' . . ' .-- - . V-- v '::-,-.. ;:, " .-'.'V-.'-V, ,- - - .... f . - -c. - - - . f , - - . - ' , i " " 1 - " ' - ; - ; ; ; ..- - - JOHN A. ;iOStl Proprietor, HO LIE FIRST- ABROAD NEXT Year i n Adva'n co tor Vol XXV - ROXBOKO, NORTH CAROLINA, Wednesday Evening. 'Sept. 23 1908. No. 39; v c ; Sl-oo Per A BIG DAY FOR DEMOCRACY. Hon. W. C. Newland, Democratic Can didate for Lieutenant Governor Speaks to tKe Democratic Coutty Ccnvention. Big Crowd Hear Him. Pursuant to call of the Chair man of the Democratic County Ex- organization of tjiei Bryan-Iitchin-B rooks Club. " ; s'The County Convention Atti30 in the afternoon the Democratic CountyCv Convention was 'Called to order by Col." Jno. S. Cuninglm.c.Gijrman. i of the. ecutive Committee, the Demoprats ! County Executive rCommittee. On of the county met in Convention last Monday for the purpose of nominating candidates for theSen ate, House and other county offi cers! It-was the largest, gathering we have seen in a County Conven tion in Person cqtmty for many years. 4 At 1 1 o'clock the court house bell rang, and the crowd, gathered to hear Hon. W. C. Newland, the Democratic candidate for Lieutenant-Governor, speak. It was Mr. Newland V first visit to Person county, but he , was greeted with a house full of people, and received the closest attention throughout his speech. It was a wise, conservative and logical discussion of Democratic principles, and met with hearty ap proval by the Democrats who heard it. Hon. T. W. Bickett was also ad vertised to be here at the same time, but on account of the illness of his wife he had to cancel his appoint ment, but hopes to be here later. Bryan,' Kitchin and Brooks Brooks . : Ciub Organized. " -t'-'---' , After the speaking a Bryan, Kitbhin and Brooks club organized with 250 members, The Club starts out with bright prospects and we are sure much good will be ac complished for the party through this organization. Hon. J- T. Yancey, who has been an ardent worker for the party for many years, .was elected President, and Mr. L. M. Carlton, was ele6ted Secretary. Any one who failed to join the club Monday can do so by dropping a Postal card to the Sec retary, giving their name. Col. Jno. S. Cunihgham, chair man, especially urged upon every voter the necessity for party har mony and was instrumental in the the assembling of-the, Jconvention, Col, Cuningham made a few ap propriate remarks"' congratulating the party on such a large and, rep resentative body of men in the con vention." He said it could mean nothing but success for the party. He then called Col. I. Feather ston to the chair as temporary chair man. The Col. on taking "the chair thanked the convention for the great honor done him. Messrs. J, A Noell and C, T. Willson were appointed Secretaries. The. first business was the ap pointment of a committee on per manent organization. This was done by selecting onemember from each of the 1 3 voting precincts. This committee retired and return- ing reported that they recommend ed the temporary organization be made permanent which' ws unani mously adopted. The chair then announced that nominations were in order for can didates for the Senate. Mr. L. .M. Carlton placed before the conven tion the name of Hon. W. A. War ren, of Bushy Fork, in an elegant speech, setting forth his qualities for this position. The name of Hon. J. A. Long was also placed before the convention. The ballot "on these gentlemen resulted in the nomination of Hon. J. A. Long by a vote of 19 86-100 for Long and 15 14-100 for Warren. This nom ination on a motion by Mr. Carlton in behalf of Mr. Warren was madei unanimous. The next nomination was that for a candidate for the House of Representatives. There were three candidates placed before the con-s vention for this nomination; Col. Jno. S. Cuningham placed the name qf.Mr.' G. G. Moore be fore the convention in a strong speech. , Mr! J. S: Noell, of ; Flat: River, in a speech i that 'caught the j "convention; nominated Mr. Jno. S. i Coleman: : Mr.. W, Mr Kirby placed j the name of our townsman, Mr. S. G. Wintead beforethe convention The balloting be'gen. " On the first ballot . there was: no nomination,; on, the- second - y ery little change, and on the third quite a commotion was raised 'in the con vention on , account of a dispute about changing . the instructed vote of Mb Tirzah, but the chair ruled that it was a matter which 'that township would- have to settle among themselves. This Nvas done and the balloting went on. After the third ballot Mr. G. G. Moore got the floor and asked that his name be withdrawn, as he did not care to in any way injure the Democratic party. H is speech and hissftand was a manly one. Then the vote was between Messrs. Coleman and Winstead and resulted 'as follows: Coleman, 1 7 84-1 00 and Winstead 17 16-1 00. The chair declared Mr. Jno. S. Coleman the nominee of the convention. Mr. G. G. i l lOE lOE HI Ft lime nas brougnt to us another lall season, the harvest season, when:mother earth, delivers her returns forihe spring arid summer s laLorsl! We trust that everv one who reads this has been bountifully, blest from the "Horn of, Plenty." has been bnnqmq the new tall While "Father Ti lme season we nave been busv Drenanna tor vour np.p.ds in s - j . a . . . . j ; Dress -Goods Millinery, Notions Clothing K Shoes '? Furfiishings and JPumiture.' . We have watched the trerid of prices and searched the i best markets for the best goocls at the lowest prices. ( 'We now IS! present to you the results oi our vigilance and perseverance in one of the . best stocks of: merchandise that wilT be shown in the State inthe fall of 1908. ' : v ! V We rnetly Solifiit Your Business and P r o m s e You Hon est Vai I uesy Cou rteous Treatment and Satisfaction. DRESS GGQSk Sooner or later you are going to buy some Dress-Goods! You will only 'do yourself justice by seeing what "we have. The most popular of the prevailing Dress Fabrics Chev rons, Panamas, Broadcloths, Serges, Mohairs, imported ; and domestic suitings and an unequaled line oi Black goods Lung, Bradsher Co. FOR tt ARB WARE. . 1 ' Cortright Metal Shingles, never need repair are s fiieproof and storm-proof 1 make the handsomest -roof-? iu the world. x Then he kissed me oh the face ; AndJ said, "You love me, don't you Grace? " f course I loved him and told him so, "Then let's get married," he whispered low. M Oh, no," said X rYou first make gpod(. ; . And build that house you said' you would. You promised me you'd build a place c And surely make the plans embrace A C0RTR1GHT Metal Shingle roof The only kind that's weather proof, J i: : y -Fin. HAMLET Moore hen arose and stated to the convention that he came into v the convention as a Democrat and he was going out of it a Democrat and urged all his friends to support Mr. Coleman; justfais! they woujd -him, and moved to make his nomination unanimous, which was done. After Mr. Moore finished his speech, the nomineeMr. Coleman went to his side and they shook hands and passed, a few remarks which brought a great demonstra tion from the convention. For Register of Deeds Mr. W. E. Webb was re-nominated by ac clamation. For. Sheriff Mr. N.S. Thompson was renominated by acclamation. Then the tug of war came again. There were five candidates for Treasurer. It took three ballots to settle mis. Thev following candi dates were placed before the con vention; G. W. Thamas, E. G. Thompson, Jno. S Clayton, R. A, Spencer, and O. D. Bailey. Just before the third ballot was taken Mr. R. A. Spencer requested his friends i not to vote for him any more, and thanked them for their cordial support.-The result of that ballot was; Thomas 19; Thompson 9.15: Clayton 4.35: Bailey 2.50. The chair declared G. W. Thomas the nominee of the convention for Treasurer s The oldBoard of County Com missioners were nominated for re election. They are B. F. Hester, E.'B. Reade and R. H. Bailey. - Mr, Jno. R. Hamlin was nomi nated by acclamation for C oroner. 'Mr. Jno: H. Howard was nomi nated by acclamation for Surveyor. Thus ended one of the' largest, if not the most harmonious conven tion the Democrats ever held in Person county. c I f the Republicans can. get anything. , out of that con vention they are welcomed to it. Where Democrats take enough in terest in a convention to attend and take part, we have always noticed that they . take enough interest in the election to . defeat the Republi cans when they come to the polls. That will be the case this year. The ticket nominated by this convention is a good one and should get the hearty support of the Democratic party of the county. Of course every delegate didn t get his choice, every one couldn't; but it was a fair fight. . The . Chairman Col. Featherston, made a splendid presiding officer, and every one had a fair showing. Now let us rally to the ticket and give them a rousing majority in v November-it with trimmings to match all - . . '. .. i MllMrimi, Misses Itahy Paul ajtfcMcury WUliMfiS were made to go together. These young ladies have already demonstrated to us and the customers who have .visited this department that they are not only going to make good but surpass any of their competitors or predecessors. Besides having the talent, skill and experience necessary to make good milliners, they are both deserving Person county girls and will spare no effort to please you. All they a?k is a chance to show you; ' - NOTIONS " Little things c ount ." This was never more apphcable to anything than Notions and right here is where we save you money by giving you the best. We have the best 251 50 and $1.00 per garment ilnderwear, the best 10, 15 and 25 cent hosiery, the best 50 cent, $1 00 and $1.50 Corsets fKi as well as the smaller items, such as belt buckles and pins belting, rushings, collars, ties, etc. : " SHOES and here is another place we always score on our. compeiit rs. We have control here of the best tines of shoes sold in Roxboro. ' Ziegler s, ladies fine shoes. '; Godmans, ladies and childrens medium shoes. Walk-Over, mens fine shoes. , Fairfield, men s and boys medium shoes, are unquestion-r ably the best to be found. , ; ' CLOTHING, The kind that looks light when you buy it. and stays right after you 'wear it. ; , Wc are particularly proud of oiir stock of clothinig. We.have suits to suit ill ages and con ditions. -Mens suits" $5 to'$22.50.. Boysr$2 to $7.50. Furniture and House Furnishings One of our best departments is upstairs and when you want to buy furniture you can't afford to pass it We khowJ that we have by fai the" best line here and you will know it lUJ . -IT " i-i.li: J ir :; - iL.ra u yuu win uiuy ; iuuiv arounu. . it, e g uaraniee our prices uie lowest and urge you to come in and let improve it . YOU CAN'T GO 1TOONG When you buy, right, and you cdn't buy : any ? 0 o D other way wheri you, buy from 5)'r .I I' V bught to be not less than 400. Will you hplp make it lhat? IF IOE ZOE

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