mmmmKBmmiTln-' ill- , . ' ' THE.? COURIER, Roxboro, NX., Jan, 1st. 1908; Don't forget to write it 1008.; , . - - - .' The Graded schools will open next Monday. The Roxboro 1 tobacco market will open next Monday. ; The Christmas hollidays vre quiet in Roxboro. - tf - J Mr. Chas H. England is Visit ing Mr. N. Lunsford at the - Hotel Dowdy, Miss Maggie Weyher, of. Kinston is visiting her friend, Miss Delma Noeil. . , . . Miss Allie Satterfield, of Danville Va. , is visiting the family of Mr. Chas. Satterfield r Do you nekd . Hats,' Caps or Shoes, all kinds? If so see our line. ';. ' ' - - E. A. Bradsher: Mrs. E. At Terry, - who spent Christmas wi-h her daughter in South Carolina Jackson Beasley and Mary Bailey, colored, were married last Sunday evening. The students of the various col leges, who have been at home during the hollidays, have returned to resume their stuoies. Mrs. J, t). Perkins returned Monday morning from a pleasant visi to . relatives and friends in Milton and Danville. Mr. Jasoer Burch. a former w citizen of Roxboro, but who for the past 8 years has made his horn in Texas, is at home on a visit to his father, Mr. tT. B. Burch, and other relatives and mends. Mens, Boys and Ladies under wear, best ever offered from 23 to 50 cents. Mdns nkked shiats 25 cents is very-low. See our stock. -; ' " E. A. Braesher We should all strive- to make 1908 the best year Roxboro has ever had. By. a united effort of of every citizen of the town, and with the co-operation of the country people, we can do this. Miss May Morton, daughter of Mr. w.-b, Morton, is confined at home bv a serious case or tvohoici fever. The manv friends of the family wjslrfor her an early recov ery. We try to keep always on hand a suddIv of all goods in our line and at pooular prices, in exchange for couutry produce pr cash. CnicR- Eggs, Beeswax, Butter &c ens. wanted at big prices. Can on A. R. Foushee. Mrs. Thos. Marcom left last Saturdag morning for California, on a visit to her parents. Her many friends in Roxboro wish her a safe trip to this far away State.. Mr. Marcom accompined her to Lynchburg: if. 1 want your chickens eggs and butter, and will pay you the very highest market price for them. J. M. O'Briant, at J. H. Clayton,s old stand. Mr Chas. Jordan, who has been living in Petrrsburg Va., for , the past several years was here visiting relatives during Christmas week. He has returned to Durham to make his home to the delight j)f his many friends in that town. . ' Fountain Pens. For either old or young there is nothing more acceptable than - a nice i5fountain Deri We sell the "Parker Lucky Curve' ' and have mem" in all sizes and hnishes. Smooth ;flowV easy ' writing well made, ahev do not bend; break, or scratch. Call at Davis Pharm acy and examine them. , We l are reauested to say that V'one bf Person counties best boys, who now holds'a position with Ai T. Co., in Durham came over to see his best cirl Xmas: :He was so hiffh ffated that thev did not recog- ize him. He rang the door bell un til he broke that and came very Hear bushins the door down.: He became disgusted and left in a hur ry. ; He didn't take timer to open the gate but iuststeooed over like there was ho gate. -This Jellow has the sympathy of all the coys." Mr. and Mrs H.; W.; Foushee are visiting! relatives and friends in luwinis weeK. . r - . . Barbed and poultry wire, just re-, ceived a car load.,-- -v. ' ' Long, Bradsher & Co. Mr. S. G. Winstead .has re turned . from a , pleasant visit to friends at Warsar. Master Willie and. Miss Hassie Sims,- of Durham, have been visit ing the family of Mr. J. S. Brad sherl this week. , - . ; ; Dr. W. L. Foushee was here to' spend the. holidays, with his father; Mr. A. R. Foushee and family. . The manv Friend? of fnl D M Andrews will be glad to learn that he is able to beut again after his recent illness. Shingles! Shingles! A suDDly of Hean Pine .Shingles' always on hand, Call on A. R. Foushee. 'lust received at Davis' Pharmaev a fresh supply of Nunnally's candy. The best candy manufactured to day. If it is anything in the Hardware Line we will thank you .to call'bh us . Meat Choppers and sausage. Grind ers. Long Bradsher & Co. The .manv fr.ends of Countv , ( Sunt. G. F. Hollowav wiU regret to learn that he has been on the sick list for the past week. Mr. .1. H. Clayton. Sr.. had a partical stroke of parallysis last Monday, we are glad to learn that he has about recovered. Miss Aline Webb, after snendin? a month with her brother in New York Citv. returned home last week. She says she had a de lightful trip. , Mr. N. Lunsford spent a few days in.Raliegh last week. It is supposedithat he was looking after the calling of the extra - session the Legislature. If vou want something good something sweet and something nice, try a box or L$ vneys candies at Hambrick & Austin's. Mr. Henry Winstead, wife and baby spent Christmas with the Family of Rev. J. H. Shore, at Smithfield. Books to entertain you these higqts. We have; by far the best standard editions of low price, in nice bindings l 5 to 50 cents, of special value. E. A. Bradsher. Dr. R. I. Teague has been , ap pointed Oculist for the Southern Railroad, for the coming year. This is quite a nice appointment, and we congratulate the Doctor. - Mrs. O. P. Schaub and baby, and Master Rupert Carter Aare spending some days with relatives and friends at Apex. . Mr. F. M. Hornaday, of Colum bia. S. C snent the here with his parents, Rev. and Mrs.s J. A. Hornaday. Notice the large display of cut glass at Davis Pharmacy. It is the prettiest assortment ever seen in Roxboro. - Miss Mav Barrett, daughter of Mavor A. F. Barrett, of Burling ton, is visiting the family of Mr. C. G . Mitchell and other relatives Misses Connie 'arid Monnie Critcher, of Lynchburg, spent Christmas here with relatives and friends4. - " , ' With the exception Christmas eve. the hollidavs were; very quiet in Roxboro:- Some of; the boys got a little rowdy and ..hred .on dynamite, which did .considerable damage to nearby , property by breaking window glass. ; ; Stationery everything in the way of box paper prices ranging from 15c per box to 65c. Pound paper, Tablets and envelopes to match, at Davis Pharmacy. . . Mr. John J: Winstead, went out bird hunting one day during : the holidays arti-accidentally; killed a wild turkey. Bud: has been vunder the weather ever since. Tommy Hendersoa . and J Tom .Winstead think Bud will have to have an op eration performed before . he gets bventhishunt, ' - r: j- Mr. ; Jas. N. ' Thompson, of Greensborn was in town last . wept shaking hands :with-friends. - Pony for Sale. . , ; I have a first class bay colored pony for -sale cheap; Gentle and easy to manage. Safe for lady, to drive, call early. f-- T A. R. Foushee, Roxboro, Dec 12, 1907. . ' Stockholders Meeting. . 4 The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Peonies Bank will be held in the Directors room at the bank on Saturday the 4th .of January, 19Uo. A lull attendance is.desired. ; . J. S. Bradsher, : Cashier -o- IS SUING FOR $500. Asheville, Dec. ob. Jcxson Hamil ton ; t ri ncipal of ' the ' Ma rs- vilie. N. C. Hish School, who was attacked by'Ti B. and WC, Ham ilton, father and brotherof a school bov whom he ;s charged with cruel- ly whipping and struck with a whip several times bv both, has entered suit in the sum of $5,000 against his assailants.- Christmas News from Leasburg. Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Newman spent last week in town with rela tives. Miss Anabel Thompson spent a few; days in Raleigh. There were a good many pleas ant and welcome' guests in Leas burg during- the hollidays. Mr. M. C. Thomas has returned from attending the Methodist Con ference and visiting in 'the Eastern part of the State. The manv friends of Mr. and Mrs. .1. W. Dixon were glad to see them at home - again Christmas week. Misses Cora and Bessie Pulliam, Mildred Connallv. Helen Graves, Ella and Gertrude Standfield, and Ella Thompson spent ' vacation at home. The social ffatherirics during the holidays wereunuasuliy pleasant. Miss I Jxie "Roe. of Texas, who Is now Director of music at Littleton College spent the holidays in Leas burg, the giiest of Miss Ella Stan field. Miss Roe is a charming voung woman and an excellent pianist. I The Christmas tree in the church on the evening of Dec. 25, was a beautiful thing and thereby enjoy ed. When the curtains were drawn the tree was ablaze with sparkling lights, everv twig glittering as with millions; but net a gift was on the tree. While the grown nns as well as little children were trving to recover from the surprise the tinkle or K.ns cringle s Amas hpslk muld be heard in the distance raoidly drawing near. Jack Frost little fellow dressed in red and covered with snow and frost dashed on the stage drawing a little wflffnn.with a huge snow Dan on it. Mrs fanta Clause following tried to explain the unusual conduct of her Lord and master, and burst the snow ball to see what it contained Thp dearest little fairv in the world sprang out of the ball fluttered up and' down the stage wishmg every hririv ft merrv. hannv Xmas. Then Mrs. Santa Clause distributed the gifts to the crowd scarcely one of whom was overlooKed. Aitogetner the evening ; was most- pleasantly spent. And it's Xmias Time, And it's Shoe Til le, Time when good shoes are v needecL , ," , Shoes that keep the feet Jry and warm. ; i Such shoes are the best hiiids and are found at : - T ; 5 Harris rBurns. 2- Qur Moto: v' I AND SERVICE. . Phone 23 Sergeant : ?. Clayton ;o. i a 0 $m7r PROMPT TT-- : , , . ....-,--.-.,.... ., u ' " "' H . ii ii r r ' -!' ' - "l - , t. . , . ... '-v. ' .... ... . r-. ... t. - .v.--'". .-".. 'u.1 '- ' ' ' i.'.i... ?.'. . -, r. ....n '-ft .... Vr, . jW r? Made in a variety of grades and finishes to harmonizewith the surroundings of home. ' ' ci - AH arades made in Full sections, Half sections, inside and outside Corner brackets, .aifording greater V opportunities for artistic and decorative fectiyes than any other known make or kind of bookcase, n , - . - See the operation of the Macey Non-Binding door that don't bind the only door bearing .the absolute : 'guarantee bi the maker. . .. . j Writ or phone us for complete catalogue of prjfces and de-' scriptive matteror-better still, ham and let lis show you the Macey Sectional Bookcases. oDhrham J3ook 112 West Main achift&S AlID 'UP SPECIAL SALE II017 Oil ! Why sesd your money away when yea can set a 5 year sarsnteed Drop Head Sewinjj Alachine of better quality f cr less money right here at hoaa ? . Jtoing this SPECIAL SALD 70 effer Sewing Machines of all grades CpecUd Introductory Prices. T All iilachines warranted. ., Bock cf Istructisna FREE with each fllachizs This is te chance cf o IITsthsa czi tl:3 wise will 0rasp tha opportunity. EXAKiriS OUR UKE TCSAYfCa J. D. MORRIS. qrijiohr n koriTiaenGQ, This Pharmacy - con ' ducted ?P r principles r of rectitude and square" deal- ; We comoound ; prescrip tions exactly as the. Doctor. : directs. r- ;We sell pure drugs and Standard Medicines. ' Kave swKat ybuivant : - and give you::vwhat V;"you ask for ; " .. . , . ' ..;f .. No-brice inducement ever. 4embtsxus to buv: or : could- M e : .V r. . Ir us in selling ; anything of 1 ttuy.uium HiLCiiavcr lusinv E Inferior quality; . 'J ; - MAKE -US . YOUR DRUGGISTS ;: Hambr'ick DRU GISTS - - - 111 inn" 4 i call at our store when m Ohin wonderful; possibilities" of- the t- : $ $iationer)j St; Durham, N.-t. .. a. DOES THIS INTEREST LUST1N 100 Does allarge ; up-toJale: stock attract you? We nave iij - ;: Do y. reasonble low prices please you? We have them, f r DoFstraight fonvairH meftg ods' andlguaranteed ; transactioln Interest youT-'Tlieh.oiir'Stoie the place; - : r ; t A112phonerofders!promptf5 filled. 5 ? ' 4 ' Yours to Serve; Hl;;;Jlill9(5li30. I 1 1 r-

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