fjOELL BROS., Proprietors. HOSlE FIRST: ABROAD NEXT. 0 l -OO Per Year in Advance Vol. XX. ROXBOEO, NORTH CAROLINA, Wednesday Evening, April, 29 1903. THE ALABAMA NEGROES LOSE- . nrrwon OTDTBTT M ATTA.CJCH7ICJ atI IT. The United States SuprenieCourt, in the Cas Brought by Colored Man Who Was . Refused Registration Under the New Constitution Do sides Against tae Negro. Washington, . April . 29. By a devided bench five to threeJus tice Day being absent, the United States Supreme Court to-day denied the application of Jackson W, Giles on behalf of himself and 5,003 other negroes in Montgomery county, Ala., to compel the regis trars of the county to place their names on the registration books. The case was brought in the Fed eral Court for the district of Ala bama, Alleging the depiivation of their constitutional right under the fourteenth and fifteenth amend ments," but the court dismissed the cases for want of jurisdiction and ou that question it was brought to the Supreme Court on appeal and by certificate. Justice Holss, in eelivering the majority opinion, said the question of jurisdiction and the merits of the case at bar vere so interwoven that it became necessary for the court to take up both, for it was impossible in a .suit like this, that the relief sought should be granted. It would be au extraordinary and unheard of ex' tension of political relief. The Jus tices rendering the majority opinion were the Cheif Justice and Associ ate Justice White, McKenna, Holmes and Peckham. The dis senting opinions were froniv Jus tices Harlan. Brewer and Brown. To a layman the dicision of the court seemed at least peculiar and it was commented on around the capitol by attorneys as being, al most remarkable. A report at first gained currency that a test cse Qf the new Alabama constitution had been decided, but later it developed :from expressions of the court that the validity of the censtitution hafl not been touched upon, lne case was really brought in the first in stance to test the validity of the constitution of Alabama. A negijo claimed that the board of registrars refused to allow him to register. It came up begore Judge Thomas Goode Tones, iudsre of the United States Circut Court for the north ern Alabama district. Judge Jone undecided whether he had juris- diction, but dismissed the case on ground that he had not, m oraer that United States Supreme Court might pass fiinally on the question of jurisdiction. The case therefore was presented to the Supreme Cou-t for the determination of this one question. Justice Holmes de levered the oninion for the court. He ssid that according to the usui precedence the court had no juris diction, but said that this was a most extraordinary case and the Supreme Court had ! determined to lay aside for the time tee (question of jurisdiction and go into the merits of the case. It was impossible, he said, to grant the relief thpt was asked by the petitioner, the negrp,. fiast because he had related that he - . . s a qualified voler under a ; system , which he admits is fraudulent and in violation of the constitution' of the United States. .r I he best 1 nhxrain WmhArlftT ii'a Stomach andXiver Tablets. F.aavi to take; pleasant in effect Fqrale; J HERE'S YOUR CHANCE. A Handsome $60.00 Buggy to be Given Away. The Courier will give away an other. Buggy to the subscriber who holds the lucky number. This is the third Buggy offered as a prem iumr by The Courier. It is a great opport unty for you. "Every person paying $1.00 re ceiyes a numbered ticket and when thej' have all been sold we will have the drawing public as the last draw ing was by some one selected by those holding tickets, and well blindfolded. As soon as the draw ing is made and . the lucky ticket presented the buggy will be award ed on the payment of $1.00 by the party holding the the ticket. The Courier is worth $1 00 a year and the buggy is offered as simply an inducement to secure new subscribers, but of course we can not discriminate against our old patrons, hence every one paying a year's subset iption in advance or for arrears, is entitled to a ticket. And how is the time to subscribe. Southern Railway Appointments. Cincinnatti, April 26, President Samuel Spencer, of the Southern Railway has telegraped from New York, that W. J. Murphy has been made vice president of the Cincinr nati. New Orleans aud Texas Pa cific division, and that W. A. Garr rett, recently general superinten dent of the Pbiiad l( hia& Reading road, succeeds Murphy, as general manager, 1 oth appo ntnients ef fective May 1. WAKE IS THE COUNTY. GATTIS-&ILGO SUIT WILL BE TRIED IN RALEIGH i It Has Been Set for the October Term, $eeond ; Monday Judge R B Jebles Will Preside, Oxford, N. C, April 25 -The suit Gattis vs Kil go has been re moved to Wake county, and the trial is not to be called before Mot? day of the second week in October term. This decision was reached this morning, after quite a lengthy consultation of counsel on both sides with J u$ge Allen, that lasted far into the night last night, an was resumed this morning for short time. - . . .... It is understood that Judge Allep requireel defendant's counsel to vav any objections to removing the case to a particular county upon the grounds that it was not adjacenjt, and that, he allowed the counsel for i:4-i-ff f r-, co!af tVi mnrttv "Riit it is reported that he would net send the case to Person, because there were special grounds of objection to that county. .,, j According to the plaintiff's couiji sel themselves selected Wake, with Person barred out. Judge R. B. Peebles, of Norti: ampton, will be the presiding jude at the Oct9ber term of Wake coun ty court ; j - - ' , -Tbe recent sin mp An stock", values brinffs withlit the suggestion that republican prosperi ty partakes ..inore of the character, 01 gamunDg.we t tpfosperity thaq of thd actual .thing. BENSON'S BUSINESS BLOCK IS BURNED, Pli'TfeEN STORES COMPLETELY WIPED OUT YESTERDAY. Insurance Not More Than $10,000 at Utmost How the Known Originated Holmes1 tore is Not in T o m m y Benson, N. C, April 25. The best part of the business section of this place was completely wiped out by fire to-day. fifteen stores and houses were destroyed. The loss is estimated at from $50,000 to $75,000. Only a portion is covered by insurance, not more tha $10,000 at the utmost How the fire started is not knov n. but itwas in Tommy Holmes' store about noon, that it was discovered: t spread with the greatest rapidity as far north as the railroad, and consumed the buildings fronting on he railroad, going east to the next block To the south also the stoies were burned as far as the corner occupied by the store of Preston Woodall. The stores and buldings burned were: rreston woodali. at tne corner, C. B. Johnson, groceries; Lonnie Stavens, groceries; Cave naugh, Holmes and Company, groceries and general merchandise: Wilson Allen's bar-room; Tommy Holmes' store; J, H. Royall's bar- room: 'J, W- Canday; general merchandise; H. Lucus, hardware; barber shop of Daniel Hill; Stewart and Dew, general merchandise; A- i. Barefoot, dry goods: building occupied by store of Mrs. Bettie Broughton and dwe ding of B, B Broughton; dwelling of John Strick land, the building being owed by J. H. RoyalL The last two buildings fronted on the railroad. All the- buidings burned, the Whole fifteen, were completely de stroyed. Hardly a timber was left. . ; BANK BLOWN OPEN. Haif a Dozen Burglars in the Gang. ' About $3,506 Taken, I La Grange, N. C, April 28.4 Rouse Brothers' bank was robhepl last night, the safe being; blown open .with some explosive. The safe and bank fixtures were totally, wrecked, and the front windows broken. 5 c It is not known exactly at what jtitne operations began but they contmuea an nourorr more, xnc final explosion.occurred at precisely two o'clock when the burglars were seen to drive asyay, by several who were in thevicinity , but afraid to venture near. Several shots, were fired by ttie I missed Mr. Prentis Wooten, - who slept in a store across the street. A number 'Xjf tools we; e stolen .from the bl acksnrith shop of Ruf us Mew- born with which to operate. The hbrSe' x and. ;buggy ;of ; Dr. , J. ; Mi- Hodges-are .missing :and are, .sup". posed to have been stolen.- Two or three other -buggies , were :seeii stapding 'back. of the bank. At least Six men are supposed to have been concerned m the robbery. r . j All the, money was taken ? except a small qnantityjaf coini the, anount beingN ihe loss es fully wyexedby Insur- ance. . Rouse Brothers received- funds from Kinston this .morning " and promptly settled with depositors. Bloodhounds have been sent for from Kinston,, (Thetbusines3 con tinues without interruption. 7 ' ' We hav the " lamest. and:;we believe the cheapest stock of shoesl in town; saySi Messrs J. A; Long, Son & Co. they cordially invite you to look at their line beforeuy ing, f'--."" m 9 Messrs. Clayton & Long says just follow the crowd and you will land in their store! If you are looking for dress goods, shoes or gents furnishings you will miss an opportunity if you don't go to see them. You will need that plow and plow castings now as the weather has opened up, and I am sure you can do better at my store than you can anywhere else. Hardware of all kinds just as cheap as anybody. Geo. w. Thomas, Certificate good for $oc on Sr. bottle of Celdry Nerve and Blood Tonic with written guarantee with each bottle. The certificate rmlv for 30 days. It will benefit any body. Great spring tonic. Morris Drug Store. The broadest gaur'antee in' the world. We guarantee tbe price of everjthing we sell to be as low or lower than the same article can be bought anywhere else. This should make your trading, with us very safe; and you can .find almost any thing yon want here" as we carry a general line groceries," dry goods, shoes, furniture &c. A, R. Foushee & Son. 9 Dissolution Notice. The firm of Blalock & Tingin is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The busines will be con tinued by J. M. Blalock & Co. All accounts due the old firm will be paid to J. M. Blalock & Co. This April 22, 1903. A. A; Tingin 1 J. M. Blai.odk. i 4 w. Mr. H. A. Johnson, who for the past two years has sd efflcientlt fill ed the position as prescriptioh clerk at Mr. Morns drug istore, kft this morning lor an extended visit to his sister in iSouth GafolinaP Mr. Johnjon fat some months has been in declining health, and thinking a rest and change of climate would benefit him resigned his position with Mr. Morris. We venture to say that no young man ever came tRoxboro and in so short a- time mafde? more wimfriends .than did .if.; Johnson j" eJ Courier joins 'nfsmher, friends in expressing : re grets 1 1 his departure from among us, and wishing that the change will; greatly 'benefit his health VI adam- I' caught your husbarld 1 r- . c ' tnaking love to my wifer.; "Oh, I'love - ly! Then he hasn't forgo tton how!- Lille. Hiqfififia ftl(5 to talk: israbove the riglit of a man to question. Women have a right to talk, they? wilLialk and nobody blames them for it, they can't :heljp it aftethey have seen.the heautiM collection of summergobds that ve are showing They have to tell their neighhfsard friendsabotit how stylish and tasty and cheat - . thevare. I have had!a do5fen ladles to tell me in . the past week, wdl my; neighbor ArsV So; and Sb .told me that if I wantedto save money and find? the prettiest ktockrof woofen andwasn goods in Roxbbro to go to A; M, Burns' and it cer tainly is true.-V; I am not disappointedbut' find1 them even ?T$fl??& $??par than slie described." v You will think rso too, if you will come and see you .will not only find pretty and stylish goods but you will; find many- more thanTi you expect- . s . - .. No 17 . -Y- -v ; M awcrs' V, Buckeye; H Grain ; ; Drills; ) ! "s&kidat Btana Fertilizers, v ; Chlcago-RocWord . - S Hosiery Comp R p BROOKS v I 1 1 Kenosha, (f - :jyOODSDAI WG Have . What you Want in Groceries. This is our r-ne, and this is what we study. Our aim is to at all. times keep such a line ol groceries and confectioneries that vi i will suit our trade. When you want The very best Flour. 1 Sugar, Meal or'Fanc" Groceries come tu Ub and we will serve 7012 prompt, and will, . ai , ways guarantee prices If you can't come just 'phone us and your orper ;,,,will, , harve prompt attention. Sergeant; Clayton & Ot; Successor to W. J. Johnson & Ctr YOU'LL GET THAT OEDEk And get it Promptly. ?Chere; will be-,,nb Blighting ... o the .matter from -the,; time you send yoarorder to nsf until the goods are in your home. S e ; udy Your TVaii ts. . ' Every grocery order is welcome,1 ' and ' every customer is treated as . - well as w& can treat him. V .- ... a ft . , , f ' f - I can save you money on Shoes, : give me a call, . . . Yours to sez V . - - j., . ? - f k f G H HUNTLE. man..--; V ' 4 i , -