Wjmiim,1HIWWWMCT STATE NEWS. , .., . - V- v ' '. 'V " : ; ' ' .. . - i . " At a meeting last week the" Char lotte board of alder men decided, to charge delinquent taxpayers 6 per cent, interest on all overdue taxe The R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, of Winston-Salem, "has .award the contractor an addition , to its manufacturing -plant to cost $100,000. Mt.. Airy expects to have free city mail delivery in the near future the postoffice receipts having reach ed the required amount. B.N. Duke has donated $50, 1)00 to Trinity College for another dormitory building. This increas es to $715,000 the donations of the Dukes to this college. North Carolina's three regiments of National Guard encamp by regi ments at Camp Glenn, Morehead City, beginning July 5. Each regi ment will be in camp seven days. Elias Cam secretary of the state board of agriculture, has gone to Baltimore to look into the matter of purchasing tags for the oil inspec tion division of the department and .concerning paraphernalia for. the division. HOWrIT FEELS TO FLY IN THE AIR. You Seem' to Float, Yet the Wind Roars in Your Ears.; All who haye had the good for tune to ride in-the aerodrome unite in their description of that first sen sation. There is no jerk in start ing, though the machine leaps for ward with a powerful swoop. 5 Then comes with some a brief sense of nausea; a feeling as if the blurted ground . were drooping a vvay from beneath. A slight thrust of the left hand lever' lifts - the flyer's hand the ground drops away still faster, and then as the machine climbs into the air one's eyees adjust themselves to the proper focus and the surface of rhe earth below-seems to be rip ping past at railroad speed. By this time, says a writer in Outing, you have forgotten the clack of the noisy motor, the flap and whir of the propellers, the grinding of the chain and sprocket ?ear that drives them. All vibra tion has practtcally ceased and you float along with a sense of springy ease and bouyancy such as you can gain from no other means of locomotion. That you are flying fast, you know only from the roar arose, -and how it may be-'avofctetM in 'the-future. V y ;.':': :That many a child goes .astray not because there' is want of care and training at; horned but simply becoue the home-lacks sunshines that a chM needs smiles as much as flowers need the suubeams. That as Ion? as it is possible " we should kiss the children good-nigrt r . r t 1 ti . tt arter tney are in oea. vi ney win enjoy it even after they protess; to have outgrown it, and it -will keep "them close and loving. ' - Thar children look little beyond the present moment. That, if a thing pleases they are quick to see it; that if home fs a place where Faces are sour, the words are harsh and faultfinding , they will .spend as many hours, as possible else where. Philadelphia Record. EXECUTORS NOTICE ,navin' quantied as .executor Ta avoid serious results take Fofeys Kidney Remedy at the first sign or. Kidney or ftiaader. - disorder estate of tbW uww' u ulOT 0l the SUCh as the backaChe uHnary.Vir-IVe hereby notify allpWsonsowimrsair6?8'1 regularities exhaustion,' : and' - you. co" orytard andake immediate SSf will-soon- be-well; Commence tak ing Foley's Kidney Remedy tod ry, . ..- ' Morris-Webfr Drug-Co. north, Carolina";" person county; . In the Superior c onrt . . Gi B . Hick Ad nr. gf Susase A. deceasad,. " -VS. - r - , T. Slaughter and oiSters. Demean Asheville dispatch; By the birth of the wind in your ears and the Sunday of a set of twins, Mr. and slight difficulty you have in filling Mrs. J. R. Rogers, eightl miles your lungs with air, the same sen from here, are the oarents of six sation one gets in ' racing against -sets of twins. 1 hey have'Ebeen the wind in an auto. married eiVht vests and have no Then comes the firstturn. The children except the twelve twins, machines rises to it, taking its own Eiffht are bovs and four girls. angle sideways, just as a motor car . , . leans on the banked curve of a l ne siaie supennienueni or puc- lic instruction announces that ijuly 8 and 9 examinations will be held t all county seats for five year state certificates for teachers and also high school certificates. Va- then be filled by county boards of education. racing track. You have no sense of leaning sideways, thought no feeling that you must tilt yourself as you do when the auto turns a corner, for you sit upright, the aeeodrome slanting of it own violi- tion to the necessary angle and slanting Apu with. A glass of Board of Education. The Board of .. Education will meet on Saturday the 26th of June to wind up all business of the School year, from the 1st of - July 1908 to the 30th or June 1909. All persons holding claims are re quested to present them fgr settle ment, as the law does not allow . the School funds for one year to be used to pay school claims for any previous year. G. F. Holloway, Roxboro, N. C. Co. Supt. June 15th 1909. T. EJ. Slaughter; and all . otter partes to the -special prceeeding ; entitled' G Ef;" JMicI'S V S M. Slaughter Wr others orTwiidn notices have already been; serrerT. will tske notice that the-administrator is? now reaxiv to p settle and has; fi led his petition therefor; be- kfore l). W: Bradsher. Clerk of the Superior court of Person county for an account set tlement and dMributiotr. of the funds ffr his hands. And the said cTeferi ants will further take notice that they are required to appear at $:he office f the Clerk' qf the Superior court of said county on the 3rd day of July 1909, and answer or dfemur to- the petition fn said proceeding, or the- plairrtfff wiH apply to the court fear the relief decaaaided in said petition. This 25th. Jtay 1909. '.. ; . ' D. W. ERADSHER, Clerk Superior Court. water set on tha flloor oF the flyer The biggest real estate deal that could be carried around curve after was ever consumated in Greens boro was closed last weeklvwhen Mr. Chas. Benbow sold the Ben bow Hotel and all surrounding property to Mr, James F. Jordan for $15U,UUU. curve and still not lose a drop. Ex. Colds that hang on weaken the constitution and develop into con sumption. Foley's Honey and Ta cures persistent coughs that refuse to other treatment. Do not exper iment with untried remedies as delay may result in yorr cold setting on your lungs.- Morris-Webb Drug Col. LAND SALE. By mutual consent we will sell for division on the premises,, on Saturday, Jily 10th 1909, the following, described land, adjoining the lands of W. E. Morton on the North,, th Tillman tract on the East, Mrs, 7(. J. Steph ens on the South, Mr. J. A. Pamer oa the West, contadniog 18 acres more or less This is good tobacco land, atid ira good I state of cultivation. Terms of sale cash. This June 1st 190, - " Mrs. Sarah Watsa. Mrs. Ro.a Ruddea, Yilliam Pain'er, Alonza Painter, .w , . Catherine Painter. the will ment and all nersons hM saidstate is notified to prSent thefoTh t 25fhday of-May 1910 or this notice be plead in bar of their recovery riiKj 6jui uay ur may - ' . ' . C THOMAS, - ; - THOMAS, . . " Executors : NOTfCE-LAriD SALE. NORTH CAROLINA: ' ' . PEKSON COUNTY r Under, and by virtue of the powers con ferrad-rpon v. as Trustee in the ded nf trust executed' by' Isabella Cook and husband -M. C, Cookoo Dec. 26th. 1906 and div recorcEsd in Bo&f'C No. 12 atpe- 74 Reistr's Office of person County, default having been made iVi the payments therein specified a the request of the holder of said paper I will oh' r Saturday July 3rd, 1909. at 12e rcIock 'AU 'at the court house dOor in Roxboro, N. Cl exposed to sale to the high est bidder for the cash, the following lot or "parcjel-of .land , ienwit-;) ''y Lying; and being in the . Town of Roxboro adjoining the lands of S, B, Winstead, Alex Harris Haywood Williams and the Roxboro and Leasburg Public Road containing one ar d seven-tenths (T 7-10) acres more or less. This June 1st. 1909. . y ; '-'a- ' LUTHER M. CARLTON, Trustee. Read S(Me1Mng)S The Greensboro Daily News, the new State paper, is worthy of atrial Teachers Examination. The examination of teachers to teach in the Publnc Schools ot Associated service, ponderice corres- clean, newsy, One three Greensboro I Dancrvn n,intT will hf hflH Fnr ivir. anu Mrs. niraiu miatwu . . trhm nn thft th nnd amongthe oldest residents of Hay- gth0f juiy, and for colored on the wood county, died within 2b hours U 2th and ,13th. Teachers must of each other a few days ago. They attend both days in order to take had been married for 63 years and ud all of the subjects. No private ... u a: examination will be given unless a H was ineir ucsire, uibiu iuuki excuse fe givent and for at the same time. . Recently both everv 'examination a fee of three fell ill. When Mr, McCracken died dollars will be required. his wire was unconscious ana do hours later she died. RlanZah Pile Ramcdhj RELIEVES WHEtt OTHERS FAIL The board of commissioners of Rowan county has placed itself on " record as favoring a great public On the 8th and 9th the State ex amination for the High School Teacher's certificate, and for the five year State certificate, will be held. No other examination for these certificates will be held dur- w u u nt v i a ing the year Teachers expecting highway between Nev-York and I . will anolv to Atlanta, by way of Salisbury. The the County Superintendent for line of road named cities enters Ro- blanks to make out their v applica- wan rnnntv zt ihf Pirlmnnt mil Hon. as all aoolicants must De nieu bridge, two miles east of Spencer, passtng through Salisbury, China Grove, and on to Charlotte. It is proposed' that this stretch shall-be kept in the best of order for the purpose mentioned. There are now only five counties in. North Carolina in which there are no local tax school districts, either rural or town. These coun ties are Graham. Tyrrell, Yancey, Alleghany and Green. Burke county has no local tax district out side of Morganton, the county seat Chowan county has just reported its first rural local school tax : dis- jtrict carried, though Edenton and some of the . other towns of the county have special school taxes levied V t v H The State department announced last week that a hew aneasthetic has ;-been discoyerea mat jis. hKeiy to t f revolutionize the i treatment of sur- j jgery patients.. , 1 This arieasthetic kills the physical .pain but does no put tne pauciii iu -5iccp. -; : n the office of the State Superin endent by the 1st of July. Also on the same dates examina- ion will be held for admission to he A. &M. College. . Roxboro, N. C. G, F. Holloway June 15lh 1009. . , Co. Supt. , ;. Co To C H. HUNTER For GROCERI liberal. . . year $6.00: months $1.5Q. , Dailv News. Greensboro , N. C. OAK RIDGE A WISE MOTHER SAYS: That we should keep up a stand ard of principles, for our children are watchful judges. l Th?t what are trifles to us are of ten mountainsjo our children; and that we should respect their feel ings. ' r. . . . . . That we should bear in mina ft II ll ti ii - litfirtlinlnilis-T '.7 .r sc. I J: a." & Mf INSTITUTE A High-grade Fitting ! School, with (Business College and Noirmal Departments. Pre pares for the Professions,' for , Business, for Life Diplomas honored by Leading' Colleges and Universities, North and South. ; Fifty-seventh year begins Sept. I. For beautiful H. HQ1JT, OAK IDGE, N. C. Weak KidJieys, roi'potat weWdnrar.- pha TTidnnva. lika tne mean, ana ine tnat We are largely respuilSlUlC iui i&lh fiSd tiieir" weakness, not in the organ our; children's faults, and be patient itif tr.nwni cTpificaiiT ureDarea to reacn tnesa VOU "1 'a te ol toieTind tfmy with them. That : if,. vou .say "No:" snouia mean' inu: ; umc y-roljr aches OT is w, if uriia have 200d a reaSOn for Changing scalds, or la dark and son. if you tayeptoma n'Pnmmflnn'nnlCI.It. , , t , - - "if" nr. Rhonn's Restorative a month w 1 - . :ueiuuow!r',V '"3 ' .! v.t u ni That we should take an JAterest ; "? in ourcnuaren in smau uiiiita? aa well as great, and if we-can not -tfell them -what they wish. to;knowMe should sav so.sfather than-deceTve them- V - That we should interest our bays ana-Srls: InlPtoSioiffgyana mm ; comprehend ". how the 1 complain . b theymre sick,. try to: make mem . , , . v u ( 3iam UU W - w- ; W A MaRimg- More-Money Out .of Cotton Crops is merely a question of using enough -of the right kind of fertilizers. . v , - -'!-,, " "T are the right kind. ; , , - The cotton plant cannot feed on barren land. Study your soiL v Find out what it lacks. Then apply the necessary fertilization ; 'and the results will surprise you. a See wtat Mr.: W. C. Hays pf , Smitti Station AlaM did . He says: "I planted about 30 acres of sonie 'gray sandy land' that had been in cultivation for over 20 years, and; used 300 pounds of Virginia-Caro-r lina Fertilizers per acre, and expect to gather SO bales from the SO acres.' This. js why We say it is the right kind:- We have hundreds of letters like this, and even, stronger, in praise of Virginia ' Carolina Fertilizer for cqtton.' ' , '-' : i , T'A V.-v v --" A I Get a copy of the new 1909. Virginia-Carolina Farners, Year from your fertilizer dealer, or write pur nearest sales office and a copy will e sent you free. - It contains pictures of the capitols of all tho N Southern States. . , i ' Virrfinia-Carolinri ChomicAl Co. Sales OGce. . Richmond, Va.' : -Norfolk, Va.'. ' -XolnxnbiarS.C. f A1 antflJ ftiil--I-: ;L.. ., .Tl Cavaanah,Oa. . 9 f.? : i 1A. Sales 022cm J Durham, N.C. . i- Charleston, S.CV , DaltlmoreMd. Tldntir 6mery7I ; Chrevtport, La.'- . HAoqmcK G AUSTin.

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