... . . - - - : ; . , . . - . , ?; - i-I , .-' -.v..- -:.v!jt -V ? r - '-"'V'-4. : - V'. 1 , ".-J ' .''V ' - DON'T DIE ON THIRD. ' Inspired by a brilliant baseball Victory, snatched from appaiedt defeat in the eleventh hour by the ! Detroit t4Tigers." The Detroit. Tews wrote an editorial which has ' been printed in circular form and sent all over the country. The Asheyilie Citizen very properly says that it contained a moral thai iOomed large and clear. It taught khat partial successes accomplish nothing; that a man who "reaches third base" and "dies" there, would have been better off if he had never starred: that the fellow .who wins life's battle is not the 'doppy ble" who stays out all night and gets up blear-eyed in the late huurs of the, morning. The hero of the incident related j is George Moriarty who, instead of "dyingpon third" with two men out, beat the ball from the pitcher's hands to the catcher's. But read for,yourself the moral presented, then ruminate the silence and alone: "All the world's a baseball dia- The Man Who Discoverd the TLieTery niond. You are one of the play-! -c T . w f . , . . , i j! of the Sugar Trust Was Harassed in ers. Perhaps you have reached; n r first by your own efforts. It may j Every Conceivable Way, But He he that the Sacrifices of your pa- Stood Fast. rents or rnenas nave enabled you to reach second. Then on some one's "long fly" into the bnsiness world a fly that was not" enough to prevent him going out or someone's fluke on the rules of HIS LIFE MADE MISERABLE. simple morality and square i When a man starts out to un cover a vested conspiracy between eovernment officials and powerful business combination, he is laying ;up trouble for himself. That is illustrated in the case of Richard LOST MONEYTINDS OWNER. Porr fVif man whr hmnrrht thf dealing, you have advanced to T, v , , , , . . , .. . N York custom emploves and third. I he ooposmon against you , 4 . , ' T . , . . , . iU 6 4 ' the Sugar Trust to book. In the at third is stronger than at either;. T , m .January van. imuiucii iagaiiiey first or second. At third you are to he reckoned with. Your opponents , converge all their attention ' exDeriences: all iW r:i i uo'"6i yuu. riiuiicib anu uaiLiiers, eoa-, John S. Lopez sets forth these periences: After using a power in the atch ' ePartment t0 ne vr sh116 : Pr-M-n Nph; VrrL' and hiirrn1!afH n. II fill 1 V VV 1 A. J A I LA 1 VI K a - AAA 111 IA L b jug iu up uij your pians anu ches an( opposing fans are wa AHoat Nearly Five Months, Washes Up at His Feet. Oak Orchard, Del., Jan. 1. Drifting about the Indian River for nearly five months, a pocket book containing over $100 and; valuable papers chose the psy chological moment and washed up at its owner's feet yesterday as he was strolling along the beach. Last August John Veasey, of Coolspring, who owns a cottage at Oak Orchard, lost the pocketbook from his motor- I, W. E. Webb, Clerk of the boat, on the river. Search was Board of County Commissioners, made everywhere, and the of Person County do Hereby shores were closely schanned. by certify that the said Board was As a result of fasting 24 days J. W. 1 ippin, a well-to- do business man of Rome, Ga., died Tuesday. Several weeks ago Tippin infor med his family that it had been decreed by the divine powers that he "should fast until "God had bidden him eat." After he had, fasted 2A days he was induced by a nue to eat, but he was in such an exhausted condition that he couid not recover. If. You Care For Style CERTIFICATE. watchers, who were anxious to secure the reward which was of fered, but nothing ever' was seen frustrate them. From third .you!" H " JVl " 1L,Z .uicicuy. lie wao uuyn-u yc- i n up Or lObl. t become either a splendid success or a dismal failure. Don't die on tnird. What are you doing?to win the score that life is' ready to mark up against your name? Third base bas no laurels on which you can -rest. What are you doing on r third? Are you waiting for some - one to 4bat you in?" Suppose he isses;,fris miss is yours, -too if you place all your dependence on someone else, his failure spells yours. What are you doing on ithird? Waiting for "some thing-to iturn up?" Don't nothing turn up, but the thumbs of the thousand of men who watch you may turn down, and make you a permanent failure. Moriarty wouldn't have scored had he waitad, for Mullin aicin tnittne Dan ana tnat runj "was absolutely necessary to save vthe game, The run was gained in :an uomeasurable fraction of time, but the difference between success -and failure is very, very often measured in seconds. Don't die on third! 000, for instance, to call off the This week Veasey and a party Strathy re seizure, arid launched at of friends came here on a hunt- -A TRAVELING SALESMAN H. P. Beers, 617-7th Ave., lit. Then ("friends" of his, came with better otters an f aavtce. They told him he was a fool "not to get his,', He was offered $100, 000 if he would take a trip to Europe, and always he was infor med that sooner or later they would "get him." He jwas placed under espionage. Private detec tives tried to keed him in sight always, and when tHey failed to discover anything against him, they tried to manufacture it. Some of the expedients tried! are almost incredible. J He was then newly married and lived with his wife and: his mother In Brooklyn. The lives of the women were made miserable by persecutions by letter pr telephone, by the appearance of strange men at the windows or in the halls. Parr was said to be living a disso lute life,- and this, was charged against him at Washington. He proved every specific case to have been impossible, and at one time it was shown a man gotten up to look like him had forged his stgna- Parr was in Washington at that time. His desk at the customs, house was broken into and a diary stolen. ing trip. Veasey had occasion to take a walk down the shore, just below the Indian River House, he saw the waves tossing a black object. Running down to the water's edge, he picked up the pocketbook he had lost in August. Opening it with trem bling"finges he found the money intact, and best of all the papers papers were still there. So wet and soggy was the money that Veasey will be compelled to send the notes to the government for redemption. in session 32 days for the fiscal year ending Nov. 30, 1909 Amount paid R H Bailey per diem $ 62 00 Amount paid R H Bailey 434 miles at 5cts, - $ 21 70 Amount paid J P Wade per; diem $ 56 00 Amount pad. J P Wade 448 miles at 5ctsT Amount paid !E B Reade per diem further certify that "The never ast. ,'I gx umro per" a Iboler- If you care fur style, and lots of people do, it can 6e hadinany vehicle on our floors. We are prepared for the early spring trade. Our stock is at its- best. Vve are showing a remarkable assortment of vehicles, including surreys, buggies and carriages. Our Harnes Department is a regular ' savings bank for those who have no prejudice against buying such things at feveyej Mrs. en yoi iress j -He'! AIir lir'le: - V Yes, Jhe otl Ledger Mrs. recogn: this serson of the year. Our MOGUL Wagons Don't forget that (we are selling one of the best wagons ever put on sale in Rexboro. Come in and examine Jne Mogul when you Jfood a $ 22 40; come to town. We want tjpoinc ready to buy or notfor if you see one of these wagons you wil no un- j know where to go when you are verified accounts were allowed. I ready to buy. This Nov so, 1909. j ROXB0RO VEHICLE AND W. E. WEBB. $64 00 Golds on 111 if iaa v ress. Clerk B. C. C. ?Ren ft h61y, VI al oifer. 1st Su Foley's Kidney Remedy ill core any case of kidney 'or bid der trouble that is not beyond: the reach of medicine. It invigomes the: entire system and strengthens the kidneys so they elinrinaie the .impurities rom the blood. Back ache, rheumatism, kidney and? bladder troubles are this, great medicine. 1 Morris-Webb DrugGo,; Men, Women and Children! ' ' Individual, Firms and Corporations! Deposit Your Money in the CITIZENS NAT0NA BANK turf on a! hotel register. . -.. ltT 1 w - I Peoria, ill., writes: i nave oeen w ton that itroubled for some time with kidney trouble, so severely at times I .could scarcely! carry mv grips. After using one bottle of Foley's Kidney Pills. I have been entirely relieved, and j cheerfully recom jiend them to all." Foley's Kidney Pills are healing and antiseptic and Will restore health and strength. Morris1 Webb Drug-Co. A dispauh from Perasacola Fla. saysr After being shrouded an the: body placed in a casket, around; which mourners vvere. gathered in- N- DURHAM, N. C. JrSMS Capital $100,0q0.G0 Surplus $80,000.00 Assets Over One Million Dollars. ; . v -' ; - ;r OFFICERS ' ; v: " ' preparation to hold a. wake,. Mrs. Foreseeing, this he 'had taken care Jessie Miller 50 years old, tore B. N DUKE, President:, Ti B. FULLER, Vice-President: blRECTORS: J. B. MASON, Cashie. that there jwas nothing important in it. Anonymous letter, from women or men, invited him to go to certain places to obtain new evi dence: on Fcrowded railroad plat forms he felt himself jostled un- TPha manawrs of the State prison have at -last secured the .electric chair for the execution of criminals, as 'provided by act of xhev Legislature nearly a year ago" One man under sentence iv. voe. ihppn waitine: three ,KJ1. UCailll 111" ' . -jnonths for the chair to arrive nd his date of execution is Jan uary u: Tlie chair may or may not bs ihstal necessarly, ana were trying to pick A friendly warning ivas to be thrown on hft killed "bv a hought they his pockets. j told - him he the v tracks, to He caused away her death bandages and, resting upright in'the cofl&n cried out to her husband to rescue her from the grave. Li ft had been pronounced by physicians being j extinct twelve hours before. The' doctors say it was. a case of suspen ded animation. . -K r J Duke, President the American Tobacco Company B. N Duke, Capitalist and Manufacturer, - , Q E. Rawles, Aerchant, J. H.Southg:ate,v Insurance, v - 1 "C. L.: Haywood, Druggist, v ' ' ; t-- V , r N. M. Johnson Physician and Surgeon, - . ' " J. B. Warren Capitalist and Farmer, R: H. Rigsbee, Capitalist, ' s .. Y. E, Smith, Sup't. Durham Cottort' M'fg Co : T. B: Rullet PresH Golden Belt M'fg Co. J. B. Mason, Cashier Citizens National Bank. v v ' r WeGuarantee;Abolute; for Your Money, and; Courteous Treatment. Tess- Jess Ul : a par he Brigg iled i ye; enj Grisc Ined j Yes. Jiarjs i ipenst wn a edJ?y. that date. tram. the arrestl of two men in Brook lyn, and they confessed v in court that they belonged to a private de tective agericV," hired -to shadow him.": But "all this did ndt daunt the man and he. persisted. a- X Bring us all the old hens you have. I wanl'500. H. W Foushee We. do not know your wants bnt. if vnn 4?1L. meet your demands, based, upon Conservative business i methods, . -, -., rcK. iLniw rAiu UW llME DEPOSITS.? iTTT TT (? r "-" restore Jost vitaliandviEbn Refuse substitute. :rcy Mil uy to itlc 3 f V; , Nut. H V Hf" ".,-- - "'