ESSrrrr y .JBlwMM- "r-TM M , . , .... Wi-fl . . ....i ; jgini A- MOELL Proprietor. HOFITE FIRST: ABROAD NEXTl CI -00 Per Year in Advance ROXBORO, N-ORTH CAROLINA, Wednesday Evening, April 29 1908. No IS . . 1 .MMHaaMaB-wK w ..... jryS NOTES FROM ROSEVILLE. c , Qufrestioas for the Considara of the Democrats of Person County, &c. I have not seen a Mews item from Roseville in a long-time. I will in form you that we are still here en joyine our hog and hominy, and occasionally a mess of white beans &c. Our farmers are pushing their work, some ae through p lanting corn and are preparing their tobac co land ready to plant. Plants are as plentiful as candidates fr office and no doubt but like many of the candidates, they will be left for re flection. Our farmers are planting more corn than usual and are preparing their land better and are usihg more fertilizer, all will plant all the tobac co that they can take care of. Prohibition and politics are the order of the day, SoonUhe ques tion of prohibition will be settled and the good old North State freed from the demon booze. Of course William Jennings Bryan will occupy the White House after the 4th of March next. With Bryan for our National leader and V. V. Kitchin our next Governor A. L. Brooks our Congrnssman, Major J. A, Long for the Senate, W. A. Warren for the House and George Thomas for Treasurer to handle the Countys cash, we will be in the boat for smooth sailing (Amen.) My main object in writing this scroll was to let our neighbors know what a rich treat Roseville enjoyed yesterday at the close of Miss Ethel Newton's school. Miss Ethel knows how to learn her pupils many important things besides books. The recitations were good, the singing fine and the children ac quitted themselves without a balk. I want to say right here, Miss Ethel gave an entertainment sometime in December last that was splendid, and enjoyed by a large crowd, it is: to be regretted that no notice was made of it at the time. The parents ! of the school hope to see Miss Ethel ! in charge of the school next year at Roseville. .Respectfully, JNO. C. VAN HOOK. P. S. Has your Surl correspon dent committed himselfon the Pro hibition question yet? Perhaps he is waiting to see how the cat jumps on the question, in view of joining the army of candidates on the win ning side, J. C, V. ' A HANDSOME STORE. Democratic County Convention, The County Dem. Ex. Com mittee met here last Saturday, and after duly considering the matter called the meeting of the Demo cratic County Convention to bei held in Roxboro on Monday May' 4th. 1908, for the purpose of elect ing delegates to me State, Con gressional and Judicial Conven tions. The Township Conven tions are called to meet on Satur day May 2nd, at 2.30 o'clock p. m. Democrats bear these dates in mind and see that a large crowd comes out to the primaries and send up a full delegation to the county Convention. - The follow ing is the number of delegates each township is entitled to in the Coun ty Convention; Ai 1 : Cates 4; Bushy Fork 4, Allenviile 3; Mt. Tirzah 3' Hol loways 2: Winstead 4: Woodsdale l;Chub Lake 2; Cuningham 2; Ceffo 1; East Roxboro 4: West Roxboro 4. Total 35, At the meeting of the primaries an executive com mittee;omposed of 5 active Democrats must be elected and they must meet and .elect a chairman and send the names to the chairman of the County -Executive Committee on or before the meet ing of the County Convention. Jno. S. Cuningham, Ch'm. Co. Ex. Com. Jno. A. Noill, Sec. Mr. W. H. B. Newell Has Fitted up His Jewelery More With Elegant and Handsome Fixtures. For several years Roxboro has boasted of her elegantly fitted up 'and well keot Drug Stores, now we can boast of one of the prettiest and handsomest fitted up Jewelry stores to be found anywhere. Mr. Newell has recently put in mahog any fixtures, with a beautiful plate glass mirrow covering one ent;re side of his store. Since he erected his new building it has been the ad miration of all visitors to Roxboro, it is one of the prettiest small build ings to to be found anywhere, and since he has fitted it up with the new fixtures it is complete. Mr. Newell has added largely to his stock of jewelry and has a more complete stock than he has ever carried here, because he has more) room and can show them to better advantage. You can find almost anything you want x the jewelry line at his store; but if he should not have just what you want he will take pleasure in getting it for you on short notice. One thing you 1 can rest assured of he will sell you jewelry cheaper than you can get the same goods anywhere else, and you can depend on it being just what he says it is, which is worth a great deal. Drop in and see his line and his new store. NOTICE! SALE OF LAND. ; There having been a ten per cent advauce bid offered on the lanL hereinafter describe' sold by me-as Commissioner, under an order of he Superior Court of Person county in a Special Proceeding entitled "J S Bradsher Administrator, etc, vs Hettv Harper and others," on the 16th of March 1903, , at which time the said land was declared, sold at the sum of $380, that having been the highest sum bid: now, therefore, I, F Q Carver, Commissioner, by "virtue of an order of the court, will on Monday, 11th day of May, 1908, at 12 o'clock, m. at the court house door in Roxboro, N. C, re-sell the said land at public action for cash the same being . desaribed as follows, to- wit: A certain tract or parcel of land situated in. AUensville Township, Person county, said State, described as follows, beginning at a point in the Clarksville public road, thence N 72 degrees E 7.50 chains, thence North 48 degrees-E. 15.30 chains to the intersection of said road with a spring Branch, thence with the. said branch North 25 degrees West 12.50 chains to Dointers, thence, with- the dower line of Angelett Tharp. North ,9 degres E. 2Tchains to . pointers, C. A. Whitfieti'r corner, thence Whitfield's line, North 87 de grees' W. 14.35 chains to pointers, thence Soih 3 degrees W. 51.82 charns to the be ginnnig. Containing 63 acrfcs. This being a part of the tract of land on which Wesley Tharp lived immediately prior to his death, y LThe sale will begin at S418 00. Thir April 10th 1908. F. O. CARVER, . Commissioner Just Received Car Load Sash, Doors, Blinds, and other Building Material, and marked them right dofra at selling prices. of Hardware of every description at rock bottom prises. Also full line of ook Stoves and Ranges. Tin roofing and Plumbing a specialty : Roxboro Hardware Co. DURHAM BAR ENDORSE JONES FULLER FOR SOLICllOR. i h mv Motto "i J s Ready made skirts, new and stylish $3.50 to $12.50 at Harris & Burns'. QBE Devoe Paint, Oils and Varnishes Building Material, Lime and Cement- JOE DO Come to U IS -AT V i.Ou trade and will save you money on your par- Quality and material considered,, We have on hand a complete line of Peering rm Machinery, Harrows, Rakes, Mowers ana rn Planters. tuny, Bradsher Co o IOE 101 Oliver Chilled Plows. Deering Farm Machinery The undersigned members of the bar of Durham county vdo hereby unite in commending Mr. Jones Fuller to the democratic voters as a worthy candidate for Solicitor of the ninth judicial district. He is in all ways fit for this high position. In learning, character, and ability he is eminently qualified. Magnetic eloquent and fair minded, he will arouse enthuiasm among his party; men, and attract independent voters, without giving his oppo-' nents any just causs for criticism. Fully equipped as a lawyer, hu mane of heart, kindly by nature, he will discharge the duties of the of office with ability, but without harshness or cruelty. We bespeak for him tha support of the demo crats of this, district. Deloe W. Sorrell. .1. Martin Umstead, R. O. Everett, J. F. Cothran, S. C. Brawley, P. C. Graham, A- S. Hobgood, J. Ed. Pegram, H. A, Foushee, Victor S. Bryant, W. V. Mason, R. H. Sykes, W. A.Guthrie, S. C. Cham bers, Ed ward'-J. Hil, R. W. Win ston, R, PrReade, W. J. Brosden, Arley M. - Moore, Benj. Loven stem. . Granville Bar Endorse Jones Toller for v Solicitor. We, the undersigned members of the Oxford Bar, desire to com mend to your favorable considera tion the candidacy of Hon. Jones Fuller, for Solicitor, We believe that he is in ;'. every way qualified to fill this office. Ben K. Lassiter, T. C Stem, D. G. Brummitt, H. M. Shaw, A. W. Graham, W. B. Shaw, A. A. Hicks, T. Lanier. When you get ready to paint that roof remember I am selling a good reliable roof paint at 50 cents IS ;SS Every order I take is booked under a guaranty to the effect that the finished garments must fit perfectly and be made in the very latest style in every respect. I do not ask my customers to run any chances of being dis appointed.. The clothes must be righs or I guarantee to make them so before you accept them, even if it should be found necessary to make entire new garments. Your Fair Paid One Way BetweenlRoxlorrand I Durham if you buy yourJSuit oj me, MJiRCHAlSTTiTAILOR, 102 West Main St. - - . - Durham, N. C, IOE IOE e. o o You willspon be doing yoar spring cleaning and will find that there pre maay things that you need to cajrry out your 'plansr in beautifjing your hums ad making it more comforiable and "convenient. If yoa will let us, we can be of great service to you in this matter as we have, by far the large3t and 'most complete stock of Furniture and urmsniDSS ouse 0 In the county which we sell as cheap as anybody. You will find here all kinds of Furniture, Carpets, Matting, Druggets, Rugs, Lace Curtains, Portierres, Curtain Goods, Sheets, and Sheetings, Counterpanes, Window Shades, Door Mats, Oil Cloth, Linoleum, etc. In fact we have almost anything needed to equip a well appointed home All we ask is that you come and look compare-- and give us aschance to show you that we will serve you better and cheaper than any competitor. a 4 7, lyj per gallon. Its alright too. : 2D ueo. wv l nomas. IOE IOE IOE J

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