7: ' t '' "T7?r OHOY liA: YD5I3J3 " -;' J-i'-i"-! ' . .-- .-- ... . . . . . r 1 1 1 - ! . .. ' T. . 4 -F"BW1 v - SI STAY IN NORTH CAROLINA. Every' now: 1 arid'v tHh -isoriie North Carolina people are-beguiled into going West " - -to hiake - a fortune." 'Some;1 succeed' but m ost of them ' Wbuld ' have "done better in Nor;t) GaroUnjv ' Those who succeed welLareheV those who find it "a'liard BnS1 dd; not wis!iL tnefrhame folks to know of their failure, antk they are never heard from again; The Winton-Salem Sentinels has the following warninglto any- who are thinking of leaving North Carolina: 'To show people of this county that people who are leaving here for the West are leaving a cer tainty to pursue a. 'dream, Mr. P. H. Hanes had Mr. Henry Masten to read a letter tox the road supervisors Saturday he re cently received from Mr. W. T. Hunt, Yno nas been ipf Oklahoma City for some time. 4 In the letter Mr, Hunt stated that he had, seen accounts in the papers of the numbers of people vho are leaving this section for the West and"he stated that these people would be sadly disappoint ed as they would have to pay more for their land there than they got for the land they had here. He ventured the opinion that the land around this section 5s as good as it is anywhere and that if the farmers will diversify their crops they have as good op portunities and better than in .an v other section. r "Mr. Hanes pointed Vout that the land in the West would cost more without any buildings than the farmers who sell out here re ceive for their land and he called attention to the fact that we have the best country from Mex ica to Canada,' and we ought o 'stick to it. ' ; North Carolina is the best place for everybody, and par ticularly the best for North Car olinians. News and Observer .. - 1 ' , M.ji.j..-"i:V.;-M-''-wr h- -. -- , , , , ;, ;, , , -- .oAllMCjlJMBER 30irrl' TAFT TO. DEFENlT RflGN, . l$2terM PensomngBofirE3L pfesidentAna ,CaBIemenV-L Wittv Take 1 IClUCOU. - YasniRStonSp senate co.niniittel piripeilian tody repSrtead v Srs61x.enaipr5 M'5 Gumbexs bili'td'putdrmerHpresi Slentpn the-retired list ascommah denr.pf he,army;"and navy. ot $10 OOt) yearlyilt was tfe aim of Senator.McCumber to reward Mr. Rosevelt. He says he, will fight it but on the floor of the senate. In the house Representative Murdock's bill to give exPresident Roosevelt the franking privilege was reported favorable by the com mittee on postoffices. When asked if his bill would -pass the house Mr. Murdocksaid this afternoon: A bill to give Mr. Roosevelt a j Stamp For r Administration' i SL& Cannon To Resign? Baliinger TPJd if the; caricy w or i the And' McVeagh May Also Step Down And Hughes Is Slated For Supreme Court. purple robe embroidered with dia-rUecjareci to be readT"and anxious monds would not fail to pass the house at this particular time' ashington. April 3.-1-The Taft administration is - about to defend itself aggressively before thepeople. Convinced that the; public mind has been impressed rby attacks of himselftto the charge of Retiring under!fire:,f ' , - Noqne :in the' confidence bf President Taft, it is said, wo uld be Republicans, several bf whom , are close to the President. It; was s; Bullet In Travis f Locate: . . il . Richmond, &Va., Aprili 3.In tfie:case of State ; Senator ; Edward U. Tray is' of North Carolina, who ' is at the Memorial hospital in this city for removal of the bullef with 'J ': which he was wounded by E. E ,V Powell of Scotland :Neck, :N;:C, the bullet" haS ; been located by v v meansof the x-ray in the lower,.- Sbpreme'Court4 bench, caused by the death of late Jutic Brewer should be Offered; to Governor Hughes of New York, That the President should' offer the olace ; ...... '-. : m. . i naj . to the New York: Executive was Part of thelmouth;; but has not yet siaieu iasi nigni at a garnering or wwvauiw, .. - , , . ine pnysicians, ana surgeon or - r r the hospital are satisfied - with I the ; v various kinds upon the administra- stated that Governor Hughes had tion in many parts of the country, ahdthat thecriticisms cannot be per muted to pass unanswered without not been sounded oh the subject. but the genpral opinion - seemed to be'that,he would not ; accept the - I. I-..- ...... . ,. .- injury to Republican pressige the place. It is generally expected here party leaders have ' decided to I that in that event, - the appoint ment would goto Solicitor General Loyd W: Bowers, condition of the patient. , J - 'carry1 the war into the enemy's country." President Tajt is now to assume the offensive. .The openiag gunswill be fireg next Saturday night, in Washind on1 by the President vin person, arid in; Chicago by Attorney Gen eral Wickersham; s Mr. Taft will speak in this v city Michigan Votes Many Saloons Out Of Business. Detroit, Mich., April' 4. More than 300 saloons were voted out of business by the people of 19 ion the subject of organization and Michigan counties today. Of fhe 36 counties where local option elections were held, the one coun ty not heard rom is Oscida, which1 is said to posses only one saloon; so that the returns are fairlv complete Nineteen countie, voted dry and 16 voted wet. B. W. Murphy. still handles the singer and Wheeler and Wilson ' Sewing "machines. In one better, " right price, and easy terms. Staple and fancy groceries 6n: Depot Street, Roxboro, N. C 1 Salisbury Post: Two Inew . suits VJ ;- growing out of the Reed r Fork : ,v. wrecK or ino. i i on tne aoutnern; , y . in which Capt." Richard Eames,;. of ; Salisburyf was killed, -have : been brought in Greensboro by , A. ,W.c iWatterson, for $20,000, and G. : , S.-Watterson, for $12,000. There ; , C is a suits for $40,000 on account T, of the death of Pullman Conduct V . V tor .Nowlan. The . Southern has . : settled up a great ! many claims growing out ot Uie wreck; , Get Some Pleasure Oat of Life. Pleasures are. measured f by : sacrific2s. iust a little sacrifice how T We have for sale 75; 000 feet of w;h insure your wife and children V. , Richmono! Postoffice Robbere In dicted. Richmond, Va., April 4. -Fred Cunningham and Frank Chester, the men under arrest in Ntwt u ,,r;ti u u.. a " itvwv . - twin iiiamc yuui wuc 1 1 rr w ill , iiir: miiiiii n i r-i i iu -ii rr . i 1 n i i ( t . i . - . - v a powerrui orators or tne KepuDii-LWhitfield & Bro's. Mill, near do it NOW. can party. , Attorney General Bushy Fork; N. C. - , S. P..Satterfield,t - :V policies ,df the administration. : ! CANNON TO 'RESIGN? -, ...J j Little is being said.b the party leaders about the issue of "Can- nonism7 beyond the statement tfiat this question wHl take care of itself at the right- time. The only explanation' vouchsafed for this comment is that Speaker Cannon is expectedto resign the sDeaker- We have a 'nice lot of Hall Packs at cheap prices. ,Re&de Bros. Co. I worth of stamps, were indicted thisafternbon by the Federal grand jtiry which met here this morning. Inspectors and the dis trict attorney , will leave for New York tonight to hasten the return of the men to Richmond. r fin ; - ' - : - Inl Farm Right at this season of the year we want to call your. attention to our line oi tarm Machinery. Deering Mowing Machines, Rakes and Binders. The Cotton King a ,New Reversible Tongueless " Harrows. Coles Fertil izer Destributors and Corn Planters.' N Such a line as this does not need talking, lor people who have made inquiries and looked into tarm machinery, Itt know this line, is as good as can be had and we in a posi tion to name you close -prices and will be glad tor you to 11 shin 'at the - close . of the nresent Ynrk chawed with ha vin a rnhhftd j v--.----: :: m - --e, session or ogress v i thdpostoffice here .of $85,000 j j- chmilH thVkthnQ rian ..... .WS,.- at the close of the present session, at a time when there would be no opportunity to choose Jhis succes sor before next winter, it is ar gued that several members of; the jpresent House would benefit by immediately announcing themsel ves as candidates. No official state- rnent on this subject is - expected from the Speaker. His friends be- neve mat it wouia De lnaavisaoie for. him to weaken the organiza- jtion of the House at this - time by disclosing his intentions. Thenl argue that in view of the recent battle in the House all the force that was retained by the Repub lican majority is needed if th ad ministration program as to .legis- ilation is to succeed. ojl' iqcz: - i!T'r zzioi r iln ... . . -p. .- . -TO- MIS; ; :Oux;SDrinff;' stock is now. '. complete arid everything "is' ready, for yoiir.inspectiorir On the ladies:side of tRe house'vwe have-added exterisivelirieof ready-made garments, such J- TailoreolAVasWcoatuits at S4.00 to $7.50' can on us. Long; Bradsher & Co. :. 10 a CHANGES IN CABINET, There are rumors circulated with considerable freedom about the, Capitol that befpre the con gressional .elections some changes may, be expected in the President's Cabinet, but none of these stories U a 1 2 -1 1 ' une niece wasn uresses WtefVWa'lnnJili sUMs SL00 to S2.00 Lihgerie and tMored'sliirt wais(sT 65 cents jo $3.50 -7-Voile and panama-skirts, $4.00 to $1250 ;f Musliniiiider weaii in; .under skirts, corset covers, nisrht ff owns- etc; zky-'$r ; - v Then . ihready-to-makes wehave spldn- aiu lines oi inQ.mosi popular xauncs iiiciuu- ingeautifur styles in! Foulard silks ligHt weight wobllens, all kinds white; goods, and the best line. rbf colored wash? " materials M you ever saw, among them the new Regatta nlcibths, Scotch ephyrs, tancy sumngs ; ana " .v professes to have any first hand information on the subject. At the same time the' general impression seems to be that an effort .will be made tb strerigthen the Cabinet . in a polttical, way: Among the ;retire- ments oftehest rrfentioned as pos sible are those of Secretary Dick- insomof'the War,Bepartment and Postmaster C General Hitchcock. Also it is stated that Mr. -Baliinger may sesign from the Interior; De partment at the 'closed of te; pre sent investigation,: if the change can be made; without; subjecting 0 MILLINER Y. - v. . . , - -v. no ioe This department is. in full , bloom and can beconfirmed, in feet, . no : one tur nincr out Bome mihfy pretty hats; Hats ...fniSnnn'tA VimrA rmr Ko'.hnnH Hill- . 1 i ' - i - - 1 .-' 1 II oi newest - aesign -;ana ,Dest maienar anaj worKpiansnip. mnul uni btyiin xicitb,uut becoming hats,: and we ; guarantee the price to be as low as: anybody can Sell: the same grade,goods. Our milliners will be pleased to see.you and:showyou the ; correct things m'-head-wear'-.'We are always at ypur ser vice aiidpleased to serve 'you. - ; i - T . i; --V-' ol( an

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