I' ( CRYING FOR HELP! '.'Hr. Ln!3 ,oi it in Roxboro But Daily Grow- ; ' 4 ing Less." ' - The kidneys cry. for help. ' ; Not an orgarrin.the whole, body so delicately constructed. Not one so important to health. - The kidneys are the Biters of the --blood ' t when they fail the blood be comes foul and poisonous. . There can be no health where there is poisoned blood. Backache'is one of the first indica tions of kidney trouble. It is the kidneys' cry for help. Heed it.; Doan'sKIdney Pills are what is wanted. Are" Just what overworked kid-' neys need. They strengthen and invigorate - the kidneys; help them to do their work: never fail to cure any case i of kidney disease., Readthe proof from a citizen of Roxboro. W. h: Harris, Main St. Rox boro, N. C., says:' I found Doaq'sKidnerPills to be a remedy .or merit and do not hesitate to recommend " them for kidney itrouble. This complaint bothered : me for a long time, the chief symp rtom being a steady back ache and : frequent pains through my loins. . I finally procured Doan's Kidney ; Pills from, the Morris-Webb Drug ' Co. and they gave me entire satis Jactipn, I have had no backache since and gladly give Doan's Kid ney Pills the entire credit.M .' For sale by all dealers. Pi ice 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., ..Buffalo, -i New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan ad take no other. , The Best Cook in the World. Washington Post. "Come to Charleston, S. 6', if you want the best cooking in the world," said C. H Richmond, of that city, - at the New Willard The old black mammy is better in the kitchin than the greatest - Trench chef any hotel can boast, Ihere or in New York, or. any- : -where, for that matter. You ought ' eat the cornbread and cracklin' that we have down there or fish or other seafood, freshly caught and prepared in our style. You then would know what real food is. !Not only can - the old 'mammies - lay it all over any of your import . d culinary experts in cooking edi- -' jbles of all sorts, but. they know vhow to make the finest home-made wines and cordials from grapes ind other berries. Any one would be surprised to see the number of these women, Jho are relics of the xivil war. One would think that ' they all would be dead at this date, but nearly every Charleston family of wealth has one of them, many having been - slaves in the same ' families beforerthe war.'' Avoid the R2$h, One of the wives of a Morman coming doivn stairs one morning met the physician who was attend ing her husband. "Ishe very ill?" she asked anx iously. ' - , "He is," replied the physician, "I fear, the end is not far off." X "Do you thinK," she asked, "I should be at his beaside during his last moments?'' "YeSi but I advise vou to hurry; : The best places are already ;being -'taken' ; ; 3V v: Delay in commencing treatment for a slight irregularity that could -have been cured quickly by Foley's Kidney Remedy may : result 7: in a s serious kidney disease.' Foley's V Kidney" iRemecly ; builds' up the - worn out tissues and strengthens these organs." ; Morris Webb Drug Co. ; IMMENSE ELECTRIC PLANT. ; , jr?ew. have any idea" of the immense-proportions of the electric department of the. Southern Rail: ,way shops at Spencer, where hundreds',-of machines of " yarioii kihUs are driven -by. the'- electric motor. . The department,, which is ably managed by. Mr. W . S. Sweet as chief electrician, is pror dueing more than "600 horse power with : 98 motors ranging from three to seventy-five horse power in size. More than 1,500 incandescent lights arid 226 arc lamps are maintained.; So well managed is this department that only four men, two electricians and two helpers are employed to keeP tHe whole plant " in opera tion. ' It is significant that not one - minute's delay ' has been caused in five years except on the occasion of the powder mag azine explosion last year when the dynamos were badly dam aged.v but were started again in the three hours. Of the mane than 200 locomotives in the ser vice at Spencer 67 are equipped with electric lights. , All of. the dming cars, fourteen in number, on the main line of the Southern are equipped ' throughout with electricity. It is said that the electric plant at Spencer equals in proportion the entire plant of a city theize of Winston-Salem, Charlotte, Asheville or Wilming - ton. Riedsville Review. " If people wkh symptoms of-kid- npv nr hUddrr trnnhlft rnnlff real-1 J " ' -w " - ize their danger they would with out loss of dme commence taking Foleys Kidner Remedy. This great remedv stoos the nain and the irregularities, strengthens and ! no danger of B rights' disease or other serious discrder. Bo rt&t disregard the early symptoms Morris Webb EJirug Ca. s Jtikr RailMrnmnpffi r B. 5tickney Former presidents , e 1- A ,Vr - Peritenon of our future aeQuisi- of the Chicago Great w esters raiH - - . . . .. . itions. - x way. an interview disnraf. There ig;not a day but thd of government regulat-on of wtesi.jfer8 opportunity f or Mro- Sai.tf - ... - 11 .. , Hng sometmng of value unless Not unhl all railroads-are- con- h ta be one of those sohdated or the goycrnmem pro- who know; ceeds todo directly what .r -now MerchantJoxnrnaL . ' attempts to-do indirectlir t&at is will there be an era of stability and and of peace and fair play boh to the railroads and to the public 'Under the method now pur sued by the government it would seem the purpose to keep the rail roads apart, close their .ears and let them.. fight it out' among them- j selves. The result is understood s and unfair mmnptitinn with sprmt r ratesto favored shippers or local ities and continued dissension and unrest. Competition between rail roads makes low rates at compet ing poirits, and they are obliged to recoup by excessive charges at non-cGmpetitive points. No rail road can make sure what t rate its competitor is giving a favored ship per. A : ; l: This makes the Tail road busir ness exiremely hazardous . and at trie same time makes every other line of. business hazardous," for the reason that one' merchant or . - S . . . ..... . one manufacturer or , wnoiesaier rever knows wnat rate . nis com- ' ': r"-. j -Vi.-.- J' - . i " ... ' "Papa,, what do they call" a person , that reads heads?", , v "A phrenologist; my boy." ': "Gee! Then ma must be :one of those things. v She felt of my head flu's afternoon ; and ;said right away: ''You'.ve'-i been swimming "Detroit , . Free SEEP BUSY AND' IMPROVE YOUR- 'i ?';- SELF..; r - 1 J ' It-is everyone's ...duty 'to -be busy. .God. intended. itrvy Vneii our us"ef illness - is' d6ne,-- fie wHl remove u& do, not idle your time r avay ifis a "sin against .' God, yourself and your .'community. The, men who, have won .-success. are men who, know, the value; cf every minute. Think' of such r a man as Gladstone -who carried a little book in his pocket . lest, he let a . moment slip l iihm ' his graspi " v At no time in history has there been such opportunity for study. There are hundreds, of high-class publications devoted? particularly to every ' science and . business. These are bought at ridiculously small prices, considering the labor and quality of the informa tion contained and from these can be obtained many hints for your advancement and improve ment. Just devote "a few hours each week to the, study ,ol some subject and you will perceive the" gooa 01 tne aamonipon pi im$ asticle.- Many youa g, men and. women are gbing up, step bj step, by such means. It . is the ! moment here and there- that! ma&es you go up the ladder of success. . There is no excuse for the man or woman to shoulder ! j the raspopsibility of tiefr . ignd- j j - ranee on-the fact that'fSey could ; (not secure the ab vantage of ai college education. A college; educatfim. is a great he!p, but! some o America's modSr distin- v guished scholars and -thinners gained 12ieir wonderful know . . ledge by course of study during spare mDments. Lincolna made use of his; spare momentsy and arisen in ie business world to tne eminence attained by ETncoln the poliMcal world by dlgent Btudyan;jprticy purr, pose, ii you -are in Business, master thse details. The- little HOW X&mKE EATS EGOS. We haYe of ten heard of;anakes eating eggs-ben eggs feut we never 'knierw tKrtil Saturdays when we learned tfee secret from an eye-witness. It was in Rowan county wrker the black,-snake swallowed hen eggs. ; He fAiinrl fTfro.-. y.oot nnr1ni" ari o-rvrlrk tree and; although the eggs were larger around than tlie snake's head, his nck or evert his body, he hadi nc trouble in srettine: them pushed dowd the; narrow passage. You could see them go. without any ; trouble and when,- the four eggs were fn-the snaie you could see the four knots on the snake; But how did he' di gest them? Well that was an easy question for Mr. " Black snake. He crawled up the: body of the apple jbree, wrapped him--self around it ani tightened.him sjgtf until pop; ps,v pop, JpopT attd:all-th,e.'eg:TOreil)rQ:en."7-. iStatesviue Mascot; . 4 Everyone would be benefited 1 y taking Foley 'sPrino . Laxative for stomach and liver trouble and hab itual constipation-lt sweetens'the stomach and 'breath gently :$tim-J uiates tne nver ana ; regulates ; me bowels and is much superior to pills and ordinary: laxative's! Why nQi.tryoieysunno Laxative to- iday? , 1 CES 1 iiiiMle; ftliWL'JfSr- ' Vheat IP - a fertilizer, that , ' , ammonia in dliTerent Blow, seme active, to HI I 11 rivVr":'-:and continual -food to the"plant from start to' maturity.' - -K"- v, ' Therte is one fertilizer tjist doe3 this one Y that i& Nature's own prcvisioil for wheat crop me which cdritains ingredients that the": Chemists have : neverbeen able to put into fertilizer; s It is genuine ow : ; f ' . . , .. - - ' Peruvian ;Gu'ano , , did farmers of Virsrinia and the splendid crops grown with. Peruvian Guano years, ago. "No fertilizer discovered has-ever equaled it ten: producing enormous yields. ' - . v Your land probably needs just such a; soil improver. Order one or two tons and compare ths results with those, from aiiy conlmercial fertilizer. -Write for prices and full mformatian. . ' ; ; Agencies still open in some localities;- v 1 ; ' Pemvianr: Guano l Corporation, Ridimond, Va, Charleston, S. C. Oak Ridge Institute A Classical Fitting School for Young Men and Boys, with Full Business College Departments. 58th year ; 35tlr under present management. Ideal" Locajjroji, in- view of the mountains; Apply for" Beautiful Catalogue. s : J. A. & M.,H..HOLTOafcRidge, N. G. ll czd llczli ( ) II czd Littleton Female College; One of the most successful and best; equipped boarding schools in the "South with hot water heat. electric lights and other modern improvements-.. 2,8th annual session, will begin Sept. 1 5, -1 909. For catalogue address- 1 r : r J. M.;RHQf)ES Pres. Littleton, N. : If You Cate e -If you care forstyle, and lots of people do, it can be had in any vehicle on our floors; We are prepared for the early spring trade. Our stock is at its' best. A e are shpwing a remarkable assortment of vehicles, including iurreys; buggies; arid carriages.' Our Harnes Deparimefit is a regular savings- bank for tnose' who have - no prejudice 02ainst buying such , things at r .i ' . . . mis sersun or me. year. . . - . Our MOGUL Wagons - " . . , r ' , . Don t Forget that we areelling :onerbf the bestwagns;everpu!t; onsale ; m-Rpxbora;, Come, in and examine Tne : Mogul , when OUCOme ta tOWn..: Ve Want - ready to buy or.W-rfor if, youH see one of tnese wagons you will know where to go when you are ready to buy --; . . i : . ROXBORO VEHICLE- AND : . CASKET- CO; -7'- jNotice.' All persons Jare ; hereby j iorDiaaaen to hire or harbor Sollie Epps, he having contracted to work for me during the 'year of 1909 ana left without, cause.; : Anyone so doing, will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law; 30 ; v T This Julv-m.-i ano ; r ; rz:i.. Styl reeuires contain forms, "seme provide gradual - Carolina1 recall zzd cz5151o 1 NORTH CBRQLINA. PERSON COUNTY r IN. THE SUPERIOR COURT. PERSON COUNTY: ' t- . J V BEFORE THE CLERK. in Re-Estate of Melssa A. Benny. - NOTICEJ; ,-x "To Bennie C. Tatum and other,, non resi dent heirs at law of the late Melissa. A pen ny you will take notice that a caveat has been filed, in this Court to the WHl of the late- A&elissa A. Denny, by C. C Moore, R. R. Moore, and; other, heirs at law of the said Melissa A Denny, you are hereby noti fied to be and. appear, at: thgj next tenn of the Superior Court for the' county Cof Person, said Court will be held on the Fourth Mon day before thesf,rst Monday In September 19W. it being the 9th, Day: of August 1909., to. make yo'.ir selves parties to " this proceed ing if you think proceeding if you think prop er so to do. . . .. f - v ' Given under my hand this 1 6 day- of June t , . D. W BRADSHER. - ' Clerk of the Superior Court. LAND SALE- ! NORTH CAROLINA, PERSON COUNTY: Under and by virtue of the powers con- 5err9d uPn ie" as Trustee in the deed of trust PXPrnteH bV"Ic:nlSplIft I'nwl'nnrl bncmnd M :jr"o Tin7 "rZ j.t.. wj -WWWXV Ulli U.b. bUUl, Ci.HJL uuijr recorded in Book No. 12 atpage 74 Register's Office of Person County, default having been made in the payments therein specified, at the request of tb"e holder of said paper I will cn r- , s ' Saturday" August 14th, 1909. ar s .1 . ua Roxboro:, N. C. sed to sale to the high est bidder for the cash,. "the following ,lot or parcel of land, to-wit: ; 'Lying and being in the Town of . Roxboro. adjoinihg the lands of S, Winstead, Alex Harris,' Haywood William's and the Roxboro and Leasburg Public Road containing one ai d seven-tenths (1 7-10) acres-more br less. This July 14th. 1909. - , j. LUTHER M. CARLTON, - - '-i i -Trustee. For Sale.7A fine tobacco farm 8 miles from Danville, 2lA miles from R.; R4 depot,- graded school and 3 churches. : Contains 1 38 y acres, of a 5 room frame dwelling 3 tobacco barns jjood water, and plenty? of wood. Terms reason able L---. - -DR? L: LtVANN. '., II . IV '-"T. H t ! . Fruit jars at' Garfetr& Stand:J field.1 -s-yAyy Morris'Webt) Drug Col! Danville Va.

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