' 1 ' , 1 -1 ' J' t '" " ' 1 1 1, " - I - f I i -,1 , : - f . Taken With Cramps. 1 V Wm. Kirmse, a member Qf ; the Jbridgegang working riear, Littleport ; was . taken auadetily ill 'Lhursday . ' niht with cramps arid a- kind of .oaolera.' His case was so severe that v he Had to have the members of the " crew wait npon him and Mi Gifford was called and consnltea He told , ;, ; them , he had a medicine in the form , of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and ; ; piarrbo3a temedy that he: thought -would help him out and accordingly ' t several doses 'were administered witn ; j i,the; result that the fellow was ae t0 " be around the next day. The inci dent speaks quite highly ! of Mr. jGifforii's medicines. Elkader, Iowa, ;?-;;;:C.Argns, . . ' . ; j .r';. This remedy neyer fails Keep it ; 5 in your home. It mav! save life. For ' 1 .ale by Ham brick & Austin. Prof. E. H. Goldston, prinqpal f the Colored Graded School, has .returned from Jackson Springs, ; ; Moore county, where iie spent s6me time. He says that ! large crowds haye been that not.d resoh this -summer. , ' j ::'- j ; ' ArJ OLD ADAGE A light purse Is a heavy curse" Sickness, makes a lighf purse. The LIVER is the seat of nine tenths of all disease' an x 'i : , :: aood Spirits' v i f, ." Good spirits don't all come fromv Keitucky." Their main source; is the liver and all the , fine spirits ever made i n the Blue Grass State could not remedy B- bad lfyer or the hun dred, and one evil effects i it produces. You can't' have good spirits -ana a crp n rr . . 0 to the root of the whole ihat v" ' ter, thoroughly, quickly Cafefy , and' restore the action of t h e LIVER to normal condition CJve tone to the system end solid Hesh to the body Tdce No Substitute; 1 - 621-2 Confress St. I coniider Wiilo of Oardui superior to andoctor'a medicine I erer used fnai Knovr whereof I apeak. I uf fared for nine months -with suppressed menstruation which completely pros trated me-, Pains would shoot throns-k. my back mud sides and I would have oundinr headache. M iimk mnM swell np and I would feel so weak I" wiuo not stand up. I naturally felt discouraged for J seemed to be beyond the help of physicians, but Wine of Cardui came as a God-send to me. I felt a change for the better within a ; week. After nineteen daya treatment 1 menstruated without suffering the : agonies I usually did and soon became SfS1? . and without i pain. Wine of . Cardui is simply wonderful and I wish that all sutferina; women kntir of its good qualities. . i ' Treasurer, Portland Economic League Periodical headaches tell of fe male weakness. Wine of Cardm cures permanently nineteen out of every twenty cases of irregular menses, bearing down pains' or any female weakness. If you are discouraged and , doctors have failed, that is the best reason in the world you should try! Wine of Cardui; now; Remember that' headaches mean female weakness. Secure a $1 .00 . bottle of Wine of uaraui toaay. V bad liver at' the saine . time, Your liver must be in' fine condition if you would feei 'buoyant, happy and hope V ful, brighVof eye.light ostep vigor- ous ana succebsiui in your pursuits. Yvu can put your liver in fine condir tion by. using Green's August Flowe- the greatest .of ; all medicines for the liver and stomach and a certain cure for.dyspepsia or indigestion. It has been a favorite household rem edy for oyer thirtyfive jears. :; Aa- gusi; FtoWer Will make vour liver healthy and active and thus j nsure you a liberal supply of "good spir ts " Trial size, 25c: regular hot es. 75c ..At all druggists. . Last" week ; we , unintentionally omitted to mention the fact oL the death of Guy Foushee, a Jiephew of Mr. A. R. Foushee, of Roxboro, which i occui red a- few days ago at AmanJlo, Teias. Xbe remains reached Durham on MoiYday , morn ing of last week and were laid to rest in Maplewdod- cemetery. The funeral services were conduced by ev. u. J. XDompson, pastor or the First Baptist church of Durham. Guy accom panitd. bis mother, Mrs. CorinDe Foushee;" to -Texas ' a few weeks ago. Our readers will remem ber that 'Mrs. Foushee- died eoon after reaching the Lone Star State, and her remains were brought back to Durham for burial. Guy passed awav with the samedisease that his father and mother, had consump iion. I Deceased was 20 years of age. Only two of the immediate family are left -Miss Emma and Charlie Foushee, V ; , Spur , Stomach.; : , t: Wheri.the quality of food taken is too large or the quality too rich, -sour stomach u likely to folio w, and espe cially so -if; the digestion has. ben weakened' y constipation. Eat slowly and not too freely of easily digested food . Masticate - the rood thoroughly, ; Iet. five hou elapse oeiweeu meais, ana wnen yotr ieej a t " t . 'i . .i. - i i r luiiueea uu weignt' iQ int reKiou ui Ithe stomach after eating, take.Cbam oeriain s stomacp- and Liver Tablets and the I sour J stomach may be avoidea. For. sale by Hambnck & A.US11U .. . . Person county h;nances .we re never in a better condition tban a preaentOounty scrip js worth dolla for dollar. Numbei s of Person people remember how it used to be when scrip was considerably below 'par This is something, worthy of careful cohsiderationrin this political cam paigo. vote ior the uemocratic tickat jcdicates that ' you desire te present condition of things to con- tmue. . A' Pby 8ician Healed . Dr; Geo. Bwing, a practicing physician of Smith's Grove, Ky., for nxrov tmrfv voffra wrifea tiuj rtprarknal experience wi tn ;Foley'd Kidney Cure: "For years I had been greatly bothered with kidney and bladder ti ouble and enlarged prostrate glands I used everything known 10 the pro tessicn wicnout rener, uncn 1 com. menced to use Foley's Kidney Cures After taking .three ..bottles , I wa--entirely relieved and cured; T I pre- scribe it now daily in my Practice and heartily recommend its use to all physicians for such troubles.-! have prescribed it in hundreds of cases with r perfect 8 access." Sold by Hambrick & Auscinv m l"- m i wv l cr an 'WUIjnJIS Opens Sept, 3. Beginning yyith Saturday, Sep: v tember 3,1 will re-open he pho- torapn gallery in Koxbord, and will be there Every Saturday of . Bach K " Week : , - Mrougnout the coming, seasonv aintil further notice. j ,j ,' , I .wish "to I call your; . attention : , totlie fact that;I make fth'e tbest -quality of Enlarged pictures ;as ' well as photographs, and at rear - -sbnable prices. , . J : Why give y oar? pictures to; be- sent . of , when a resppsible party whom ; ; : ' -gjai td: eiryeyon , ' All work Will; be , .promptly i'finjahed nind 'a'atief&tion V: eftgsured yon ',i Give tne'a trialj and'be, '"'joavin6ed.vObriHlfofge6vthevUtnS-ri . v ? rSsturday of , Wh-weeb and the jpliice Gallery over Tingen's .store. - ' ' Yourd to" serve," , . . . ' : ' 'Dil-ER JHOLLADZXY, The days of the straw, hat are numbered. . " y Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Has, WDrld wide fame for marvel ous cures. ;It surpasses any other salve, lotion, ointment' or ' oalui - for Cuts, 'Corns, . Burns, Boils; Sores Melons, Ulcers, Tetter, Salt Rbeum, Fever Sores, Snapped - Handj, Skin firuDtions:iinflJible..for,Tile8; Cure guaranteed. Only 25cat J . D. Morn Tis druggist. ! Emergency Medici aes. It is a . great convenience to ihave at hand re lable remedies for use in cases of accident and for slight in juries and ailments, A good lini7 meet and one that is fast becoming fsyorite it not a household neces-ity Is Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Bv applying It promptly to a cut bruite or burn, it allays the pain and causes the injury to heal in about one- third the time usually required, and as it is ah antiseptic, jfc prevents any danger of blood poisoning, when Jf am Balm is kept at hand a sprain may oc treated before inflammation sets in, which insures a quick recov ery. For sale by Hambrick & Aus tin. .'. .CASTOR I A 1 for Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Alvays NBoughf ' - ' ". ""' ;- ''l.'y.!'--,r.".;i,'.'Vrf:''w.w, The Kina Tou Have Always Bought, and rliicb lias been uao Aur uer o v. years, nas borne tne signature of ana lias peen made tinder his per J sonal sapervision since its infancy 7 v . Aiiow no one to deceive you in this. AU Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good 99 are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children--Experience against : Experiment. :ht1s:CiiCST'RiA Castoria is a harmless substitute, for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither ; Opium, ; Morphine nor other Karcotie substance. Its; age is its guarantee." It destroys .Worms and allays Feverishhess. -It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles,' cures jConstipation and, Flatulency. It assimilates' the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, - giving healthy and "natural sleep. The Children's PanaceaThe Mother's Friend. CENUIP3E CASTORIA' ALWAYS Sears' the: Signature ; Bears the OjjatuToof Land Sale. The James H. Harris Tract of Land. U' He Kind Y ou Me Always Bought in Use ; For Over 30 Years. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, TT MURRAY 8TRCCT, NEW YORK CITV. tife, Accident, Health and Ulabilty Insurance (CON DEN SBD.) " km U 4- lOTIVERBITYfi OF NOICTH CAROLINA Academic Department,- ; ; ; Law, . . - . i I . Medicine, - PharmacJ' :i . r f v;- i Free tuition toteachers and to minis ters1 sons. Scholarships and . Sloans for the needy 620 STUDENTS. 67 INSTRUCTORS J New Dormitories, Gymnasium, Watei s The Fall term begins, ,r- ISteS04- Addresk C- pelfRKGIjVENABLK.;;; ,; Under and virtue of the mortsag6 w 3 J a . i rfi ' 7 ueeu uiaue iu uie uy xuuuias jj- Wrisrht; deceased, on January ; 10th 1893, duly recorded in the office of the Keeri8ter ol Deeds ot f erson county. in Book M. M.. prges 34 and 35, default having been made in the payment of the debt secured by raid mortgage deed, I will on v Monday, October. 24, 1904, at 12 o'clock., m;, at the court hbuse door in Roxboro, N. 0., offer ior sale for cash the following descrioed tract of Jand, situated in tae county of . . ... IT it. SJ.' jferson, otaie oi norm .aroina, in the townships of Roxboro and Aliens ville, about five miles east of k the town of Roxboro, adjoining the lands of . B. Slaugoter, W- Reade, J. E. Montague and others, containing abotit 800 act es. but be the same more or less, all beiner the land ' devised to i T, D. Wright, subject to the life estare . r t xt ,nr s iW tA OI tne WICOW OI J. n- JiurriB, iuc esoiiu, widow now beiner dead, and Known as the J. H. Harris land. tr . This 20th day of August, 1904. j ;. R. Ji. WEIttHT, Mortgagee. - N,'B. I have had :this tract sur veyed by JH-' Howard; and thVsame contains 538 55-100 acres. He has tu divided, this . into 8lracts ranging frdm 41 1150 acres. :I will first sell this land as sub divided by him, and then as wl ole, confirming the" best sale.- J. H. Howdrd'p map is now oh file at the, court Jiousef door in,Rox boro. , . - v.' . ,. . , t'. While theterm8 of Bale cin;, the mortgage are .cash il , will iye the following - terms: . One: fourth, cash, on fourth4 in 12, months, balance in two years,' def erred pf yments, to bear interest from day of sale at 6 percent; title reserved until.purcbase money is paid in full. t For fnrthur infoimatioh efertoR.H. Wrjght, Durham, N:JC. MANNING CS5 FOU6HBK, awjb.,. ,ry Insurance Con HAKTPORD CONN. . - " Lie MORGAN G. BULKFLEY President. , JANUARY 1,1904. Assets January lf 1904, $68,155,179.01 Premium receipts in 1903, li,733,253.87 Interest receipts in 1903, 2,825,620.69 Total receipts inie03, v 14,8,874.56 Pttvments: to Policy, i holders in 1903, - ffia Jcies, and all claims, .60,287,077.10 , Special Reserve in ad- , ' - dition to - Reserve " , above given 6,562,15305 2,186,188.00 guarantee Fund in Ex ' Cfss of Requirtments bv Company's standard, $5,681,913.91 Guarantee Fund in Ex v .,; cess of Legal Require- nients, , , 7,857.944.56 JLife insurance- issued jand revivedJn 19Q3, 33,087,131 00 IiTfc lnsurance in force , 'January 1, 1904; , 225,765,843-00 Accident Insurance in : .force Jai uary 1,1904, 208,617,238.00 Number of P licy hols ;ders, Jauuary 1, 1904, 213,368 ssea;" PAID POLICY ' (TO-flAfS A" I f" "fl'i Great Gains in Busiiiess " -During; 19(3 3. increase in Assets, f Js,doi,oJJ .8 Incrtage in-Exctss ? , j V rGaaranteeB nnd, 181412.86 Increase' in Pre " ; mium Inccriie; - 1 508,99294 Increase in Total - , T Income; - 1,742,074.47 Incieasein Life In- . Vsnrance issued, 2,597.293.00 V 7 01 In crease i n Li f e Jn-. 8urance,io Forcerf " $12,002,866 00 Increase in Accident In- suranc? ip '.Force, ; - 9,067,034.00 Increased id -JJumber of - Pol icy hold ers, ; - , 16. 68 o. oy ay all RLEIGH;:NV HE SMWHER CAPITALBV Mf hlar)Jest1ftnd .Tuost" fashionable Seaside Resort in Jibe ia.the South f rhr e hundred -oomsi siDgioand'en 'suite J vPrivat'e "baths., I Hotel greatly; mnroved amiiade" attractive thaheyer.1 Lighted br, electricitV - pierlSiarilions. finest bathng, failihs . and fishing on " the .coast.; LVrgcst andrmbst beautifully Ndecofatid ball roomin the.Soath.! Msio by Sbecial.tate8:,toTamili0 fordiagram and booklet; OVnefsA. &N,C,RR" : . A . ; J . COOKE, Manager, ; Y" Y'vr"ll!olf5!l n 1 A'PAnQIIMA , -rv Y';-'Y-Cf '-: ,r y: v- " '-r " ! 1 - -.j;'- - C fi- " '" ; ' : ? Successor' to Cole & Hollada'y. .;' V ' ' ' " T - 1 . ii t ii -- - fc i i . . i,.....' i i ' ' - - '. ' . 1 ' - - ' -