i 00 for the. Campaign. nAlLY NEWS AND OBS ctt?r will be iuu wov V in news from National and tate democratic Headquarters u-jtiL No, !her 8tb; it will 'lead jn advo TCnJ the election of Democratic entiesand in preacMng old fash ed democratic doctrine; it wi'l '? hp fall of freshest and best news m- "8 &andaT edit,ODS wiU 'IvP Mr Dooley, Dr. Kingsbury. Dr. STLkt Literary Notes, and bright roecial correspondence npan tofics, of deep interest to every xuiou yi - pITi!has special facilities fok getting thPbest and latest political news, and ouut to be reAd by every Dem- fjn n.r.ftr in the State. One dollar will send THE DAILV NEWS AND OBSERVER to any address until the November! election, and will give at th close the fullest ..., ahnwini? the election of Alton r Parker as President and Robert B Glenn as governor. Seid in your subscription at once. Address, i .TOSEPHUS DAJSIELS, 4 Raleigh, N. C. Doctors Could not Help Her. '0 bad kidney trouble for years,'' 5r,tPi Mrs. Raymond Conner of Sbelton, Wash., "and the doctors nniH not helD me. 1 tried Foley's Kidney Cure, aDd the very -first dose orp ttir relief and I am now cured. f cannot say too much fori Foley's Kiuney Cure.7' .FoBRie py nam. brick & Aubtio. 5 orn 6- O The great rheumatic remedy not only cures! every, i of rheumatism, hut C o n t agi o us B 1 opd P 6 is on 'y Scrofula, Sores, Boils, Catarrh, V and, all diseases arising from impurities in the blood. J Endorsed by physicians and prominent people every- J f DOES NOT INJURE THE DIGESTIVE ORGANS. ; uentlemen : I take nleasnre in beartnor imnnv t th kiimtiTA nmnrf.iAa ' vl ??ur " ?HIIL0n,B- . ; TyTO bottles cured my son of a bad case. , If this will P - v ivi ""5 juur lumiioriuus rvuieujr, juu uau uso it, ji Yours truly, - W. H. BAND, Stetwird State BUtwI Institution, ; 9 .All Druggists, i.oo; or prepaid on receipt of price. ' - 4 Bobbitt Chemical Co., - - , - Baltimore, nd, P it-. :-,)0l(9lC'm (0)Tiu i iTl OTrtTiTl I DMin.VPII'vv1 I v,ii-i w . w w iwt ;r iv-ti vi :m t Jl-.f.'i .:. Ii ntroduced When y ou see these rem diieed ..ways in both of t he se and they are iah index to our fruit. ripepeaches were mtro that has al- eareful as to what it , and ii vou want the in existence you ember that ,4 , Z-' T been a nursei v troduced very best fruits aA . - i- v t a .! jean place your order withi cbnfi WORLD 9 f ST. LOUIS, MO.; ..'; a ,r - ., jr .: a m k a a a a -a m p a HI AY-NOVERflBER, 1904. UIH n -oo- u,-,a Rrjtn.kpn. while on her Paii wftv now has on sale daily wav Nortn recently, loot iuucpsc r-- - -uiuuvua."", -rv " f - , ! i .ha ntLm rontainiuff tickets at extremety low rates, to St. Louis; Mo., and return Following book on the bouthern, containing MIM flnn,5 , , ';fa1 o njti, narnhW. . i v..j: uuuuiUiil wuiu to ui otavo ui v coupons tor mues. one iubu it ; Season 60 day 1 Asheboro. ...... ........... $35 55 A8heyhle.....i...... 32 25 at either Washington or Baltimore and has yet hard nothing from it. Concord Times. .Charlotte ...... ....... 36 10 What is Life? In the last analysis nobody knowe, but we do know that it i is under strict law. Abuse that law even slightly, pam results. Irregular! liv ing means derangement of the or gans, resulting in Constipation, Htadache r or Liver trouble. Dr. Kine New Life Pills quickly re adiufits this. It's eentle, vet tnor- ough. Only 25c at J. D." Morris tifuff ' store. : Tb mny friends of Mr. H. 0. Barnett, Roxboro's efficient Chief of doI ice. will regret to know that t ke is confined at home by sickness The Courier wishes tor nim a speedy recovery. i A New Jersey Editor's Testimonial M. T. Lynch Editor of the Phil ipsburg, N. J. Daily Poft writes "I have used many kinds l of ; medi- cbes for coughs and colds in my family but never anything soj good as Foley's Honey and Tar. I cannqt bay too "much in praise of it." Sold oy Hambnck & Austin. Mighty few people in Person county that haven't found out that it is to their interest to buy carpet matting and rugs from A. M. Barns. When you anfc school baskets and tablets come to see ; us, if I you ivill call on us before yon buy; jbu will save money. Sergeant, Clayton &'CJcv Mr. R W. Crumpton cf Rose ville, one of the county7 most en terprising citizens, belongs to -the Pioneer Warehouse's, strong force this season. ! v Wheat Fertilizer. j. I have 'the following brands Cof Fertilizers for wheat: Baughs Ani mal Bone, Beef Blood and. Bone, and Capital Bone and PotSib. ' - . . i i!- ,J. A. Loitg Miss Vanrpv has returned 1 from the Northern markets. , She , says she purchased some of the loveliest styles of milii5prv':Hhahe"Cufd find, she always "wants her jcustos mers to have the best the rrarket aftords. . , ;:j We have recently received a car load of builders material -and scan supply your I wants in 'this line at reasonable prices. Biff lot of ook- auu neating . stoves always , uu iiand. Wheri'ou want crockery come to set, us. " ' " -v'- ' ' Lon, WoorJY j"0 ' r Bring us -your. peaches, t6niatoes, string beans and corn and let us can them for you , fts Broods, CxrykrGarRETT Durhair ... 34 10 Gast- ua... 36 10 G' sboro I 37 10 C .eensboro..... ...... ...... 34 10 Hendersou..... 34 10 HendersonviHe 33 35 Hickory............ 34 10 Marion 34 10 Mo'gaLion...... . 34 10 Mt. Airy.... 3700 JSewton... 34 10 Raleign 35 60 But her ford ton ... 35 55., . Salisbury 34 10 Sanford.: 87 60 Statesjrille(viH Knoxville) 34 10 !uia ... . 37 10 V. iikebi.oro. 40 00 Winston S iU'Mi . 3o 8o :mjSouthtm liailwav .pirates Thiough Pull maa Sleeping Car belween Grenshoro, N, C, ana St. Loui; AIq, yia Salisbury, Asheyille, Knoxville, Lexington and Louisville; leayingiGreensboro dailv at 7:20 p. m. Double Lailv Through Pullman Sleeping Cars from Asheville, N". .0. H -. -M ' - mi I I 1 I III I h 1. ' ' V I I ' I I I i I I I I I I Jk. , - - I I I t 1 I I I I . II I I I - " W .' ' '.(-.' I I , I I' I I I I I I I l I- I I I I r fii PeSi'."-".-' : : 1 '.cashier. sa A. J. HESTER Vice-Ptres vavtMH 60 day 29 60 26 90 30 10 28 40 30 10 31 40 28 40 28 40 2Y'85 28 40 28 40 28 40 3 85 28 40 29 90 29 60 28 40. 31 90 28 40 31 40 ,33 40 29 85 15 day 24 20 ' 22 25 1 24 65 23 30 24 65 26 25 23 30 23 30 22 95 -23 30 1 23 20 --23 20 25 10 23 20 2.4 80 24 20 23 30 ,;26 25 - 23 30 26 25 25 10 24 40 r W S TO OK, pupL,us And! profits. S40,000S 18,000. piansacts a general- banking business. Good facilities fcoroniDt and careful afctenv!..m in all matters; lYouf busili ; f acss solicited. . ' ' :;. , r?- 'vS , i. For full information a3 to lates from all points, Sleeping Car; reserva tions, schedules, illustrated literature, etc., address ANY AGENT, or R-i L. YBRNON, Trav. Pass. Ag't, J, WOOD. Dist . Pass. A? t 4 CHARLOTTE, N. O ASHEVILLE, N.'O. S S. HA.RDI0K; Passenger Traffic Manager; WafiliingtoD, D. C. W, H. TAYLOE, General Passenger Agent, Washington, D. C. 1 1 .. I' IRfS WHFRF All FIXF I-AILS. , J Best Cough Syrup Tastes uooa. !JlI in time, sola dt aruggistB. i , FJ7 1 GA S T For Infants and Children. :i The Kind You Have Airays Bought Nothing has ever equalled it JN Otning can ever surpasa u ddalisGQuocy A Perfect For All Throat ind R Money back If St fails.' Trial Bottles frea. 4 V. ' . Bears cJi 7S'-,'ii - 7 A L d i a "n. rV) W TiVAO iiilRAS3Pv. ' . II IJ I s LJ VJ i LJ o LJ I ii-i M , fc i . r- - - . " - J wttan f TTiHtiPv fat'1 n nGrform; their functions properly by riot straining out the poisbn- ous waste matter from the blood as it passes through them, the poisons are earned by the Vni rcr. n9rf of h hnflvl Heranirifr the different' oreans. . This .causes heart trouble: stomach trouble, sluggish liver and a hpst of bther illr all. due to. deranged: Kidneya; 8 i ' 1 ' , . ' . . r It nj: i T.J V mi m't' immtmm -mmmmm mmmmmmm 1 1 I 1.1 I J mm I) ) t.y - 1 v- corrects irregularities and cureqjKidnend Bladder diseasj ;r . : Alible system; and the diseases ithat h Mr.RobertG;Brte;Elnora,SogaC WPearf, lL teiito? what SfL2iD2' flai ortei fin q hppn . removed: Com-; tunity of telling what magniflcent. results I nave naairom o 1- tu' f fomoTrorl fnm- I CURE after having tried otfteraavemseameaicines ana bcv.i t;UOC7 UAO uywuMV"yiv y iitlhadtogetupfromxatoaotimeaeachnighttorelie ... :;V Ty,4. TrTTSTI?V rTtrI7 witn aroosy across the room Hiaa rrak4 hv o ' ders, and before I had taken the third bottle the it np from W to JO umw eacn mgnt w reiwvo uyr - -r r - . v ' J . and my, eyesight waa so impaired that X could scarcely aee one of my family f nlriniy FOLEY om. In fact, I was so badly used up that I had riven up.W of living when! ; menCe.td.UlUg , T VJ-ri X. , .afriendto try FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE. .- Onescent bottle worked won- - f ; -lf ,J; S KIDNEY CURE acuUeRrfuousnife at th'e 1 fifS'fcC .si&Tii :of "danger -V'Do not riok other svmotoms of Kidney trouble. My friends were surprised-that I was cured, as they , . .... . , . , ' . - ' riiiUAi.w " V a iSonSr wMgoingtodie. Bvery Jew days some one comes from miles away to learn Ving Blight S DlSCaSe 0 UiaDetlSS..... u uushi4 .y m.AfRriirht'aDueau. ud not oae that i "r - O " " O"! , r. - . I the name of the wonderful medicine that cured me of Bright a Disease, and has tried tt has tairea to oe nenenwea. f. - ---:. Tufo VSlzboi - BO Oon-lio and OH -G0.; GOLD rHID QEG0ZZ5CD2D DY f 1 ' -; " - . "I .1 J f a ' ' " ",mr : - , j - s fJ ( , ,. ' - x.-' - . . . . 5. ' - 4 .

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