; i I . : . 'Y ' "'it ! m tii il l 1 M: .'i- ' c". :;; . I IK ' f1fli?i: 1 : K tr V ; ! : -I iril li'. mm. mm ,1:! :v, S !-, Wit ' V W.'!f. nit !r. I 1,' i ! i mm mm- U-Y-M: .. - : . --a - t .'J ii'i : t -'..V r.'t . t f!: ' fl mi ; : if; ; v. !.i J-1 :1 i;-:.5-.ii I Hf-&:. ; ''jiFAiY-x !-!i:S; M1!!! ;M;iE,: mm. 4M v .. . . l:i1!'ii:.Fi-: f i i- j i Sir:' ; ' ; 't- r:Nr' i! - mi- S I: mm ... . l T' ".VSt: :-r'XXi I;'!!! mm Pi: .. r ;1 We carrv what you need and want. If w don't happen to have it Oroceries; Hardware and eviry article carried MONARCHS AS BALLET DANCERS. King Edward Graceful and NtmbU Footed Henry VIll.'s Pride. One is not surprised to learn tnat Prince Edward of Wales is one of the most promising of all the danc ing pupils at the Royal Naval oK . tege, Osborne, for skill in danciux seems to run in the royal blood of -England. " Kind Edward in his younger da 'was as graceful and nimble a dance.. as you would find In England, a3 nany, of his . partners, now stately dowagers, love to' recall; and so, with scarcely an exception, are all mem bers of his family. Henry VIII.'s dancing, from the pav on to "conrato higaj was the envy and despair of his courtiers, uut ho T7as iprouder of his performance dn the ballet. Queen Elizabeth had no rival in the stately pavn unless it was her larorite partner, Sir Chri-'topher Hat ton, and Queen Mary's grape and agility in the ballet sent more than . one poet into rhymed raptures. Charles II., however, seems to" liave been the king of royal dancers. He never v knew when to stop, for "When every one of his courtiers was dropping from fatigue he would call tfor a round of country dances. "In ded," says Pepys, "hie dances rar ly." Westminster Gazette. Operation for piles will not be nec essary if you use Man Zan Pile Rem edy. Put up ready to use. Guaran teed. Price 50c. Try it. Sold by Morris Drug Store. A GUESSING GAME. Take a sentence in your mind oi course; far instance, "You are a very good girl," and put it down on paper as follows: ! ! ! '!! The dots represent the let ters, the single lines , the ends oi words, and the double lines the end of a sentence. Next draw a rude picture of a gallows, like the letter f F,: wtth the" cross tpieoe hanging from the top Instead of connected with the upright line. This piece is sup posed to be the rope. If the guessei fails to guess conrectly, he is, to be ,liung on the gallows. . ; Now put down,., the letters of the alphabet, ABCDEFGHIJK L M NO PQRSTUVWX Y Z,. on a sheet of paper. From this the guesser chooses a letter and if it belongs to the sen tence it is written in place of- the ...dots as many times as it occurs. If ' he chooses- a letter not in the sen tence, the head of the man goes on ,the rope.. Each time he fails anoth er part of the man is added, his body, arms and legs, and should the man . oe completed before the sentence is mioBoorl "thA ffiifi?ser loses his? chance JUI.-X v,o ----- - . ho may easily guess the sentences by "ja few- guiding : vowels." VasMngtor "'Star-' ' , ' . - Pinesalyei CarboHzed acts like a ' : v poultice. Quick", relief f or ;.bites" and - sting" of 'insects',:,. chapped;.?; sjqn,..-,cut burns, ' ajil : sorest tan: and sunburn. Soldibf Morris -Dras Store.; y i get it for you. Keep your money at home. merchants. Let See us before you Wc carry all kinds of ORIENTAL 8 EC REV TELEGRAPHY. r&trange Power of Communicating News Over Great Distances. The hope that the movement of troops -against the Zakka Khels will prove "a regular surprise" to these erring tribesmen leaves out of account the mystic Oriental power of rapid ly and secretly communicating new over vast distances. An instance of this strange faculty was furnished during the Indian fron tier expedition against the Waziris in 1895. Seventy-five miles as the crow flies aind 120 miles by mountain roads from their base at Sheik, Budin the British troops defeated the- Waziris. Heavy mist prevented the news ot this success being heliograph ed until, the following day, when, communica tion being opened up, the British of ficer at Sheik Budin anticipated the news of the victory by stating he had been informed of it by natives on the very evening of its occurrence. The most famous instance of this sort is associated with the assassina tion of Lord Mayo by a convict in the Andaman Islands. Within a few hours of this murder an English official at Simla was told by his Fathari ser vant that the Viceroy was dead. Tele grams announcing the news did not arrive until the next day. How such messages are transmit ted is hidden from Europeans, but again and again in India, as also in Egypt during the Sudanese campaigns and in South Africa during the Boer war, the authenticity and speed in such native telegraphy were proved. Dundee Advertiser. Pineules for the kidneys. 30 days trial $L00. Guaranteed. Act direct ly on the kidneys and bring relief in the first dose for backache, rheu matic pains, kidney , and bladdei trouble. Invigorate the entire sys tem. Sold by Morris Drug Store. Getting things on credit is like get ting them for nothing; and when it comes to paying the bill, it Is just like throwing money away, confesses Judgft, Sitvi Headache and Biliousness re lieved fit oaee r.-ith Ring's Little Liv er Pills. A rosy complexion and clear oyes result from their use. Do no! gripe or sicken.- Good ' for all the fa-.nily. Sold 1 Morris Drug Stored J. A. LONG, President. . A. J. HESTER, Vice-President J. S. KRADSHEB, Cashier. S A F E. B THE ...... . ,j . . ; . . us build up our buy. W will save you money on Guano and sell at prices Dees Invade Flower Show. A large swarm of angry bees re cently invaded the annual flower show at Allahabad and caused something like a panic. Many people were seriously stung and even the horses attache I to the carriages waiting outside were wor ried by the insects. Allahabad' FIo neer. SPEND YOUR. VACATION IN i L 4 Sapphire Country "Land of the Sky. 9 BEAUTIFUL TOXAWAY COUNTRY i Now is a Pleaaaat Ttino to go There. Climate Unexcelled FJSHIHO. BOATING. DRIVING. Southern Railway Improved Train Service affords excellent accommodations and Schedules. New Through Train, with coaches and Parlor Car inaugurated Sunday, March 29, 1908. between Goldsboro and Afthevllle. N.G. via Raleigh, Durham, Greensboro and Salis bury on following schedule: , No. 21 Ply No. 22 Ply a. m. Easter u Time p.m. 645 I4T..... Goldsboro Ar 8 80 8 45 Lt Balelgh Ar 6 30 9 65 Lv Durham.. Ar 5 25 12 20 l4Y.....GrHoboro Ar 8 10 2 SaUabary.. ..Ar 115 3 45 Lt Statesville. Ar 12 20 4 35 Ar Newton.. Lv 11 32 6 00 Ar .Hickory. Lt 11 10 5 45 Ar Monraaton Lt 10 80 60 Ar.... .... Marion ......Lt 9 40 8 15 Ar AfeheTllle...... Lt 800 p.m. " oummer Touri t Fares will soon be on sale, - For information as to rate?, schedules, etc., call on any agent of thia compauy, or the underpinned. J. H. WOOD. D. P. A., AsheTUle. N. O. B. L. YEBNON, T.P.A., Charlotte, N. a N 0 T I C E ! Wfeen yon wish to buy a good 'to bacco and grain farm apply to me. I have several farms; in both Person nnd Caswell. "V7ill make price right ab4 terms1 liberal.: . : HA ECUS 0. WINSTEAD, Eeal Estate Agent, A NK ING. IS 1 ( , I.' ' 1 ' . - ft i k. J ' r " '., . US'!. . -J. r.r-'i Vv'i-K j . ', . Trade With own s- in a first-class as low as gny-one else. International Harveste Company of America, Chaotte, - - N. 0 TT community tfe fric1 pe 1 H. fTengjne are uroT,rnt ' $ ssJt m so ample that any J E!2 M man can operate SrVv iV' them successfully. '"saasss ; W ,C' Another feature o! the I. gtfryz'f : J. H. C engines is thelow cpn- -HSSSs I 1 sumption of fuel. This makes TjH II frT I jfc ' them economical Call ana JvS7 vt u jujZZt C otniine an 1. H. C engine. r down pains are a symptom of the most serious trouble which can I attack a woman, viz: falling cf the- womb. With this, generally, ccome frregular, painful; scanty or profuse periods wasted $lng drainsdreafuLbac ' .lability, tired filing, inability to walk, loss Of appetite, color 4 pcauiy. ice ewe w ,'.iJ. OF n Woman's Relief " that marvelou?; curative extract, or natural essence, of herbs, which 'exerts such a vohderful strengthening-influence s oh all female organs. Cardui relieves pain, regulates the vmenses, steps drains and,stim ulates the muscles to pull the womb up Into place. K 1 -; v . lj ' It is asafe;ahd permaner. cure for all female cbrnplajnts. ' WKTIE U!'A LETTER. rv::; ; in Strictest 'confidence, telling "us all p,your troubles- We will send free ad ,vice (in plaih sealed envelope);; Ad--dress:. -Ladies Advisory Dept., The NChattanoosa Aedidne Co, 'Ctta- nooga, lenn.i ..J. J ' ,''".' ! . o o Hnoi7nMTA 1 3 .8, io. t2 tar H.p. 1L : ' i ; T - 0) mi 4 In my woinb and bvaifes,' writes Mrs. Naomi Bake, of Web ;ter Groves Mo., and iny menses i jre very painful and irregular; ; Since taking Card ui i 'feel like a new won m, and do v not ;sufer as I did;r -. & sssssa v.lpTSSfii your home General Store !1 1 T ,J- - ; . t - -