35,000 Dry. (OPek Wter.WQ,.mr. , . OIlYliYlUlNO, , . :: I . . - NORTH CAROLINA GIVES OLD BOOZE 'A KNOCK OUT BLOW. EX-REPRESENATITE MCNINCH RE PLIES TO SENATOR siMkONSr ; high pitfonwq ; nave helped elevate you fcio, -you', necessarily have!; greater!, political influence than you Would have as a "private individual; that ha vingi accepted ouFsuppornoV .gain'-your vantage ground you now turn upon ,ua and use it against us;"Is" ,that' fair - to your friends whahappen also.-to be the friends of either'Mr. Kitchin .X t- V Big Storm in Chatham: . 'pjjeT:: Scott to succeed :; Ha ttie;4 . - . v- Gilmea, of Toccoa, Ga.; "jobnOv ; ' . xJlXl V-AIJ, HiCiJf .tT. J V U OU tive'storm of wind hailand rain A Charlotte Supporter or Mr. Kitchin Says it is Not Proper For Senator . - . . - or Mr. Horne nonm Between uempcrar,. yOU say7lSenat0r! that y0li Charlotte. N.C Mav 23. , would hold vour tongue" in this . 1 Senator F. M. Simmons", r contest but for the -'assaults' upon ' Washington. D. C. you and Mr. -Craig. Let us see: Dear SirVl have just read) your Were you not actively supporting remarkable edict, prociaiming Mr. Craig long before u occurred Craig our . Governor-to.be, and JP.any to crtnzed you? Arenot the ..;;: k - anm, rnnKi' ; MSoauiis upon yuu, wiijii - yuu suggesting by necessary implica- Llu 1j : ' tion that to vote against Mr. oraig , - . , ... tl . Roxboro Goes Dry by 33 Ila jority. Person County Goes Wet by About 125 Majority. Yesterday was a great day in North Carolina, the Prohibi tionists have nothij g to regret in the fisht in the State, the ma jority was larger than bad been expected for thepast two weeks Nov; that the State has voted hv a substantial majuuiy 5 icss-uiarcsiy i auci ic . r c wr rjrohibition we hope the cm- years ot untlinctiing loyalty to you pv; ..z"rr " - , an vnur nn r ca roriuncs'i am vi. ..w.-w v ...wa.w w now nhflrred with the crimi of Democrats? 'You say early in the treason against the king merely be- contest yen declared for: Mr; Craig o- t aH,tin. Mf Kr';t.hin did your colleague, Senator Over- - . ... ' , ' - t . man, declare early orat all for i empnaucauy p-cau , gumy. y thcr? Did ever before a SQnator to the charge. You aay that those from. North Carolina 4 'declare' ' of us who may have ;critized i your for one Democrat against another . .ji.m p " im"': . Li u . .. . : . unseemiy inienerciice 1U, ui&guu- jn such, a contest? And before you ernatorial contest have used that A'declared" for Mr. Craig, did you merely as a pretext Jrir our critism nnt writ or, uf tnhft' writfpnr. but lhat the real cause is that we fl iftpr tn him , of ta nnothpr en- belong to a 'certain element in the, couhasins-him ta ruh. and ' oled?- State which has long desired to get jrfg your support?, j- And did - not a lick at vou. 1 his statement I your secretary, about a? year ago, resent, because 1 never have with vouxohsenr and -aoDroval, sympathized with or belonged to I make a visit, to Meclclenburg and any political element inimical to other counties and. let it be known you, but on the, cbntarvhave, -as. 'that: you were. for Mr. Craig?vNo aireaay statea, qeen your uncorn-. assaults naa men peen maue on oromisink friend. That I have vou. But vou say that "surely i critized your participation in the is my duty, having special know- present comesi' ueiwecii Ljciiiuuiaj, 'vu&u ui uni o istrue, for i think your activity is man.jto, see that a faithful party unprecedented, in bad; taste, and wbrker is not.denied credit for his unjustifiable. The graveman of work," and elsewhere m your let my criticism is that you now oci ter you. exercise a commendable cupy the exalted station of United though tardy solicitude to rewara States Senator by the support of fMr- tor his ; party services c j c unt, tv a tj AAt When did vou experience such' a Kitchin as well as he friends of conviction of duty to reward-him? 2ens in every Countwilbsee that the law is carried out.- The yote in Person was light about 60 per cents of total vote cast. , . ' ' Rumors lhat Shop at Spencer Will Be Re-opened. Spencer, May A rumor has gained circulation here -that the Southern Railway shops in Spencer will, be re-opened at an early date when a large number of employes whcTwere laid off March ? 10th .are expecting to be called' back into the service. .The report Iacks of ticial congrmation, but there Js a strong probability that it is ' true. The management however, has succeeded in handling an immense amount of business during the period , of retrenchment as shown by the large number of trains forwarded. Aisited this section' Friday after noon, doing' considerable rdamage to whea, corn.' ahd'eotton, 'JiR Paschal, who lives two miles south-, vest of here, has, a sixteen acre field of fine wheat totally. destroyed Nearly every farmer heard from in this section reports ; more or Jess damage. , One Tar hi er Reports a number of half-grown ' chickens killed by the hail It was the most t jrriffic storm that has visited th:s section in severalyears. " THE SENATE GALLANT. Rejects Three , Nominations Which Would Supplant .Women With Men. Washington,, May The fight made by Georgia; , and .Texas Senators againstsupplantingwoma,n postmaatei ,:witli;male ; employes resulted to-day in the -rejection of three nominations "Whicti ; had been bef3re the Senate since last 2 - f. a. McCullom to, succeed, eanhetre D. McGonnell at; Jacks-; )6ro, Tex.,: Senators Clay .-and, V ' V ostcffi'ce "Department that the'yjr; : r ; vere opposed to women v being v, ; J )usted from their places arid their. -pposition was so determined -that ; i attempt' to confirm the apoint- J,1 : jienjts was madeii ;the enate.. : V ' -earirig'that President Roosevelt- r, , vould make -recess appointments i. ,-. ifter the ad jourhmenfof - Congress . , ' - nd would display the Svomen tJn ;; ' ; hat way the Senators' tp-day insistr X , ; ' . id upon "the rej ection ,bf the . three V " -i appointees, and they at 'least are , ; : eliminated. : - 1 i ember. The nominations r Ice for The Season : " ' On abd'after this date I will keep Av. tee tor sate w nen you neeu ydny r;x;: ?; : : call on me; . or ohone Ko. - 69. ; I . ; , wilt pijfofr a delivery wagon sopn. y''-' md will furnish it at vour .door. - aa Deen 0. . - 1. . : v v - ;t .Dec-1 r kG. BROOKS. . V- H, - t THE ROXBORO COMPANY When you get ready to paint that roof remember I am selling a good reliable roof paint.at 50 cents Geo. w: lhomas Mr. Crate: that bv reasonof the certainly you am not aavocate jus llUiHiiiaiiuti iui vjuvcmui tuut years ago when the west was en- , i j'W "T'X ' 4 ' .'! i L t t c r - 1. 4 - .Jir ft - . , ,x Vr Devoe Paint, Oils and Tarnishes Building Material, Limb and Cement- IOE 30E DO .- . . : ' , - x ::' v. : ' If it is HaMf ajte and plowpomts.: We solicit your trade ancV will save you money on your paiv ' We have on? hand a complete line of Deering Kami Machinery, Harrows,; Rakes, Mowers and U HAN DLE O HSOM,a A P imi M AOHIERY lei IOE IOE v ' 4 Lun 9 9 HOE . ' , . - ', x.-'i -A' , - S6 , . Oliver ChHled:: ' 7:S i titled to Dnd got the nomination. And .whvVSenator, did you re fuse to lehd your assistance to Mr. Craig when he ratiVfor the .Senate against .Hon. .C. B. .Watsdn and Hon. Lee SQverm&ru.: All, the party services-qLv Mr. Ccaig ,to which you. reTer had then t been rendered, and isit not, strange that a sense of duty did not. impel you to helyl reward Jiim? ; And if anxous to reward Mrraig did it occur to. you when" you stood for i re-electicn inl 907. that you should maghah -imously put aside the crown and-helfe'; place it upon the brow, of the man you now feel such a cVncp of rfntv to reward. But vou may say party -precedent, would have demanded that : the Senator should come'from :the east. -Lans- wer that party ipf eceden t demands that the Goveriior should. no w-come ,- t 1 x 1 - - J s - . r trom.tne easr. ; v - ;; . . Let me assure ylou- . that I join youlinvour desire to .see Mr Craig reWarded;;for I fulj vnappreciate his services an u esteem, iiiiii--iuguty But 1 am not willing:in- order to re ward iMr Craig, to -reverse party precedent and also ;withold reward front another Democrat. Mr, Kitch in,-who has so richly deserved the high honor to which he aspires by reason of the lifelong . devonon ; of TOG '5 l -Mr. Wc are. constantly briqhtenmq .,up.our;stock ,by, receiving new goods daily, .v r ' ! ' . -V" We have just gotten m some nice summenweignx wooiens. Black, BlueJand Brown Panama. at Li 50 ; iients a :yard Black, Blue voile:, v : Sl.OOrfard i Cream batiste and Mohair , " . : 50 qents a yard ? Cream;Serge ; V;!;'.'; :" , , : $100 a yard ; Cream, black, blue, arid brdwri halt wool panama at-35 cyd. These are all extra good values ' r ; : 4 ; V '.--"-'li kh d B n d b rvw e an Our stock ot these goods is in the veryto of shaperWe have recently received splendid values inV - v ; lace stripnbl'gauib and medium weighthose at Aft rnk rf nairXtv'TTf V, f , . I, . fil:1- L ce-stripe, ai3 cents a pairalso bftiood 10. and 15 cent numbers. ' Ladies gauze, vests, the very byest to be had atu, lu ana -Plenty, of the new: striped collars beltiria,: belt buckles', yl collar pins, yeu pu sasn pm duciucs, luuiu;, Maniiw v, 3) D 0 .:i:vt '1 -ft x. -, w The store that sells the best and saves you yrioney" s Farm Machinery his superior talent to ; the Demo cratic party. F.P.McNINCH'.iP JOI 7 ior 3' Id - 1 Vy., '-d . 10 Plows?