THE COURIER, Roxboro. N. June 23 1909 You pay the premium. Satter- field pays the losses. v Mrs. J. D. Winstead left Mon day morning for a visit to Chapel Hill. Mr. Sim Meadows, of Durham, spent Saturday here ' with his brother, Maj. J. P. Meadows. Phone No. 8. We are always ready to wait on you. Garrett & Stanfield Miss Iola Carlton, of Durham, is visiting her brother, Mr, L. M. Carlton and family. Mr. D. M. Hines, and Mr. M C. Winsread. of Milton, were Rox boro visitors several days last week. Smokers of good cigars always call for Royal Robe cigars. Don't you? Sold only by Roxboro Drug Co. Rev. Mr. Smith, the Evangelist, has pitched his tent on the lot of the old Webb home, and is hold ing meeting there twice daily. I want to sell you your groceries, and will give vou the best on, the market at the lowest prices possi ble. J. M. O'Brjant Miss Huldah Hambrick returned home Saturday evening after spend ing a few dys at the Governor's Mansion in Raleigh. Gentlemen, If you wish to save from 20 to 25 per cent, on low cut shoes, shirts, Hats and underwear, Call to see us, I Person Dry Goods Go.! Mr. and Mrs. John H. Loy, ;andj Mr. R. E Crutchfield returned, last week from Memphis, Terni.,: and Mississippi. They reporta mssi delightful trip. The friends of Mr. Chas Satter field are glad to see him able to be on the streets again. We feope soon to see him able to resume his duties as R. F. D. Carrier, The Editor is taking in the fVess Association at Henderson valle this week. IT his pocket oeange holds out he expects to visit Lake Toxa way and Asheville before he re turns: You ca?i ice cream and bon bons at Hambrick & Austin' sow. We are .to-day unloading a car of good hrick for sale. Reade Bros. Co., Helena, J$L C. Miss Ida Winstead, . who has been visiting friends in the eagtern part of the State since she left col lege, returned home last Saturday evening to tfce deligh of her jiaany friends in Roxboro. Fine Tdbacco farm For Sale. 200 acres, more pr less, near Prospect HiH, improved with god water. Apply to undersigned at Prospect HilL C. B. Smith. That is a great improvement the town has made in straightening the street from the old Baptist church by Messrs. Newell and Harris.. It not only makes the street straight but it is much wider. It took quite z slice from the lots of Mr. J. C. Pass., Mr. Alex. Barn ett, Mr. W. H. B. Newell and Mr. W. H. Han is. YLo Pays The Bills? While vou are sick and unabfe to work who is paying you expenses? Why not pay a small premium, and let the Fidelity & : Casualty Insur ance Co. pay your expenses while disabled. Their Disability policy covers every accident and illness; pays hospital expences, s-argedns fees in addition to weekly indemn ity. Insures the beneficiary in the same policy without extra cost. See S. P. Sattergeld, 4 , , , Dist, Manager. Dr. W. P. Crisp has purchased an interest in wholesale, grocery firm know as the Roxboro Grocery Co, We learn that the -business will be enlarged and pushed with mrrA jrrrf than' Pvorr Ta orA 2lad to welcome Dr. Crisobackto rr5 y6u going to Lynchburg Monday?, , N ' . , ;6 Miss Carlotta Barbourv of Clay ton, is visiting Miss Huldah Ham brick, ' lJ y ? .:. j . t Peavat Garrett & Stanfield's $2.00 per busheL Mr; and Mrs. E. V. Webb, of Kioston,''are visiting relatives and friends in. Roxboro, Quite a crowd from here attend ed -the services at Concord- last Sunday. . - ; ' :-"v : Mr. L. j; Lea,' left Tuesday morning lor, Greensboro where he will spend a few days. : , , f Mr. D. TY Wrenn, of Granville county was here last week visiting relatives and friends.: ' , Mrs. Mamie Merritt, . who has been visiting in Kinston and Gblds boro for several weeks-past, has returned home, Mrs. R. W. Stephens left last Monday morning for Smithfield, where she will visit friends for a few weeks. Hon. H. A. Foushee, of Dur ham, and Dr. W. L. Foushee, of Richmond, Va., spent Sunday with homefolds. Bro. Odd Fellow, were vou at the regular meeting Monday night, June 2 1st? If not you should have been--your misfortune: That is a pretty line of shin waists at 50, 75 cts.,$1.00, $1.39, and $1.69, up to $3 00, at Person Dry Goods Co. Mr, Sam Montague returned J home last week from Jefferson meuicai onege or rnuaueipnia to spend his vacation. Misses Dora Hornaday, and Myrtle Barnett, of Roxboro attend, ed the Teachers Assembly in More head City last week. 0 Rev. Mr. Arrowood filled .his regular appointmentat the Presby terian church in Roxboro last Sun day morning and evening. TheiOdd Fellows of Roxboro seem to have taken on jiew life. Were you at that meeting Monday night? Special meeting Friday 'night June 25m. We call your attention to J. R. Millner & Co's. new ad. on eighth page. AH-ladies that go on the ex cursion to Lynchburg Monday are invited to make their store ydur heaiiquaf rers while there. We are requested to announce that there will be an ice cream supper on the church lawn at Brooksdale Saturday night June 26th. This is for the benefit of the church. The public cordially invited. Mr. R. A. Pass, who has been visiting home rolks ror the past two weeks, returned to his home in Asheville last Monday morning. He was accompanied by his brother, Mr. W. T. Pass, who w'U spend some time with him in Ashe ville. Roxboro t s. South Boston. Roxboro and South Boston crossed bats here yesterday. The game was good all the., way through. Roxboro loss the .game on errors. The score being 4 to 3 in favor of South Boston. Chief of Police Gates and Mr. W. T. . Daniel have een doing some tan masting on jan succi, but they have torn up that old hill and as far as they have gone", have greatly improved the street It the City Fathers could see their way clear to ..keep .on to the top of the hill, these gentlemen would make that old hill a fairly good street. Bill haslwon herpretty maid, A June bride she is to' be ; , " H er peachy-cream complexion will not fade - Because it's Rocky Mountain Tea inlaid. For sale by Hambrick & Austin. ; ; Cement Blocks, &c. I am now making fence post, columns, etc. out of cement. Am also prepared to do all kind or cem etery work on short notice, such as curbing, Corner posts and all kinds rF nrnflmftfltal WOTK, f , Ths work; will last a life time, ice cream and bon bons at Ham brick & Austin's.: . - -l - r You nay the jpremium. - Satter fi eld .pays the losses. , . . -f-:-v -. - "i v" - l Try J. VM. O'Briant'for Stitch Down Shoes. Big lot just received. You need a Vudor oorch shade. See Sergeant. Clayton & Co. . . Anything in- the grocery line.1 We have it. - Garrett & Stanfield. - Mrs. Joh.n Walker and daughter, Elizabeth, of. Durhami are visiting Mrs T. H. Street. Bring me your country produce, highest market price paid. J! v-.:?'V; '; J- M. O'Briant. Mr. and Mrs. Knight who have been visiting "Mrs. T. H. Street returned home last Saturday. , Call up Sergeant, Clayton & Co. Phone 23 and let them know what size Vudor porch shade you want, Mrs. Lulie Pinnix and daughter, Isabel, of Kinston, are visiting Mrs: T H. Street. Special work in m the Iniatiation and 1st degrees hew applications Roxboro Lodge No. 52 I. O. O. F. June 25th. Jellv glasses with tops 25 cents per dozen at Long; Bradsher & Co's. Remember we have stone Jars and flower pots. We Issue Surety Bonds. We have made special arrange ments with the Title Guaranty and Surety Co. to issue bonds direct from this office. Can btfhd you on a minutes notice. S. P. Satterfield, Insurance. In our car of stoves we got a beautiful Steel Range of the very best quality, gratis. This Range will be given away and we will let vou hear rrom us as soon as we can set the tickets. Long Bradsher & Co. Mothers j-Have you tried Hol- tlSicr 5 rvuufwy muuiiiaiu near ua a great blessing to . the little ones, keens away summer troubles Makes them sleep arid grow. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. For sale by Hambrick & Austin. Norfolk & Western - Hailway ; EXCURSION TO LYNCHBURG Monday June 28th, 1909 o.o.o o $1.00 Round Trip, $1.00 . o. o.o.o J Train leaves Roxboro 8:08 A. M. See local Agents for Tickets. W; B. BEVILL, , Gen. Pass. Agtl. hold House ecessities Everv Home Should Have A FEW IOF THE NYAlis FAMILY REMEDIES To "use in case of Emergency; Sud- l den Accident or Sick ness, or until the Doc- tor comes. WE "RECCOMMEND THEM, If you like . ' wecanhelpyou z ,make a wise ; ' j 7 selection. 7 " '0 Morris-Webb- Grocer :Talk Sergeant Clayton & Co 3t pi ' " t1" " ft i f , It A II Are you tempted occasion ally to skip your meals?, You wont be if you come to us for your , Groceries. ; It is our bus - iness to study what people need in this line. If you don t know exactly what ry6u ivant tor dinner, supper or breaklast jusl call us up and we .will tell yon what we iiave in stock, and : we are sure that among the many, different ar ticles we will mention there will be something that will cre ate afh appetite so that you will not go hungry. Our line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, Candy Cigars v Fruits Canned Goods, $c will belound complete at all times and our aeliverv is Phone No. 23. SERGEANT,, CLAYTON & company: Do you want Bargains? If you do come to see us and we will explain how you can get them. . For the next 60 days we will offer great bar gains in the following line: MEN'S LOW OUT SHOES. MEN'S HATS AND DRESS SHIRTS. . MEN'S UNDERWEAR. ' ALSO GROGGERY AUj(ASS;WARE3 We are going to offer these special prices in order to close oul these lines,: as we do not expect to carry them again after this IS uuiic l ins is iiu iaic auvciusciiiciii, uui it wm uc munoy ui y your pockets if you will come i This is no shoddy or shelf-worn istoch we are offering you at such a great sacrafice, hut new goods bought for this season, -fresh from the northern markets, and we have put prices on them that will move, them in a hurry Gall and examine them before buying oxboro r - '" v. XV-i-s-A,t wst? Grass firae is drawing near and you'will possibly want a Mi&tr and Rake, and of course you will want; the-Best' Made -and THE 'JOHNSON anticipating your wants! we 'have ;have Kakes1 and , Binders, these rriachines were not consigned to us "but were- Bought Straight Out, which enables ; us .to" give our customers the very.Lbwest Possible Price as we:are;absolutely in deperidenf andnot controlled by any1; combine or trust. Wheri oil- toe, market ior.these goods come prices oeiore you ouy rU.ou win oaye Money; wence. ; , This Pharmacy us con: dubted ;on; principles of rectitude and square deal-? : . We compound prescript tions exactly as Ihe Doctor directs. ; . . ; ' v We sell pure drugs and: Standard Medicines. , , " ' We. have what you want arid give you what you asK tor : No price inducement ever tempts us to buy, or could: . any profit incentive justify us in selling - anything , o.t inferior quality. MAKE, US YOUR o tlRUGGISTS - rAMBRICK Druggists. Inn n here to buy anything in the above Person Dry Goods Co, Hardware Company J - - - b( , jA j l;v r'jf - ' . t "0 boughtfaa' solid car rofc Mowers 1 and examine 6ur;lirie and get our; ...i R. MOSS, oxboro :The: Cement JWan; business. are ft-.,. and we predict : for them a , good si 7 S

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