7V VIA T-t-Z'-vt 7 : Jg&"Z-- i : " , ; ? -'-wwijt.jggj . ,-r.ii. ,1'nur ' uuiijg.nHjr!WiJi.ii.!U'A .i!jiinPiiujiTW .i .. ,,. , , ' ' . , . -va . . JOHN A. MOELL Proprietor. HOE FIRST: ABROAD NEXT. S I'-.oo Per Year in Advancb Vol XXT &OXBORO, N"ORTH CAROLINA; Wednesdai" BvpNiNG.f Jnli P I908i " MR. KITCHIN WELCOMED. Koxboro Turns out to Welcome Hon. y. W. Kitchin on His Return Home. S It was learned Monday evening that Hon. W, W. Kitchin would return home that evening pn the 7 o'clook train from Durham. Ar rangements for his welcome were hurriedly perfected, and when the train pulled in about three hundred people were at th& depot to greet him, they had flags and banners, with one large banner bearing the inscription "Person County Wel come to Hon. W. W. Kitchin, her favorite son." The procession marched from the depot to the court house, the car riage which was decorated, in which were Mr. and Mrs. Kitchin, lead ing the procession.. At the square the crowd gathered and a well timed and eloquent 'address of wel come was delivered by Mr. S. G. Winstead, which was responded to by Mr. Kitchin in a short but feel tng speech. There was nothing elaborate in this reception, it could not have been as the time was too short in which to prepare it, but it did show that our people love their towns man, and they did appreciate the honor which had been conferred upon him and Person County by the great Democratic party of North Carolina. We predict that when the 4th day of November comes around the people of this county will show their appreciation of this honor by giving him the biggest ma jority they have ever given him, and they ought to do it, for it is no i at that place they took the Durham small honor for it to go down in & Southern which carried them to Mr. S. P. SatterfiejdV ' A j -NQJICE LANDSALE r : -coust house iJoorUn; Roxboro, on monaay juiy ttn'iUU& one tract Dear Sir: .Roxboro, N. !"Cr Yourtheck for Two Thousand ln .ty'rig andeing- in -Cuning--Dollars ($2,000) in payment', of ham townshipPerson co, Adjoint death claim of my browed, Samuel 102 the nds.of T,.W:;;Pass and u. bmith, received. Please aci-ull'cl "lauiuig j o , acres more cept my sincere thanks. L heartily commend you and your company j or less, and well imoroved. . lerms.--Due -m 5 ; months from td the; insuring public for 5ydur ! day of sale. with :6 per cenu inter- Dromotness in -settlement nf. C5l- . uiim .wnUil. . . " . , . - T . " Claims. . very truly yours. Thos. E. rnith, executor Yon will find corn at j;; h Gar-' rett & Co at anytime, . - , HON. W, W. KITCHIN NOMINATED FOR GOVERNOR ON THE 61st BALLOT. : " THE NORTH CAROLINA ST ATE NORM AL A N D I N DUSTF? I AL COLLEGE Maintained By the State f of the Education of the Women of rNoittplina Four regular courses leadihg to Degrees, V,-,,,;$iSiiSS - Spedal Courses eaer Trai he Commercial Department. ' -i- ---r. -r;-1 . ... ... WAV" " Free Tuition to those who agree to teach in the schools of North Carolina . . ....... -.. - V. ' Board laundry, tuition and all other expenses, including use of textbooks. Si 70 00 a year. For free-tuition students, ,3125.00 a year. y ' . AIUWKJ' A'UUU toriesTisUm?teSd,rin? t0 enter should aPPlY as enrly as possible. The capacity' of the dormi- Fall Session begins September 15, 1908. -; ; '2 For catalogue and other information address ' ' n ," -' : ' Fgust THETTIP TO CHARLOTTE. The Convention Special Which was ran by the Durham & Southern and the Seaboard was a Decided Success. Last Tuesday morning our peo ple about.30 in number, left here for the State Convention in Char lotte, at Purham they were joined by mostyof the Durham delegation. history that the county had furnish ed a Governor to this great State. The Courier says- hurrah for Hon. W. W, Kitchin, the next Governor of North Carolina. Apex where they connected with the Convention Special of the Sea board. We did not have to change cars, our coaches being hitched on to the Seaboard train, thus enabling us to make the trip from Durham , President. GREENSBORO, N, C. b Devoe Paint, Oils and Varnishes 5PD Building Material, Lime and V Cement. c HOE O -Cowrie -to Us If it is Hardware and plow points. We solicit your trade and will save you money on your pur chases. Quality and ma teriat considered. We have on hand a complete line; of Deering Farm Machinery, Harrows, , Rakes, Mowers and On PllU J,' . T' r. i ' . -:V. . - Lungj Bpadshep? Co. IOE IOE Oliver Chilled PlOWS. , ; Deering Farm Machinery o to Charlotte withom a change of cars. The train was under the management of Mr, S. H, Reams, of the Durham & Southern ana Mr. Chas. Gattis, the Gen. Passen ger Agent of the Seaboarci; We make the assertion without fear of contradiction, that never did a oartv of people on any trip any where, have better service or better attention than did these courteous gentlemen give us We had all the room we wanted,- no otie was crowded, and not a jar to mar the pleasure of the trip. We arrived in Charlotte about 6:30, in plenty ol time to find quarters before r light Such was the trip to Charlotte . Saturday night after the Gover nor was nominated and the con vention took recesslill Monday, Mr.' Gattis gave notice nut Tie would run a special out to take all delegates home who 'desired-to re- fturn'thariigfitTh many or mem wantea ana -tney took advantage of it. "Cur duega- tion reached Apex about 8 o'clock Sunday morning .there we i ound that Mr,' Reams had a train ready to tafte ' us to Durham, and when we reached Durham we i ound that Mr.'N. D. Maher, of the Nor folk & Western, at Roa oke, through 'Messrs. Talliaferro and Reams, had kindly consented to run a -special to Roxboro to bring jour-delegation home, thus making it unnscessary for us to spend a day and high r iri Durham, for which we-are all most; thankful: . To MrGhas. Gattis 5 of the Sea board, . rMrr Sam:. Reams, of the Durham & Southern, and Mr. N. D. Maher, and Mr. R., M. Tallia-r ferro; of the Norfolk & Western, wein behalf of our delegates wish tb'returh our most graceful thanks for their kindness, and their in- terest in our welfare on this trip. They have made friends in this section that will not soon Forget them. Jtoxboro Hard ware Comp any. lue e OB We will make Hues this season in the Critcher Block and wi' e prepared to furnish you on short notice, and will ouarantpp. our lues to be as good as you can get any where and as cheap. Also General line of HAROWARE. BjD'xb.QFQ HardwaM o. o 30E IOE w y About two veeks aqo nearly all cotton goods reached the lowest level in the wholesale markets that . they- have for many mrJnths. ;..''.. It was" just ' what we had been waiting for. We seized the opportunity and bought a good stock of brown and a. - - Satterfield. the. Insurance Man, devotes his entire jtime to the in surance business, every year nas added to the volumeand accuracy bleached sheetings, domestics, plaids, shirtingsginghams percals, calicosand other staple, goods which we: now offer you priced in accordance with the low. price which cwepaijjj o Already the prices of all theselgoods is much stronqer ana m neany every mstance aavancea pnees are now asKed over what we paid. Wimthe price of cotton daily advanc ing .we can see no other result than that cotton goods will be advanced, You are J now safe in buying what you need in these lines and you? will find an extra good stocklat bur store atthe very lowest prices obtainable. V : v7 . IOE ioi 20E - - 'V,- v ; , , of msT experience. i ' r, in v "X ... K r-- , w" '--. vl""i i i'-W-v s J 1

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