STATE NEWS. The election at Warsaw sprne days aeo to decide the question of an additional school tax of fifteen cents on the $10 0 . 0 0 :-val uatio h of property and forty-five cents on the poll, resulted in a sweeping victory for the schools, the vote standing 87 for, to 26 against an additiorcl tax. ' : f ,' As announced by L. H. Clem ent, Esq,, of Salisbury, president oF the North Carolina Bar Associ ation, the annual convention of the Association will be held in Ashe ville, June 30 and July 1 and 2. Hon. James W. Osborne, of New York, brother of Judge F. O. Os borne, of Charlotte, will deliver the principal address. A club, to be known as the Hun dred Thousand Club, has been or ganized in Winston-Salem, its pur pose being to raise the population to that number. A club very much similar to the one in Winston-Salem has been organized in Wil mington. There seems to be a a general awakening among the lowns and cities throughout the State, as is evinced by the slogans ihey are adopting and the adver tising methods they are employing In order that people may know something of the advantages they have to offer. We were informed that Mr, K. J. Perry brought 65 cabbages to town the past week that weighed 418 pounds, making an average of over six pounds each. Louisburg Times. V Elder L. H. Hardy has re turned from a preaching tour in the eastern part of the State. El der Hardy has a field or magnifi cent distances to serve, some of rhis churches being in the extreme Cuningham and Woodburn Items. ItJs said that the morning which Judge Manning took , the oath of office as a Judge of the , Supreme court of North Carolina, he took the solemn oath : on the Bible his father gave him 38 years ago. This shows plainly that the influence of Judge Manning's father is still Dar amont and all-pervading in his, life,, and causes the people of the whole State to put a much higher estimate J upon his lite. and , legal . character dnd his conservative influence on the bench of the Supreme court. AH honor to Judge Manning for such great respect to his father and the Bible. Would that all our Jud ges were likewise. 7V V There is to be a picnic and base ball game at Cuningham on the 3rd of July, everydody invited especial ly the ladies. ? Blunt the Photographer is taking an itinerary through . the country during this month, he was at Wood- burn the 16th and Cuningham on the 17th. He is one of the best artists, we have now in the country. I wish him great success. Bro. Senex would be glad to know how many old soldiers at the reunion were soldiers of the cross? I know a good many myseJf there who are, of course I do not know all them. This old soldier, has been in the ranks of the Captain of our salvation since the year 1858. Now more than 50 years. I trust all of them are also. Mr. Hall and his road meii are now at Cuningham at work on the road from theVa. line above E. W. Carters by Cuningham and on to the Caswell line. This part of the road has never had the scraper on it. Mrs. George Cuningham is in the hospital this week at Danville IOE 30E IOE D o D D o o J. IL ULtNER COM Va. Lynchburg it r-1 T -- f-f-nrnwiiinnTiM nrl ; Are YOU Coming on the Excursion to Lynchburg - Monday; ; " ; - June, 28th? .' ' - .'' . ; .'. p- :'" . : " . ..... '". ..-.,.;-....,."! :'.. . ..'."..ii: ' You had better do so forat will Be an enjoyable trip. We extend a most .cordial invitation to you to make our stoxyour headquarters. ' ; ; A nice restful waiting room is j-provided here for your Convenience. It may be to your interest lor us to iriake mention o! the fact that just at this time we are having our June. Clearance Sale, and that there are some very' extraor dinary Values being oHered in . ; Ladies Suits, Stylish Millinei, x Wash Fabrics, Silk s, White Goods, Embroideries. Laces, Linen Suiting. In fact all over our store you will find Spring and Summer Merchandise at TRE MENDOUSLY reduced prices. Now please remember that MILLNEES Store is at your service whenever you axe in Lynchburg. ' r : Notice! 0, I: i o IOE eastern part of the State, while from serious indisposition was get- others are near the Virginia line, ting along nicely at last accounts. He spends onjy about a third of his Farmers are hard at work trying ume ai nome. weDsiers wcck- to get their crops in good shape, y- though the rain and grass has giv- The weather this week has been en them a lively time. lfine in this immediate section for Misses Lottie and Helen Cun- harvesting the wheat croD and our ninsham are now spending their To relieve constipafion. clean Out formers havt been able to cut the vacaiion at home with their narents the bowels, tone and strengthen orain as fast as it rinened. The m, Y;it;re FPhw; oah the digestive organs, put them in a " -'I I . VT 1111C4IHO Jl VlMVOtlU lO OUWIIU I j. . . Uli:,- hulk nf thft nrnn wi he cut th shncaHoc ri r,f; natural condition With HoillSter , 7r . . , nifi ounn, uajo wiiiivi. vuuiug- weeK. excessive rains in otner sec- ham. lions of this and adioining coun- J. R. MILLNER COMMNY. IOE IOE 3 LOE FRANK. Rocky Mountain Teathe most re- ties, weiicdentand, have materialy Chadren., Day mri Quarterly Con. cents tain sections, but indications now point to generally clear weather. l Last bunday was a great day at Concord. At 1 1 olock, a, m. the pastor of the church preached to a congregation that taxed the capacity of thai beautiful and commodious building to its utmost. After the liable tonic for thirty years. Tea or or Tablets. Riedsyjlle Review. TJo to Push and trade with our man C. A. Hamlin he will treat vou riht. Reade Bros. Co. Helna N C scnilun llIC wuuKicgauuu waa uib- tlJloovUf mm a uiiiiiwi iiiai wuuiu For sale by Hambrick,& Austin: VICTOR VV BREEZE Surveyor For prompt work 'write or wire me. Durham, N C, Wehaveiust received a lot of have tempted the capricious appe- 1 and 2 horse waeons also lot of the of a king was served on the ta- new Barbour buggies. bles in the grove. After dinner the Reade Bros. Co., church was again tilled with ashne He ena. N. C. looking a congregation as ever as- itthe nnrnqrhincy n strinr meet- .,vy6wBMW.. rk tnr -an hnnr. t nnked ike everv- CCA CAP i uuuv was ai juji u iui uivow owi - We want your country produce, vices, but forthe benefit of any one RJAJ cf f ri uarrett Manneia. wno may nave Deen so unronunaie fipd tn be and aDDear next term of the m llff I " K as not tO De there. We Will say. w e superior Court for the County of Person, never attended a more interesting said Court will be held on the Fourth Mon rv,ilH'c rw C-mri than tViic 1 dav before the first Monday in September vxiimai 11 o ijr uvi ivw "" I , j nfK ro nf Annict 1 QOQ Wf,Q The rhildfen showed fine nat- " ri VCT ural ability, and excellent training for this service.' The collection NORTH CBROL1NA, PERSON COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. PERSON COUNTY: BEFORE THE CLERK. In Re-Estate of Melssa A. Denny. NOTICE To Bennie C. Tatum and other non "resi dent heirs at law of the late Melissa A. Den ny, you will take "notice that a caveat has been filed in this Court to the Will. of the late Melissa A. Denny, by D. C. Moore,,R. heirs at law 01 tne Eoxbcp) Drug Cc)inEanl " I am closing out my line of low cut shoes at cost, you can save money by coming to see me. J. M. O'Briant. Pall nn fnr Hardware we are fiere tn serve vmi and will he alqH amounted tO $6.60. m see vnn in our store The 3rd Quarterly Conference Long, Bradsher & Co. or Roxboro circuit forthe current x vear is to be held at Oak Grove We have just received a car load church next Saturday and Sunday ot good hay. When you need any June 26th and 27th. Rev. J, B. sive us a call. Remember this is Hurley, the Presiding Elder of the gooa nay. Durham District, will preach at Garrett & Stanfield. Oak Grove at 1 1 oclock, a. m. on . Yau mmhtm see nnr imp nf whi Saturday, after which dinner; will goods, laces, and embroideries' they are the equal of anything in town, we are selling them at tempf . ingly low prices. Person Dry Goods Co. :' tf P T-. - ? i We carry a big stock consisting of all grades, from the chapest to the Ibest. Pass & Moore We have a splendid line of low cut shoes which we are going to , close put at bargain prices. You . can save1 from 25 to 50 per cent.' - by. buying your low cut shoes here. ... .Person Dry Goods Co. : DO IT NOW. , - Insure with S. P Satterfield, the Insurance Man,', representing k ' fi Fteen' of the ? standard hire . Insur ance Companies of, America and . - England. 'Dist; manager of the JEFFERSON Life Insurance Co.," o nicst in the; South. CTTCZTJ be served in the groye After - din ner the third Quarterly Conference will be held. On Sunday at 1 1 o'clock, am the Presiding Elder will preach again, .after which the Sacrament of the Lord's will be ad ministered. It, is the duty of Local Preachers, Stewards, Trustees of churches and parsonage, Sundav School Superintendents - Church Conference Secretaries, etc. to be present at each anc every Quarterly Conference ---".7. - c " On account of a; series of meet ings in progress . under a tent in Roxboro, no Service was held in the Methodist church ? last Sunday night. - ' J.: A. HORN ADA I i to make your selves parties to this proceed ing if you think proceeding if you think prop er so tordtr. , Given under my hand this 16 day of June 1909. : ' D. W. BRADSHER. Clerk of the Superior Court. LAND SALE. Under and by virtue of a deed of trust ex ecuted to me by-Alex Clay , and wife, duly registered in bk. 14 page 390 the Person Co registers office. I Will,-on the 24th day ol July 1909. sell at public auction for. cash in front of the court house door in Roxboro that certain town lot with dwelling ou it, adjoining the lands of Jas; W, Brandon .""Frank Thompson, Mrs. Sue T. Satterfields heirs perhaps others containing 1-2 acre more or less , -This June 22nd, 1906. , " . - ' . T, C. BROOKS, Trustee. o y Sick RooiB Supplies Weh ave the most ub-to-date line of sick room supplies to be r found in town, such as Medicine; glasssr Ther mometer Bull) Syringes, not Water MotUes, Ice Caps etc. - : ' ; ' We use only the purest drugs that ; skill can pro duce ask the doctor. We also have the lead ing line of Cigars, Soaps, Stationery, postal cards, patient mediciheetc. v- Our Soda Foun tain1 speaks for.itr self. oxboro rug Co. Will sell you Groceries, Shoes acid Furniture at the same low figures. In A. R. FOUSTTFPft .. mtfj- Stand. Oid m , On account ol. being out of my store early in the season I have quite a lot of Low Cut Shoes, all kinds for ladies, men and children, which I ara going Big lot of Stich Down Sioes just receiv ed. If you want some- uim uuu just iry a pair of these. Groceries. Remember I keep on hand at all times aV complete line of staple and fancy . gcoceries, and you will save money by . coming to see me before buyir. Bring me your country produce I can use all you will bring, aad will pay you good prices te same. r J. 1 Briant 0! D If Care For IOE D If our ice cream is not the best to be had in town you need not -pay for it. .You are to; be the judge, .not-usi i I Roxboro Drug Co. THE NORTH CAROLINA . COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE"' AND ' . MECHANIC ARTS. The State's college for vocational' training. It Coursesin Agriculture and Horticulture ; in Civ il," :;Electrical NJ and. Me chanical,:" Engineering1: in'.Cottbn Milling; and Dyeing : . in ; ; Industrial Chemistry , Whv-. , hot' ht; yourself or life i by taking one of thee cbur-i ses (' - ? Address ; .:p.';H:;mm.'ires. Wourfcbickensiid 3-."; i' West BalelgH.1 N : C 1 Garrett & Stanfield. 'l'nt , LAND SALE. . r. Under and by' virtue of adeed of trust exr ecuted by Zeb and Leak Woods' to 'me as trustee for Mrs. Calvin' Hester, duly record ed in Bk, 11 at p. 521 ;n the office of, the register of deeds for 'Person county,' I- will, on the- .."-I , - - - - " " 24th day of July 1909.- ; expose to public iale at the court house door in Roxboro. that certain tract . of land- lying in' Woddsdale township, said county and state. and adjoining the lands of R H ? aily Amos Clay, J, W. Clayton, and "perhaps others", containing 73 15-100 acres more or less. See Bk. G G p. 287 x s; f This June 22nd 1909. - . V . - ; l T. C. BROOKS. Trustee. I V : " " ' f or Mrs Calvin Hester. Yes we want esss. Style , ' If you care for style, and lots of people do: it can be had in any vehicle on. our , floors. We are preparea vror tne early spring trade. Our stock is at its best. - We are' showing a remarkable : assortment of, vehicles, including , surreys, buggies and carriages. v 'rrT-, . . r Our Harnes Department is a regular . savings bank for those;. whoV have -no prejudice against, buying-' such things at , thiserson of the year. ;V Our MOGUL Wagons . Dorit forget that we are selling one of the best wagons ever put ton sale -in Roxboro. Come in andrexaniine The Mogul when yoircome to town. We want r 1 to show it to you whether are : ready to buy or not for if yojj . see one of these wagons you wtfi ,; .know Where to go when you are v: ready to buy; , RbXBGROk VEHICLE AND CASKET CO. -,? v v.-