bamphlet Tue Robetouni: Mr; -Gea " 0 French, -yesterday shipped seveial biske s of garden peas . whichl e informs us is the first t hi omen 1 1 of peas which has been "nude from this atat this year. Hi 1 if ' 13 truck, faring so fi this s.iio:i has been yery satiffrtvtorv, and successful. Other iectious of this county are' also a ' , findins: this industry p.cohtab!e. M. A, J; Fioyd. of Ashpoje, ,Lwho was nere yes rrdy, tell us that from 25 to 35 cirs 1 ded with truck- passed xbere for ti- . northeru markeJS lrn-)3t erv Jmv. Part of this comet from this county . Siateavilltj Landmaik-.Rev. R. W Boyd, superintendent of the t Baritim O.rpHans' Home, says the gift of J4,000 by Judge Howard, of Tar boro, will be iued to erect, another building at tbe orphanage which will accommodate 30 additional children. There are .now 127v chil- dr n at tbe home; I X ....... . ;y .you are liable to feel the need - of a t1 -' -i n i 1 , IlE ij speqsal :Ageoi9 . ; Bid's:. Roxboro. N. d KZ-S u VJ ;r7GARNEK..K5C..'Match 25, 1903( 'T insurance in: a strong and safe ; , - Yours very truly1 " ' , : . (Signed) NANNIE A. BANKS. Sent Eree. Land SdlG . By, virtue of a, deed of' trust exe onted to me br Fannie. Nannr.- anH Emi ydjly recorded in the office of ! egl8t?f f Deeds for on f 4 jjjuLt x , at u . 1 Will. ;o'n the 18 Hftv of atL -,oaq' " on the 18 day of Iklay, ; 1903, sell l puuuc auction lor cash ,in front of the court house door in Roxbnrn also!all theriSht nd- enterest that J & tne said tb ani Evans have i annie iancy. ,antl Emily re in' that certain -tract nf land lying in Mt. Tirzah township Person N.C., aud . bounded oa the west by Wm. Tadlbck", Dink Hol sbmeback; on the north ; VV m. owl ng on ; the east , : and said Wm. Bowling on the scuth contaiiig 400 of 500 acres more or less. . - . T. G. BROOKS, - : ' ' ' ' Trustee. , ; This April 11, 1903. i . OR BAVARIAN LINIMENT FOR HUMAN AND ANIMAL. i f v i 1. The Modern dealer of On's, Bru- , ises, Sores, Galls, Xamev ness,; Rheumatism, , r Swellings, Etc. t,Postivetv tbe tfeatest rem- (edyxof the 20th centnry Money refunded if notsatiSj factory: ; " 6 . JSone genaine withoat pic of Uncle Sam. MANUFATURKD BY 1) O'A TYIOfiian St l?inrl ! H ( -For sale by . Sergeant Clayton & Co. roxboro; n. c. otico , l " Tom Rogers colored, whs em ployed hf. me for 10 mouths, and without any cause left my, employ I ; hereby forbid and person fro, bfiing, harboring, or feeding Rogers. ' . -' r - this April 18. 1903. , M.

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