cr ." . 1 .' . z i THE THRIFTY LEGHORN FOWL JV" Uvelyi Active and the Btt of Foragers. ; The Leghorn, fowl hold the Bam place amoiig 'poultry that, the Jeisej ,holds among cattle. The question of profit in poultry lias decided In favor q egg-producing breeds. Leghorns ara lively, active, and of a rc.sties3 disposition, the test of foragers, and -xsrill riV iit i fitA - narr rxf Ihflir Hv. ;ing: duriagr the year. They ar licht .lUrg, an ta cost t raifliac taem 7 to maturity la afceut eae-aalf ifeat of ui . Hks uVi m m .w mm mm 9mm ariy, farther $ulkJrtkt julUu 4 ' ten bee La ujlr f whoa 4 monLkj eld, .And eockerete a4 tfci mjem a. 'fciey aro u . :at Ufcn, arewilag between IS c 240 cg per 'Their eggs r sure wkit la ? and weigh. b-r 10 U tke pad. Aa table fowls thy ,r fairly food. By taany they are esI44. aceelleat. The only Udnz that cam be said .against them is that they are aaiall in size. Altogether, tfcr are & of .the moit profitable br4 of poultry that can bo kept upon the farm, and the cheapness of their keepiaf will allow the raising of two Loghorns for the cost of one Asiastic Tfcy must be warmly housed in winter to lay well and to protect their pendulous 57attlesN from frostbite. GOOD NkWS FOR R0XB0R0- Gray African Geese. Gray African geese are by many Taisers considered the most profitable of all geese to keep. They grow the heaviest in the shortest space of time, ,and are ready for market in ten weeks, weighing at that age between ; 2 and 10 pounds. They are very much like the Pekin duck in thiB respect, and as compared with other geese give the most satisfactory returns for -the least labor and time spent in I I T Twmm II I In if growing them. They are, according to standard weights, as heavy as the Toulouse and Embden, but specimens are not uncommon that exceed theso weights by several pounds. They are first-class layers and average about 40 eggs in a season. This is consider ed as a- low estimate for their egg production. For table purposes they are esteemed very highly, their flesh being fine and nicely flavored. FOWL FINDINGS. Do not discard a variety as useless or unprofitable with only one trial. Give the hens all the skimmed milk and buttermilk they will drink. Feed young chickens often if you would keep them growing readily. The food should always be suffi ciently varied to keep tne fowls with a good appetite. When eggs are desired, do not gorge the fowls witfc, food whici makes fat The explorer who" is visiting the iiheik in the Soudan is much im pressed wiih his magnificent grove of trees. "You have a splendid collection of trees," he says politely. "It must have taken much time and money to bring them together and plant them in such An orderly manner." "Really," says the sheik, "they coal me nothing." "You don't say?" "It's a fact. You see, our insurance companies remember their patrona with a tree the first of each year." "How odd! At home our insurance companies give us calendars." 'Which amounts to the same thing These are date trees." Judge. - A Question, of Title. "Yes," said the young nobleman, "I am to be married to Miss Boodling ton." "That demonstrates my- theory," said the embittered author. "I have always said that a 'catchy title would sell almost anything." Washington Star. Getting Rid of Proofs. f "Mrs. Flutterhy" doesn't show her ge, does gkt "Well, no; before she ess,: ren of hszy WLsXsl DeaEsr : " : - Pslt&er'a new suit fitted beautifully, jut ho-. was skcrt f lf tho prioe. Ht ad'i 'the suit b&ly, hut hU tailor was decidedly .dioiaelixiod lpasfr with it till ;It was paid for. ' After lytas ; awake all aigat revolving in hi ciind various schemes, old and new, to get possession of the9 coveted at tire. Palmer evolved a hritltant idea. He put oa ft a Ljk cellar twe else too Jars for kixa. went to his tailor and tried on the coat again. Of course it ti'icDCe at- L Vr::Ui8COver-ji fcei I Gu re 'A,r rears of '. ex prri?tfent aVflf "C'otiiijr'in-dy Ji btD fpumi t.! t oof orl. rlivV?, but a3olut-it etee. to ptay cared. RhuaiaticJiii is caujsed j yen fxcers of poisonoug ac ds in thj? blood. The; new dis- covery ;HUECJ M AHJI OE, tungh ANOTHER did not lit around the coUar. and j p , y vpgerfib;e and Hcni? through would hivfi ti h litt fliit. Tho nm-rt " V & & day ho put on a eollor a half size too small and tried on the coat again. The collar of the coat bulged out tja tho baek as if it had been constructed tor the aek a pullUL v t CAt var tkat tkin, &txib& ralaafcer. "It does svot fit at all." "He, it tecs &o b4Asa to," tsve toiior. nrW) UmkurtA wh tt now ti3i re har rui&od VL I asa 1 vast IL" "Wa. HI ten you what m deu prcpd the tailor, who did not waiit ft satoflt lft on his hands. TU knock e ti oa tk price." "lUm't want a suit that doesn't fit," 3cLar4 Palmer. "Well. Ill make it flu." "Ifoke tt $12.50 and Til take ft." "All right, but I lose money on it at tha Palmer paid another tailor $1 to have the collar altered, paid for his tuit and had $1.50 with which to take his girl to a baseball game. New York Press. VERY ROUGH. Ah'ofikieN. C.Jan 15;$o4 Mrs. Joe Person. ": ; . you or tb-won tufr cure jour Kerijery m&Q ou ujy babv 4rl, 50fei4tyrft sKo be a afflted with some blood impnrijy- wbieji re united in. some raw s?res ft bd scabs on ei fa.e and fe-?, vv hi di troublt d. her eeverel? for 12 yrs, more or lees. AfUT trying d'fiVrent4nimn8 an d f on i pb y aiciana it h out an j rer mahent relief, by chance I ew one of vour papers and r ad some of your tFfctimoniaJs I decided to try your Bemepy At ter.piuns is a abort while she began to "iu proye: when she bad taktir two bottles oi it tbe soreejwere entirely bealsd ind now seetns entirt-ly wll. I consider your rtmedie one of. the bt blood pnri fiera on the market; ;aJso one o the best medicines, for teething children. Yours ery trbly; ' -Mrs. A . G. Bazemore.'; : TitA5w.-. F-'i ten IV i . VJ J Q f Dr.n. M 0 tiejrao ice v i hraothe, to the p.; Rea'le Ho'el. Otii.. m., I to 5 ad 7; bO t ; lit ;;p- vices "ij : bfl . jJ v- m. KiTCHm ;& CARLTON Attorneys and Coum!.' v; Iors at Law, BOX BO HO, N. c. -Practice: whfrv r services reqnWM TEACHERS MEETINGS -, W . D. M erntt, Attorney and Counsellor at ' Law, K0XB0R0, N. (j. f. d. catAyERj ' V "Was Jessie offended when you let your beard grow?" "Yes; she said she felt it rerf Eauch." Queer Sex. r 1 " i re "Women are certainly queer,' marked the old bachelor. "What's the answer?" queried th inquisittive person. "The majority of them," replied th( old bachelor, "would rather becomi pittied wives than remain envie spinsters." Vengeful. Haris "I suppose that Foster wai pretty well wrought up when-he found that somebody had stolen his watch?J Barlow -"I should say he was! Hi was wild with rage. He said thl watch vm Uto minutes slow, and he hoped it would make the thief loose i train or be too late for an appoint ment, or some such vexatious thing at that." Boston Transcript. After First-Prize. Silas-"My! But that Jerry Bilson has a lot of different patches on his troue sers." Cyrus "Yes, an' he'll have to staj? In the house all of next week." Silas "What for?" Cyrus "His motther is going to send his pants to the county fair as a crazy quilt." much as sis Sid ose grown-up eji!8- en- Felice The diamond in this gagement ring is awfully imall. Henri I told the jeweler it was for 3 the smallest hand in all Parif. Journal Ajnusant The Real Thlno. "Are th members of . your amateuj tramatic club very enthusiastic?", t v "Are they! Why, when we present ed 'Hamlet' in the next, village last week half the company walked all the way home on the Tailroad track Just to give it a professional llaTor."-- Puck, -.. i r- tiatare's -channels, ufutraltee$":tht8e acids ad sweeps aH poisons, and harmful germs but vi the blood. At U.f same time it tonea up the stom. ch and reguUtes the liter and kid net B. v ' ' f'. ; Rhepmacide therefore,1 cores the diseafe permanently, because it re rnoyes the cause. It has enrtrd hur virede of cases after the mot noted doctors and hospitals have failed RHEUM ACIDE cured James Wil" kes, of Dillon, S. C., after he had been held In bed by rheumatism for three yeara and his fret were drawn up almost to his. hick. This is only one of the many marvelous cures RHEUMACIDE hasalready p. rformed. RH ETJMOIDE is cur ing many cases of Hneumatism, Sciatica, lumbago, gont kidney trouble, indigestion and coLStipation right in this community today Becti8e it has cured so many others we believe it will cure vou. All th leadi r g druggists 'in this place sell and recommend RHETJ MACIDE. otice Sale oi Land. Under and by virtne-of the powers coctained in tne last will and testa ment of Cain J. Hester dcoied I will as Exeeutor of said Hester sell to the highest bidder, on the premises, on v SATURDAY DEO. 9th, I9O5 at 12 o'clock m. the following tracts or parcels of land in Person county, Oliye Hill townsh p, to wit; No. 1. Beginning au pointers or Hyco T. D. Winstead's corner thence south 49 depress east 24.60 Ti- - wc,- ... I cnains 10 ti rK, cii.pea uujuer, thence Snipes south 45 i degrees w. 8.63 chains to tboru bush, thence a. 26 J degrees east 27.50 chains to a walnut oh the east of a branch , qq oc ni,;n T)kJ mviU:ion extended to the duM c his new and commodious building, I i-.n. rs m,rnm 1 w v lit I n. . I U n ' Lrrt ,v I r.' a KanlT QY(l Newroofl Jinp, thecce eonth 67i -de-. A i "uu eucourage ou ; -ujom iuo i. D I t-r 1 n V n m . t. L. I in.rl nil., innlfn nil Hi r I I WAT K . . 1 I interefted in these meetings. Don'? in his line to call on mm. m i.lll . ill 1 1 . thenne north 2i detreea f(7 chiah PW'H y miuiwDg you win noc near to pointers in Hyco, thence down Hn educational address, and the Hyco at it meanders 38 cnaJns to tinft will not be lotmstu g but to the beginning conUining 193 J turn on. and hear the teachers dis more or lets, . ' " cnss e8e 5Ut; the able ee- XT n . . . . . . 8 iys they will read. This will amp M" f"-"-- " ly repay yon for attending I wi I hold my iVachers Me. tings at the following place. Bushy Fork Township, District No. 4, Monday, Nov. 6 Su. 01 e Hill Township, District No. 2, Tuesdoy , Nov. 7th Cuningbam Township, - District No. 1, Wednesday, Nov. 8th Woodsale Township, .District No 4' Thursday, Nov. 9ih Roxboro Township, Dss rict No 4 Friday Nov. 10th FiH River Township, District No 2, Monday Nov. 'tb Mt. Tirzah Tovr.ship, District No 2 Tuesday, Nov.' 14th : Allensvdle Township District Is 6 1, Wednesday Nov. 15th . Holloways Townehip, District No 2, Thursday. Nov. 16th Tacherf are require to attend these meetings The prog ram m wiil b- a discussion of the gtnerl school wo k, commencing at 10 o1 e.lock a. m. and essays by the teach ers in the afternoon. I request all teanbera to come prt-pared to discuss these subjects, and prepare an eesay f.n some-educational Subject, I aUo rtqueet he teachers at whose schools th ' meetings will be held to get up a short programme of recitations, or nw thine :tnrronrinrp for the n(f5frPi aion. Tre game request to the dfbet tracners who may wioh to take a part itns my purpose to make tnese meet ings instruf tive. stimulatint?. euthus lastic, and in eresting, A cordial JEWELJcjli, Koxboro, JN. U., 18 in Att'y at Law e Ne Lunsford, Attorney at Law, Office ovr E. A. Bradsher's stare, ROXBORO, N. C. 0. S. Winetead. W. 1. Rradfehpr instead , & Bradsher, s Attorneys at Law, KOXBORO, N. C. Special atteu'lon given to Federal practice, b th in the State and at Washington. Attend regjiarly the courts of Person and Caswell. All busioess entrneted to our care will receive prompt attention. Vhone 43 W. H.'B. NEWELL, THMAKER gceea west 30 chains to a rock New tons corner in Thompson's line, Hyco Thompson s corner, thence with said Thompson's line nrth 2 degrees east 13 chains to a rock and pointer, Thompsons corner,- thence with Thompsons line ncrtn 87t w. 13 and 25 100 chains to a rock Mur ray 8 corner, thence Murrays iine N. 21 e?st 38 chains to a rock Murrays nnrner. tnence Murrays line north 871 west to a. rock in gully thence 21 east with Murry & Gravett line 18 25100 chains to rock and poin- G. F OLLOWAY, County Supt. -7xboro, Oct. 16th, 1905. Tonsorial Artist On the corner of Main street and tleams Avenue, at Pioneer ware bouse.,, . ROXBORO, N. 0. By virtue of an order of the Supe rior Court ina Special Proceeding be fore the Clerk entitled B. O. Oravitt and others agamst Arthur drayitt and otners, we wilL as commissioners ter on branck, B L Bradshdrs line appointed by eaid court, on the. thence said Bradshers line south I (VJondaV Dec 41 905 at the ftourt nonsA door in RnThnrn Plots will be shown on day of sale gell to the hndieft. bidder, the follow TERMS-Onetbird CASH , cne- S'S third in six months and balance in and Roxboro township, known as the twelvemonths. Time payment to Mahala Gravitt tract, bounded oi bear six per cent interest. Title re.- the north by Griffin Fountain; east tained until full purchase money is paid. Purchaser may pay all cash. This November 6th, 1905. ; . B F HESTER, Executor of Calvin Hester, Deceased. Notice of Land Sale. Notice Re Sale of Land. ' By virtue of an order of the Scpe- V ior Court of Person count?, made A nihe Special Proceeding eau iu . L. talker and o hers vs. UIvil , Clayton and others, e'.f.henom8! Mssionersof said court will expose p-t sale, at uuouu "lu"' ,n nrt house door in Roxboro a iv r cent. bid having been placed on rmer sale, on MONDAY, 4th DAY OF DEC. 1905 it being the first Monday J iw oonrihed lands, lJi"B J CASTOR I A'. for Infants and. Children. fbe Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the gnature of me nonn oy vrrimn jp ountain; easi : "Tr j ;u0,i Dy j.ju. ferKtns; so nn by u. M. wo iuuuns N W T RlancyVitPT nnri I anrl haincr in Person COUnlJ. west by George Harris.5 containing and bounded as follews; . A (180) ono hundred and eighty acres 4 one half undivided c more or iess. : v . i.i. a f Wn..dsda!e, W. Terms:-One half cash, balance in in a iui, ui iuu gaid lot 6 months with, interest on deferred containing one nan Ll ' fand payment from ay of sale. Purchaser having a store house upon can pay all cash at expiration of $0 hoanded bv the lands ti aays. .xnis 1 01 nepif ; Rrnntfi. the public ruu - ' T:.. f.nn,n(lm R&iiroau ib- ljyncuuLug tx ju-xw B. L. GRAVITT. T. Ck BROOKS rfitaineu j 5 t . - HOLLISTER'S Rocky .fountain Tea UuggQf ft Busy Medicine ior Busy people ; , , Brings Golden Health and Renewed Vigor. r v"Y iA. specific for Constipation, Indigestion, Liver and Kidney troubles, Pimples;- Eczema, Impure Blood, Bad Breath, Sluggish. Bowels; Headach3 and Backache, wits Rocky Mountain Tea in , tab let iornv 35 cents a box. - Genuine made by H COUGH SYRUP f J J cures Hacking, Coughs, i : ,Sore Lungs, Grippeneu-; f HAImnvT Ntfiwr ' TV Holusteb Dbuq, Company. Madison, Wis. J I . i rowy s noney nd jar .golden t nuggets for sallow people v : monia ana xsroncmtis m a ' few days, r :Why. then "risk: Consumption j a -slow, sure death? . Get - Dr.-Bull's s ' Cough Syrup;; . Price, ; 25cv , , .Don't be imposed : upon. - Refuse the dealer's substitnte; it --is not as good as Dr. Bull's. '. Salvation Oil cures Rheumatism, Aches and Pains. -15 & 35 cts. of wav . , , .if .ch and Terms of Sale: 0err in. the balance in ilx ioi chaserto terest lrom aay 01 for witn i?oou deferred payment . d ,B foU. ii;nniihaaR tiimu. r .... an uuwi f.u,vu" ' n ,oSJh if De ov J Purchaser may pay 1A desires. : This Nov. let, VM- CommisS1 Tha Kind mww- . : 4 Sv- v ' ' - - i " .