NORTHS-STATE ; HAPPENINGS . . " " " Occurrences of Interest Gleamed From All Section of the Busy Tar Heel State - t 1- A tag from a 10-eent piece will count FULX. value A tsg from a ' 5-cent piece, will count HALF value J FOR North Carolina Agricultural Experi ment Station, West Raleigh C. B. Williams, Director. The practice of ' selecting seed-corn from the barn late in the spring costs the farmers of North Carolina, in de creased yields of shelled conv an amount equal to more than five mil lion dollars annually. Just so long aS this method -is followed, just so long will the corn-growers of the State lack this amount-of producing what they might with the same treat ment under identical conditions were they to use better methods in the selection of their seed-corn. The proper place to select seed for plant ing purposes next year is the field this fall. One day spent in the field in selecting seed-corn properly will pay better in increased yields than most any labor performed during the entire year. There are many ways in which this work might be done sat isfactorily, the exact method depend ing upon local conditions and prac tices. Economy of performance of the operation is always to be looked after but not at a sacrifice of effi ciency. Where corn is gathered from stalks in the field in the usual way, a good method for the corn-grower to use is to slinsr a cotton-pickinir bagr the hand and go through and make . the selections from the field cf corn which he has that is a little above the average in productivity. Take two rows at a time and select seed from those stalks which have two well-developed cars per stalk, remem bering that in the selection of seed one should select from the stalks that will yield the largest amount of shelled corn per stalk. The reason why it is advised selecting from two eared stalks is because in testing and studying varieties of corn during the past eight years on the Experiment Station farm and elsewhere, it has l)een found that the best yielders of : shelled corn per stalk and hence per HO.TO TU"PTA tVinco flinf aTom rroA nonr 1 two ears per stalk. Take both of the ears if they are good ones and reject both if1 they are not, Do not give, much detailed attention to the shape , of the ears and grains during field colotf l fvt Tin "rriCTTTT-v lno -PrT ovtv r rainy or snowy day during the winter and have the young boys around to help, as there is no form of farm work that will interest them more or lead them to take a deeper interest in the work of the farm. One reason "why so many boys leave the farm is WUIVjVv L1U11 L- ll li L . V. I 1 I, I I ID Mil I I I 1 I, Decause tney are not taugnt that there is something more in farming than the mere drudgery connected with it. When going through the : field selecting these ears it might be well to have the bovs alonff too if j n they are old enough to appreciate the ' vahifi and lTrmnrtnnrp. nf xplmi. is Tiq- , at one end of the rows and when you get there each time empty the bas ket or bag. Enough corn should be Tf1 til OTnrl in flue tit a -it en Vi a - Trtl-ian the more careful selection is made . uuiiiig me winier ai me, Hav ing in mind the best shape of ears , and kernels, enough will be left for planting, after throwing out the ears ' of poor shape and those having ker nels not up to the proper type it , is Axrishprl tn hsp fnr nl an fin or fiolof , " " '""""c,- "Vivu from the feld three to five times as ,f much corn as it is expected to be -needed, so that a very rigid selection " of the ears may be made during some wintefr day. Make selections from stalks that not only bear two well developed ears, but from those that .have a good leaf development and large root system, select ears tnat are borne at a uniform and conveni- " - t State News in Brief. ,Mr. J. D. Elliott . of Hickory, has : new, building to be erected at Win ; throp College, Rock Hill S. C. - J Trinity High school in Randolph -county, opened Tuesday with a good attendance, nearly one hundred be ting, enrolled the first day. The pros pects for a good scholastic year are - bright. . A fair for High Point is being agi tated for 1909 to become a perma- ize a stock company . and build race tracks and buildings arid other things .needful for a successful; fair. - The special prizes of $250, $150 and $100 for the best county exhibits in connection with'the State fair to be in nrofrress October 11 to 17. is ex- pected to make these county exhib its decided features : in the contest. ' , Thomas ' Nelson"" Page, of Virginia, will deliver the annual address, before the North Carolni a Liters ry arid tHi i loricai Associa uoii fc at its ' uucutiu SELECTING SEED-CORN LARGER YIELDS. at Raleigh ,in' October. -' . ent height, for such ears are more easily and cheaply gathered; they ripen more uniformly ;and are less liable not ot have the embryo grains fertilized, as the tasselling of al! stalks will be. practically at the same date and the pollen from all will be given off at about the same time. The ears should be held not upright but in a rather drooping position, as such ears are less liable to rot, as they will shed the rain rather than admit it in to the ears, as they frequently do when held in an upright position; especially is this so if the husks (siiueks) do not cover ' the tips of 'the ears completely. Also, it is well ti discard all ears that have the tips poorly covered with husks, even if al! the other characteristics are up to re quirements. v When, during the win ter, the corn thus gathered is gotten out for more careful selection, choose those ears of cylindrical shape and those which possess deep wedge-shaped and large-germed grains which completely and deeply, cover the cobs and which are arranged in parallel rows. Select heavy, well-matured ears -that have medium-sized cobs with kernels that are heavy in weight and medium rough in indentation, and which have the butts and tips fairly well filled out. Keep the seed stored in a dry place until planting time. If you have not selected your,seed- corn before, from the field in the way Seated above try it this fall. You may be a little doubtful at the value of this extra effort, but erive it a fair trial and we fell sure that you will never go back to the old and less profitable method of selecting seed corn from the barn. Opening at Elizabeth. Charlotte, Special. Thursday morning saw one of the most success ful openings in the history of Eliza beth College. Students began com ing in three days ago until now all the professors and students have ar rived and are ready to begin work. Mr. Henry J. Zehm, of the musical department, opened the morning ex ercises with an organ selection, which was followed by an impressive prayei offered by Rev. G. D. Bernheim. Rev. C. B. King, who presided, then introduced Rev. W. C. Shaeffer, Jr.. the principal speaker of the mornine who, in a powerful address, expound ed his system of Christian philos ophy. The outlook is for the most prosperous year in the history oi this splendid institution. Accused of Wife Murder. ; Durham, Special. The most sen sational homicide this county has known since the crime for which John Hodges was hanged, the murdei of his wife two years ago, took place three miles' from Durham, and W. H. Tilley is held without bail. His claim is that he tried to shoot a dog in the yard, snapping his Winchester three times at the dog, and on the failure to fire he struck the gun with his hand, when it exploded, shooting his wife. The relations of husband and wife were not pleasant, and th theory of murder is generally be lieved. Bi: Fire at High Point. High Point Special. Fire Frida morning at 3:40 o'clock was dicov ered in the Sapp block on North Main street, and before it was subdued gutted the building, destroying the goods of Clark Shoe Company, valued at $10,000, and insured for $6,000; the High Point Clothing Company, valued at $10,000 or more, with in surance of $8,000; Moore Book Store valued at $2,000, with; $1,200 insur ance. Several people lived up stairs in the building and lost about all they had. ' Fire Destroys Seven Stores. Springhope, Special. Fire at 3 o'clock Friday morning destroyed the postoffice and seven store buildings in the heart of the .town. Thev loss is about $5,000. The buildings were all of wood and an eyesore to the town. No insurance was carried ow the property. Sunday School Association. Charlotte, Special. The indications are that there will be a large attend ance at the convention , of the Meck lenburg County Sunday Schobr As sociation. This is a convention r of Sunday schools of all denominations and meets with the. Sugar . Cre,ek Pres byterian church Saturday and Sun - Richmond; Va:;,MrV J. ;Br Robertson; .an- , o j -xT ; J:i - . -: .. ' . Rnnilflv RP.hool ?ftCrPtnrv land w ers will . be s present. -;:- - t . r:-, Tfcslcy'd IG-cr. Katunl Uaf Q& Ststssma Erjlntlns Old Hcncsty Scilcr's Prk!3 Tags fix?in the Oder useful presents Gold Cuff Buttons 50 Tags Fountain Pen 100 .Tags English Steel Razor 50 Tags Gentleman's Watch 200 Tags French Briar Pipe 50 Tags Leather Pocketbook 80 Tags Many merchants have supplied themselves with presents with which to redeem tags. If you cannot have your tags redeemed at home, write us for catalog. , ' v.v . : ""v ' ' 'v': i' ' , W' & - 1 .. -Vi- '"'...'5 ' ' ' .; ?' . MIGHT UhJ AD V lt5Aij ul am a poor man." "When we are married, I ean learr to cook." "Hadn't you er better tegin prac tice," suggested tho thrifty suLtor, "while your father is yet sup-plying lhoN raw material, so to speak?" Houston Chronicle. ManZan Pile Remedy comes ready to use with nozzle attached. Soothos, heals, reduces itching; and inflamma tion. An operation for piles will not be necessary if you use ManZan. Price 50c. Money refunded if not satisfied. Sold by Morris' Drug Store. Suffocated in Tunnel. Detroit, Mich., Special. Two men were suffocated and three others in jured in a fire at the Windsor end of the Michigan Central tunnel Tues day morning. When the flames were discovered the two hundred men working in the shaft made a dash for' the exits. All reached the air except four. The exact amount of damage is unknown. If you are a sufferer from that most distressing affliction, , piles, and have tried many remedies without be ing benefitted we can safely say that ManZan Pile Remedy will bring re lief with the first application. Sold by Morris Drug Store. Lockout of Two Hundred Thousand ;' Operatives, Probable. Manchester, Eng., By Cable. Late Friday night there seemed to be no hope that a lockout of 200,000 cotton operatives could be avoided. The wage dispute is of long standing. The em ployers proposed to reduce wages five per cent., but they finally consented not to put the reduction in force un til January of next year. The ope ratives voted on the question whether or not to accept this offer. Bees Laxative "Cough Syrup al ways brings quick relief to coughs, colds, hoarseness, whooping cough and bronchial and throat , trouble. Mothers especially ' recomended it for children, as it is .pleasant to take.. It is gently laxative. Should be in ev ery home. Chiaranteecl. Sold by Moms1' Drug Store. Dies by His Own Hand' Asheville, N. C, Special. Mr. Jas. H. , Osborne, for the past twenty-five years conn ected with the T. ; S. Morri soif & Co., carriage warehouse of (this city and one of the most quiet, un assuming and' best ; known r business menVin" Asheville, committed suicide Friday morning, -; shortly before 3 o 'clock in his apartments in the; Y M. C. A. building on Haywood street. No cause can be assigned for the rash' 1 Handsl cracked -and bruised r;from x . 1? -I ':J.-. ?j . 7 v7e? f?$rZ Carbolied ;:(acts . like uuis, "reiievea ai. uuuewun jrinesalve " , CV"XW X Hwwce.; J v ..7..! .- - . . . i i a: Savo soup tago irom 1 . - . , -t . . .. -. :S. ' 1, . - . ... . . . . : . " . . ' - ; ; A JcHy Tcr , . rf L!i2tcr7crkmcn 17. H. Tfcc!co JKataralUsf Kcrsa C!:i3 Crcnncr Twlt above brands are-good for the as shown by catalog: Steel Carving Set 200 Tags Best Steel Shears 75 Tags Lady's Pocketbook 50 Tags Pocket Knife 40 Tags Playing Cards 30 Tags 60-yd; Fishing Reel 60 . Tags THE AHERICAN TOBACCO CO., Jersey Drouth is causing a suspension ot many industries in the Pittsburg dis trict. r At Pittsburg, Pa,, Arnold Roberts of Mountclair, N. J., a young sales man traveling for his father. PeteT Roberts, of jiontclair, N. - J., drank carbolic acid while sitting on the steps of the Denny Methodist Episr copal church, Thirty-fourth and Lig onier streets, and died at a hospital a short time later. He had been in ill health. i Tn tTiASA nfflip.t.prl wit.Ti kirlnev and bladder trouble, backache, rheuma- tism. Pineules for the .Kidneys bring relief in the first dose. Hun dreds "of people today testify to their remarkable healing and tonic pro perties. 30 days' trial $1.00. They purify the blood. Sold by Morris' Drug Store. Game of Cards Leads to Death. Spartanburg, S. C, Special. As the result of a quarrel over a game of cards, Wells Wofford is dead at his home near Glenn Springs, having been shnt by Jim West. Both parties are ! colored. Last Sunday afternoon several negroes were, engaged in playing a game of cards in the woods among them being Wofford and West. They fought as to who was winner and West drew a pistol and fired on Wofford, shooting him through the stomach. . , Pineules for the Kidneys, 30 days ' trial $1.00. Hundreds - of peo ple testify to the merit of this pre paration in the-relief of kidney trou ble, rheumatism, lumbago, backache. Pineules act directly onv the kidneys, purify the blood and make you feel like a new person. They tone the system. Sold; by Morris Drug. Store, Mad Dog Causes Trouble. Spartanburg, S. C, . Special.-A mad dog ran amuck in the streets here Tuesday afternoon doing consid erable damage before it was killed: The animal attacked ; X-P Hertzog,; a well : known contractor,' and "inflict-: ed a slight wound on his . leg. The dog also bit a colored nurse and then attacked a pair of mules hitched to the stret sprinkler, biting one of the j mules on the lip. : ; -' "' - Rings' Little Liver Pills for bili-; ousness, ; sick headache, muddy com plexion. - They-, tone, the, liver; do not gripe. They keep you well. 25c Sold by Morris Drug Store. Found Hat Worn By Dr. Rnstm. ; - Omaha, Neb.,', Special. Detectives f ound the hat worn by Frederick kus tin ; the night -he was , shot. - It ' was found hanging in the .'hallway of the Rustin home.'' :How; the hat got on Jhe hook at the Rnstin , home no person there could say, "I cannot, telL how: the hat got there!" said Mrs. Rnstin. 'I had jio time Jo think; of such a' thing;the night ;nry husband was shot He wore- several different hats, and I janxiot i.ieu .now, wneiner or notv 'thai I , fVPP.vK- . , - : . i. .J cfl- Crla C!t C3 Fcur Ivy AT. folloyving "end mcny City, N. J. . The mining town of Rawhide, Nev., was almost entirely destroyed by fire, and 3,000 persons were made home less. Col. Stewart, the ' ' exiled ' ' ' . army ofiBcer will not take, the 90-mile horse back riding test as at first ordered. The Pennsylvania Railroad counts on limning -1,000 trains into the Man hattan Terminal as scon as the tun nels are completed. : A New Jersey deaf-mute has sued ; lor divorce alleging too much talka tiveness on the part of his deaf-and- I.dnrnb wifn. MAY 17, 1908. Ex. Except Sun. Daily a. m. p. m. Sun. Daily p. m. a. m. 5:30 7:00 Lv Durham, Ar H.25 9.30 7:15 8:23 Lv. Roxboro Ar 9.48 8.00 8:05 8:55 Lv Denniston Ar. 9.03 7.27 8 :40 9 :10 Lv.y So. Boston Ar 8.34 7.03 8:57 9:31 Lv Houston Ar 8.18 6A9 12:05 11:56 Ar Lynchb. Lv: 5.15 4.1$ Connection ait Lynchburg' witK trains east and westbound. If ou are thinking of taking a trif YOU want quotations, cheapest :fareS. reliable and correct information as ti routes train schedules the most com portable and' quickest way. Write' and the information is yours' for the ask ing, with one o four v complete 'May Folders. 1 , Writ for rata, naps, tiat Ubl U any agent or to , M. F. BRAGGr T. P; JL i W. B. BEVILLE, G. K X SPEN0lyOURlVACATION IM 1 "Land of the Sky.1 BEAUTIFUL TOXAWAY COUNTRY . -Now. is a Pleaaaat Time to go Tnere. r Southern Bailway; Improved Train 8ervica - affords excellent accommodations and . v SoUedules.," - A 1 . New ; Through Train, ' with coaches and Parlor Car, inaugurated Sunday, March 29, 1908, between Qoldsboro and Asheiile, tf.O. via Baleigb, Darham,; Oreensboro and Salis bury on following schedules . No. 21 lly . . No. 22 Ply ,a.m. , ; Eastern Time ;, y p.m. ? 6 45 1 Iit Ooldsboro .'Ar . 8 SO ' 845. IiT..; ....Raleigh.:... ..Ar 6 39 ' 9 55., Ly........Dathanl.;...i;.JLr IT25 1220 Lv.:...:Qreensboro; Ar310 2 50 Lv.i....8aliabary..:..."..Ar 1 15 7 . 3 45 ,Lv.......BtatesTille......:Ar 12 20 k 1 4 85 'Ar.;.;.. Newton;. U..;.Lv11.32 . 5 00 Ar . . . , . Hickory . . ;. .. Lv. 11 10 5 45 ,Ar....M lIorganton......Ly 10; SO ' 6 80! Ar.. Marion..; Lv , 9 40T :!;;815 Ar; Asheville.;.... Lr 8tt0- '..p.m.' - r - Mn'- ; s--' summer .Tourist Fares i will - soon i be t oo :sal9,hri ';. l-iM ',k' is For information1 as lo rates, sehedales etc. call on any agent ol this company, lor the nnderhigued.; , -. v ; J,H.AVOOD, D. P. A., Asheville. N. C. B. U YERSOX, T.P.A., Charlotte, N. G. G

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