CrilimSIONAL CARDS. v CZL H. X TUCKER and DR, B. R. LONO, rL OL P. SCHAUB CUSaa roof eciib&tl itrrieea is Ca psiia cf iaeUdb in all its lssss hs peoplt f- Roxbox CJ- 3L DRADSHER. ASZaiamf mk La v, Otow People's Stale. Voicing counties Oa. IE Merritt, S7 as Counsellor at Law. Stesjjlsa Bank Building. ycsssxssEsa - . - - n. a O. EL S. NEWELL, rfromker, Jeweler, - N. C. $2& ESss&. Woods -store. First-class ihnni at al times. -.SMassisCe Winstead, s2Jttoraey at Law, WILTON, N. C. "EffcsKaScs? reguialarly in Person and Ds?wel ecuscts. Prompt attentiotf giv rtS.8LJOcaar S. G. Winstead, vDkOTF Winstead wssrsscpE and Couivsellors at Law Hoxboro. N. C :. J. TEAGUE lie in my office . at Mor .k ts.Wsxx&i rtore every Saturday - sccssl USaitwtay. Special attention Fjact-ee, ear, nose aud throat and fif.tine: of glasses. MM.ZfjrSFO'RT). Attorney at Law, ' C2a preer?E. A- Bradshaw'g Stora, EOXBORO N. a E3if cImbl H Carlton 11lSG52rncys and Counsel lors at Lav ROXBOKO, N. C. Snactfne wJbRrevec services re- UOODING. Sensorial Artist. " gqssigfeaHoa giren to the treat i:asss& ' scalp. To the traveling Ijs v' -iiasa' ia Roxboro you are ---saasSljr "fimrited to give me a call. $2feasr toaeESs aa 3lean ; razors sharp. C'Svqtedale.. Corner Main street immmm iBSier n Schete in Effect , 1907. ExceDt X1SsmZmB ., ; Sun. Daily, d dSJDariaam, At. 11.25 9.3ft 1 fLraiSS.JStir-1 Lvrichb. Lv 5'l5 4.15 CSsf ((SEEnSm tsaaid 'U&Inefi eld, to Cin- . 'S'ttxss&shi-xsxA. j Cafe Car, -&;V au t lifer f Roanoke, Radford, , TlSbSsar B2odcM, Norton, Pocahon- ?C' yti tx.?dally far. Roanoke and r"t.tiCTn7OTastaHon&. Taflor, Car. 1 1 7 ' i. SSSTrai!DW"a Lynchburg. - daily for. Farmvilk. :: ZZ&E&ooM, VFetccDurg and1 Norfolk. f :ayfc,iii.iitiit. mi .i ' . ' QftSBt a, "ta. fox Farmville, ' Peter; ' -CSbxEv ' Ncrxfolfc icad Richmond. V Parlor . TOSEs rCor, rate, maps, - time; tables, f rff rtnt. or . ro - , 1 ' : TIL'F BRAGlG, TP.Ai V ;B.BVILLE; "G.S V.' A. 'Z - " " T '."TTr DEAEH OF A USEFUL MAN A Valued Citizen of Concord Passes Away After Long Illness. , . V Concord, Special Riifus Augustus Brown died at his home on South Union street at0 o'clock Sunday, morning, after many months of suf ferings A little more than a year ago he wasaflSicted with a cancerous sore on his lip, and, after unsuceess- f ul treatment ; by the expert special ists in New York, the infirmary shat tered his constitution, though until within the past week Jbrilliant hopes were entertained- for his recovery. Erysipelas aevelopedl'veral ddy ago, which was the direct cause of his death. . Mrl ferown was 55 Vears of aT last July 5th, and is survived by a wife and four children, Misses Maude and Grace Missouri Brown, and Messrs. Louis A. and J. Leonard Brown. He was a son of the late Alfred Brown, his mother, being Margaret Bost. He was educated in Cabarrus schools and in 1872 was married to Miss Missouri Fisher, daughter 6f Mr. George W. Fisher. Unto this union nine child ren were born, five having died some years ago. The early life of Mr. Brown was spent upon the farm aud in 1S7& while operating a cotton ginnery two miles west of this city, he was caught under a shifting, losing thereby his left leg. Shortly after, this lie engag ed in the manufacture of brick with primitive facilities arid from a plant with an output of 5,000 a day de veloped to a capacity of 75,000 brick a day. He was associated in the brick business with his sons, L. A. and J. L. Brown, the firm name being R. A. Brown & Sons. He was the principal stockholder and prime mover in the establishment of the Brown Manufacturing Company, of which he was secretary, treasurer and general manager. He was once a prominent figure in the mercantile business of the city, being a member of the firm of Brown & Shaffer." Mr. Brown was familiarly lpiown throughout . the country as "Bus" Brown, being a convractor of great prominence. Under his supervision practically every cotton mill, store house and church of this city ; every brick building in Albemarle, and some of Gastonia, Gaffney, Bessemer City, Winnsboro, Rock Hill, Char lotte, Salisbury, Davidson, Hunters ville China Grove and elsewhere were built by him.. Several years ago the ConcoTd - Realty -and Railway Com pany was organized with Mr. Brown as president and general manager. A I , franchise was secured and nearly all the necessary money was ready for beginning construction, but owing Ho declining health, nothing has beetf done in that line within the past few months. Mr. Brown was - an im portant factor in the business circles of the citv and. has amassed' a con siderable fortune. He was a man of unusual' energy and persuasion, and his death removes one of the most prominent men this town has ever produced. Skull is Fractured. Wilmington, Special. While re turning to his home in the country late- Saturday night, Thomas B. Old ham, bookkeeper for S; and B. Solo mon, in " this city,, was struck by a shifting engine at what is known as the Castle Haynes crossing of the county road with the Atlantic Coast Line. A colored man in the surry with him; at the time the vehicle, was struck was also slightly cut ' about the' head. The horse escaped and went on to the injured man's home in the country about three "miles from the city. ; Oldham was apparently not much hurt at first and came- back ; to the Thome Z of his father i in town; i&.'Sont'. cle'ck.5flnis 1 mbrnirig he lost consciousness and, ; upon v being carried to the hospital, it was fund that he had a fracture of the skull. He is not expected :tb -live. -He "is about 30 years of age and has a 'wife and seyeral children. r V - . Fine-. Hotel ,1s Soli Southern Pines, , Special.-r-After considerable delay the fine "Z hotel property, the Southern, Pines House, has been sold So settle the estate" of W.. E. ' Giles the'tf ofmer, owner. X J. 'McAdains was the buyer- and ; - he gets the property for , considerable Jess than t $10,000'. While. 'he .'lived, .Mr;. Giles, was a; most energetic hotel man, and' had' made a good name for I his ...bouse ' and t was ' handling a large patronage- L'xne . prospects ,iook goou J .for, the new; owner, wholhas : fiends 'in txavciins: circles : ... , 1 " a vlot at 4 - MINX'S TRIAL., - Jt ever, there was a spoiled dog it was Minx, and a proper -nairne .; she Aad, .too. or course slj-o was -very young when she) did the dreadful thing , .waiichjea to her trial and conviction, but youth is oiot always an excuse. . -; Ilnx' was one of nine children, and came to the 'Hortons when she was small enough to; be Carried; in Tom's pocket She "was a skye terrier, and she" became so attached to Tom 4 that,' I'm" afraid Elsie held, him responsible' for the whole. affair. v The littleglrls had Tseeit busy dress making for a ; month for Emmeiina Hortbn. the, big wax doll' and Blsie'a oldest daushterwasaxwt ried. There was .td .pe a grand wea ding at Elsie's house,, , and all ;"Emr melina's friends, with thelr mammas; rWere tcr "'heJtnTitvSoevery'i aiter noon, they eteftort0rira1ei7 ana spent a ousy, nappy lime iuhius wonderful garments f or this 'occa- One afternoon, unfortunately,- Elsie: IsdTt the nursery door open while she rah downstairs to say n good-bye to some of her friends." Minx peeped in. ib w something white lying on Elsie's , little work table, as well as some pretty scraps on the floor? and en tered to investigate; The result was the . "ruination," as Elsie remarked of Emmelina's wedding gown' arid the shutting- u of Mlrixj4h ithecellar 4 to await " her trial Of bourse, "the ; jwedr ding was postponed. ' The trial took place in the nursery the very next day. There was a jury of half a dozen little girls, a half douen being considered (mite enough for a dog. Elsie was the judge, and Tom, tho policeman, brought iE PT Minx on her hind legs, looking very much ashamed of Jjerself. ; She listened to the' whole1 story, with her head on one side and her right ear cocked, and one or twice her soft, pathetic eyes filled with tears. Sometimes she wagged her stump of a "tail r quite piteously and when the torn up' white dress was shown to ner she looked guilty indeed. When the judge pnonbunced sent ence Mlnx Immediately , relied ' over and played "dead," so deep was the disgrace. She had to "wear clothes like a doll for a whole week; &nd Tom had to take her out each day in Q doll carriage. It was a good lesson to Minx, whe had a terrible ordeal to go through every time she met her dog friends. Nowadaysrshe "trieyer'.oes near ' the nursery, .and lit the' faintest allusion .is made to Emmelina's wedding dress the culprit will immediately put her tail between her legs arid creep under the sofa. Pittsburg News. ! Barbers Lean to Curios. A clock that had a certain value be cause of historic associations was - lo cated by a collector in a barber shop, i v"He seemed surprised to find" it here," he said to the proprietor,- "but he need not have been. Barbers are now running a race with saloonkeep ers in buying, up many such objects of. interest There are dozens , of bar ,ber shops in town that can boast pieces of furniture and bric-a-brac old enough and curious enough to make the collector's mouth prater. In some cases the patrons of those shops real Ize the value of the ' ornaments pro vided for them to blink at while get ting a shave or a haircut ; . in ojther cases,' they don't; but the proprietor knows' every time what a bonanza he has on hand; and it would take mighty sharp bargaining to get the things away from him. New York Press. The man who does not produce one cent of the wealth of any community in which he happens to reside is the first to favor the restriction of the rights of those who pay the frieght. New York Star. - . SoS-W WHAT WAS IT The Woman Feared? What a comfort to find it is not . "the awful thing" f eared,'-but ; only chronic indigestion, ; which proper " food can relieve. A woman in Ohio says: . "I was trouhled for years with in digestion and ' chronic . constipation At times I would have; such a gnaw? ing In ; my stomach Ih'at I actually feared' I had !a I ;dislike to; write or, even think of what I feared.-, , c "Seeing an account of M Grape- . Nuts,-1 decided to vtry. It ; After ,aV short tiirie. Jtwasisatisfled the: trouble, was. not the awful thing I feared, but was stlfr bad enough. HoweyerP . I iwas relieved of ar badVqase? of dyspep-; : sia 1 by ;'changing from, improper :f ood to Grape-Nuts:;, ; , . ; . 4,v...;,,y ."Since, that ;time"my bowels have' -been as regular as a-clock." IJhad also' noticed before;, I began tojat, Grapes ; "Nuts that I was becoming forgetful of r where I put little things ; about, the; nuvu was very B.unuym. , - i Z i!tBht since the digestive organs have, become strong from -eating j.Grape-" Nuts, Tmy memory is - goodT and my . mlnd as clear- as wheri ' 1 was yourig, ; and I am-thankfttl.'V Name given by: Poatuin Co., Battle Creek; Mich.-Readl the little booklet; "The Road tb Well-r vine, vm packages:- "There's a Rea Ml ; ; ,. - Grapes are combined ;With ; taffetas. c Sashes and bretelles can be , made I of. narrow - ribbons alternating . . ; Checked voiles, ' in two-tone', effects, are' exceptionally i attractive; Z i There , la still a liking. fornhellong shoulder and a great variety of should er fixings give v emphasis to theref 6ot.';, .-A :;;. -J?, .".v. ; ''.f - Many of the roundlss coat edges are bound fc with ' braid or silk la ' a contrasting toae to that oi the coat TThere"are iseme very beautiful tcoro riets of .feathers ending in long! wings at either side used for trtemlng Ins new hats. . .;:: - t x -Let your new,: purple to&t be f ff fetas or even .velvet: ' Z ' - ?J " A Francis model4n dark brown vel vet is after, the eton fashion, closely belted ,down ;wtil A brown satin belt The pretty Jumper-faslrldriHs ; uni versal fm!nV to girls and ' wc- men of, stender, figuro.. Says the Omaha Bee :r Experiments have proven, that the greater part Qf the' produce '' of the west can be ban: died withK satisf a.iMedition - by prater Itpula be amajtobly slow boat tat. could not makeas good time to market as some of the, freight trains thit. ply between town,- and townin wv tort it- '' t :. . ....... .... . v . . , ..... r- . . . .... ...,. ..- , j. I I J J5L Hx HARVESTER :p& portable i y"-0-. I ' Jl - ; . fficri ''IMVtym - to operatei mtL -l g H. C enaoes are, V rM ' - ' wajpr,, iorimpte thany ; . 'J ... W - - W - AnoAer feature o the I. ' fjt UZl. l t vrRCeambiyMfcoii.,. tll Lp--f ." r sumption of hwL -This makes , IjtX) U ' o yf t ; v r! ' them 'economicaL-vCaII and J ;v . 4 x Jl i International Harvestei : i-vjrD53 If Company, of Ainerica,. : jVTTff&RYzONTAL:' 0 . ,v Charlotte, - ;IT. O : 3 e, a; ro z ?Z n-p- . , T lfefe - V. , , , , i i i i T i i .. J. A. L()M. I'u-iUL'iit . A.-J; HESTER, Vice-President N J. S. BR ADSHER; Cashier. . . , S ' k F E B; r h e 9 ye r - re Life ! of tetn seems too long tp the .woman who suf fers fr6m -.painful; .pejribds. , The eternal -bearing-- down, headache,backacheV leucorrhea, nervousness, dizziness griping,; cramps and . similar tortures are dreadtul.; ,10 jnake life Woman's Relief it quicy ;reHev iriflam epr vricies thevblobd. i strengthens : the cons fesution , and 7peXmanehtly cures all diseased conditions from which ..weak women suffer, j '. .:.''. V-: ; -'.., ? 't tItls.riiatchless; marvelous, reliable. . U jO 4 At all druggists'. in $1100 .bottles..; y . ? , ;:;v.i;VRTn: US A. IXTXER V' 5 freely and; frankly, In strictest confi r.4ejacei telling us all your symptoms and Lr troubles, v We will send free advice (in flH'Ialn sealed envelope) ; Address: La-. : Odies Advisory Dept. The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooai Tens; ; f 1'The Last "of the Pfsnu.- ujr uutj iue piagues of Eevnt are being, abolished; by science ' 'IIt-K V m . W"w";'t: ......... . frogs were abolished; long ao by; the aram:uiPf, , xuo nees . are checked by .nsec powder; arid the darkness that . could felt has, welted awa before) hejarc light; The sixth plaiue atin . remains in full glory.. The flv is t. wavs:with rns,, The great Dr. Rad ?Mffr, used to, declare that the three worst annoyarices ;of llf q were simme?, files and-, Irrelevant questionsz-i-CoJ.' Uer Weekly. N ' ; ; ;;'Frenchi mints coined x$S9 4,000 0f Swiss coins I during 1906. When yor wish id buy a good to acco-ancli rainf axnapply to me. I r i ve soyerap f arnis - in both Person i Caswell, ill" make price right :-ud 'terms liberal. - i V MARCUS 0 WINSTEAD. . Real' Estate (Agents Milton, no. . A. N K: D N G . v TVf a ' - I lairak, d,;Sorpfus, $65,000, worth living, ;take I SUFFERED GREATLY," writes Mrs, L. E.'C'evenger. of Belief view, N; C.;"at my montiily periods, , all'my life but the -st bottierof Car dui gave me wonderial relief and now I am In better healtt -, than I have been foraiongtile.f, ' - '-s 1 7 i'.finll'f

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