Vol. XX. ROXBOBO, NORTH CAROLINA, Wednesday Evening, May, 20 1903. No 2 0 CONVENTION CALLED. j y. Bailey Manager for Education Couimittee of Anti Saloon League, Issues the Call. Mr. J. W. Bailey, manager for the Executive Committee of the North Carolina Anti-Saloon Lea gue, issued the following call: After careful consideration, the Executive Committee of the North Carolina Anti-Saloon League has called a Temperance Convention ito meet at Ra7eigh, July 7th, 1903. I. This convention is demanded by the conditions: 1. We have a , vast amount , of temperance sentiment in the State but it is unorganized. In the pro cess of organizing it, this 'conven tion is necessary. 2. We are about to enter a great campaign.' 3. Wt mus' greatly strengthen our operations. We cannot cope-with the situa tion on the present basis. The pre sent Executive Committee needs enlargement, and those who shall lead our cause need the support of a convention representing the en tire commonwealth,,. The present manager of the cam paign cannot find time to carry out all his duties. , We must put a man in the field wh s will give .himself wholly to this work. Until we shall do this, we cannot reckon ourselves as very seriously , engags ing in conflict with the giant -drink evil. J ? The convention will hay e tor its purpose: ( 1) The marshaling of ' the temperance, forces of our; State .for the conflict now so close at hand; (2) the reorganization of our ! exe: cutive department; (3) the selec tion of one more field man; (4) the putting of our work-upon -ant ade! quate basis; (5) the work of form! ing our policy. " "i". Now, who should attend this convention? Every one that :s in earnest in this great cause. If our conven? tiou shall fail, it will be taken as a She cause in nri-iw rr.iinf"if' svm pathy and support. Besides, many them need organization for law inforceruent. Every incorporated own, and especially such as are lot protected against saloons and iistilleries, should be represented. The ministers of Nonh 'Carolin? re counted upon to attend in large fumbers. 3 ; " . ,J,, Every Anti-Saloon League in fle btate should send a delegation, nd every place that intends o. oriirally known that he was even ill. aize a league or institute a cam pgu against the drink evil: should representatives. The business, men and the 'vdtizf ns who isel an interest in this ereat fork are especially urged to be pre- pt. We shall need them most of Remember the date, July 7th ank ace, Raleigh. Railroad rates will F Enounced later: :vl. f- '"I Gorman Sails for Europe. ' York. Mav. rfi Jcjpotnr rtQur PUe Gorman, of ..Maryland - t-oaCuger on tne Uantic rausport Lin cf .u: ' ci- L ; WQlc& : sailed .to day for IT. Mrs.. Gordon accom- rQim. General Gordon Thinks the Reunion Will be a Great One. 1 - New Orleans,, May, . .Gene ral John B. Gordon , command the United , Confederate Veterans, .ar rived here to-day, and visited - Ad jutant General ? MickJes haead quarters. . He was given a great ovation. General , Gordon - found the preparation for the reunion far advanced, and believes it will be one of t the greatest, gatherings of old soldiers ever held in the South'. General Gordon left for Atlanta to-night, and return in time - to open the reunion on Tuesday. The Shipwrecked Portuguese. ; Newbern, May i 5. The regular routine of inspection of the Poitu guese immigrants by the govern ment officials was carried ou to day. Seventy more are to be in spected. One more was found with trachoma of the eve, which pre? him from landing in, the , United States; Inspector Stamp informs me that the governmen t will pro -vide transportation for them to Prividence Massachusetts by the Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad to Norfolk, thence by the Merchants & Miner's Iine to their destination. .They will probably leave here , Sunday or M onda v About $600 has been received to day by the immigrants from f their relatives and friends in Massachui scetts in the shape of postal money orders. '1 - - - - : ! Post 11 Clerks Put Up a .Claim of v , i4,Doo,ooo. - ' ; 1 TuscaJocsl " May 16. D. 5 Pj Nichol5n;V. a 'postal-'clerk," ;who runs oil; the . V aba ma Great South ern'Railwayi says that the-'postal iclerk3 of the .United States 5:have a claim ', ' aggregating $ 14,000,006 against the United -State P6stoffice Department. 7 iicholsqhl says ; this claim , will be tried before thelUnit- ed States Court of Claims at Wash- ingtonv " ., , i The. claims is based 7 upon the section , of the postal laws which prescribes that cheif clerks and railr way postal clerks shall be paid their actual and ' necessary expen- ses while actually , traveling on business of the, Department. ) . ' , : University Student Dead. . . . Chapel Hill,. May, 15. Mr. Frank Sims Hudson of Casheville Tenn.. a member of the sophomore Class, died here this afternoon about 6 o'clock of dysentery after a short illness of less than a week. The news came as a shock to the entire college, as ityaa' not gerie Mr. Hudson was about 25 years ;of age and one of the prominent men of his class. He was vice, president of the looal Young Men's Christian Association and everywhere known for his pure and upright life. He will be much , missed from the Christian 'life' of both? college and town' . ! 1 Percy Jones Not Related to Senator ' Little Rock, May 16. A 'special correspondent of The ; Arkansas Gazette, today interyied former Senator James K. Jones, at his home at, Hope, Ark., in reference to the reported relationship between jrimand Percy Jones, who was kill ed by a mob at Wilson, N, C. The Senator says Percy Jones is not re 1 lated to him. - - J I TEXAS ffTITETJST LAW. . I The Oases Docketed in the TJnitftrt ; States Supreme Courfc; to Test, Its Validify.; ; , ;. . Washington. May.i6f ;T. w o cases intended to test he validity of the Texas anti-trust, '-law, : were docketed to-day in the. United States Supreme Court; The cases are those of the . State of Texas against the National ; Cotton Seed Oil Company; and the Southern Cotton Seed Oi 1 Company ; both New Jersey corporations The - two companies - were consolidated and the consolidation . acquired other oil c factories, the combination . re sulting in the formation : of the trust, as alleged by the State", and not denied by the companies. It is stated that the result of the combination was the fixing, of the price of cotton seed at 1 . 14 per ton. The combination iwas pro nounced x illegal by the Texas courts; and the oil companies bring the cases to the Supreme Court on writs of error, alleging that the Texas anti-trust laws are in con travention of both the Federal and the State constitutions. : . White Man Killed by a Mob Wilson, May i4. Perry Jones; an v insurance agent, who canie here some Time ago', . was shot ii his room last nightby a" crowd of citizens who intended .'to run' hini out of town, and as a result died a 7 o'clock this morning. -; Oneof th - - l rested on the charge . of- participsi tion in the crime The objection to Jones was because of his alleged associatiori with a colored woman J Jonesstated after Jbeing 'wounded that when the men rustied into his room he fired on them whenf he was shot. ; Jiuuiug iub jc uij. , v j i ' Dear readers, I commenced the fun with Bro. Meddlesome about that $10 06 bill he gave to the 'nef gro for a pint of whisky, and I pro pose to end it in fun. This is not a reply to the fun. ' You wiU never see another in strument of writing or a reply fx or me to Bro; Meddlesome let him say fr rnnohnt lie mav. i . I ffladlv vield the best end of al those jokes td Bro. Medal esome and .only take in' return his strange name Donkey-Bray, I say .1 can Jive a while going by the name jo i ,. v ... .".; respectable. ' . : : - ; DonkeyBray. Ai; N. C, May 16th, 1903. ; Services &t Mill Greek 5th Saturday : V f . ' and Sunday. ; , : - - There will be services at Mill Creek next 5th Saturday and Sun day. One serinon on Saturday at TT.oVlock. All day services on Sunday. In the afternoon there wiU be an , ordination of deacons. Deacons of sister churches are cor- rHaiiv invited to be oresent and car- tidrate in the1 ordination. The nublicis cordially -invited to at tend. Pastor. Reports received from various narts of Jones and Craven, counties, T7mcnj7ere supposea w nave bui fered from hail Monday, cay that The hail cscra3 to have struck a yery alleged attacking party wast:aso wounaeu. cncli c RAGAN'S BODY RECOVERED. the Mill .Reservoir ; Where His LastlTote o His Father said It, Would Be. , ;' Durham, May i5.True-fo his promise Robert 'Ragan. who . disdp peared yesterday and left a note: Ho his father and two brothers saying that his dead dy; would' be found m the reservoir atrth'e Erwin Cot ton Mill, ended his life night ber fore last ilia body was , fished .out of the reservoir this morning about 8 o'clock. " ' . ; ; ; In the letter to his father,. James I. Ragan, . and two brothers the deceased told them that he . could not longer stand the trouble that hs has been in during . the last bwelve months nd that he was go ing to end it all by. drowning him self in .the reservoir. He" told his father and brothers goodbye said that he would like to see them and his sister-in-law and n ephe w " again but that he could not wait. He then added that he hoped that they would, all go - to heaven but that for himself, "corden to the Bible," as he put it, 4I shall sflend the. re- i lnainder of my days in hell' ; ' : iiicv uctcaacu, ui ? lamer anu brother came here ,from Person county 5ome three years ago He was . 27 years of age 'and" unmarj' ried.-;, v -V "j For the second time John -Parker ha been convicted of afi crime, itha means . that he must suffer : deathai. the hands of thfi TaW- PhP -.nrv . rn;r , : . 1 -iV ' a s v 1 ' . J I ucacu .Vy T-vcuiub nui guilty ; j u& before 7 o'clock last nighty and ' tpis momins: sentence will be nronounced by Judge W. 'R. lilenf 'who : irUd the case.-r-I)arham Herlad. . t - j r I . f Mr.- W. L; Spoon,; an ; employe of the natibri at6fernment : in the inter- i esc cx pn one roaaB improvemeni;, was at Rockingham Tuesday highi and made a talk to our people about good roads, and on Wednesday night he made an address in the court house, after which a- Gocd Roads Olab tor Kockingham: township was organized. Anglo-Saxon; , 1 ..; -. Senator Simmons is notified that 26 vacancies as assistant surgeons in the navy are to be filled Those wha I pass a . non-competitiTe examination at Washington are assured oi, aprtt pointinent at j&f salary of . $1,650 ja yearxhe aprjlicantmust be physi-f- cally; perfect and make 75 ; on. the examination, . ' : , -isj JOn X lOOK in coe uicuuury lur luc ucauwg k u jjctigama, , uui just come to us and we will show you what .a real genuine Bar gain is Here are a few to read about now and come to see later when you! will find that they are 38 in white victoria lawin only 40 in white victoria lawn bought m short lengths, regular price, 15 to 20c. our price only 12c? 7 200yds 36 in peical, the regular 12c grade in short lengths oniyiuc ya. 200 yds of the sheerest dimity chase of a mill end lot enables us - A splendid fast black 4A in bnlhantine received to-day only 50c. $1.25 will buy the best ladies a the pnee. Many otner bargains quite tne equaJ oi tnece, come anaiet,us show you. . y: V ' . : . ; ; You Will Need Ice :Tbis summer.; ; Well ; when " you do call on me and I will take pl$as eur in supplying your wanti.r - All orders must be; accompanied by the cash.t: '-f; Respectfully; -J jASm&ARRist f 1 7m What vbu 1 -4 mm Want in This is our Pne; " : and this is: what; we study. Our aim is to, at all riinits , 1tp.pi Rnnli a line ql , groceries and p.nn f p. ftti nn mi pa . f fh af. will suit, our, trade! -Turn -i 'Hw jieu you want The very best Flour, . pugurj iieai or j? ancr Groceries come to uu nrirl wft" will Rpriv vn-n , v - ' . "- prompt, and wilK ai- ways guarantee prices It you can't come just , . . 'phone us . and ' your order will'" have prompt attention. 0 ; Serffeant, Clayton1 &Co Successor to W; Tl 'Tohnsbn cV Co IjThe Modem Healer of Onls, Bru v isesI.Sore8Galls,Lame ' ness, K neu ma tism. . : . vr Swellings, e tc.s ' " . , Postively the , greatest rem- ledy of the 20 th century, . ; Money refunded if not,satisr ifactoryi N one genuine : without picture of Uncle am. J- . ' 1 . M A"NUFATURKD BY American Stock Feed Go I V FREMONT, "! OHIO. For sale by : Sergeant Clayton & Co.; ; tUA15U14U.JN. C. much better than , you expected- 10c. y i- regular price 1734c, a lucky pur to offer them at only 1234c. or man's umbreHa you ever saw H'-TI nfHQ. . We Have Groceries k OR B ATARI ANt LINIMENT f ! ?FOR HUM A : AND ANIMAL. r f