- - , , -V'-'-'O !j--kCm-JsVV J." 'S-'-l""- '' -f -r ' '-'i s " -.'f" -',-V-'.'! - ,-; . - - - '" ' l. , , . . . -- . I ,s' " liV;." : : : : : : -- ' - - " - l-- --.V-:.--. ;' 1 f- .1 '-- " SOLVES PERPETUAL -MOTION. A. IK markwoo4. ot- Jonson City, Tenn., Claims to Have Solved load oF tobacco with Thos, Clay Science's Disputed Possibility. ; ton at the Hyco warehouse and td-i Tr, t o tL says he received moae tham he Bnstol, Tenn, Dec. 1 8. The exnected. town or Johnson JJity, Tenn., is excited oyer the prospect that one of its citizens, A. Tf Markwood, a veteran railroad conductor, has solved theproblem !of perpetual motion, chimericdl as that old problem seems. , Markwook recently gave up his position on the Southern Railway, with the " belief that he ; had solved the problem. He at once employed an expert machinist, and for weeks worked the ideas which he had evolved. It is now related by men who. have been taken into the confidence of the inventor that he has been successful, and that his machine, a unique and strange contrivance of brass and steel and others metals, has proved to be a selfpropeller, which requires a strong governing apparatus to prevent it gaining such velocity as to actually destroy itself. While the form of the machine is a secret except to a very few persons who ha.ve been taken into the confidence of the inventor, it is said to be as N large as an ordinary box car. A three days test of it is said to have demonstrated that it is a success. At any rate, men of intelligence in Johnsou City, lawyers and business men. have indicated their con- .. . fidence by grabbing for stock in it t almost any price, and it is now said that stock valued at $100 a few days ago, could not be bought for twelve times that amount. Foley's Kidney Remedy will xure any case of kidney or blad der trouble that is not beyond the reach of medicine. It invigorates the entire system ajtd strengthens tne kidneys so tney eliminate ine impurities from the blood. Back ache, rheumatism, kidney and bladder troubles lire all cured by this great medicine. Morris-Webb Drug Co. Prof . E. C Bfoolfs Chosen. Durham, Dec. 16. The res ignation of headmaster, Rev. x Harry ;M. North, of Trinity Park School, and his acceptance of the pastorate of Edenton Street Me thodist &irth of,Raleigh, was followed toclay by the; appoint ment of Prof . EiCUiBks, the .history and 'sdencof edu cation 1nffet5(iir: ' . frof, BrcJo&jdpen a teacher, bttftOTl$&i?: utive head of The preparatory : , school. His relations ' with. 'Prin- i Ity remain undisturMf tTW& '.j- ' .arrangement mayDe vF CkO lllO V-. unv-w m. --- - , ough to keep him busy in one of its most popular c. lm man in the faculty isvmpre popu lar and the departinethat : he filled has had, theongest o men behind it. To fill fthe teach ing vacancy :causedrby Mr. North's resignation Prof, W, S. Lockhart has been chosen. A TRAVtLING SALESMAN -H. F.' Beers, .61 7-7th Ave., Peoria, 111.; writes: "I have ' been troubled for some time with kidney trouble, so severely ' at. times I could scarcely 6arry mv grips. After using one bottle; of Foley's Kidney Pills I have- been entirely relieved,' and v cheerfully recom. niend-them to ail.'' Foley's Kidney Pills are healingnd; antiseptic and will restore health nd ? strength. , Morris Webli Drug Co. ic : The Siler CitjrGrit says that ; on " N cW nA QotiiMav of last isttk ihe produce dealers of thatiJUn expels From hnif-it r:so6 Hf -40(i' Datrfd-i system. v ; r SURL NEWS Mr Flptrhpr M iyjr ja James Peed, is now con nected with the Pioneer ware house, and he promises to get his customers as much for their to bacco as they can get anywhere else. ; ' y'',' ; Mr. Duck Puliiam has moved to Mr. Sam Wilkerson's, V Mr. - Frank Day and Miss Esther Swanson were married some time ago. Sr. Daniel Duncan is a thrifty farmer'and keeps good time with theibusy world. ' ' v - Mr: W. A Lunsford says he bad 2 200 tobacco hills that brought $62.00. This correspondent returns his thanks to Mr. Eugenr Thomas of tne Roxboro Drug Co., for a calendar. Santa Clause can now be seen in all the stores at Roxboro. Messrs. Satterfield & Clayton at their, corn mill are now grind ing day and night. Mr Jud Yarborough is the mill lar, and he knows his business well. Mr. T. K. Jones put up'a dwell ing house during the month of November, part of theoak logs that went into this house has been usved in three different dwelling houses. Mr. Jones is 49 years old and can't remember the first time that house was built. There is one funny thing about this, the last two times he built this house he didn't have to saw out any doors or win dows. . Christmas is near at hand. There has been a good many hogs' killed in this section and some of them are large Ones. Mr. R. L. Webster says it is not much trouble for honest men to pay their debts. Mr. Charlie Oaklev it is said raised the best crop of tobacco this time that he ever raised. Mr. John Oakley has done ngm muui plowing mis rau. To day seems to be a busv dav with all the business men of Rox boro. THOMAS FRAZIER. Surl, Dec. 15th, 1909.! . - ; . . 1 Rer. I. WWilliatas Testiej. Rev. x4iliams,;; .HuptingJ ton, W. -Va., Writes us as - follows: This is to certify , that I. ''used Foley 's; jidnei- Remedy for nervous exhaustion' and - kidney; trouble and am free .tol.i say :ihat Foley 'sKidttey. Rem. Jwji( all that you claim' for it'. i . ' v'Mpfris-w'jeJbb. Jjaug Go. . Salisbury LDec :-:18r Friej. which broke but iri the floor of resulted fn property loss of. ap- pr6ximatelr $60, 000, the death Mr. R. H. Pender, a member of Mr. B. E. . Keeter, also a fire man.1 At 12:15 o'clock -this morning it was announced at the! Whitehead-Stokes sanatoriuni that Mr. Keeter migljt not tur vive the night. Want Reductions Made. Durham, Dec. 16. The Dur ham county farmers, through their union, , have asked the mer chants of the city to give them a 10 per cent concession upon all (goods sold them. It is understood that this is i move of the entire organization. The request comes rather zs a surprise from the farmers, but it is declared here that there willliS ho merchant who will agree to j such a reaction. 1 pneacionia Follows . Cold -.but never follows the use of Foley's Honey and Tar, which Stops ine cougn, ncais uic iungt the Empire:tore Company's buidinffkflfiDG o'clock last nicrhi t Just receivedia splendid line -of CorduroyyParits just: the thing for hunting or rough work. - : J, M.'Briant & Bro. J. , it, 66 you jGroceries, Shoes at the same low figures. In A. R. FOUSHEE'S - - Old Stand. Fousti Will sell and Furniture W. T. PASS & CO.. Pi . We Lead, To the Farmers and Planters of Person, Caswell, Orange UUL UiXLLL iXllKX In the beorinninsr of another New Year onr Tnanv tri finds who have so hhpra v nnrrnm7orl v We will not set any Our market tbis-;year will hkve a full corps lous ior vonr tODaeco: " and we will Dromise voil tion to, every pile sold on y With more room, oetter ;,accommQaaxionsi tor corns of assistants, we believe waaife'dii: a: br toBacco will convince you. . .. '- ; ' . ... .- ,V - . -r 'f - ' V - " '. R. I. FEATH-ERSTONE. ' y , Featherstorie & - The Pioneer Warehouse, Roxboro, N. C. , as its name indicates, has always stood in the forefront in the sale of Leaf Tobacco on this market, , IT IS A WELL LIGHTED BRICK WAREHOUSE. For the coming year, beginning Sept. 1st, we expect to see that every pileTof tobacco sold on our. floors brings its full value, in feet we i intend to make the Pioneer the leadin;;w prices this season. When we say this we "mean big. averages fonthe small farmef;as;wellas for uie large one. . " , r A - - " - v - - Our house .will be manned ly thorough and experienced Tohacco men men who know and appreciate the farmers' wants and who will spare na pains to 4ake; care of them. ; - - : -v-. x Kemember;Kube ijeatherstone will dohis own toDaccorarmGr KnowswnaL xnat Stimix ' : r-'',"-:&yyyiy ' ' RIGHT ATjOUR FIN we have all that is good in FURNITURE. This is very fortunate lor you ior n saves you mucn timeWhen making a purchase in ou? line The designs are very beautiful, and all our furniture, the low priced as well as the higher priced, is well made and well finished. i . Wfe invite inspection. PASS, & MOORE. GER TIPS , ... V . - : ROXBORO, N. C. Let Ml Others Follow. vjriciiiviiie counties we day: for 'special salesTbut our floors. x ou peci:ai rricesany my i ou (Jome.:' have ever been. tvml. 'Yni"eiitil w yv iubtcciu, r means., andash Smnds fronr us at tac . : H- W. Foushee. mm 2TrylaMirbYurdverK ti,.. are guaranteed not to rin Snm j thing new and will bear inspection ; J; M0;Briant & Brol V . Co To C H HUNTER GROCERIES no will do .ouest to make of buyers, who am anv to own nih m- - - youK Horses and a full initiATi iiJlr H. W. WI-NSTEAD. ' r - ; , ropnetors. auctioneering, : andfevery desire to return th an Vg t: 'A , . - 1 , , .-4 "i-.' 1 . Z -- M.iV" .4y---tyi-,','"'r ... ' ,f: - . .. .. - y !