' MWmA 'pMXBXM m& i!'X-BrM giW- X ! ' Is Not Most people have an. idea that ; rheumatism is contracted like a cold, that the -damp chilly air penetrates the muscles and joints and causes . the terrible ache9 and pains, or that it is something like a skin' disease to be rubbed away with lini- . tnent or drawn out with plasters; but Rh-ematism originates in the blood and is ; caused by Urea, or Uric Acid, an irritating corroding poison that settles in mus- 1 cles, joints and neryes, producing inflacknation end soreness and the. sharp, cutting.,. pain'speculiar to this distfsingcHsea ; ; , , Bowli Qree - Kjr v.11?xP?urif ftfnlt iboutayearagolwasattfckedbyaoute . chillmg of the body will hasten an at-, rhumatism in- my shoulder, arms and tacic OI is.neumau.sm alter me uiuuu auui 4-Tn rirht rnndition for it ;.: SVSIVIU i - ; .- to develop, but have nctning to ao wiin jr. . . -. . .. , ... . ii the real true causes or Kneumajism, and decided to try it; immediately X com- : which are internal and not exterriU. menced its use I felt better, and remr rked wnicn are intern rnKMmr to mother that I was glad I had at last J d, Linrments, plasters and rubbing Bome rtlief ,z continued its use ai i will sometimes reduce the lnflamma-, entirely well.' I will always feel d tionnd swelling and eaae the pain for interested in the success of S. S. S. s : because they do not reacbf the seat of 8x latn IC HOBTO . . . the trouble. S. S. S. cures BheumatiBm because it attacks it in the blood, and mm a blood purifier and an invigorating, pleasant tonic. Book on Rheumatism will fetntiledfre. TK2 GVJ1FT CPZCBFIO CO., ATLANTA, G The AMantio & North Carolina Railroad will begin laying heavy rails about the first of February, and 4;he work will go on at the rate of fifteen miles a month; It .will re -quire about a year to complete the operation. ! , Millionaire's Poor Stomach. The worn-out stomach of the over J led millionaire isof ten paraded in the10f a coia deep 8eated on thb lungs public prints as a horrible example of the evils attendant on the posses sion of great wealth.' But million jasires are not the 'only ones who are Afflicted with bad stomachs. The jroportioi is far greater among the toilers. Dyspepsia and indigestion are rampant among t hese people, and tjiey suffer far Cworse tortures than the millionaire unless they ayail vthemselves off a standard medicine like Green's August Flower, which has been a favorite household rem edy for all stomach troubles for over thirty-five years. August Flower rouses the torpid liver, thus creatirg appetite and insuring perfect diges tkm. It tones and vitalizes the en- tire system and makes life worth Jiving, no matter what your station. Trial bottles, 25c; regular size, 75c. Sold byJ:.D. Morris, druggist. ii in. ... 0 ' Chairman Rollins, who has been claiming the possibility for aReoub lican victory in this State, must re vise his table in view of the fact that Mr. Harris, the Republican nominee , for Governor, admits that he will be defeated by from 50,000 to 75.00C ! najority. Salisbury $nn. . What's in a Name?- Everything is in the name wen it 4ome8 to Witch Hazel Salve. E. C. DeWitt & Co., of Chicago, discov ered some years ago how to make a ,ialve from Witch Hazel that is a spe ' -cific for Piles. For blind, bleeding, itching and protruding Piles, ecze ma, cats, burns, bruises, and all kin diseases, De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve has no equal. This has given rise to numerous worthless counter feits. Ask for Witt's-the 'gen nine. Sold byHambrick & Austin. Watermelons are on the wane. The crop will Bcon be exhausted. A Bad fcire'ath A bad breath, means a bad stomach, a bad digestion, a bai liver. Ayer's Pills are . liver pills.; They ! cure con stipation, biliousness, dys pepsia, sick headache. 1 25c' All'drajgiits, Want your moustache or beard a beautiful ' I brown or rich black? 1 Then use 1 1 BUCKINGHAM'S DYE WWi I t. We promptly obtaia:U. 8 aad yoreiga j g Bead model, sketch or photo of Invention for freereport on patentability toot free book. How to Secure1 Patents and niADE-nnnKS write . V -. Fcr Curod. Qorcs s Foley? & Kidney Ctire 2SRm ..Diseases; xeg - s oeiow iae sueo. x uuiuuuoiifniBo tujr arm to pomb my hair. Doctors prescribed lor me for over two months without giv- iqt ma ior over two. ingme ny relief. I saw S. S. S. advertised t v a nwA 4-mv winntha w the Uric Aad peiron .is neutralized, . the siuggisn cir-, oulation stimulated and quickened, and soon the sys tem is purified and cleansed, the aching muscles arid joints are relieved of all irritating matter and a lasting ' cure of this most painful disease effected. . R 5i S. is a harmless vegetable remedv." uneaualled North Oliarlotte is going to te a Hustling tovn, with a power plant; three large cotton mills and a street car line of its own. The men be hind the enterprises that make North Charlotte are. the sort that are de Teloping the. South. Charlotte Ob server. From 148 to 92 Pounds. One of the most rpmn.rkahlfl" naaa causi ng pneumonia, i s that of Mrs. Gertrude E. Fenner; Marion, Ind., who was entirely cured bv the use of One. Minute Cough Cure. She says: "The coughing ,anu straining aq weakened me that I ran down in weight from 14d to 92 pounds. I tried a number of remedies tc no avail until I used One Minute Cough Cure. Four-bottles of this wonderful remedy cured me entirely of the cough, strengthened my lungs and restored me to my normal weight, health and' strength." Sold bv Hambrick & Austin. A negro named John' Mitchell has been lodged in jail at Oxford, await ing th November term of Granville Superior Court, charged with crimi nal assault on a negro woman named Margaret Browning. A Boy's ATildKide For Life, i With family around expecting him to die, and a son riding for life, 18 miles, to ret Dr. King's New Dis., coverv for ' Consumption, Coughs and Colds, W H. Brown j of Lees ville, Ind., endured death's agonies from asthma; but this wonderful medicine gave instant relief and soon cured him. He writes: "I now sleep soundly every night.' ' Like marvel ous cures of Consumption, Pneu monia, Bronchitis, Coughs, TJolds and Grip prove its matchless merit for all Throat and' Lung -troubles. Guaranteed bottles - 50c and $1.00. trial bottles free at J. D? Morris' drug store. , : Apples are plentiful in' the nioun tains. Kev. M. M. Ratchtord ha returned from a month's trip in mcioweii county, an 1 brought home some specimens collected near Black Mountain. One. apple he showed us was 13 inches around and weighed a full pound. He . says there are thousands of bushels in the moun tains. One man alone v has 4,000 bushels. Gastonia Gazettf ' ' :' 1 .' 0 '' ' a 1 im-..':-..,,:-;,.,: ' J r -f ' f , , . Mr, J.M.,0. Rimer, of South Rowan, i has a . pumpkin vine that covers 263 square .yardS of ground ana - has 32, pumpkins. The 'com bined weight of the pumpkins is 736 poundir Mrt' Rimer refused $4.80 in cash for tiie;fruirof the dne1 vine. u Concord Timeii r Vf, Has Sold a Pile of Chamberlain's 1 ? :-, Cough Remedy. ;sI haTe sold; Chamberlain Cough Remedy for more than twenty years and it has givW entire: satisfadtion I. have sold -a hig. pi li of i t : and i can recommend it - highly .Joseph Mc? Elhiny,1 Linton; Iowi. VToh will find this eoedy? I d -i good! -friend ) when troubled with & cough, or, cold;; ; It alwiays anords quick lief 'ahd: is pleasant to take; r For iale hy Ham brica & Austin, - , . , t r' The protracted nleeting at Brooks dale will begin on Monday after the the thSunday iathis month. , , Items Prom Cates., ;: x .Editor Cockier '.As Ihaye not seen any thing an your paper from community in some time, wil l pen you" a few items. , V Our farmers are succeedng.well in curing-then toBacco, but owing to the extreme vwel, followed by the extreme dry weather, it is not as de sirable in quality a3 jit ' first -antifti-paied. .. ' ' . V,r ' ' Our corn crcps,1 where; they, have been well worked, are good.. .The 'equinoctial, storm was the severest we have had in years. v.The waters were much swollen : and did considerable damage to corn croDS.?;k, We are very sorry rhbt.Mr. Eugene Noell had the misfortune: to lose a barn ot tobacco by fire. It.. was quite a loss to Air Noell, as it was some of his best tobacco. ; . - Miss Nellie Moore has been elected to teach to teach the public school at No. 2; andf Miss Nellie Montague at No. '3. We wish them much; suc cess in tSkir work. Mr. HubertE. Pearce will enter Readeland Academy, preparatory ;' to entering Trinity College. Hubert is a bright young; man and Succeeds well in anything he undertakes. ; We learn that Mr. Willie Noell has accepted a position with the Amfcrican Tobacco Company, and will move to Durham soon. Mr. Frank G. Satterfield has rented of Dr. , Charles W. Bradsher the noted D. H: Burton plantation, on which he intends to operate some 8 or 10 hands.' Frank is one of Flat River's most energetic and business like young men. It is said that all he h'ltes to leave on Fiat River is his WOOD and crossties. Flat Riyer is as far as I have heard, highly pleased with the noms in'ations mMde at the Democratic convention. The nominees will zet a large majority at our precinct. - Respectfully, " , Y. H. "Do lt Today"; The timenworn injunction j Neve put off 'til tomorrow what you can do fcday," is now generally presented in this form: "Do it todavl" That is the terse advice we wantto give you about tbat tiacsing cough or demor alizing col i with which you have been struggling'f or several days, pel haps weeks. Take some rehablexremi e:lv for it today ana -let that rem edv be Dr. Boschee's German Svrun. which has been in use f or overxthirty- fiye years. A few- doses of it will nndpubtedly relieve your cough br cold, and its continued use for a few days will cure yon' completely. No matter how deep-seated vour cough, even if dread consumption has at tacked your lungs, German Syrup will surely effect a cure as fit has done U-ore in . thousands of appa rently hopeless cases of lung trouble. New trifcl bottles,: 25c; , regular size, 75c." At all druggists. v President Roosevelt declares that theIreasnry '-'deficitis imaginary;' The world would be & pleasant place in which to live if individual could prove their debts :were imaginary and pay them with imaginary .checks. Washington .Post. , r 1 Fcley's Honey and-jTar, is pecnl iarlv adapted, for chronic throat troubles, and ' will positively cure bronchitis, hoarseness:? and U bron ehial - diseases. Refuse-snbstittites. Sola by Htobrick & Austin.: ; While traveling recently overi he 'Frisco Railrbadj in ibdian TerriT tory, Mr. A. - R. Sherrill, ' railway mail clerk- between Statesvilletand Charlotte;; was slightly scarred on the cheek by the train running into a washout and throwing him against a' seat. : The accident occurred at night Next morning, bright ;and early, the claim ; agent : of the joad was around to pay Mr: Sherrill $20 damage. " Mr. SherriU's father, who was also slightly hurt on the thumb, was paid $5 by the company., . In neither cass was damage sought. Work will soon h$: commenced pponca nice graded .school building at Southpprt r The xontract hs been let aad the buiidihg;, is to be completed, by February' lSth.WiU mmgton -Siar, 1 ; Magazines should nave a, well defined purpose. 7 Gencineentertainment amusement s and" mental recreatinn motivesof Tht Smart 7,;th8-w,f( V; X;i': ; n are llc! AC AZI N ES -1 Its novels (a comolete ooe in each number)' are by the most briir authors of both hemispheres. ; T s- " : ' acfc 4 . Its short STOEms are matchlessclean . Its poetry coyeri-ng the entire Vfie'd ;bf versepathos, love vn tenderness is bythe mosr popular poets men and women, rf the dav010 Its jg.es, wiTTIciSMS;: SKETCHES, , etc., ? are- admittedly the m mirth provoking. .J, ' ; t 160 PACES DELIGHTFUL READING ' No pages are wasted-n cheap illustrations, editorial vannnnB wearyir.g .essays ana. Idle discussions. ; - , ; ' : v , ; V:--'SSveryj'page-rwill interest,'charm and refresh youi 8ab8cribe now$.50 per year. v Rmitn cheque, P, O. or Exor THE.SrJlART.SET.452 ; N, B. Sample copies, sent free 6R NSBORO QREEN8BORO, N. 0. 1838 ; ; ;; ;WiU",re-op'en Oc;5,:1904.; 1904 New building, with new equipment, and every, modern conve nience; unsurpassed in beaty an4 hepltbfulnessof location. Literary ' Scientific, Classical anQ Business Courses. SCHOOLS OF MUSIC, ARr AND EXPRESSION. ' ' ' -' " .N - Full-corps of able and experienced specialists in charge of every depart ment. For further information apply to . . . 1 MRS, LUCY H. ROBERTSON, President. The Stomach is the Man. A weak stomach weakens the man, because it cannot transform the food he eats into nourishment;. Health and strength cannot be re. Btored to anv sick man or weak wo man without first restoring health ana" strength to tho stomach. A weak stomach can pot digest enough food to feed tne tissues and revive tbetii.d and run down limbs and organs of the body. Kodol Dyspep sia Cure digests what you eat, clean sea ana strengthens the glands and membranes : of the stomach t ' and cures indigestion, dyspepsia -and all stomach troubles. Sold by Hambrick & Austin. Geor je W. Andrews, a native of F? n t - 1.-? be1 ; o n osf. o S 4 a te 8n n i,- ot Secretary by the Baptists g'a. arful Odds Against Him. - Bedridden,' alone and destitute Suhf in brief was the condition , of an old'soldier byname of J. J. Havs ens, Versailles, O. For years he was troubled with Kidney disease and neither doctors nor ; medicines; gave him relief. At length he tried Elec tiic Bitters. IV put him on his feet in short order and now het testifies. t'Pm on the road to; completer' re covefy,, Best on earth for Liver and Kidney troubles and al1 ; forms of Stomach and Bowel Complaints. Onlv 50c Guaranteed by J, D, Mor. ris. druggist, - " A'i - The Farmers' Alliance is to be-re-vivedJnMecklenburg. county l' It is safe to venture the prophecy; that it will never thrive again as a Republi can adjunctSalisbury 3un" : When troubled: with constipation try .Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. , They 'are easy ' tb take and produce.no griping or other unpleasant effect. For sale by Hani brick Austin; r ; , Two dogs chased a burglar out of thehome; of Mrs. A. JCr&mpton; otiunarlottei THE FAMOUS LITTLE PILLS. , , rtr qtucK , nuer from Bmousnessj -Sick HeadjLcheV Torpid ' Uver Jaiia-' dies, Dizrlness, nd all troubles arl Ing frorti-anlnactlve or sluggish Hyeiv : DeWltt'i Uttliaf Early lasers are un. . equalled.. 'jA r v Tney act promptly and never grips. "4 rney are so dainty that it is a pleasure' .: to take them, Ona : to; two act as a "mild laxativeVtwo or oiir"actas a" pleasant and effective:catharticV They ' are- piirely, vegetable, and 'absolutely ihannless. .;They tonic tHe livers . PREPAR3D ONLY BY E. C. DeWitt & Co.. ChieaKn 13 - " i - - : I 1 'I ' '"' II . i iii Tin in. Fifth Avenue. New York on application. FEMALE COLLEGE BAPTIST UNIVERSITY POR'lvbMEN. Diplomas ? given in the Artif Sciences and Philosophy; in Mu sic,, in Art, and in. Expression. Courses of study similar to those in boys1 colleges. Recitation periods, one hour each. - Faculty of six men and twentyf our women. School of Bible, taught by a full graduate ot Wake Forest' and Newton Theo logical Seminary. Thorough Busi ness -Course ;i , " Excellent; equipment for teaching Chemistry, Biology and Physics. , School of Music unsur oased. in the Souths . The comfort of students" looked: after by Lady Priuci al. Lady Physician, two Matrons and a Nurse. Board, literary tuition, heat, lights, baths, fees for physic! a; nurse and library, $167.50 per session; in the CI nb from $45 to $55" less. JN'o discount to any; every body v pays exactly the same rates. Believed to be tha cheapest school for its grade in the South For furtehr JUi format! on addrebS PRESIDENT K. T. VANN, , Raleigh, N. C. Who is Your Candidate? "ROOSEVELT . . . . - PARKER? The coming, campaign prom lses to be close., Neither candi date is eertain bfsuccess. Events may happen which will change tHe .whole aspect of the political situation. No newspaper is bet ter equiptferl to handle the news than .- , iiiiiiii - - Washington It has a penfect telegraphic ser vice,' 1 its speeial . correspondents rank first in; the newspaper pro fession; v and . all "the news is printed' without fear or favor of either party. '-The-Post is thor oughly .independent, and eacn day, will give the true situation, tincolored by partisan zeal. No parr is morewidely quoted. At great cost: it obtains cab e dis patches from -the ton don limes, giviheriewsofthe Rassiau lapanese war..,. , , ubscnption for three mo itns, 1$1.90; two-months $1.25; one 4 .month,; 70 cents. ample copies VcohlniartoH Post Co , li r Washington . p. cJ EeiMtis -yTh3 Kind Yoa Hava AW BflDP I ' 4m- ' . - ' ' t - ' v ', - " 5 ' " I '3 t JT ' 1

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