ILczesiaia!, 'Psoriasis Mlieusm, Tetter and Acne Belong to that class of inflammatory and disfiguring skin eruptions that cause more genuine bodily discomfort and worry than all other, known diseases. The impurities or sediments which collect in the system because ; cf poor digestion,; inactive Kidneys and- otheri organs of elimination are taken up by the blood, saturating the system, with acid poisons and fluids that ooze out through the glands and pores of the skin, producing an inde-: scribable itching and burning, and ; i can cheerfully endorse your S.S. S. j the yellow, watery discharge forms as a cure for Eczema. I was troubled ! intctusts ami sorter UWetan l&S&S&ZSZ j and white scabs that drop on, leaving using a few bottles of S. S. S. was entire ; the skin tender and raw. The effect iy relieved. , , Wm. Campbell, of the poison may cause the skin to . "... 313 W. Central St., Wichita, Kan. . crack and bleed, or give it a scaly, fishy appearance; again the eruptions may, s consist of innumerable blackheads and pimples or hard, red-bumps upon the face. Purification of the blood is the only remedy for these vicious skin diseases. Washes and powders can only hide for a time the glaring relieve the skin! S. S. S. is the only guaranteed purely vegetable blood purifier. It contains no Arsenic, Potash' or other harmful mineral. - Write us about ypur case and our physicians will advise without charge. We have a handsomely illustrated book on skin diseases, which will be sen free to all who wish it XHE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Q." A courious discovery has been made " with reference . to Harnett county. The legislature pasfed an act ' 'To prohibit the sale and man facture of liquor in Harnett county" but do penalty is prescribed. This special act keeps the Watts bill from applying to Harn ett. Tnereore seems that while it is unlawful to manufacture liquor in the county, he vialation of the law has no penalty attached. What the result will be remains to be seen. V H Cure Consumption. A. A; Herren, Pinch, Aik., writes : Foley's Honey and Tar is the best preparation xor coajrbs. colds and lung trouble. I know that it has cureji consumption in tUo first stasis." Sold bv W. R. Hambrick. Our berry growers have already shipped over 200 car loads more to date than all latt season, and sold them at good prices, too. North Caro lina truckers and farmers are cer tainly ''it" so far tnis jear. May it c o n t i n u e throughout. Raleigh Post. ' ; Foley's Honey and Tar is peculiar ly adapted for: asthma, bronchitis and hoarseness. Sold by W. B. Hambrick. A gentleman from Duplin, who was here today, tells us that Mrr Luther Taylor, who lives near Faisou, has alieady cleared' more than one thousand dollars on two acres o strawberries, and he is still shipping. Eastern North Carolina is indeed the garden spot of the world. Golds bo ro Argus. A .Little Early Riser. now and then, at bedtime will cure constipation, biliousness and liver troubles. DeWitt's Little E a r l y Risers are the famous little pill that cure by : arousing .the secretions, moving the bowels gently, yet et r; fectuaily, and giving such ton and strength to the glands of the stomach and liver that tin cause of the trou ble is removed entirely, and if their .; use is continued for 5; a fc few day, -there will be no returri o the com plaint. Sold by W, R. Hambrick, One Use cf the ParK. . The people of this country . never realized . what a national blessing the Yellowstone Park was until Presi den t Rooeevel t hid. himself in . its depths and they were giyen a rest irom nis intermmaoie campaign speeches. : When you want a pleasant phyeic try Chamberlain' Stomach and Liv er Tablets. They are easy to take ' and pleasant in effect ' For sale - by W. R. Hambrick. i ( a i, h The law requires the corporation com mission to 1 ' invetigate railroad wrecks. There have been so many , of .-late that the, call Ja imperative for ft thorouga" investigatioqanr the in , terest of human life-, The .wreck on v the Southern iSv? a fbonstitutionv of -the series on tnoJroad The commis- sion should take actioa. News and Observer.,:', let; LIU, 3- Zi . b. - Hi IV k rTha Kind Yea to tefs lzz$ igatur9 alt Diemisnes. o. o. o. eradicates an poisouuuj attmuu lations, antidotes the U ri c and other acids, and restores the blood to its wonted purity, and stimulates and revitalizes the sluggish organs, and the impuri ties -Dass off throusrhr the natural channels and When a young man walks with a girl as though he is afraid somebody .will see, him, the girl is his sister. If he walks so close to her so as to nealy crush her against the fence, she is some one else's sister, , 100 Dr. Detchun's Anti-Duere it may be worth to you more than 'J t i . 'i jjiuu ir von nave a uunu. wuo nana bedding from incontinence of water during sleep. Cures old and young alike. It arrests the trouble at once $1 Soldhy W. It. Hainbrick & Ho Druggists, iioxboro, N 0., rhiiaaeiDma fress: 'moiicv is - - '..- the worst evil, with one exception, in city life. It demoralizes the poor, it tempts childhood, it corrupta tt police and it rots politics. -? " ' ' How's This ' We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J, Cheney & Co, Toledo, O, We, the undersigned, have known b, J. (Jheny for tne last 10 rears, and believe him perfectly honorable in ail Dusmess transactions ana financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Drug gists, Toledo. O. ' Waldino, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale'Drnggist, Toledo. O, Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken en ternally directly upon the blood and mucous serfaces of the system. Tes timonials sent tree, rnce voc, per bottle. Sold by all 'Druggists Hall's family pills are the best, St. Louis Globe Democrat: One good reason why Kussia is not going to take Manchuria is because she al ready has, it. Cures Eczema Itahing Hum rs. Pimples and Carbuncles. Cost Nothing to Try. B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm) is a certain and sure cure for eczema, itching skin, humors, scabs, scales, watery blisters, pimples, aching bones or joints, boils carbuncles, pnckliug pain in the skin, old eat- ing sores, ulcers, etc. Bbtanio Blood Balm cures the worst t and most deep-seated , cases bj enricuing, purifying and yitnlizing the blood, thereby giving a healthy blood sup ply to the sfcin. Heala every sore and gives the .Tich.glojy. of , health; Jo''-the skin. Builds up the broken "down bpdv and makes the blood -red and nqurfehing. r Especially advised for oronic old ' cages', ; that , doctors, patent r" medicines'1" and hot springs Mis to cure, Druggists. $1, with complete directiong for home' cure. To -txroveB. B. B.- curesi sample sent ,ufree und; prepaid fbj , writing Blood Balm Co.v, Atlanta; Ga.,. De scribe . trouble,,; aqd A'free- medical adyice, sent in sealed lettar "! r .Pfttsburg ; ;-piBpati"0;;; JCtolon Watterson anil Bryaa ' notice', v with alarm that Mr. Cleveland' is not de uving the soft impeachment." - Mysterious .Circumstances i 4 )! t: One sq palo vand sallowand theother fresh and rosy Whence the; differ, eace! She.1 'who" 'is tilushiu'g.' "with health" "uses 1 Dr. King's ' New; Life Pills to maintain " it.' By - gently arousing the ,lazy . organs they compel good digestions and head off constipation, take them. Only 25c Morris Drus: btore l.zzzl m$ w vr 1 J r 3 A Lesson In Health. Healthy kidneys filter' the impu rities from tne OlOOU, aim umeoa they' do this good health is, impoasK hie. Folev's Kidney Care makes: iiound Sidneys and will positively cure all forms of kidney ; ana oiaaaer disease. It strengthens the .whole system. Sold by W. B. Hambrick, It is not enough for a man to build a ship so that it looks beauty ful as it stands on 'the stocks. What though a. man build his vessel bo trim and gracef u 1 that all admire it, if, when she comes to be 'launched, she is not fit for the' sea, if e he can not stand stormy weather, if ; she is a slow sailer and a poor carrier, if she is liable to founder on the yoy age? A ship, however comely sne may be, is not good for anything un less she can. battle With the dep. That is the place to test her. All her fine 1 nes und grace and beauty urk of no account if she fails there. It makes iio diffeience how . splendidly you build: so far as this world is concerned your life is a failure un less you build so tuat you can go out into, the great future on the eternal sea of life. We are to live on. " We are not to live again, but Wi are to live without break. Death is not an end. It is a new k impulse. Beecher. The X-Rays. Recent experiments, by practical testa and examination with i he aid of the X-Ray 8, establish it as a fact that Catarrh ot the Stomach is not a disease of itself, but that it results from repeated attacks of indigestion i How can I cure my indigestion?' Kodoi Dvspepsia Cure is curing tnousands. It will cure you of in digestion and dyspepsia, and prevent or cureiOatarrh of the Stomacn. Kodoi digests what you eat makes the stomach s weeu bold by W. di. Hambrick. North Carolina Rich in Mines, To the Editor: I have before, me a copy of your papei containing; an article fn coppery mining in North Carolina. As an expert in mines and mining law I mestigated a number of properties in North Carolina and Virginia recently., As a result I am preparing a paper ou Southern min es for publication and circulation Your stat is indeed rich in mints and particularly in the richest of mining copper. Every newspaper in the South should follow you and present tc the iMortn wnac ine ooutn reauy is. a veritable treasure land. If your lands were public and sub ject to prospectors claims you would transcend anything in the history of gold mining. . E. K. EQUINE. Jersey City. N. X., 325 Pacific, Ave, ") 5 DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK ? X.-' Kidney Trouble ? Makes" You ' Ulserable. Almost everybody who reads the news papers is sure to know of ; the : wonderful i turner s wamp-Koot, II the great kidney, 4iver and bladder remedy.; i s. - insine great ,mecli- cai tnumpn of the nine teenth century: - dis covered aftp.r ' J:!l scientific. research by ftpS Dr., Kilmer, the emi--ir . ; ;i r " rient' kidney :ahd blad- "-'r'-v ,.r.-specialist, and 4s wonderfully succssful jn promptly curing lame' back, kidney, bladder, uric acid- trou bles and Bright's Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble.' ,. " '; ; ..,.(." j uiup-is noi; rec- ommendedfoT everythingbut if you have kid ney,, liver sr bladder trouble it .will be found just the remedy you neetU.t It has been tested -in so manyways, in hospital work, in private practice, among the helpless too poor to pur chase relief arid has proved so' successful in syery case that a special ; arrangement, has' beeivmade by which all readers of this paper' who have not already tried : it; may have, a sample bottle sent free by mahValso a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to, find out if youhave kidney oj: bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this generous" uixcr m- inis paper and send your .address, to Pr. Kilmer & Co., Bing hamton, N.' Y: -Th regtilar'fiftycent arid' -omeVi &IZC3 are s01d by all good (jruggists. - Dou't make any mistake, bat re member the name, Swamp Root. Dr. -oinjrhantoa, IT.;Y. , cnevery bottle r- U 1 I LA ' A! lean and', potash-hungry soil, wasted seed, wasted labor and idle gin? A MORTGAGE. Or, plenty of in the fertilizer, many' bales and a busy gin A BANK ACCUum. . Write us for our books. They, are money win ners. We send them fret to : farmers. Mrs. Fred Urire-th, President Country Clnb, Benton ( .;vBQrDort -Sllcb. "After my first baby was born 1 did not seem to regain mv strength although the doctor gave me a tonic which he consid J ered very superior, but instead of getting better 1 grew weaker every cay.v My hus band insisted that L take Wine of Cardui for a week and see what it would do for me. I did take the medicine and was very grateful to find my strength and health slowly returning. In two weeks I was out of bed and In a month f was able to take up my usual duties. 1 am very enthusi astic In its praise." . ' Wine of Cardui reinforces the organs of generation for the ordeal of preg nancy and childbirth. It prevents mis carriage. No woman who takes Wine of Cardui need fear the coming of her child. If Mrs Unrath had taken Wine of Cardui before her baby came she would not have been weakened as she was. Her rapid recovery should commend ithis great remedy to every expectant mother. Wine of Cardui regulates the menstrual flow. OADTORIA, Bmuci the The Kind Yoa Harc Always Bcsgftl of Bend model, sketch or photo now to BecureTfi II n c Patents and I II AH EL Constipation (Joes yourthead ache? Pain' back of your eves? Bad taste in. your, mouth?; It's; your liver ! Ayer s Fills are liver pills. They cure consti pation, headache, dyspepsia. ; '-.25c. AH dru2sl9t5. - e Want yotir moustaclie or beard a beautiful" l crown ornca joiaGKx; inewnsQ- r -BUCKINGHAM'S DYEttV 60 Ct, Or DwUoaiSTS, oR-P. Hm.c A Co., Nashua; N.Kij' yspepsia : Digests what yon eai. This preparation contains allrof the aigestants and digests all kinds of food. It gives instant relief and never fails to cure. ; It allows you to eat aU the food you want.' The most sensitive stomachs cau take it. , By its use many I 1 1 1 money w 1 n- ftZ SxZrVk J r ners.Wesend . fK them fr to ( B eau. ' gOCO fJ !wV-aipiHyobfaSn of invention for f For free book, f rrGRSffife i oi a vlf (a) Mum vuyiauu9 , ujrapepucs jaave been cured after everything: else failed. Is unequalled for the stomach. Child ren with weak stomachs' thrive on it. First dose relieves. A diet unnecessary. Owes c!3 stcxi:ac! Cci:lc3 mK?et?17ly K - D-Wxtt&Co., Chicago The $L bottle contains 2J4 times the SOcTsizev For sale by T7. B, Ham brice, Druggist, " . ,1 lii 1 5; III Now Sells for 1 Cent, And can be , .had of Every Dealer, Agent and News boj at that Price,. Ail Subscribers in District of olumbia, Vimi-EL; West: ; Virsini -Norland South ' arblina ; As Well as Those in Pennsylvania, and Delaware and throughout the United States, can get The Sun by mail for lc a copy THE SUIUJ I CENT is"the Cheapest Hia;hClass Paper in the United States. The .Sun's special coi respondents throughout the United States, as well as in Europe. China, South Africa, the'Philipines, Porto Rico, Cuba and in every oth.r part - of the world, makes it the greatest newspaper that can be printed. : - , It3 Washington and New York bureaus are amoug the best in the United States, and give The Sun'i readers the earliest information upon ail liuuoiiauu eveuia iu tuu legisia rtiye acd f financial centers of the country , v THE F-ARMEli'S PAPER .The Suu's market reports and commercal colucdns are complete and reliableand put the farmer, the meS chants and the broker in touch Jwitb the markets of Baltimore. Norfolk, C barleston, New. York, Chicago, Phi ladelphia and .all other important points in the United States and other countries. . ALL OF WHICH The Reader Gets for 1 cent The Sun ;s the best type of a newspaper, moraliy and intellectual ly. It is an edocator of the highest character, constantly . stimulating to noble ideals in indiyidual and m tionMlife. - ' , ' The Sun is published on Sunday as well as every others day of the By' mail The Daily Sun, S3 a rear, Inclading the Sunday Sun, $4. The SundavSun alone. $1 a vear. The Weekly Sun $1 a year. Address . . A. S. ABELL COMPANY, Publishers and Proprietors, '' J . Baltimore, Mi This charlotte Observes EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR CAtDWEI.1, - & t TOMPKINS, Publishers " J P. CALDWELL. Editor $8 00 PER YEAR. 1HE OBSERVER Receives tf' e largest Telegraph ; ( JNews (Service,? deli verei V1 paper between Washington Atlanta, and its special serw. : , is. the greatest ever nanaiwj ' . North Carolina paper. THE SUNDAY OBSERVER. - Consists of 16 or more pages u r ia frt lnA or4 tin C- Vi original matter. . f :, THE SE -WEELY OE Printed Tuesday an V 10 ;pe ye Th paper in NorthCarolina. Sample? copies snt on application 1 'Address"! . THE OBSERVFR. CnarotreN-C The Best Wav. " To male r your shoes .last have them . 'repaired K by .0?e k'now's-hbwodohiswork, it "right. 'Repairing shoes is . business, and if you t will with a' pair the next time yo y any to be repaired, 1 . will cp you that "I know - my busing Best Coczh. Ltto-. Tastes Gooa. v I tlao, BOM P7 """'T t