- t 1 r i1 , .- 1' ! 1 , I1! I', '".-kV u i 4 ,. 7 r-i-1, - ', - , j -4, - ,.. -r ,.1. !'!' ' in. $ 'li J T 'rM I 1 ,1s hi W carry what you need and want. Groceries, Hardware and Leo's Secretary of State Cardinal Rampolla - cherishes the jpeace and seclusion which he so well deserves. Almost every afternoon about two hours before dusk, he drives from Ms isolated house undeT the shadow of St. Peter's, and returns shortly before the bells ring out pie Angelus? Two or three times a week . He attends the Congregations of which . .he Is a member. With those excep tions he . never leaves his house, and within it nearly all his time is spent is his private library, which s also serves him f cr a reception room. He never leaves Rome evsn for a day, and not even in the fiercest heats of ' summer. He has lately published , a very 'erudite work on the life and : times, of St. Melania the Elder and lin is now. engaged in another histor ical work which may ee the., light early next year. Rome Letter to Lon- don .Tablet, Pineules for Backache, little golden rlobules. easy and pleasant to take. Jict aireciiy on me juuueys puiii-j the blood and invigorate the entire system; .Best for backache, laine back, kidneys and bladder, x 30 days trial $1.00. Guaranteed. Sold by . Morris Drug Store. Some men work for their living, and some men become receivers of defunct banking institutions in little old New York, sneers the Richmond Times Dispatch. Pineules for the kidneys. 30 days trial $1.00. Guaranteed. Act direct ly on the kidneys and brings relief in the first dose for backache," rheu matic pains, kidney and bladder trouble. Invigorate the entire sys tem. Sold by Morris Drug Store. . . i i HEARTLESS. ' "Bilger eloped with - his cook, the - unfeeling wretch!" , ' "Well. I don't know. Why should n't he if he wanted to?" . "But his wife was just goinj to- gJvft a dinner party." Life. Bees Laxative Cought Syrup ;recom mended bv mothers for vounff 'and old is prompt relief for coughs, colds, 1 croup, noarseness, wnoopmg cougn. Gently laxative and pleasant to take. Guaranteed. Should be kept in every household. Sold by Morris , Drug Store. , . . y , A BARREL FULL. "If an'-' empty barrel . weighs ten pounds what' can you fill 'it with tc make .it weigh seven pounds?" , "Have to give it up.'' . . '. . "Fill it full of ' holes." The Sacred Heart. Review- 1 . , , - Wood 's Liver Medicines is for ; ,the , .; t relief of llalaria, Jtjhills and JPever . and "all ailments resulting from de- . ragged condition of, the Lver 4Kid ''v , neys.apd- bladder:.; .Wood's : Liver .: " Medicine is a toniG to . the. liver, and '" bowels, '' relieves, sick .headache1-c6n- v . -' f vv, ; . stipatiori," stomach, kidney and . iiyer t. tiye."' It is the, ideal 'remedy for fa . - tigue and weakness. It 's toriic . effects . ' on the , 'entire system' felt' with - the ' ?, first 5 dose. The $1.00 . size , contains 1 ' nearly 21-2. ,times the quantity of the 50s size.-Tji liquid form. Pleas- f -; "-' ., '"'' W i . ' . . . .'., v . T )- ... - . , , . ' li t. - f ' " " - j - a merchants. Let us build fup our own See 'us before vou buy. We will save you rboneyCprt i l l 9 . -Sf '" ' "" : ' . j.--" ''' " We carry all kinds of AN INVIDIOUS DISTINCTION. A c lergy man w as recently . telling x' marvellous- story, when his littlu girl said: "Now, pa;, is that really true or is it just .preaching?" The Tatlw. McKinley Property to Ba Sold. Canton, 0., Special The McKinley block on SouthMarket street, one of the two pieces of Canton property owned 'by the late President William McKinley, was sold by Sheriff Wilson at public auction. The 'property has been appraised at $60,000, ,; The, sale was decided .upon by the a'dministra tor of the estate of Abncr McKinley and representatives' of the remainder of the President's heirs: Pinesalve Carbolized acts like a poultice. Quick relief for bites and sting of insects, chapped skin, cuts, burns, and sores,1 tan and sunburn. Sold bv Morris Drug Store. Sixty Killed; in a Wreck. Antwerp, By Cable. One of worst railroad accidents in Europe , in, re; I cent times occurred at Contich, a'sta-f o llOn" SIX miltJS SUUUlCasi VIX imo viv;.., on the main line, at 8 olock Friday morning. The exact number " of vic:; tims Had riot been determined up to a late hour, piving to the difficulty of removing the bodies from -the debris,, but the latest estimate places ' the number at 60 killed and one hundred wounded. - .. -. Operation for piles will not be nec essary if. you use Man Zan Pile Rem edy. Put up ready to Use. Guaran teed. Price, 50c. Try it. Sold by Morris Drug Stored . Missouri Bankers in Session. ;JoplinMo., SpecialOne thousand Missouri -bankers held the ISth-, an nual convention of their State asso, ciation. Col. J. D. Powers, of;Louis- ville, president of the American Bankers' Association, reviewed . tne " general banking, interests' Prot. -w. :,lfl' ." XT u : ' Uh-tiyif nM James T. .Young, director of -' the Wharton School of Finance, and Com- merce university , , i-cnii&jvu.iix SpOKe5 On, uuva u uicuiiuitgu.ttiiuii; uc a Conservative -jpfluence: V One aDDlicatidn 4 of Man Zan Pile Kem?dy;.ior aijuiorms oi pnes, reneves pain, 'SpOmSj VXCUUwa -, muaimuuniuu, soreness and ltcmmr. uuaranieea to g.v - byvIorns. Drug.Store.; 3 A.' 'LONG. President. A. ':. X THE If W don't a0 fiaye it monoy at noms every article carried in a first-ciass -uenerai oiore Guano and sell at prices as ' SHELTER FOR PIGS. f It ig well to 'have some shelter built' .in the pasture to protect the sows and pigs' from" tne hot eiin or. storms. A few boards jn a fence corner, or set on. posts, will make a 'shelter for tbm.--Fanners' Hom9 Journal. . n Sick Headache and Biliousness re lieved at once with Riner's Little Liv er Pills. A rosy; complexion and clear eyes result irpm their use. Do not criDe ' or sickerii Oood tfor all the family. Sold by Morris , Dru Store. 1 When yon wish to .buy a good to baeco ami grain farm apply to me. 1 have Severn 1 farms in 4 both Person t nd Caswell. Will make price right tod terms liberal. ' MARCUS C. WHTSTEAD, Real Estate Agents . mton, il a , SPEND YOUH VACATION IN fLand of the Sky." BEAUTIFUL TOXAWAY COUNTRY Now is a Pleasant Time to ro 'Ibere. Climate! Unexcelled FISHING. BpATINt;: DRIVING.. Southern Kaiiway improvta xram ors-joe affords excellent aecommodutioas aud . . iScb'edalttd'. New Through Trtn, with carb'es v and Parlor Car, inaugurated- Sunday, March 29, 1908. beiweeu Goldaboro aud AjsUevilleN.C. via KftKigli;Parhatji.::Greosboro add Salis bary txlollawingf Bcbwfule: K'o. ,21 lly A ' . , , -; , - No. 22 Ply a.ra. : . ifiasterti Tim f " -6 45 . . Goldsbora v.'. - j .L Ar, . SO . 845 IiV.;. . ...RaWgis.i ...... Ar ; C 30 9 55 Lv....'...Duchaai..,r.-..Ar 5 25- 12 20 Iv. .v...GreDsborb. Ar ;S10 2 60 Ly.......8alisbary..ir...,. Ar s, 1A5 T.v 1 RtatesviUe.v'; .. .Ar l2 20 : ( 435 Ar.......;NewtMivt-;;, .:.:Lv 11J32; -Arj.; ...Hiekt)ry..V.Vi...L.v U 10 545 Ar... Morauton.,... JjV.iu ou , , 6 30 Ar . ; . '. Mariim . J . . . .rL v, & 40 , 8 15 Ar.'..'.'-.&heVili6,;;..Lv 8U0; , "plm.-r.' -. ' y . 'i-f . , bunmer Touri t Jttart;a. will soou ti-on pale. . v ' . , - - . For Jnformationa to -rate-v.; schedules,, eto.effll'on any aeut ot'thU' compauy, or - J. H.-.WOOD OL P..AV. Aheville. .N. C. . . ii, j2 TfcRSQN, T.P'.A,.' Charloitei.N. C, 4;,f - v '.xf- -- f - A. ;J.; HESTJ5B, VWf... ; ySl " NOTICE wtsTERH mi mm corn1muhityX ; low as any-bne else. it mmmi t ifo nffpirt cppfn;.tho inner fers, frompainful periods.) ,-Th6-;ng.- j utUr, V.i-iyoKb "lmirnrrhp. nrvoilneSS. ' dzziness, snping, uauip?. dreaaful. , 10 maKe iiie,yuun uviu&, iac 51 Woman's i.viTiiwVr 'fHwWlnflammation.x,uri es and en-s. rictteHjie'biood;.strength?ri$"-thfr permanent! cures au uibccu vm 3i ' ' weak womtnsuffer.-;- . s' ' At alVdruggists' in $1.00 .WRITE US A LETTER freely and ' frankly , In - strictest confi dence, telling us all your symptoms and troubles,5 !.We wljU send free advice (in. plain sealed envelope) Address: La-, dies plvisoryDctt. ; The Chattanooga . MedTdne Co,f CHattanooga, Tenn. i;f r-' T HLfT ennnes . .- puy'of ait engine , mas.es u c ;o operate, engines are 'so ample, that, any '. y -man .can . opetaie Himti niccessrullv. . - Another feature ox . H n?n is the low con H ' sumpboa or rucL lnis jnara tiemz econonucaL I Call ana examine an 1. H.C engine. ' "' " " " ' """" - -' " 1 -"' ' '- ' " - - " International Harvestei - Ccnr"H7 of America,' r Cleric tto ;- - : IT C ' ' i li , ' ' ' 1 , N ' " v " -T , t 0 J ' 's s l I " i.- . ' ' . : . , - ' , t J --"t ! 5 . r. J . . '. -'li?f n a '-',:.,.J. --t sr HrCenjanes are ... v' ' liMfo X in stbc will MS rend to the woman who suf aiu oumwi-.tu,v-,. Relief ; -J it 'f- i. r - ... 'Bottles-;; ; l writes Mrs. L. E. Clevenger, of Belle view, N.: G.; ?at nvj "monthly periods, 1 all my lrfe but the rst bottle of Car i a iii vHt v trif wnnderiti 1 relief, and now I am in better nealti thaal.havebeen fot a long time.", -y -WAV Kl ' ''.HORiZONTAU-' g&