T&R HEEL Items Gathered From All One Goes Free. Raleigh, Special. One pardon was granted by Governor Glenn, this to Drowry Streeter of Richmond eoun- ty, who gets his pardon only be cause further confinement mean death by consumption, John Springs, of Gaston county! and Dolly Cline of Swain county are j refused pardons. The woman's sen tenco if six months begins October 1st,- and she was sentenced for the illegal sale of whiskey tho Governor stating that it appears from the rec ord that she is not a good woman. The following is the notice given out as to the reasons fro granting tho one pardon and refusing the two: Two Pardons Refused. John Springs Defendant was con-; 1 WW Ticted Sept. . term, 1906, Superior j whic'h wag not di8elosed-in the vouch Court of Lincoln county of man- er that was laeed in evidence. The daughter and sentenced to two years voucher rea(L "Expended under the on;the cham;gang of Gaston county. direction of the first vice president" Her had a fair trial and sentence of The states attorneys attach much" two years for taking human life m importance to vouchers in favor of J. my judgment was light enough. There ; p Morgan & Co the Wan street leing no new testimony and no rjc-, firm aggregating $45,000. The voucli mmendation of the judge for clem- ( er si10wing this expenditure which ency, the application is refused. j 0r the past two years were of-; Doily Cline Defendant was con- fered in evidence just' before the dieted July, Swain Superior Court of 4 hearing; here was adjourned. The ex retailing and .senfenced to take effect 'penditures purported to b for pos "the; first October. It appears from . tage statiooer and commissions or the record that she was not a good .' disbursements of interest. The States 'oman andv jthe judge evidently i-' attorneys claim that any reputable tended by holding up capias to make banking firm would gladly have en lier leave tfce State, else serve, six countered expense to do the Southern months in the eounty jail. A bad ft- Railway's banking and that the $45.r man who is a retailer. is a nuisance to 000 expenditures .disclosed in the any. communityand I approve the vouchers is practicaly a gift to Mor sentence of the court and cannot see gan & Co." my way clear to grant application. The Pardon Granted. Reports Much Exaggerated. Drewry Streeter Defendant was5 Spencer, Special. ' Noiwithstand onvicted April term, 1907, of assault the adverse railroad legislation -with deadly weapon and sentenced to and other untoward effects upon the twelve months on the public roads of railroad world Lane Bros. Company, Richmond county. It was a serious ;' contractors of Lynchburg, Va.. have assault and the defendant ou4it not big contracts for the delivery f stone to be nardoned Pxcent for tne fact, ballast on the mam line of the South- that since his confinement he has de- TeloDed consumption and two reputa- Ijle physicians certify that he will die ! if confined or kept on chain gang and : in any event is doomed to early death Pardon is therefore granted for this ' Teason ana not on account oi leenng that punishment is excessive. Called Out and Shot Dead. Wilmington, Special. W. Bank? Both well, 55 or 60 years of age, a well-to-do colored man living on the place of Owen Martindale, five miles telow the city, was called out of his bouse Friday morning about 4 o'cloek by.three white men and shot to death when he attempted to run from two of jtbe number, who took hold of him. The ball entered the. back and pierc ed the lungs. Rothwell, who was in Ms barege. ;t, circled when he was snot, ran back into his house and dropped dead. The men ran, but later Constable Savage and others tracked the party with the county "bloodhounds to a point near the city and a clue was obtained by which ar- I rests are expecter to follow the cor oner's inquest. No True Bill Found. Wilminerton, Special. The grand ; ?ury in the Superior Court here has ; jail to await trial for the alleged failed to find a true bill against Gas- ! mnrder of John Childers of Taylors ton M. Murrellj a local grocer, charg- jville who was found dead in a hog ed with setting fire to his store at j pasture near his home nearly IS Kfth and Campbell streets just be- J years ago. Mr. W. C. Fejmster was fore day about four weeks ago, it engaged at once to defend Mr. Bos having been alleged that this was for j tian and has not failed ever since to the purpose of collecting the insfir- j declare the man's innocence. At the ance upon a depleted stock. The case ; court house the case was: not even -was worked up by Deputy State In- ; called. Sufficient evidence ' was lack snrance Commissioner Scott, but the ' ing to make out a . bill ' against . the evidence would not hold water under ! man, and thus it is after all these the critical examination of the grand jary, and Mr. Murrell was discharg ed from a $500 bond required of him. y Bioononnds ror Spencer. Spencer, Social. Deputy Sheriff IL P. Hossett, of Spencer, has just received two fine bloodhounds from a -well-known kennel in Philadelphia, which h& proposes to use in running down criminals in this section. The . dogs are thoroughbred and -"are -said to be among the best in this country1. It is believed the use of blpoliounds ivill be valuable in catching car rob lers and other law-breakers here. Bills For Manslaughter. Raleigh, Special. The grand jury in T.h a snnpnnr i .mtrr. hfr rptnmnrt o 40 yi oocf, l?nOTnM, w w , . ' , ""'';'' n Tr , n j Jiippey, Conductor , C. H. Oakley, ; yOhief Train' Dispatcher B. P. Ketch- j ,nm and his assistant, 'Victor Davis all mv uui . uji.uuiuv 'ufi'Luvvi if. . ; siangnter ior Killing iiiiigineer w. u. Parker and Fireman Robert Young ' into the rear oi-the, passenger ana and V. J, Bethel in the railway col- .'knocked the; engine against "the :6ngi lision near' .Auburn; -thiscouritv. i neerr breaking two nbsv. and,T it-- is State Tfeasufer B.H. Lacy,' J,- D. "feared making internal injuries: bev- Uobertson; J. M. Barrett and, B. Y. Perrell were the -witnesses examined, .... TOPICS-- 3, Sections of the State Explanation Wanted. The Washington correspondent of the "Charlotte Observer writes that paper as follows : "The attorneys for the state in the North Carolina rate case have deter mined to summon as a witness Col. A. Andrews first vice president of the Southern Railway. He will be asked to explain the payment of $2,000 to Tho Raleigh Evening Times and $14, 000 to John C. Drewry, president of the Visitor-Press Publishing Com pany as disclosed in vouchers of the Southron which have put in evidence. " There is still another matter that the North Caiflina, lawyers want the Southern vice president to explaim This -tt'515 Hm rYrwn1it:nrf nf w vpnr :n n 1nmn . thft nnw. nf ern Hh of Spencer. The stone is i 1 1 i ' j ' -f ik T DemS iaKen in iarSe quantities irom a Quarry two miles from thisplace and js hln shipped daily to points on-the double-tracking of the road. ?Iany Wlld, and misleading rumors ""T 5 me cut 01 tne iorce 01 men pmpioyeu by the Southern Railway at Spencer during the past ten days one to the effect that only 500 remain injthe ser vice. As a matter of fact more than 1.600 names are still' on the pay roil of the shop men alone. Ah equal number of men are employed on the road, vara and track forces of the' company. About 250 men have been temporarily suspended from the scr vice here and the curtailment is hard ly noticeable. Charles Bostian a Tree Man. Newton, Special. There was great relief and much rejoicing when word came from Mr. Charles Bostian lawyers at Taylorville that the case, had been nol prossed on account of lack of evidence and Mr. Bostian was: a free man again and on his way to this home and family. It will be re called to newspaper readers that some six or eight months ago Mr. Ci L. Bostian was lodged in the Newton j days and months of horror and sus- Dense in the county jail Mr. Bostian is at home in the bosom of his family. A New Enterprise. A charter is granted the Byrd Manufacturing company at Durham to do iron and wood work of a general and special character and to manu- iacture certain patented articles, the capital stock being $125,000, . B.x E. Byrd being the chief stockholder. Engineer Painfully Hurt. Salisbury, Special.-Engineer H. JL Sullivan, who is running for Capi. u. Li. vv eicn, or inis city, - recei vea painf ul injuries in a wrck atv Green . 1 T-r 1 1 . .. ,. 'i"to.l11 le, X1C was pulling a&scugci. vx No. 35-which, ran late and was havr ing trouble on the mountains, and the crew had sent, for the helper from Old lort.' While the men were hitqn- u ww-. ou, -w -,-7 eral of the. crew ana passenger wee r hurt, but ; none dangerously. ; . ... AttASiAKU.ttDttD ' -V , ' ; " - ; attempt Made to Wreck a Passenger ; Train. " ;. Charlotte, Special. A timely dis covery' prevented what might have resulted .in a : disastrous wreck Sun jay night" about 9 o Mock, a freight train creAv on the Southern finding that the switch at the junction had been tampered with, the plates bro ken and bolts badly disconnected. The freight crew had gone down the main line to clear the track for pas senger train No. 35, southbound, aieaning to . push their train on the siting when they made the discovery anil saw three men running at full speed away from the scene. The pas senger train was then due, but a run ner was sent up the track far enough to stop the fast train that was pulling close to the peril. Negro Shoots His Sweetheart. Greensboro,. Special.- Sunday night In "Frogtown," one of the negro sub .urbs of the city, Ralph Tucky, a ne gro dishwasher in the Hotel Huf ine, shot five times at a negro wo man by the name of Minnie Crin- 'shaw, one of the bullets entering her left breast and the other the musda f . her arm, tbd' former inflicting . wound which may result fatally . Sho' was removed to the hospital and a message from, there stated that she was doing;, as . well as. could beexpect, ed, though her condition was' very serious. The etwo negroes were sweet hearts, but recently had a falling oiit. Luckey went around last night to have a reckoning with his fiance, but when she would come out no further than the door and would not allow her suitor to come in or to speak to her, Luckey whipped out his pistol and began firing as stated above. Th woman was kit while standing in the door but she at once started to run around the house, Luckey firing at her as she retreated. Luckey ran at once and has not been heard of since, though the police officers are trying hard to locate Fim. Woman Stabbed by Her Husband. Salisbury, Special. Henry Ander son spent the day in jail Sunday and his wife hovered about the gates of death, resulting from a stab she re ceived from Anderson about midnight Saturday night, Anderson is a ma chinist and spends his time every where. He came here several days ago from Columbia, S. C, saying then he was in search of his wife who had left him. Though strongly of the be lief that she had treated him bad ly jie said he was going to take her back with him. What occurred Sat urday night to provoke the assault does not appear. Anderson says he was crazed by morphine and stabbed his wife with a butcher knife and tho wound was a most vicious one. He will remain in jail until there is a change for the better. The prisoner is minus a hand which he lost in an accident in the Columbia shops. Hq figured in a fight here in the spring which almost laid Tiim out. Tries to End Life. Charlotte, Special. Mr. W. N. Mullen, well known in the city and throughout the county, made an at tempt to end his life about 4 o'clock Monday by stabbing himself with a large carving knife. Arising at this hour he awakened his wife telling her that he was going downstairs. Sus pecting that Jte was going to make such an attempt llrs. Mullen followed him within a few minutes but l?y the time she reached the sitting room her husbariol as lying on the floor itli' the blood flowing from a wound near his heart. Other members of the fam ily were notified and Mr. Mullen was hastily taken to the Presbyterian Hos pital where he remains in fair condi tion. The attending physicians hoid out the hope that he will survive the wound which he inflicted. Fortunate ly the knife stopped before it reach ed the heart. ', Storm Seriously Damages Cotton. Charlotte, Speciat Farmers in the city, Sunday: report great "damage to cotton by ' the storm ' which passed over this ' section Sunday , night as a reminder that the equinox was at hand. They say that fully ten per cent, of the cotton that was open in the bolls has been torn from the stalk and strewn along if He ground. v Aside from this, which represents the great est amount of the damage wrought the .cotton which held out against the strong; wind' is f badly -stainerd and therefore depreciated in ' value. Corn was blown down, but the damage to this j crop .is comparable ' with that b.ieh 1 - cottnsustaincd. -. -h W comes, as a heavy loss' to the frmei-s large- ly in view of the' fact that" at least, half of the: cotton, was , open -in mauv sections, Thev storm xindTTain seem, to have' been general "beginning shortly after dark Sunday nkrht and cohtinu- ing-until 9 o'clock Mondav moniirs.; it BUSINESS 1M0VE President Finley Explains Why Expenses AreBeing'Gut NOT AS RETALIATORY' MEASUSE president ?inlay Issues1 Official-Statement Regarding Recent Reduction of Skop Forcea at Several Points. , Washington, Special. In reply ta. many inquiries and . with a view to correcting much misapprehension; and some misrepresentation, the. follow ing authoritive statement has been made by President Finley,' of tho Southern Railway Company, as t the reasons for recent stoppages of construction work and redactions iu shop forces. "The urgent need of increased and improved transportation facilities in the Southern States is thoroughly appreciated by the management of Uie Southern Railway Company. P.' shall continue to be the policy of the ompany in the future, as it has been in the past to provide improved fa cilities a rapidly as its resources will permit:'..,. ,:. . .. ; ' In some' quarters it has been repre tented that work has been stopped and foreef edu.ee'd as a mefltsnkebf, retaliation agaiast adverse State leg lislaiion. I no case ha$ this beeu ivxie. Tliis company has not bpen governed, in ay case, by any but sound business considerations, such as must govun a railway as well as eveiy other iusiaess enterprise Current raiiway income is insuffi jjMit to provide funds necessary for ex tensive improvements and better meats. These-ean only , be provided for. -m:w as in tho past, by Vutain iuz new capital. Present financial conditions and the present attitude of investors toward railway securi ties are such that it is impossible, for the moment, to sell railway se curities on a basis tliat any businaba concern, managed , in accordance with sound- business principles, would be justified in accepting, j It has, there fore been necessary to postpone many important projects for im provements. Only those wilLbe push ed to completion at this time which work has progressed so (far that th public and the .railway ean receive the benefit ojtr their completion at an early date. Other projects have not been abandoned, but will be carried out just as soon as conditons are such that the necessary capital can be secured. "The reductions in shop force and reductions in the expense of adminis tration wherever it has been proper to make them have, in every instance been made in conformity with sound business principles. During the past nine months the Shops of the com pany have been running with full forcea, and subtantial progress had been made in repairing the equip ment of the company and putting It in condition for the heavier traffic of the fall and winter. This has been done at great expense, as a result f increases in wages and in tbe prices of materials us6d in the shops and ihe shop rolls, in tbe aggregate, after this reduction, are now in excess of what they were at this time last year. Prudent business policy ha dictated ;a -reduction in shop expea ses, so far "as it could be made wit&-" put permitting the equipment of the company to deteriorate. In no ease : has a reduction been made in a spirit of retaliation, but forces have been reduced and expenses eurtaiied 1 tbe same ratio, in those States in which there has been no adverse leg lislative actios as in others.' ' Mayor Eeslgns. Charlotte, N. C., 5 Special. --Mayor S. S. McNinch, of this city, has ten dered his resignation to the board of aldermen to take effect at once. Pri vate business is assigned as ' the reason for this step. x He was : very popular. Louisiana Bank's Money Missing; Cashier Qpne Too. , Baton Rouge, La.. SpeeiaL-Oseai Kondert, formerly cashier . of . the; First National . Bank here, is missing while .Uniteil States officers are searck-s ine? for -Lim with . awflrmnt nhaTcrJ Ing "bim with a --defalcation' of :$6Q,- uuy. it ?isaueg4-that bp shortage was discovered . ovcr": a month" ago. ,but , Kondert and Jiis friends Cmade good ilKet" gre'dter part i of , the ; loss. The: banl: , officials, "it is said, declare themselves satisfied, .but the' Federal officers decided to' prosecute the case- TRAGIC SCENt Mother of Murdered Girl &e ates a Scene in Court AN ACCUSING FINGER AT HALE B" . Dramatic Climax in Bristol Courts Rocm When Mrs; Davis, Mother cf . the Young Woman Ack Hale is Ac cused of Murdering Denounces Him.. in-Open Court, Branding Him as a. v Scoundfel and tho Murderer of: Her 'Daughter. Bristol jiVa., Speciai.The trial of : Ack Hale, for the murder of Lillie Davis, his sweetheart, in East , HU1 Cemetery in this city March 27tii came to a dramatic climax whea. Mrs. J. W. Davis, mother of the dead girl, as a witness for the prose cution, arose and pointed a linger -ot '. scorn at the prisoner who sat paiQ -. and wan, shouted; 7You scoundrel, you killed mjr ciiild and you know you did." At . this she collapsed and was car tied from the court room. The State introduced practically all of its evidence and the first direct, testimony for the defense will be. in trodaeed IJhnrjsday morning. . John ' Brunjer a farmer residag; ear Bristol, testified that he saw Hale, hold the girl and pour whislstey down er throat several tims short tjr before she was found clying, and tliat he Dt&de a desperate attempt to assault h&. He was sustained by a. number of witnesses. Hale was indicted on two" charges criminal assault and murder, and is iow being tried on the latter. There was no eye-witness to the girl 's death and for this reason the -evidence against Hale is all circum stantial. Dozens of witnesses told of having seen him abuse and wuip the girl shortly before her death and several little children saw"; him practically force her into the cemetery, where he says she committed suicide with his pistol, while between sobs -she -! plead with him to let her go home. M. M. Cloyd.Vho was first to reaeK the dying girl, stated that she wa unconscious when he arrived and made' no coherent statement. Thi3 -came as a blow to the defense, who it is said, expected his testimony to be more consistent with the suicide theory. -Efforts will be mad by the defense to prove the girl impure, but nearly all of their witnesses on this point . are admittedly women of ill-repute -and the State will seek to impeach -the evidence of all of them. Wreck in French Tunnel. Paris, By Cable. The rear coach a of second section of the special traiitv carying 150 . first-class passengers from Paris to 1 Cherbourg to embark on the White Star Line steamer Ad raitic for New York, was telescoped by the regular Rouen express at the mouth of the BreVel tunnel just be yond Mantes. Strangely no one wa3 . killed and according to th& latest authentic information, .no one was seriously injured, All; the passen gers in the last coach, however, were -badly shaken up and, several I were in--jured. A man sustained a fractured leg, and a woman, it is feared, suffer ed internal injuries... A.H the injured ception of one, continued on then way to Cherbourg. r , .. ' Senator lUynorf ecQWeds. - . Washington, Special.5kiss Jennie -Rayner Bevan,; niece of Senator and j r: -r 3 . - T became "the bride of Robert F. Wells, of Washington. : The ceremony was perforrned at the eountry .ome ,of the Rayners in Sudbrook Park, Md. v Negro Masonic - Congress. Norfolk, Ya., Speeial.- A national negro Masonic congress withv 14 -: States and the District of Columbia ; represented, began i here": for a ses sion v rof f our days There was . a parade fin Norfolk ; and elaboraife ;openimi ; cermonies in the ngro build ing on the ; Jainestbwn Exposition grounds with W,Dr Crum, the negro collector "of ,eustoms ,at Charlestorr S. C, as the principal speaker Col orado, Missouri,! M South Carolina, North5 Carolina; West Vir ginia,; Iowa, Texas,v Florida, .Virginia. : Indiana, Georgia New; York and Mis sissippi are represented. ; " . , - Florida Day at Fair.; :. Norf oik Vai, . Special Florida day -, was observed at th Jamestown JExpo- -sitionj several prominent citizens and -officials; of . the ; State participating in the special exercises.' 'Tuesday waa nlcn . At anart' as T Battle Creek - and (.Shenandoah . Valley .day., Jacfeon 1 yille aid- Grand Rapids will - have ' special celebrations. 1 WAS

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