, ,' I. r t r i ' 4' C ; . 'ir. ." ' 1 v. 4.M 7' .''f'.'i:- FEMALE WEAKWES M2 1-2 Congress St. ' Portland, Maikb, Oct. 17, 1902. :t!.tl consider Wine of Cardui superior to an doctor's , medicine I ever used and I kno w t whereof I speak-' I cut fersd for nine months with suppressed ; menstruation which completely pros trated me Pains would shoot thrburh my back and sides and I would hare .swell up and I would feel so weak I blinding; headaches; - Mr limbs would' could not stand ud. I naturally felt discouraged for I seemed to be beyond v the help of physicians, but . Win of. i CarduL cams as a God-send to me It felt' change for the better within a, weekx . Alter nineteen days treatment I menstruated .without, suffering the agronies I jtisually did and soon becamer regular and without pain. Wine of Cardui is simply wonderful and I wish that all suffering women knew of its good qualities. .Treasurer, Portland Econemio JJeague : Periodical headaches tell of fe male ' weakness . i Wine of Cardui cure perinanently nineteen out of : verery twenty cases of irregular menses, bearing down pains or ; any female weakness . If you are discouraged and. doctors f hara failed, that is the best reason in the world you should try Wine of ; Cardui now. f Remember .that v headaches mean female weakness. , Secure a 61.00 bottle of Wine "of .; Cardui today. :. . 'IS ' : SmUbfield Hrald: Mr! James . YeKingtoD, of Xlereland township, in town Wednesday and snowed as a pocket knifi 105 years .old. a It waajnht in 1799 andL traded tb Slr-James JobnsoD, the father of Mr flviiigtoa stepmother. Mr. Yelfmgtpn says he would not take 'fivedollar8 for it; v One; Lady's Recommendation Sold Fifty Boxes of- Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. I have, I believe, sold fifty boxes of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets4 on the ; recom mendation of one lady here, who first bought a box of them p.boat a year ago. She never u reti or telling her neighbors and friends about the good qualities of tns? Tablets. F. M. Sbore, Drug-g--t, Ruchester, Ind. The pleasant purgative f-fe of rh-8e TabUt nw'ik'. them i. favont with -l'dif ev " 're. For sa!e by Hambrick & Austin. vir. Ho A, Baniis, formerii tbtt'LJnarlotte Obivver and Chron ich'. Hmj Litn editor of f he Ashvill Ga'zefte.-NTewst Las gone to Fork, J , to become editor of the Morning Gazecte, of thus town. He is a pop nlnr and capable newspaper man. No Pity Shown?1 Fr;jfars fate was after me con- "tin noiisSf' writes H. A. Gulleuur, veroena, Ala. ;1 had a lern j.t case of Piles, causing 24 tumord When all failed: Rnrtk-1 :,!.... . .. , ;; flalye cured me. i Equally good for JDurD8anaall achjs and pains. Onl 25c, at J. D. Moine Drug Store, Asheboro Courier: Joseph Speu- - ceri.of frlpnnlft irilll n r i n 1 .k . 4 r -rday on the; wing with a rifle. l The crne measured 6 ieet a :d 3 J aud 5 teet f ; When bilious., take Chamberlain's Stomach anu Liyer - Tablets. For Wit by Hambrick & Austin. L-'fNo matter if that Cram nckftr , iaul m the.liepubiicau piutton it 'Vv, , "'Wily! "rtte to OAieii the iersin iht : Sl jN'or tiier n. ,;S t a tes : iu the South it hub . the same efface as the llaniug ot tt red nag in. the: uoc ot a 0uil.Kii eigh Post, iliss : J osepline McGovvan, v cf Wr8hingtou, D. C is x yiai.mk .; ;? Alissej Maie aud Ethel NewelK ' - . J ' - tTrWt ltf ft i fiff "l. Oom TaulDead. : J jClarens, Switzerland,1, July ,14- r-rPatil' Kruger!; former president of the Trans vaal RetDubljc iied Jiere a is 3 c'clookthimoraingfronl pueu- mcnia and supervening heart weak nessr,(,-Mr."KfugerHost cqdous iness Monday. His daughter;1 an d souMnlaw.ere,. ..with x him.. at. the time of his death. .. v He had been out only once since his arrival ;bere. atthe; beginningiolasmonth. : .The ei .presidents body, ,was em balmed, .and xhis afteriio 'n the re mains were placed in avault' pendW ing funeral arrangemeHts. ! Apftffc pyernment for authority i to trns4 .port the remains to the; JTansvaal Jh the meantime they will rOe - teinV jantynterreid heie. f KMnAJruger; who wa staying a the Villa vsi5u Boiehel, hid-il beeii gradually failing for a long timef out ne was ante to attend to affairs, read the newspapers and receive visits until Saturday ; He became unconcious Mohda y an d remai ned po until death. I Resides the - E'ofI Mr. Kruger was tended by his sec- refar t: -:1t I On several occasions Mr. Krueer had expressed a desire to be buried beside his wife in his own country; At Morehead City a few days as?o Mr. Charlton Brookt of Kooxvillft Tecn.j succeeded in ewimmlrifij from the hotel to the nier, a distance of three milts. This breaks the record at Morehead City where many ei pe t swimmers congregate. rured of Chronic Diarrhoea After Ten Years of Suffering . ,(l wish to say a fw words in praise of Chamberlain's Colic. Cbol era and, pjafrhdea Bemedy' eay Mrs. Mattie Burge, of MartinbTille, Va. "I soffered faom cb ionic diar rhoa for ten years and dnribg' that time tried various medicines witboot obainigany permanent relief. Last summer one of my children waR taken, wit n qholera morbus, and I procured a bottle of this rernedVf Only two dosp8 were required to givr her pntirt relief. I then decided to ; try the medicine myself, und'oid not nee all of one bottle tefi're Lwas well rnd I have nerfr since h-e j doubled w th that complaint 0 ! cannot say u o wnch in'fvor ' f Jba. wofxiHrtni medicine. M This remM: is for sale by Hambrick & Ansi . C. II. Wo1fp, rt yor,ar f:i m r michinist, of . MerkKsjb"- c; 'nt . has iuyented t"a'" eXra?, t. which will dn thn orK . f 5 t h'nds in exuvtti t? nd ionrling wagons. It weighs only Ions ant! can be u5td c -avtiitj .IT uwd w ork". . Treat Your Kidnevs lor Itheotmtiaiu When ypu are suffering fromrheu matism, the kidneys must be at tended to at once so that they v i elimina'e the uric acid frm the blood. Foley's Kidney Cure js tbe uiosv effective remedy for the pur pose. R. T. Hopkins, of , PoUr, Wis., says: 4rAft'i u hsuccessfui doctoring three years for rheunidtiam wthiufe pest doctors. I tried Foley Kidne? Cure sand cured nieVJean not speak too highly of this giei medicine.,, For sale by namtnck & Auttio. ' The?e. are Dog Days. ' N They i.e g an.' according to the x al manacs,' on the 3rd of July and end tre i lit of Augu8t.yEvery dog, howevei, has hts day, to use a homely phrase. : . - - - ' . - k 1 ' v r ; Digests what yaw eat A Lentleman familiar with thV' tir;ro bufiness-Btates that in Dup lin, Wayne Lenairv and t ther.H joining C9uaties the'taccj "crop's twentyrpercent: fsrVortert hufi-mt tear. V,-i''-'T -; " Ins a ranee Commissioner Yomu has iisued; an opeu : letter brmi mg . the PI toenix U ndr writers ji KewAYoirk a kfraudulenteanherh' and rning;:peopIe not; to .insure With tltem. -H ..tavarnf 'tatft or ,akeiasar?.cC3 -cn 4m?gt'"atiy - : - Reflection of a BAbor , ': A fnjtn "wVth a Tjlg.'.ril 'automobile ii h! jiost pjuftk up-;as' a nian l OUii'tHtif H"ty Jf JU1 Ut)l ii-10'V to inert). ind'gna' .t u to f.fup f if , him to bva Vi iw,, a jwuf. ou?j iifcsg - w h t h i h by. -h as v rne W' mi?' : Jl : a nn mtt "are taknij h - n"Me:, t o. cross nv K trtrk -tnW otre Hrtvl without toil saying VJt.!Ll,o ' i . -r ' 1 4lon vf-h wii'a -i 1 .itf w -i i j n e tWii i 1 t hi : ' ii -1 ' 'Jftr -m ione lh- fruit crop r tptcial y pericb- es. seems-to' ibe;4iet erjinj Fsou IhaaUa- s; me; v couu tes : A gentleman tiom H oils . ton , V;; ; t a i Ui e ; h r e "b i ' tew pecucs III CC lO". ' ' : .Try us fp v ur next ttmk u 1 sui' case, w ginraiue hc' ioAes ; price and a reba e or 50 pr crin"; off of ' ha' for caVh- ' ' 'i ' v , 1 fx 4 ytqn. vt, Long : T Mutual ivUr i ' -I-K aie 1 1 U'pn in C"e ail f5 iiou r di vi d en d c ijfph u.T c f m a & Ui l w jnure with ws ai.d pu wiL xiui re? er 1 . ' . V " iv, f N ' rn'Hiti.h ' . w Ve leVrn that Virgil n il have b'pw. railroad ii p 'ihv.Id on n e lie oqe .:? inn - . Wood's Seedsl J, Sown at the last working of the Corn or Cotton Crdp; csl'J be plowed under the following Aj,ril or May. in time to plant corn or other crops the same season. Crimson Clover prevents winter leaching of, the sou; is equal in fer tilizing value to a good application of stable manure and win wonderr fully increase the yield and qual ity of corn or other crops " which fbSow"it. It also makes splendid winter and spring grazing, fine tarty green feed t or a good hay crop. Even if the crop is cut off, the action of the roots and stubble j j m imurave the land to a niaTVprl Hgree. Wrlteforprice and special clr- ; , wuiiir tciiuuj auuui sccuing etc. LW. Wood & Sons, Seedsmen, n RICHMOND, - V1RQ1KIA. Wood Descriptive Fall Catalog, ready about August 1st, tells an about Farm and Vegetable Seeds for Fall plant - Ing. Mailed free on request. : Chawking and Spitting, Dropping : iutothaT&roat,. Foul Breath, T r m.OVUS IT, SAMPLE SENT FEEE. r? 'p'C H'o'4 Balm tB. B. B hai cured to stay . it o.i mo-e cases of Catarrh than al! others remedies nwirifJ. B.B.B. kills or destroys the awful catarxfcal jwfSMti in t!ia biood which causes the symptoms, and1 U.s nukua perfect lasting. corerf the worst old cases; ' r fJ STMPTOMS. ',;v " 1vr rtii'.tsn i n 1 lie blood iwod sees bad. offensive, frtrd bi otri .ha j teeili.and sickoessof the stomach ; in scow ca-A onmui2 ufa clear onleemr enlargement of the. 1 smi tx.w$of tiie nose.affectkig sense of smell .ulcesa- irp W e- asieep. stoppj??s wr f the nose: thin, hot blwf, run dtwn; stacks fly!:-B before the eyes .low lor fier niotuer tj h r ipr the Crimson Glwer V rne.T, etc. tfowniC tUoooi tsalm Ltstts. u.jiorces its.; . i wjt& through evwy blool vessel and vein, expellinat ;j sal .ca'ariliiil po:son that stands in its- way,' pes toarwrtljr'. removes every - symptom and thjis tnake : a r-eiK t cu.e.V D, IJ, B. ' sen Js a flood of ricftfc J :: pr bloo J . direct, to the-- affected, parts .: givinjt tftAiinlh aud sirength iust where . it' is needed. ' a D- f-e3-. R?nT ni In ih Ears, Head Notses. 5 Ntriy ail cases of Deafners. are caused by Catarrhal I'j;s.,n irt the blood. The air passages becost c!o4jg?i by catarrhal deposits stopping the action of Ihe febritory5 bones." Thousands of sufferers w froia even tol deafness' fcave had" their hearing per manen'.ly Restored vby taking- is. Ci. tor catarrhs B, B; B, gradually removes the catarrhal deposit fretn the nir passasres, thus; makinsthe; nerves of the. ear respond t .the symptoms-of 'approaching deafness and catanrhJ B.B.B. r.ever falls to remove ringmg irt me cars ui iK'au in a lew wto vuicii ueai er hard of hearing try Botanic Blood Balm , : B. B. B, It may be the very remedy your system needs. - OUa GUAR A NTEE. Takt a large bottle f Botanic Blood Balm(B.QJ)Ja directed cnlxts I, and When the right coastlW is taken a cure is cerlzin, sare and lasting. If not cored yesr czr-j wUf nromntf be reftmM wtthout rr?-'t. - Botanic Ilool BalmJB.B.lfc.J $ t Pleasant and safe tykTt Zl7f1ise& for 33 vears'iiaCxBnposed'J bf . Pure Botank - litsredients.- Strnthensr Weak KidneVs 'arid StonfachsJ cures ' nvinftsla: 4 Soil bV'-aii ' Dfuirists Sit Pr tircA', Bottle, with complete direction for hone cure. Sfcir la $ Describe your trouble, and special free medical arfvir. , ( mffmu ii i ' - fTTTTmTatmtiunnmiinHmmmuiuumnmniTrnn!mni!nt!!in!wiYn' )XiiiDioftji: iii;iiiiiiti)niiiiiiiiiiiimi;iiiimiiin;iiiimHHuiHuiiiuiwiiiiiiiiuiHiiiiiiiihiiliiii:., I'lll'lltMllltllinilliMllllllHtllllHtlHtltHMlllHIIIIHIHHIIIIIIIHtilllMlpmUHHIIimili ' AfegetablePreparalionfofAs smuiaung merooa sndHcsuia- Ung the Stomchs andBowels of f Promotes DigesHdaCletruy aessand Kest.contains neither 'Opium,Horphine ribrlylineral; Amw&U Seed" ' 1 Jg -1 ' - t-Ji' v Aperfecl Bemedy forCoiislipa Tion, Soar Statih.Diari-fioea tWorrns,Corvvulsions f Feverish ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. f FacSirmler Signature of !. NEW YORK. . b Ft, , 7777 .r.l! ' Life. ident, Health iTTl A n n T3,aJL S-taiijexrxexLij i i-3P . (CON I iitn a Life Insurance Con, HARTFORD,. CONK. MORGAN G.'BULKFLEY President. V. JANUAKY 1. 1004. .... Asf) jHriroarV 1, 1904, $Cy 155,17y.0I & G'narautee Fund In Ex r.:.:.. I. c-eRS of Requirements . v-""u;iK,miMSW, ii,a,aoo, j jufi- refpfcs in 1903, 2,8.55,620.69 ""or! r pts in 1903, ' 14,558,874 56 J" mnt,, " f- V : 7,8.57.944.55 Pn vrmMr ito Policy ' , J ' -Insurance .s issued holders m 1003, ; - 6,663,153051 T .,!nr? revi ' ed in !903; 33,087,131 . "1 : . , 1 iiifri lrifsu ranee in force m I Re.rv on Pois ' - . - 8 January 1, 1904, 1 225,765,843.00 n nd aM claims, 60,287,077.10 J A ocident Insurance in -ifftl lttrVejn ad- - 0e January 1;1904 1208,617,238.00 j MlM.vjriren,' ' , 2.186,18B-00F Prs Jauary 1, li,04. .213,368 SiglrlB&efeT.Ol 1 vrreai ''.ams m SJutsines During 103. ',crt,lSs !n'A,s;ts.' eei.e: I -; ' -'' Pre- ij 1 UK'OlH-. 4 1 742 0.74:47:1 I.ir-.-niLif-In-: , 8ur&u 3ssafd, . 3r597 293.00, j ...'!;:;-:5- v. r,i; W. v .:'.,,. '.v. 1 wuo, b.1 tsas.o- ' - - ! ' PH T7? r 1 - i : Ul 1 0 5 v' ; : ;. J v i I V ' Wlgeni ;VJ5if MT.u'i! -iJK:-:- n ' 1 c mm : I Jor Infanta tod:Chiidrp.Ti del Kind You; Have Bears i-the TMt OtMTAUa OMMHY. NCW YttRK ft. and Liability Insurance EN BED.') 00- jbi 'ouiapys standard,; $5,681,913.91 S Guarantee Fund in ExV - umrn. Pone,v lv 9,067,034.00 ioiw i -.-.Niimh-r Po m: v bplders,-v "1 16,864 . 1 i H ALEIGH, iT. 0. ' mm mum 1 I- e . :x irl Mr.. if ' a 11 lli7- .:liror i Thirtif Vfiar.Q v U U N- . U X- LI U II II - ... IC ::"cJI.:;.'t : .;.,v 1 v t res. ta suit your case, will ts sxt la sealei ir. - i , ' -.r.

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