... . yn . vol. xxviii ROXBORO, NORTH CAROUNA, Wednesday Evening, Jan. 4 1911. r-ZkJ -l -lyJ Jy ly Vyl!J lyIy JylyJi' o 1 Nog Bros., Propriety Homg FirstrAtroad Next. r""--" S1.00 Per Year in Advance -1 ' '. l i . , ,, . , . . . . r No 1 WAST AFT BEHIND THE TAFT BOOtS. Mr. Thos. J. Pence, Washing ton correspondent of the Raleigh News and Observer, send the following to today's issue of that paper- The stitement was made here today by a friend of (Butler and Morehead that the meeting of the Republican State executive committe in Greensboro yester day was called at the sugges tion of President Taft for the purpose of endors;ng thepresent occupant of the White House for re-nomination. The reason assigned for Mr. Taft'e interest in this matter is that he wanted the Republican organization of a P Southern State to inaugurate the moyement, demanding his re nomination The President is not without fear that Theodore Roosevelt is a candidate for the nomination, and according to my informant he proposes to take advantage of every opportunity and line up. every possible agency in the Republican party to bring about his re-nomination. As the story is given to me the Repub lican organization in North Car olina has first call in promoting the Taft boom for & second nomi nation. But that is the story of a satellite of Butler and Mo:head. Here is what another, Mr. Hill publican, said of the meeting at Greensboro yesterday; "That was certainly a cheap performance on the part of B :i tier and tu fpjiowcr. ,. T&eyv have been literally kicked out . of i doors, and with the hope of gaining the favor of the Presi dent they offer him an endorse fment, which they cannot make good at the next Republican State convention. They asked a hundred thousand dollars in the way of Federal patronage, and have nothing but a lot of soiled ribbon to offer in return. There is nothing more certain than that the next Republican State convention will kick Butler and his crowd off the political map. They are a fine lot to Dromise Mr. Taft anything. All they want is the priviledge of putting their crowd in office. Now is a good time to take out that insurance you have been thinking about, and J. W. Nocll will put you in the best Company. Eixlcis Speicer B. kitmz AltemjU Self Destrictiw- Greensboro, Jan, 2 Jude Spencer B. Adams, who attemp ted tp commit suicide Sunday nigh by cutting his throat with a rzor, was reported at 12 olcWck today as remaining in the semi-conscious state in whch he was carried to Leos hospital immediately following the discovery of his condition. The endeavor by Judge Adams to do away with life followed two weeks of unusual actions and symptoms of despondency. For the past week he has been a patient at Keely institute. No direct motive for the act has been assigned and his friends and relatives have succeeded in maintaining close secrecy. Judgfe Adams was well known throughout the country, having been for seyeral years, prior to the election of John M. More head, state republican chairman. He was once a member of the Indian claims commission in Oklahoma, and was a lawyer of note, THE GOOD ROADS MEETING. Five Little Ckildren Wert Burned Ti Detih Is Tkeir Beds Early To-day. Pottsville, Pa., Jan. 2. The five children of John Margasav- age were burned to death in their beds here early today. The origin of the fire is credit ed to a year' celebration by boarders in one of the houses, an upset oil lamp, it i is said, starting the blaze. When the tfire his wife ran into 'thft' Vtreet; an d being unable to speak English gave rescuers the impression that there were no children in the house and they made no effort to enter the ' place. The father, undmindful of the flames, dashed back into his home but failed to reach the little ones. He was seriously burned. Salisbury Post; The new postal savings bank will be established in Salisbury on January 3rd, one week from today, But at this time of the year, who in the world will have any money to put in a savings bank? Wanted. Eight or ten farms of from 50 to 75 acres, partly improved. If you have such for sale, see Roxboro Real Estate & Trust Co. We wish to thank our friends for the liberal patronage extended us in 1910. We appreciate your trade, and wish for vou Prosperous aid Happy lew Year. We are better prepared to serve you than ever before and will thank you to call on us for your HARDWARE re quirements. And with our best wishes . for a PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR, We beg to remain Yours for Hardware, LONG-, J3RAD8HBB & CO. Notwithstanding the weather the Good Roads Meeting last Monday was pretty well attend ed, there being quite a number of the best farmers in the Coun; ty present. Mr. W. L. Spoon was present and made a strong speech show ing why we should hare gopliterday the Supreme Court up roads, and lelling us how to g them. His speech was a gog& one, and will bring forth fruit Morton being elecfed president, and J. W. Noell secretary. . A board of directors consisting of one member from each township was named as follows: Geo. E.-' Harris, Dr. R. S, Baynes, J. Il Montague, J. M. Bray, J. AJ Long, Geo. G. Moore, J, W. Montague, J. C, Cates and G. D. Neal. The meeting adjourned to meet the third Monday in January when it is hoped some resolu tions will be passed asking our Representative to have some measure passed this Legislature' which will enable us to do some permanent road building. Every one present seemed thorou2hly in earnest and are anxious to see our County do nouiething which will enable us to have good roads The general opinion was that we could not build good roads with out money, and the only way to get the rp$pey is to get it from bends," an this will be fisher disetissedV.t fee meeting on the third Monday. THREE RIGHTEOUS DECISIONS. Charlottee News: The New . ..... York W-.. 1 is Stirling" an agita- Carmackis dead -was cruelly tlon f;r .. ments to noted Amer nmrdered but his service re-; lean a; It is pointed out that mains to bless the country. It! America is being left behind -in was his amendment to the Hep- j monument building by France' and rate law that made the ini-; other countries. Since this is a day of commemorating genius, it docs look unfair to leave out the tial shipper responsible. The railroads have fought that good amendment to the law, but yes Greensboro Record: Evidence of a mean disposition is seen every day. Some man has bobbed up to say that the old yarn about what the governor of. North Carolina said to -the governor of South Car olina really never happened. The man who started the denial never knew Vance or he would hot hav by ihe way, which has produced held it, Good for the court and I ealent Arthv or any attentiog pos- nonor to Larmack's memory! sible 10 bt thon 4 One of the chief objections to good road work in this CouAyl the State laws of Oklahoma, After his address an orgaifa- Kansas and Nebraska guarantee tionwas perfected, Mr. W Kngrbank deposits was the ficht - 3. . ' dramatic profession a profession! made ft. ' State must compel a fair assess ment of property fer taxation and compel all to pay fairly, or it will Winston Sentinel: Attorney General Bickert's annual report contains rnany good suggestions and much sound common sense, according to the view of a layman. Married at Gaffney, S. C. A wedding of interest to many in Roxboro and the County took place in Gaffney, S. C, on last Wednesday morning. Dec. 28th, at the home of the bride's father, the contracting parties being Miss Bessie Kendrick and Prof. R. H. Burns, Supt. of the Rox boro Graded Schools. The cer emony was performed by Dr. A. M. Sims, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Gaffney. There were no invitations and the marriage was attended by a few near friends and relatives. The evening before the mar riage a pleasant reception was held at the bride's home which was attended by about fifty guests. The bride is one of Gaffney's most popular and accomplished young women and will be gladly welcomed to the social circles of Roxboro. The groom is too well known to need commendation here, for he is recognized as one of our foremost young men. not only educationally but along all progressive lines. Immediately after the mar riage the happy couple went to Charlotte, N. C and from there to the home of the groom's pa rents at Pittsboro. tue .Federal administration this- method of nrotpp.tinfr rip- ipositors and the fear that these! An) Vir hi"! ..u the professional juror. , laws would not be upheld by the Federal Supreme Court. Yester day the Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of the State bank deposit laws, thus over ruling the little Republican Fe deral judges who sought to de stroy these laws because Bryan j inspired them. Every month that passes justifies the wisdom of the laws of those States guaran teeing the depositors in banks. The day will eome when no Ibank will be chartered, State or National, without requiring it to abundantly through the law to guarantee all deposits. The sooner trie law is enacteo in North Carolina the better. Why should not this Legislature enact the depositors' guarantee Gib this State, 'Ihe third righteous decision was; to throw out of court the 'W&ssvelt attempt 4a,-.uae rtWf. Federal government's power io punish the New York World on the charge of libel, because it printed statements indicating graft in the Panama Canal deil. The court held that the matter was one for the State courts, and forever made it impossible for an imperialistic President to use the great power of his office to destrey the freedom of the press Yesterday was a grea.t day and these three decisions are of the greatest importance. News and Obrerver. soon be in a position of a perma nent deficit- The .question for the legislature is a modern and fair taxing law, - Card ef Hanks. It beini -impossible for Jus to thank all of our friendi who were iiiic it seems to us mat nis remarks So kind and thoughtful to urdur alontf tiiis lice Are timely and ing our recent bereavement in per wortliy o? being heeded. i son, wc wish to take this method i to return our most sincere thanks hi'i lucskvad: f to all. Your every kindness was One cr of ceiling. ; duly appreciated and the memory One car of flowing, 'of which will long linger in our One c.-r of builds. breast. Verv respectfully, Catkins & Bullock. W. E. Webb and Family. Main Building at Trinity Collegt Burned to the Gronid. Durham, Jan. 4, The Wash ington Duke building at Trinity College burned to the ground this morning at 3 o'clock. The hundred students got out safely although many had to make use of the fire escapes only scantly attired. Mr. H. R. Hunter, of Cary, was the first person to awake. He heroically rushed through halls awakening his fel low students and consequently lost his entire belongings and i$$0 in money. ust Stop and Consider Moment. Perhaps you think that a large store can and will give you-more for your money than we can, but that is be cause you haven't reasoned it out. Our experisg of; doijigv teinesliT less than 6ne-tialRaf oUKe ttg:storeS? in proportion to the amount of busi ness done. We are determined to build up a business and we are willing o satisfy ourselves with a very small net profit in order to do so. We can prove to anyone, beyond ihe a shadow of a doubt, that we are now offering by far the greatest values in i i .1 f t t. r . "c xxouvu--. ready t0 wear clothes tor Ladi ents I and Children, a!so an up-to-date and complete line of Milli m . ULi j .1 ... . l -r -li nery, onoes, nais ana omer iurnisnings li you will come and see the goods The fact that we claim to give such un usual values dosen't make it so, but the goods are here to prove it. COME. Yours to serve, BERMAN & LIPSHITZ. Jones Hotel Building. Copyritftt 1910 Tie Hou of Kuppenteiml 10L OE til:! Buds Hearse iq Willsos. WilUon, Jan. 2. Bunn Hearne the star pitcher of last year's Eas tern Carolina Baseball League, the ."big boy" whom Wilson sold to the St. Louis Nationals for ont thousand "plunks" is in Wilson and the glad hand is extended in his direction on every turn. He is now instructor of athletics at Elon College, but will go into training with the Nationals in March, and A Good Investment. We are offering for sale to quick purchaser two houses and one va cant lot in the town of Roxboro. One 5 room house -ith hall, two porches and pantry. One 4 room house with hall. two porches and pantry. Also one vacant lot, all oi these lots are large, 80 feet front and 285 feet deep, and are in a desira ble section, with good wen-of wat er on one lot. The houses are new and painted. Being so desirably located are always rented to, desirable tenants and at price asked pays about ten per cent on investment." Let us show you. Farmers Loan & Trust Co., Notice tt StockVilieri. There will be a meeting of the dollar, to doughnuts that he'll ?fSfeC, . " V - a UCiU 111 bll(2 UlllfaC Ut IWU XJMUfV Wit make for himself a new recora ana. Jan 16 l91h at t2 o'clock, ; prove a valuable acquisition to the . J. S. Bradflher, St. Louis ciub. - : Cashien it's o You-if You we Us It s Time to Pay Up-High Time. Our books are a mute evidence to us that many of you haven't done this and that you have begun the New Year in debt. Every account made in 1910 was due on or fn before Jan. 1st unless you had an explicit understanding that it was to starfd longer. Now may we urge each of you to settle at once. Your account with us may be small, but if you will consider that & great number nf email enmc Tfilrmi fftorfcfliw molra a lQvrra SJ- vvwiXVil VVgVVllVi. At IMXgV 1 one you will understand why we urge you to pay a small account just as much as a large onb If you received a statement from us this week it means that you owe us lathe amount indicated thereon and that we want you to pay it. They are not sent as an insult nor intended in anyway to wound your feelings, but as a matter of .business which can't be overlooked. , We hope to have an early response from every one of you. 1 ICZHOEZD IOI lor . 1 i, ,1 -1 .f.f . h : i - I t J' Ir"'- ' i 1- s'1

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