7.. - ' -m.-v " .''.Pi--'., n' The Courier ' ; SUBSCRIPTION, TERMS 5 ' v tsanv One Year, : : j ' $1.00 rktnu Civ Mnnthfi. t: ; v Cop Three, wonxns, - , ; : .25 TRANSIENT DVERTISBMBNTS: - ' ; 1 One inch one week two weeks : -1.50; one month $2. Two inches one eek $1.50; two weeks $2; one month . , Four inches one week two ;;.weeks $2.50; one month $5.50.; ' ' ITAdyertisement s inserted cm ioca . ? page as reading items, 5 cents per line Tor each insertion, p r 'm - The editors are in no wise responsi ble for views expressed by correspon dents. - - , j : ftZfEntered at the post office- in Koxboro, X. 0., as second-class mail matter. , M Democratic National Ticket y . ; ' ." -s t " 1 I For President: Alton B. Parker, of Wew York. ;:p Vice President: es&? Henry 0. Davis, of West Virginia. Democratic State Ticket. Mi ' a.. For, Governor: Robert B.Glenn, of Foisytb. Lieutenant-Governor: Francis 1). Winston, of Bertie. y Secretary of State: J. Bryan Grimes, of 'Pit State Treasurer: v B. R Lacy, of Wake jtate Auditor: Benjamin F. JDixon, of Cleveland. Attorney General: Robert 'liner, of Haywood auperintende ntV '? J uiAIord. J. 5T. Joyner, Commissioner of Labor and Piihting: H. B. Varner, of Davidson. Commissioner of Agriculture: Samuel' L. Patterson, of Caldwell. : Corporation Commissioner: : Samuel L. Rogers, of Macon. Associate Justices of .Supreme Court George H. Brown. Ujry of 15eaulorl. v. W. A. Hoke; oi.Biucoln., For Congres8Fiftb District: W. V. Kitcbin; of Peison. For Presidential Elector . Jones Puliei of Durham. KOXBORO, N. C.J Sept. 28, 1904 ES0PUS. ' The Home of tbei Great Democratic General. was the pleasure of Thk Cou Rlik co visit Esopus, tke-trome of Judge Alton B. Parker, and we want to say just here at the outset that if r the voters of this great republic do not elecS' him to be their next Presi dene, they, the people, will be very much the loser thereby. Personally he is a charming 1 gentleman; inteK lectnally, he is among the first, and altogether he is safe, conservative and . sound in all matters -of great mo ment. : - While we are not prepared to tell , "you positively that he is going to be elected,, yet. we believe he will be ; and we are willing toitake our reputation ; as a prophet that ih will carry New .AYprk'by a good safe majority; AH Uhis rotwhich has been 'sent out --THurgely by ' a Republican who at tended the editorial banquet, wealing t , a rarKer ana uavis du tton r-about the apathy of the Democratic work- ;: ers and'the great i discord among' the party leaders! is' not ;triie, that i8 the"di8Cord among the party leaders v. is not truethatjis the discord re ferred to" is 'many times magnified. . V The parJealer ..have.c entirecbn : fideice! in 1 Chairman Taggar akd ' work" is beingmed on in a genteel f c:and dignified feiineri Speaking of -' Chairman Taggaft reminds-us: that ' V; ' r" we met quite aniimber of genUeinen V r ?;lfoni his State and they all, Without ;' - v;:.va single exceptipn, spea of :hinr as a V, - the man Ifortbey position: ' He is . ; ) fought of tome ju8t a8 ev jTa ' "Heel thinks of , onithy.VChai '' manvVSenatqrJSl 's I mepbreye .on Tlndia fpr y ; vwmfiihiSg is Soineln that Stated ";;; : Ut maydrop::inphe; rigb : ,f U vU ' vuv - vi www v ; V eally " taking intp cohsirfttion 'r- i - 'v -.' - - - - ' ; 1 flMWBWMWMMWWBMWiMIHHMiMMWBMMHHBBBBWM"" , - n i - . . r . 1 w 1 'is.-- ' I evervthinsr from everv poiDt at staker aside from the tact that the Kepubli. can! party is in; power, with a horae of office men to render valuable. as aistance, both T financially and numerV callyi the balance is m tayor or toe "Sage ' of Esop'uk. The Itepublican nominee for Governor of Nevtr York was a fine thing fof the f Democratic pariy, for he- is a man whom the Sun says is incapable of filling the high pffice for which he ia nominated and cannot poll toe tun itepa oiican ticket, while on the other, Hand everyo Democracy as to the STate ticket. : Whii,b ;in New .York . i t ; was . ou pleasure to be , around : the Deiho cfatio headquarters, and, while: it is ever thus, it was gratifying to see f he prominence given to Mr. Josephus Daniels, committeeman ' from thjs State, He is recognized as 8 shrewd campaigner and his services are Hp demand. Our Joe rdon'j; want any office, but you watch when Judge Parker makes out his cabinet "and . .- . . . - . .. , .-v : . ee if you don't find his ham among thb list. . ' - V .." '' Thk speaking at the editorial ban. quet at , the Waldorf Astoria, was not up tc the fftahdard judging from cur standpoint. True, Col. Watter j son made a big speech rather- caus- i c, but gob, and Mr. Herman Bid der was by no means bad, but we have here in our own borders speak ers by, the dozen who could have discounted, either of them . and won out. EAST R0XB0R0 DEM- PRIMARY. Mb. Editor: There being some misuderstanding about the Demon cratic primary in East Roxioro, we desire to give a true copy of the pro ceeaings: , 't.. , -" The Democratic primary for -East RoxbQro' was sailed to- order by N. Lunsford; chthrmau; J Kt Tucker was Belec ted as secretary. C ! The following resolution was in troduced: . t ResolVed, Tliat all qualified white voters ' who intend to support ana vote the; Democratic ticket in the coming campaign and -election are cordially invited to take part m the Democratic primaries. Done ;oy order of. the Execu ti Ve Comnattee, at meeting August 15, 1904, , ;The chair explained it by saying nor rl a tit Y r xu art r rv4- rrrtiir- fro Vote for and support the Democratic ticket, national, State and county, we'ie not expected to take part in tbe primary., " under the above resolution and expJanation the following people subscribed their names and voted in tbe primary, viz, , , jp. W Foushee, A L Clayton, Z V Clay to)!, E J Tucker. J, s DavisV 0 S Walters, Jesse Davis, vYbr Pbihips G h Rhcw, L.A Evans, Moses Long A S DeVlaming, Lonev Bprchett, R J Dickerson, a W Clayton, B D Jacobs, J W Frederick U G Daniel W A Carver, J EL Fuller, RA Noell, P G Montague, A R FouBhee EB Yancey, W. A Sergeant J; H Clayton 8r, J H Pentecost, K G jLnpmpson, o xt itiigrew, ; yv. k Haniboick, . R V : Dickerson, 0. B Schaub. A W Clayton, J W Algood J .F Capps, J T Carver S D Perkins R M t?Briant,:G T ' Thaxton,- Sam O'Briant, D W Bradsberj G E Pully J B Carver, G, E Harris,. E : T O'Bfiant, H O Barneh;;0 Cozart; R A Pass, W J PettigrewJ A' Noel AM Burns, A J Clayton, J;H Weob K E Jacobs, rX B; Clayton,, Mf H Garrett, W T Pass;sS G-Wilkerson, J D Perkins, J T;Day, JH Yatbro, J. Ha? wood Clayton, W R Wood1?; Stephen Oar vcr; J W 'darver, W T Oakly, W'.T i:ozarW: a A'-Gentry J H Holt. Lntber HulrrW. F' Burch, L R Fuquay,; Henry -Pniilips, G D4 Stephens, J E 'White- E -E'Terry, J E TnQker, J; 1 GaV refci, E Reade A:;W-Blalock; Joe burton-, Rv A Holsomback, J r Wade. G A Daniel ?'J:B PerdimvJ S Clayton. It was nibved and carried that the chftirmau appoint five men) to retire and present nam6s to the primary for delegates to county convention.;'; . i;rVti R, Hambrickasked for poll of primary for Senatori with the follow ing result:'; JUong, '61 j Warren, 25. .sJElsl, Clayton asKeu. ior pon or primary ' for Treasurer. x Result: Noell, 34 Claytoni 34 Whitfield, 5. j. A motion was made byj. n. weon fff this prifoary.' t'institiQ to f CunmffhaTh. Tjost. - .i" George Harris asked - for poll ox, the primary .for : the, Legislatnre. Jtsult-.CuDioghaiDi 50; btreet, iu. Moved by Abuer'K CJav ton' that delegates, . fo--this primal v be in strncted for W. E. Webb for Regis ter of Deeds. Carried; .;' J Moved:hy W. R.Hambriok that delegates " for this primary .be .iu structed to vote for S. Thompson for. Sheriff. . . ,y. t : The following committee was ap pointed by the Chairman : to present S. Wilkeraqn; A. M." Burns A. L. Clayton, r. G. Montague. ; The following delegates and alters hates were selected to' th'e County Convention: -Delegates, A. L. Clay ton, A. M, Burns A, R. Foushee, F. G; Montague, 0. G, Daniel. G. D: Stephens and George Harris. Alter nates, Dr. E, J. Tucker, S. G. Wil kersori: A. S. , deVlaming, ;M. H. Garrett, - J S.H.- Pentecost : D. A, Aiurdock and Hay wood Clayton ; 1 We certify that the above is a true copyvof the Secretary -s report oVtht Democratic primary InLEast Bozboro precincr. , : jn. lunsford, . r Chairman. J. E. Tucker, Secretary, , ; , : ' . i : - Lad Sale! " By virtue of a deed of trust exe- cp ted to me dv Robt. Turner and wife and W. H.Turner I will, on the 26th day of October, 1904 sell to t,ie highest bidder for cash at the court house door' the tract of land described in said mortgage, lying in Allen8ville township. Person county; N." C, and bou nded on the North by . Pal ham ; East by - Wiggins Slaughter,. South by Jno. C. Pass; and west by'Z. T. Gentry, contain ing 160 acres) more or less.. -This Sept. 26th 1SQ4. . T. C. Brooks, Trustee. Wood's Seeds. VIRGINIA GRAY Winter Oats, Sow Early For Best Results, Our iTrade Mark Brand is the i best and cleanest , quality that J -it is possible to procure.;;,.. Hairy, oflvinter Vetch J Sown with Winter Oats, makes the largest possible yield of the . . best and, most, nutritious hay. ' Write for prices. " " - - , WOOD'S DESCRIPTIVE FALL CATALOG, Tells' all about-seeds for fall Bowing. : It is the.most valua-, ble and Jielpful publication of the kind issued in America. Mailed free on request. T.1V. WOOD & sons, Se:dsr.3n, - Richmond, Va. 1 1 J I The Best Way v Most of Humanity .- ; Is Through the ;x St 6 iri a c hi 4 'i- 4; W e Know Th J s, I and; Always Spare ho'Pams to Select :- the ' Best ari6 Purest of Brerj thing in the Way of - GKOOERIES -AX THE- Vry LbW est Prices. -oo- ' Don't miss t" seeing., pur stock of A SHOES. Yours td JPlease, ' IP. FuriutureVPiano ESTABLISHED 1880 J: v4 rr ; 24 years solid business : experience at your serviced : W! now . eonductingODe of the largest Furniture establishments - in the r Sou th;; : Furnishing Homes and jSoing it - WELL is our happy aim. Formerly of phariotte. ' 31 I v7"- '"i -, .T"7" 1 p d3 Greensboro, . C. VIRGIKIA - i.mii.iiiiiii laaai ' inleion 'ii5pWW aa" of JOOd or letter MihsikUt tion. .I JJ0e323d naai&ssion 14 , . -... . , J. M. RHODES President, Littleton. A. C. Vv ' ' ' u-' v - 7 "7"" --''" : ; ;teiineoiiP;if and w-M-9y:",ja6lpe. Mntuai iife in- Burancex)., of Philadelphia. Jfo company on earth J IS"Jff Vtte? P.tW the Penh; 1 have he best fire companies doing -business, in : Kati t mo, ;C;;IateoeTO Natidnai Surtev Co. of New: York, and will" stand your- bond; fori any position and; in any auiiiunt at f reasonable prices. I offer yoo tHe Very. best V a BKre of your patronage: in Lhave locatedtperman lorris, (drug store in Rpxbjoro where you will find in 6; at all hpurs dor inS:e day, business r no; business J Willie glad to see 'yousdcially.-' V' Ca v0:'r: s':jcv-.'; ; . Si : P.SAtT ERFIELD and- Music now of Greensbcro, N. c. CAROtlMA) Femafl;e:;Gblfe(fe. s.ieply and interesting informal will begin on Wednesday. Sept. ftnnn.Mirii ery rieopectfully, ?; ; 1 - -

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