( .v ,"V - - .a, O y 1 k 4., I x ' 1 A ' A" NX; - S ..y .n- -v 1 - v'wr t.ii T3vnc Prnnriptors Home First: Abroad Next. 'lvOO Per Yearin Advaiice: s , xrxrT7"TT ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA; Wednesday Evening, Jiine l, 1910.' ' No. 22i" A V I I !(Ji. x" IIMIIII III I 1 I I I I I I I I ' ' , 8- GO A-BEGGING. ifLSio- 1"- tr.ra May be Called ia Exlfdor,- sijn to Reliave ihe Situa- Annual Meeting of tke Person . f R. F. D. Association sen County VITAL WASH wilicmt" a tariff. " ay isvenner, apeciai wasamgon coi The annual meeting of the Per- tespondsnt son jaunty k. li . u. Association , Washington The second ! meL nee "iast iVnaay. it was hundred and thirty ---t VAO 000 refunding :a musu eujoauie ucasiou lur tiiree miihons of dollars !" . i I)Gr cent, bonds fall- Pie Carriers, and while the at-j of this NFpaper. ; j gnu4 pnu , May, SLOne1; ' t lnnnt the 'tniff commissionseiUort Jk. 9J May 26. was $llf)f: this $111, $10.50, Garol3mi Terence, Rev. L.. S. ' Person. county is hereby .calie tendence was hot as large as it jviv 1 were opened by , 1Ti. - -n mtuee of this sum if you can f , . should have been, still those pre- , ; Try to comprehend 1 the mag-! lections '191.50 wentto th editor of the RaeighOhnstian-f-nno of finio "if:. ior, l" -ufA, i vocate to fell tlie vacancy - caused 1 ft .S 1 I rMJ J11MJ11 111 " . - " rl.llll lllr-!! I IH.IINH Him . I - ! S t-l , 1 1 I IVPT u Vxi sent had an enjoyable time of it-,, . , .? . .. i , v, r ,..ls(.iii'0 of the Governor and , , the fact that it is the amount the rtbeottheuouncu oi0xare Wg un , senate naS(votea to. spena on tne i kuue company ot its inter- , - - i navy ijn a KiiNUJ.Jli liSAK, ana ddtiKns in the office ot State bersfail to rattend these anQual asl,nl uuu V r : gatherings for they are of much retl(r . value tn . tnp.m. Tnmcrs of interest pared with' ,. , , of the issue as com are discussed, and we have no- fivt date for the bond sale , . , . . . , jirsi udt , mnat interested work 10 wucu " v that . g h. s t rm e -t Q is time the bids ranged in gives ! attend these meetings. . j . Mr. J. W. Brooks, President hes from $1,000 to $200,000, ! oll ' - nTv1-f an(1 reas there was one $500,000 ; , o n, . ors were rire- at the first effort to sell the, sei. . ; e. Thew,uuu Diawas oy f w ,fl TH-anf New York life Insurance, o'Btiant, Vice-President, pnyand was not renewed. : - j Montague, Secretary ald Council of State was in ex-. rpggj. ive session all afternoon con- j John ring uie aibuawuti, a, umuDi , j - ohajnbera n. H. Street, G. 36 prominent Dangers T UTch D Featheitoii, uuamwo e r (jnas. uolman, ISaUeySatterneia, m connaentiai comerence. this evening announcement ade that that the bids open- day are acceptecUand :that ional bids are on hand run up the saletoSliaOO'l e bids in hand today leye :00 of the issue to be taken in some extraordihar Sever0 1 methods of" ex- oi i W U. Wheld, f'M. "Wiffiams and "VV. R. (ates, the " last three lbestitfees-v f ; v&&ot the oIoV;, officers v?gt0:re- eletSefenowng delegates $94.50. m$7. was on woolens; ! thl appointment of .:;.N in a time of profound "peace. Then consider that only 12 years ago, in 1898, the naval j approp ration was but $33,003,234, of one hundred millions less than the amount appropriated for the coming year. " j A fact in connection with this awful increase which the public seldom hears is that every penny of this $10 6,()0p,o6o which is to be spent in excess of s the , amount usedin 1899 comes from the peo: pie; not from the rich, but large, ly -from the working men and women- u , - :f It is the ultimate consumer who pays the ' battleship lills, who mamtains an . ;J ever-increasing army-of MUwMer. .inWashingj ound4ml72,4o7. ton,, -and , who-: meets - the one- nunareu-ana-one" extravagance overeft. ' i : He doesfe by;payahg xoeive prices for tthings 'hejtajs. ; p'J 'ejyenimnt raSes pjap-: feaUy aUj5iittigiie cultonis liouj?esv andther -iiJteVnal revenue offices,' where -ta'xes ' are Mess. M. W! Satterfield, j,A. ! levied on things eaten, worn or used by the people. ' When the wereeqjjext w Ptesenhis; AsspelMlte and W , unam oers more thahv517 on other "clothing, $8.25 on.f lilniibnre, $4.25 on beef and mutton and pork. $1.25 on buildg meterials and so on. In 1910, the cost of hving being 15 pr 'cent, higher than in 1908, theiverage family pays $1080, of which 10 per cent., or $108, is tribute to the trusts and other protected industries. Here r is;:,W little table which speaks for itself. It, compares the expiadittire on the army and navy in apriod of peace with amounts 'ejqjeiicled for features of civU;ea1bUshnient. Ivey, D. D., at the General Con ference at Asheville, totheditor ship f the Nashvihe Christian Ad vocate, the organ of the Methodist Church, South.- A', telephone message was sent!to Mr. Massey informing him of the appointment ; ;he democratic Cpnyention !of d to the - 2nd c-ayi fs; July, .191 0, at 12" ' o'. ebbk for tn - p urpose pPselecti n g delegates to the1 State Convention to be held In sCharlotie, Nv C. , - ;bn theX4th dev. 'of July, also-to select delegate to the Cqngress'on al and J udicial Coiventibns to be he tielc in Hhis, Congresibnal and Judicial DistriCrapd falso - for ' the purpose' of nominating County and EXPENDED SINCE 1897. For rural; free delivery $173 j- 755,318.- ,,--;..-For rivers and harbors $29j3,- 075,191. -St For ' pubHc building and 1 '-For the navy.$lt126,210,193. 4f'SV)?eanny $1,044,101,188. nsthe administration from j dJ W. NoeU addressed the i; sm- dilemma are Association upon being calledup- consumer purchases a- protected article and practically all of the necessaries of life are protected he pays the real or natural sv.gaested although the ,t taPdsu-. One is the call- 0 . th Krpcnfip-nTi. An- iiiid Council of State, rm1D nnliripr rsin sa.v without fear of contradiction that a more Assembly in genteel t of carriers can not be : value of the article and in ad to either increase -found in 'the State than those on thereto the femount of the iterest above the " composing this Association, and tariff tax. ','d so as to eifect it is always a pleasure to attend j The more battleships construc o: dinnry way, em-. !tlieir annuai gathering, which wetted, the greater the amount the III. ;! .The eibsure of Ballinger pecret relations : with George W. PerkinSi Df'J.P- -Morgan & Co. in Alaskan matters, has 'started reports mat tne useiumess ji the preseift icf etary of the In terior to even the land grabbers has been destroyed. It is antic ipated that as a 'compromise the investigating committee will not ony whitewash Ballinger, but will enamel him as white as the lady of spotless town, and that in acknowledgement of this cour tesy, he will hand in his resignation. and he notified the member's of . Legislative ticket. the commission that he would ac cept. ' ; - - - ' The Chairmahj of the I various precints are requested to call their Mr. Massey, who is , called to primaries dh Saturday June the thd editorship of the Advocate i 25th, 1 91 0. at 2 o'clock pf m., for from the pastorate at Oxford, is - the sole purpose deselecting dele one of the leading preachers in gates to the County Convention as the North Carolina Conference above named. . 1 Elect a precinct and has held important charges executive com mute, .and this com-, on account of his , ability as a mittee, will name a township chair- preacher and a scholar. man.:;-; -:; .v- By order of the Democratic Ex- ecutive Committee. , - r J. W. Noell, v ' Chairmam Do Not Need Accident and Health In surance. . v It you are immune from every disease, from every accident, able to do&e the unseen and not trip . i j -t a i over anytning; in snort, u you w. hov. fnr coiA 7 nnn ft Lever was and neverill besick,' alrfna0f rough lumber at Ji El ycu do not need an Accident and wKWeW'ro's-AMili; ir Health policy, otherwise, see. SatT B-shfN. C. V 5 , terneld Insurance1 Agency ';?t5 -i-'-r. i 5 r to exclmnge e old, or author men ns of tiding alw live wide-awake young men the tax on consumption, and the efiicuity- nn- passecl Ins seventieth mile post, Tlius it is not so strange .that ' Client ad- he is-one of the youngest in tlie-n(ler the rpaft cdminjstration, next regular ; bunch, and tire inter-. h is ' spending more than jested m any tning looking. . ni i, tn te .mod of the County: i twice cne amount used by Qleve- iisil tiiat the r,e ''i,.t o-r. .o.i-i.c! aUrru lnrifl to mn the p-nprn'm en t. Kji. ClJUi.t; Lliej fliU rfum.pi ' " " ' ; J .cates for good roads, and after j 'the cost of living is 50 per ; cent, transacting their s business re- U.reater thaiunder the Cleveland solved themselves ) into a good road meeting. S teps were taken which will be of great movement to this-County and will end m seeing; good roads all over the County. , rail- on ownr; as.se '"V ilaancialar oiild save the or more ex session of the STATEMENT of the condition of the BaN$ OF ROXBORO kt close of business DECEMBER, 31, 1909. : f THE BANK OF D o D D o n Loans Bonds, Banking house fur, and fixtures Cash and due from banks TOTAL RESOURCES. $ 121,963.29 5,000.00 3,257.58: 38,13.32 168,354.19 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock . S. 10,000.00 Undivided profits 11,449.20 Due Banks, . 6 225.82 Deposits 140,674.17 TOTAL 5168,354.19 to r n t over the future, , : resent is all. thou hast, the present time, we e care of you in our line. can 'or?,, ;covs, lutein Freezers rs, e.(!; ' - Sl'.OO -to $1.60 35c to 60c $1.75to $4.00 $2.00 to .$4.00 30c per n it comes to Fruit Jars, we you to see what we. have. We oauy Fruit jar tops and administration. . "hile the hat, coat and, shirt of the masses are taxed almost, 71 per cent, to build $11,000,000 battleships and keep an extrava gant government '. in spending money, Messrs. Rockefeller, Morgan et al., are not asked by tie federal government to pay any tax whatever on their swol len fortunes. Wealth escapes bearing" its just share of the burden of, tax ation because of the absence of a federal income or rheritance tax, such as were long ago adopted by Great Britain, Germany, Prance, Japan, Holland, : Austria, Den mark, Switzerland, Australia and New Zealand.: , . . . ,j A majority of both branches of Congress were in favor of tack ing an income tax clause to j the : new tariff law. Such legislation would now be upon the statute books had not President Taft and Senator - Aldrich defeated! the project by substituting a corpora- U tion tax." That n the necessary . three-fourths of the state legis- 'latures will not vote to amend the ! constitution is 1 now practically; certain, which means : taat an President Taft, in an interview printed in the June McClure's, praises Aldrich to the sides and says "there were not a few re- 1TTATA fnWhiPort nt. hifi'liii instance, or with his consent." In other words, concessions in legislation which was to affect the cost of living to . 90,000,000 Americans could only be had with the "consent" of a political boss; and that political boss the acknowledged representative of the tariff trusts and Wall street millionaires? The Bank of Roxboro extends acordial invitation to every man, woman and child, in the good old County of Person to start the new year by opening an accornt with this Bank, Any tring from a doliar up will do the business. . . F LONG, Cashier. :otz icnzz: lor Ol n- fc 301 n "We all. limow that Taft will be renominated. That 'is inevitable," says the Washington Post, which in the National Capitol is considered by many to be .an administration mouthpiece. There is little doubt but that the standpatters still seriously consider Taft the logical candidate in 1912, and if they 'are in the majority in CongressN after the approaching Congressional elec tions are over, the President will have little or no difficultly in securing a renomination if he desires it. It . is understood in many quarters that the promise of a renomination was -.the price paid by the power s-thdt-be for the Presidential signature to-the upward revision tariff bill. Greensboro Selected. ... Greensboro, ;N. 'C., May 27. Special. The - state republican executive committee, in session here this- afternoon, '.'selected Greensborol and August 10 "as I ; ' income ta can, only be ured for holding;the - H of a omozraticj ad-1 .convelltiJn. , charlotte and -' mini-t.raii-on. . - - ' Ap11(jtt;iip watp ,hp nnlr twn m- D o D and!;0 Asheville were tiie onlvtwo com-l l 1 3 "IT? I p. 5 S 4 MORE? We are Showing and Selling a Nice Line of Soaps and Talcum Powr ' ders at extremely low prices, Here is a partial list with prices. ' ' Colgates ; Violet and Cashmere Bouquet talcum powders 20 cents-can, 3 cans or 50 cents. , One can Colgates powder and xonejlQ cent cake soap 25 cents. , r a y Mphnpn s Rofated and Violet Talcum powder 20 cents "Corylopsis? Japartese Talcum powder 15 .ctsy:.J:,v, ';: "Red Cross" Talcum : powder 10 cents 3 for 25 cents One can Morrisons Violet Talcum powder and' six cakes nice toilet soap for 25 cents. i . , 3 cakes Lauolin complexion soap 25 cents. 3 cakes Romanza toilet soap 25 cents. :' ' , f 3 cakes best Buttermilk oap 25 cents. . 3 cakes Cold Cream and Glycerine 'soap 25 cents. 3 cakes AuVlitorium. soap 25 cents. : and many otlier: soaps, not mentioned ;ere but at equally as low prices , rv.; O ; Buy your soaps and talcun powders here', and save money, v : : V i: ' ' Wp close at 'm.:. -.'. irV' v S 1 1 4 f j - it 1 1 i 1 1 y - J' rf" ... , . ... -XI V- MXn19C3, the a.oj, gPf the i ioS i. r' r ,:-ii' . ut - A yt5Nn ,