-. ... - : r . tt 5 - ",4 f C i t Ml r:frv ;v. ;,: ivr-cr' rvTYr-r vNivTTT 'tH -vTx Jfe st:::: Noelli'15ros.,-,rropnejors;v;;S iuv L-v:-iHome First- Abroad Wpvi-Kl T'"'"-"; vrV i--iA, :Ar; : he Baptist Sunday School gave bntertainment .-in, the. Churph an rfsure of .he little folks;.? J( whs on r. "k Fnr thftm. as-'thev flfet Krt.haht gifts of all kinds for J the p,or of . W!nand,argoodly lot it was; aft b1ch -M,-;SaiteJheihto, jcry lalBattK andlttfe CUms called on thr' li tie tots- and Anl ti,,xi, J. made them glad with her: presents. Saturday morning, ' uespiie me weqther the presents for1 the.. po)r was distributed among those who it vas thought Old Santa t might overlook and many.- a Iittlel.fellolw was, made glad by . the action's ;dF the (children of the Baptist Sunday School. - . " - 1 -t The following have; added ' their mite to the Press Fund since our "last issue; Mrs. F"" C; Newman,; H. 'Garrett, :Sol6rhbd0!Briaht, W: ; W. Painter, .George, O'Briant, J. D. Bradsher, W. W. Wiley, E. M. Long, Z. T, Gentry, J. T1. Dickerson Anderson Tor ian, Minnie E. Glenn, John VQ. Yarborough, Rev,N-G..vYarby, W. T. Dixon,Mrs; jEJcPterkins, S. M. Long.-- r gl' t ,J V - v Mr. H; W Rogers,; oFWinstead called Monday and:;in renewing for The Courlerwas4 kip iJf enough to say that siiijRiyCOUld.not t?et along aVnts'house -without it;: Sueh words are appreciated and it imakes us just! that . much more am bi tious Jo giye yotr suca.paperl as you deserve. ; - Mrs. S. ,G;uamlin gaysl:shfe loes not keep1 any nnbrotihi)red stock of , chickens, butJs well nleased with the .amount of e&?s she, has snldi ; iFront, an Average o f nens injtorsncrsoaii34 worth of eggs, and .with - one: cow from April until , the. first of Jan uary she sold $28 worth of .butter and $12 worth orfchiclceps. .We call that a pretty good record. I i Some of Myou fellers1 who told tis you would be around and . set tle in a day or two when we gave you a statement the first of the month haye told the same thing several times before and , you haven't come yet. Gome around please. Harris & Burns. Bring us all the old t hens you have. I want 500. Hi W. , Foushee; n A Card of Thanks. We take this ; imethbd of thanking our customers for; th . liberal patronage which they have given us the. past year, , We as sure you that we appreciate your trade and will show our appreciation by serving ypu better and by making ifrybut advantage. ;to come to us thisyear;, Wqare ; ; ' lYoursfor-Hardware; r 1 .fY ne .Xlm'iS'HriTiATi u&r 0 Mli. ; -, - IN4MEMORUM) - c;. : ; ' 1 - . I .V""M J im fflAm' Wi 9?ween xne-:;oia 'ana .D3mnv I waums; cry; rom. tne voiceless jlipst' of heumteplymg dead-there! of death." hope sees fa star j f and; uisiemng siove can: near tne ruswe 'of a Wlnar, .x , s rr- : T!he frien,d and subject, of y this ktcefeti Ijmils CJ" Hesttrfwak feorn' itt :;thisf County ori Oct. ;29th, "184 and died. December 11th 1909i jAs he grewi from youth j 'into sturdy young manhood the question ;of i the rights of the States was uppermost in y the niinds of .the true southern people.--isatmosphere.-hewasreared Kv noble' father. Hhe Hon. Robt H.Hesrtrwh6 Jrepresentedki?d ipf this, home, nd ft ',was ri'ri'.Li.- :L -nA. t ?uirH not characteristic of him to RnpnV ture and also vwas Sendtor. ; As a hiere.Jad 18: years of.ag . irpbued wiin xne v sen uineniS; aiiu vrauit .6r4foree yearat theJE rpnt -lintil Ue suenderedaiApppmatto and-a braver:, young1' cavalry-:, man! his comrades ;sayV never passing through its .dark days he married Miss - Margaret ., Burton. is wife survives liun and from son aiidtwd dadghters who also survive him as foliqwfc: l Henryi Allen; 1 Prank, Eddie, Robert; Miss Bessie and Mrs. Kate Bradsher who liyef to ;mpurn his deathy Jnit they m6urn riot as thos who have .no hope, for in life; "before the evil days come nigh'-' he made his pea . with God and died in that peace which 0 Q ftions :jof thef; South pjenterd the Co'niederatemyjaTOserv Go passetti -all i Mndgrsf ndi . In mmhmhl (Mirch, atid for .many r years and until his deatWV f this Church ; .felt- his j'fte, nev'.sonWt inolitioal - ffi'ilnicbifr, i b ivouncy ana jate ne snowea . the. Keenest mtrest and in ,all con- tests he sincrelv and fearlessly ioiiowed.his conscience and- sup- ported- his friends . andrthe principles wnicn ne oeiievea to be rights His life was spent among the people of this Countv apd those whd knev; him best, Joved him most.He,was faithful ;and, true ,and ' failed u not 1 to re- ayunu to every caii ana aemana pf his ; State or Gojinty in peace and intflfy He asiirtd hearted and generpusran4:filled his' ' life withkiridUdeeds -and - human benef actions.' He was. tender and not characteristic of him to speak eyil of.anyone. ":v l For some weeks he;was confined to'hishbrae-and' calmly awaited he nnal summons surrounded by the. tender 'and loving hands " of his wjfef ;and ' children J And as the spirit .'of jthis generous, ljatroticr pqd min&a passing outtia ras the beautiful hi Us around his home", were ; fading in City and hear the music of the eternal, morn; . He was laid to rest surrounded by a host .of - scrrpWing toends; nelhbclii arid! relatives The simplest JbT the groates tribute thai canbdt6 aJnjanliCfpr his friends and neighbors to say in death 'A gooci and true' man 7( 1 1 is gone". l. m; c. f W- L. Walker. of , Apex, has heti!iisiting;his(; ord&friendfe heVe the pastiweefc wHtJ, repomhe best hunt ctthesea$6mfSays he and R. A. Walker went out hunt ins Wednesday 5 eveninc and in J one hour and a half JUed 5 birds eacn, :one owl andane rabbit, the would have had better luck, save, as fie says, to the fact that it was so windy the birds flew too fast,: and owing itto the extreme cold the powder burned so slow. ,Mr. G. E. Petty of Greensboro; spent a few days in town. ; ; NOTJCE OF LAND SALE. NORTH CAROLINA: PERSON COUTY: In the Superior Court, November Term 1909 v "'Ei MiO'Briant .and others, -T:'W. S. Hobgood and others. ? Under and by, virtue of an order of . the guperjor; Court made November, term 19o9. In the proceedings entitled as, above, r We the undersigned commissioners appointed by the Courti -will sell at the Court-house door; Roxboro N C.t 6nthe first . Monday in February; 1910 , it being the 7th day of Feb ruary at 12 O'clock; M at public aucfion to 4thevhighest bidder ; for. .casi 'the, .following pescrvcea tract-ot land, to wit: Beginning at a' white' oak W' . F.- Snipers1 corner f thence North 5 degrees T: ast 2 5 chains Aq - an iroa uxn.cY uic.BuuurwcaL lid ut iiic, uuwcrj thence South85 degrees Eastr ll.J7:, chains ito a- r ock,. the $outh-east "corner ' of cthe power' uiexice . jnutui aegrees tasivzz than to RQiUters, W !;Spers apd J Jy Gate's 9orner;.thpnce Soutp .63-4 .degrees. beginning. Containing 98fUnd 1-2 acrfes. W&?l$teSSfct w idower 'if J 25 acres m y . , jax W ,S G, WINSTEAD' INSTEAD -thainto ppintersthe Nqr$h-easJ? coiner ;,of trie dower; thence south 85 'degrees East! !lcS; and Frank Pettiford's corner: thence North mind liM Agrees VtitfiSl fofchtof ttf tttt - j kt n A Hi ui$ t jrou-willfind-a -,V . pLdtrariorianaj gest and Toys for -tKe, Old 'and KlN 71,1 ,11; It J j f .H" fi tl M Mm t-TJV ' p fM jarge sdoci ;Clause,Has ftn;aat7H;J t t ; ? 1. I 1 1 i-l.J 4 f ! .i -' ! i M 1 i I f . t i Ir.h" ) ) -4Tt ft 1 1 T t v; i ' i - - -in j i.i i-J t iiU 0 Ff(ftiV We thank ; all iff. .p ap-i l 8 Mill tm. ill.U''g w ' " yZ?771 ; ! ; lS 111 II ki 11 mS I . '..ill i" w f i. i.: .Li I v. u TV T A T YXTT li -n it rr i L iviAnjRjiAiviTllAKKlS r I 1 ;V u ?iX f.1 iexm VS; W,ieir patronage aurf s mg the past-year aiid; of every kirid word you Tnajr.riave said abbuti us ana:wisn,-for-ybu r;4 -1;':!!,?':"- nil -s- r v- . il iitnv --ij: i iua VWiM r. itfifsyl t; i-Uit- 45J - ' till ' '.l ftjifjt;ni ?ifif tfihiynlt pt,$w$$ yp'xUmU'.Z bur. uinfi moil,-, ijur iraiisniom?rionie. j.:w5?- w rrlfr' . 'n 4 i . rrTt TI ;i Maiijjamps ana tneiar-: ,j : tliYbto''Old-Skht:- .i : tl tjinnUht fii .Vqj,t 3 - '7n'AM WfifiVJrt,). VWl we are imiy, Yii-jniTH . yi"U--l ,'-'.Votir.- v.--".'," 5 1 1 ,"f '."Si . " i ?fl nr,iT? s witn an ,oraer. " j - - ' - . 4 -I " V 1;!, . 1S11GS. o5f ;ti t i ik L. v M ' 4 t, .' . COMPANY Ir-UoT . ' '1 U' ' i ' . t .1 -. - V 4 . ' 'V- , .r '-!-'' 1A" ( a1 v ) i-f I. r ' ' ' ; : ; ' if- .a M - Cozsaissio: